Group 7-day waking average?

DP = Dawn Phenomenon (I believe when the liver begins to dump glucose into our blood stream to give us energy to go and catch our breakfast from the caveman days).

FOTF = Foot on the Floor (when your liver dumps glucose into your bloodstream when you get out of bed in the morning for the same reason as above).

Edit: I see @Leadinglights can type faster than me 🙂
In a break from the tradition, & main point of this thread, I have NO IDEA what my waking readings are: BOY! am I tempted to know, though; I said I wouldn’t test & I haven’t! Waking readings isn’t how they do things here: neither did I when I was first on here; I’ve changed in that as it’s automatic now!

Also, due to a lack of vegetables in the meals I’m going to have cereals for breakfast as I need the fibre: no more to say anything else; unfiltered before you lovely lot have had your breakfast! A certain emoji comes to mind, 😉😉:rofl:

It’ll change the new profile & insulin regime a bit but, the doctors & I are on the same page now: compromises on both sides; doctor has told the nurses to test my BS more often & I won’t!

A very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Morning all. 6.1.

Fancy being up this early on a Sunday, it’s ridiculous. I was hot, couldn’t get comfortable and the blooming jackdaws were particularly noisy today. Ah well, no plans today so I can relax later. AKA have a nap! Weather forecast same as yesterday, sunny and warm this morning and wet this afternoon. Got heavy rain yesterday but didn’t have the storms I believe were further south. The greenhouse flooring got grouted whilst it was dry thank goodness.

Have a good one. 🙂
13.6 for me was 13.2 before I went to bed last night. Yesterdays readings.
FTF13.3 before bf 15.9 after bf 15.6 before lunch 13.3 after 15.00 before supper 13.2 and 13.2.
so I have risen # this morning since yesterday and none of this ever makes sense to me.
Morning all, 9.1 here, the result of a late meal last night with wine, and deciding to skip nighttime basal. We are in the Dolomites, and they did their thing of turning pink at sunset last night. We’ve been here several times before, and have only seen it a couple of times before.

was too uncomfortable to sleep this morning. Raining here now, we only had a light shower yesterday none of the storms that were predicte.

4.9 this morning, going for a run, then mainly knitting and reading, then hopefully watching the British Grand Prix if the weather doesn’t spoil it.

have a good Sunday all.

was too uncomfortable to sleep this morning. Raining here now, we only had a light shower yesterday none of the storms that were predicte.

4.9 this morning, going for a run, then mainly knitting and reading, then hopefully watching the British Grand Prix if the weather doesn’t spoil it.

have a good Sunday all.
Yes , try and enjoy the day.
5.6 on this rather grey Berkshire morning. Forecast yesterday was spot on and we got the whole works - thunder, lightning and heavy showers - so my plans for watching cricket and tennis went out the window, as both Leeds and Wimbledon got the same. Highlight of the day was a post-prandial 5.2 last night after my Hunter's Chicken & salad.

Nothing special on today. My wife's had two days out in a row with friends, including Oxford yesterday, so will most likely want to relax today, although we may stroll into town later and maybe have lunch there. It's only a 25-minute walk so seems silly to drive, and it's good exercise.

Whatever you're planning for today have a good Sunday.
And a 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂 Cryptic crossword awaits.

Good morning - 5.7

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all - 9.1 for me this morning. I've had a bit of an upset tummy for the last couple of days so didn't feel like normal food really last night so had a bowl of crisps and some cheese. Feel a bit more normal today so fingers crossed. We had a big thunder storm in the night. Our dogs don't notice it but my brother's dog is staying with my Mum just up the lane and I know he's terrified of thunder & lightening. She's quite deaf so probably didn't hear him. I was tempted to go up and explore but it really was tipping it down and she'd probably locked the door and left the key in so I wouldn't have been able to get in anyway. I'll go up in a mo and check all ok. We're off for a drive round the lakes today. My brother also moved up here 5 months ago now and he still hasn't actually been into the Lake District, favouring the pennines which are closer to him in Penrith. Quite excited about our little day trip out. We were meant to be flying to Paris this evening but we've cancelled that due to a number of reasons (mainly that my husband found he'd double booked with a very important conference tomorrow that he couldn't get out of!). It was to meet my son's future in-laws ahead of the wedding in October but we may be able to do it in London in September or meet them at the wedding! Have a good day everyone.

Also went to Oxford yesterday to see my nephew and go to the Knossos exhibition at the Ashmolean and see Candide in the evening.

Exhibition was fine, seeing my nephew was good, Candide was awful. It doesn’t warrant a CCC. Zero redeeming features.
A lovely round 5.0 for me this grey Sunday morning.
Morning all. 5.0 after an earlier 3.2 and dreams about raspberries (!!??!!). I managed a unicorn days yesterday so was quite pleased. Things seem to be settling down again.

Nothing planned for today apart from some ironing so i'm going to potter around, read, do a bit of crochet. Have a good day wherever you are.
Good morning. 6.2 after a brillliant night of sound sleep - back much better. I am not planning on doing anything energetic for a couple of days to make sure I don't reverse the improvement.

Hope everyone is having a calm Sunday and that @Lanny continues to get he cacre she needs. @harbottle Well done on the 5.2 - again! I think you are trying to corner the housing market.