Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Completely overcast and miserable.... non stop rain forecast from Sunday for the following 10 days.

2.9 on the Libre and 3.6 on the meter this morning. Had an awful night, woke at 1:30 and just couldn't get back to sleep. I organised a complete holiday for September in my head. Finally slept around 5ish and woke at 9am.

Had a lovely afternoon yesterday with my friend in town. We went to a new venue (to us) for lunch. Great barn of a place with industrial decor, mix and match chairs and tables, but with a buzzing vibe. We both had the beetroot cured smoked trout with Rye bread and shared a side of roast potatoes. Well, when the smoked trout turned up it looked like 4 anchovy fillets + 4 very small triangles of rye with a sour cream dip. It was delicious but very very small! Thank goodness for the fairly generous portion of "roast potatoes", which turned out to be smashed new potatoes with house mayo. It all tasted good, but I did worry that bolussing for 40g carb was over the top. Shouldn't have worried, I hit 20 later in the afternoon. It was sunny so we then went over the road to the garden at the Turks Head for coffee. We watched a very inept gardener hacking vibrant blooms off shrubs and plants, whilst leaving dead heads still on the plants.

Not much on today except a visit to a local garden centre to see if we can get anything colourful to put in our empty tubs, and get a new rosemary bush + mint and parsley.

Julian had another go at the iron yesterday, but it's still not fit to use.... so the ironing is still sitting on the dining chair... but if the forecast is right and it rains all next week then I'll get it done somehow!

@ColinUK so sorry to hear the SOIT officer hasn't been in touch.

@MrPixels congratulations on your pixellated house!

Have a lovely TGIF everyone.

@Lanny, it does sound like they are feeding you now!
Good morning all. It's hot and sunny here this morning and without any hint of a breeze.

So this morning's reading was a 4.8 and I'm having a crispy bacon sandwich for lunch and it will include
brown sauce which is a must for bacon.

Have a good rest of the day everyone and stay safe.
I felt very drained today, Friday, as I’ve been in full adrenaline pumping, you lovely lot know I call it “Mountain Climbing”, Fight mode as the A&E doctor called it so, been calling it that too: “You’re in Fight or Flight mode”; “Yes I am & I recognise that”!

As drained as I was I went BACK into full fight mode after the doctors’ rounds at 10:00 where they asked me if I was trying to commit suicide in taking such a massive overdose? Kept cutting me off as I tried to explain, dismissing it as unimportant & unnecessary, & were sending a psychiatrist to see me! Despite that I kept putting my case forward & they SAID they believed me! Psychiatrist still coming though so, as drained as I was I mustered up my “Mountain Climbing” Fight mode to fight, this time, to prove that I’m sane!

With adrenaline pumping through me, all ready for “The Fight” psychiatrist completely took the wind out of my sails in getting straight off that I was doing the complete opposite of trying to kill myself & was trying to get better! But, adrenaline already in my system & when that ebbed, pretty quickly unusually because I was feeling drained already & obviously didn’t muster up as much, I felt EVEN MORE DRAINED afterwards.

Then, one of the doctors starting coming round for more & more blood tests & I was DETERMINED to say my piece & AGAIN had the wind taken out of my sails when he said that the doctors in looking over my previous notes from the trips into A&E in recent years & the theory that the diabetic specialist medic who saw me in A&E gave me that they were checking my steroid levels, actually made by the glands above the kidneys, then, for various hormones: test after test; an injection to remedy low levels of stress hormone so, I asked if adrenaline related as I was drained from “Fighting”? No they’re different but, when low signals are sent to the brain to release more various other things that send the body system haywire & unpredictable things happen: my own paraphrasing; don’t quote me on.

More testing needed & I’m definitely in another night but, they can’t say for how long for as they investigate?

In a complete u-turn & contradiction to being worried about high BS & fighting to get them down, with all the completely different mindset of how to fight that, for two days now I’m fighting to keep my BS up, with its own completely different mindset of how to fight THAT!

Interestingly, & a good sign I think, I needed less sleep than Thursday despite feeling so drained: a different fight; also had Thursday’s sleep!

So, I’m posting this much earlier, started at 22:00, long post to vent my feelings: still calling it as it is; no hiding anything when in A&E & no room for being dignified I’ve learnt. It took me a long time to type it so, it’s another middle of the night post by the time I press the post button.

Propping up my battered feelings to give you lovely lot my usual morning greeting, coming up for you normal lot, A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! Can only manage a Mona Lisa one but STILL one 🙂 if not my usual wink!
6.4 for me today, and still clinging onto that unicorn (for now!).

It's lovely here, no chill at all and I'm already sat outside - shame it's supposed to rain later, better enjoy it whilst I can!

Enjoy the weekend everyone 🙂
Nice sunny start here but the forecast says we might get a soaking around lunchtime, with a yellow warning out for possible thunderstorms. Not just here either - seems everyone might get it.

Special day for my wife and me - the anniversary of our first date, 34 years ago, and still fresh in my memory even after all these years even though it wasn't anything grand, just an afternoon stroll around a country park and a drink in the nearby pub, hoping that we wouldn't be spotted (she was married, I wasn't, and we worked in the same office).

5.6 this morning.

Congrats @harbottle on the HS.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday. For me it's cricket and tennis again.
Morning all. 7.5 and its sunny atm. Forecast says thunderstorms by 11am. Hair cut and coloured today then housework
Good morning - 4.0

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. Completely overcast and miserable.... non stop rain forecast from Sunday for the following 10 days.

2.9 on the Libre and 3.6 on the meter this morning. Had an awful night, woke at 1:30 and just couldn't get back to sleep. I organised a complete holiday for September in my head. Finally slept around 5ish and woke at 9am.

Had a lovely afternoon yesterday with my friend in town. We went to a new venue (to us) for lunch. Great barn of a place with industrial decor, mix and match chairs and tables, but with a buzzing vibe. We both had the beetroot cured smoked trout with Rye bread and shared a side of roast potatoes. Well, when the smoked trout turned up it looked like 4 anchovy fillets + 4 very small triangles of rye with a sour cream dip. It was delicious but very very small! Thank goodness for the fairly generous portion of "roast potatoes", which turned out to be smashed new potatoes with house mayo. It all tasted good, but I did worry that bolussing for 40g carb was over the top. Shouldn't have worried, I hit 20 later in the afternoon. It was sunny so we then went over the road to the garden at the Turks Head for coffee. We watched a very inept gardener hacking vibrant blooms off shrubs and plants, whilst leaving dead heads still on the plants.

Not much on today except a visit to a local garden centre to see if we can get anything colourful to put in our empty tubs, and get a new rosemary bush + mint and parsley.

Julian had another go at the iron yesterday, but it's still not fit to use.... so the ironing is still sitting on the dining chair... but if the forecast is right and it rains all next week then I'll get it done somehow!

@ColinUK so sorry to hear the SOIT officer hasn't been in touch.

@MrPixels congratulations on your pixellated house!

Have a lovely TGIF everyone.

@Lanny, it does sound like they are feeding you now!
thank you...
A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

Off in a while to round-up the moggie for her annual vet check-up and jabs. Oh well, it'll be in the doghouse and cold shoulder for me in the next few days. 🙄:rofl:


5.4 after spending an enjoyable day yesterday watching my granddaughters sports day, as my daughter had an operation yesterday. Very hot and completely different to when my kids went to school, but then again my granddaughter’s school doesn’t have a field, so sports day was in the Astro turf football pitch and playground. Must be frustrating for the kids because the secondary school whose land adjoins their school has a massive field.

anyway very bad eating day, took the girls to McDonalds to distract them as the older one knew why mummy wasn’t their, I was absolutely not going to eat anything as I am trying to lose weight and McDonalds is not something I would say I would like, anyway chicken sandwich, chips and an ice cream later we got home. Not long after we got home got the call that daughter was out of theatre and in recovery.

hoping to go to knit and natter later, might have to drive their as it is about the times the storms are due to arrive.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS

@Lanny - hope you are feeling better, so annoying that they would to listen to you.
7.2 and rushed to the station to catch a train down to Oxford to see my nephew.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Yestetday was our wedding anniversary. Very quiet, pleasant. My wife gave me a box of maltesers. She knows I like them!!! Goodness knows what they did to my BG levels.

Today we celebrate my daughters 30 something birthday with a meal at a very nice place at 4pm. I will be careful what I eat tho.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing