Group 7-day waking average?

5.8 for me today and a unicorn,which is a small miracle given yesterday’s shenanigans! The school PTA organised an ice cream van to come after school as a fundraiser - the queue was pretty big but moving quickly, so I injected, went out with some colleagues and joined the queue. However, something must have happened as the queue stalled, and half an hour later we finally got our ice cream 😱 Luckily I took my lucozade sport with me so had a few sips on that, I never went low or high, not sure how - the diabetes gods were clearly smiling on me yesterday! And I got a Mr Whippy!😛

It’s meant to be 26 degrees here today, blue skies already and the sun is out, shame it’s not the same forecast when I’m off work and would be able to enjoy it!

Have a great Friday everyone!
6.9 for me this morning.

Mix of stress and carb related. The two being inexorably linked of course.

Still nothing from my new SOIT officer who was supposed to phone on Wednesday to arrange a face to face meeting for later that same day. Nothing from her yesterday either. I’m tempted to email saying it was great to meet her and I hope the problematic communication issues are now resolved. Then again I’m not that much of a sod so I’ll likely ask if everything is on and suggest meeting Monday.
5.8 for me today and a unicorn,which is a small miracle given yesterday’s shenanigans! The school PTA organised an ice cream van to come after school as a fundraiser - the queue was pretty big but moving quickly, so I injected, went out with some colleagues and joined the queue. However, something must have happened as the queue stalled, and half an hour later we finally got our ice cream 😱 Luckily I took my lucozade sport with me so had a few sips on that, I never went low or high, not sure how - the diabetes gods were clearly smiling on me yesterday! And I got a Mr Whippy!😛

It’s meant to be 26 degrees here today, blue skies already and the sun is out, shame it’s not the same forecast when I’m off work and would be able to enjoy it!

Have a great Friday everyone!
Always get asked for any desserts after lunch & dinner & I actually said yes to ice cream after dinner yesterday: THAT worried about going low; but, nurse caught it & changed it to a sugar free jelly instead so, I didn’t eat that as it’s not going to help keep me up! :rofl:

Edited to add:- this was before the extra dinner, by the way, as I was stuffed after THAT! A Stuffed/Bloated emoji!
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Email sent. OOO reply received. She’s out until Monday and the message says “if it’s urgent then call the SOIT mobile number”. Of course the email doesn’t actually include the phone number anywhere and neither does her email signature.
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It's a lovely morning here, sunny and not a cloud in sight, with the forecast saying it's going to be like this all day. About time - it's been pretty cool here for what seems like ages. That record-breaking June is just a distant memory. Might even be back in shorts today.

Friday is Big Shop Day but I need to get it done early so that I'm ready for the Test Match and Wimbledon. Both served up a thrilling day yesterday so hopefully more of the same today.

@Gwynn - I'm pretty well twinned with you today - 5.5, BP 118/71 and HR 47

@MrPixels - well done with the HS

Whatever your plans, have a good day everyone.

6 exactly today. Off to see my granddaughters at their sports day today as ur daughter has an operation today and it is her oldest daughter’s last sports day so wants someone there cheering her on. Sunny and quite warm here.

@MrPixels - congratulations on your HS today

@ColinUK - ridiculous to treat people like that,

@Lanny - hope you are improving, been thinking of you.
Need to look at latest electric bill in detail as have made three mistakes in eighteen months,
Unfortunately my father is also struggling with EON, and only finally managed to get the government support paid last month! Every month his bill seems to be wrong and he really struggles to get anyone to understand, their customer “service” seems to be non existent and shockingly poor!
Good morning everyone, 5.6 today for me.

Lovely and sunny today here, so a good day for solar power generation!

Congratulations @Lily123 on your HbA1c result - fantastic news!

Congratulations to @MrPixels on your HS!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all - 11.1 this morning which I was surprised about as didn't have anything sweet last night but then realised I had chilli & rice so that probably did it and 3 biscuits early evening. I went on two walks yesterday and checked BS afterwards and it definitely brought it down a few notches. I'm going to be away for several weeks in August and might struggle to exercise (we'll be on a sailing boat) so I'll have to be really strict with my diet - easier said than done, obviously. Have a good day everyone x

6 exactly today. Off to see my granddaughters at their sports day today as ur daughter has an operation today and it is her oldest daughter’s last sports day so wants someone there cheering her on. Sunny and quite warm here.

@MrPixels - congratulations on your HS today

@ColinUK - ridiculous to treat people like that,

@Lanny - hope you are improving, been thinking of you.
Much better, Lorraine! 🙂

Just finished breakfast & in the wards upstairs had sausage, bacon, tea & toast: only cereals, cornflakes or wheetabix, porridge or pancakes with more milk to drink, not even tea or coffee in A&E; the least carb free meal I’ve had in so far! 🙄😛
5.6 for me today. 🙂

Good morning. 7.1.

Terrible night - at 0100 woke with rigors, every bone aching, pounding head which kept up until around 0500 when it began to ease. Weird feeling bitterly cold when skin is burning. Still feel dreadful - aching all over - but the rigors have stopped and the headache is of normal proportions. Not sure if I ought to go to Drs appointment in case it is an infection? Only I have been waiting over a month for the appointment.

Hope everyone else is having a good Friday.