Group 7-day waking average?

Last post before bed still in an A&E cubicle narrow trolley as both the wards upstairs, only two 1 for the men & 1 for the ladies, are full. Need to stay a few days & the doctor suspects from all my history, took a long time answering questions, that I may have a problem of too much steroids in my blood? Apparently the A&E docs checked this out before the steroids for Bell’s Palsy that’s built up & stayed since my first bout & steroids in 2001 & the second bout in 2011 & the third bout in 2017 that’s causing me a lot of increasingly erratic insulin resistance but, the tests were inconclusive.

A VERY SERIOUS WARNING THAT I WASN’T AWARE OF HOW DANGEROUS IT IS but, the diabetic specialist medic told me after taking 300NR at 05:00 for a can of soup, falling asleep & waking around 08:45 shouldn’t have happened & I should be DEAD! But, I didn’t do it blindly, testing all the time & with everything to hand: JB’s & biscuits & it’s not the first time I’ve put in high doses, either; just NOT as high that ever before!


Will get moved to the ward upstairs hopefully tomorrow & docs will give me the normal doses of 48, 44 & 44 in a controlled environment to see what the BS does as he investigates further into the steroids in my blood build up theory & told me not to worry as he expects my BS will go up, he’s warned me, as I should not need SUCH HIGH doses & it’s not sustainable!

Don’t know how much sleep I’ll get or when I’ll be up tomorrow so:-

I’m wishing all of you lovely lot A Very Good Morning, coming up, & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m sorry to have caused anyone to worry but, I’m safe in hospital for the next few days now! 😳🙂
Oh yes! Completely forgot to say even without insulin at all my BS did drop which shocked me 23:38 BS 7.7: just took longer; definitely better although, there are no signs of infection or inflammation in my blood at all, not the the first time that’s the case when in A&E previously when not well, & covid test is negative! 😱🙂 At last! There’s a theory for what’s wrong?:confused:
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

Nothing special happening today

A quiet day. Yessss

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning everyone, 7.4.
Actually had a fantastic full 8 hours sleep. Its not often that happens!

Accompanying my "mobility challenged" sis in law to Drs this morning and running some errands while we are out.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Time to go pop the kettle on now x
Morning all. 9.5 and dropping. Libre shows i had a rebound after treating a hypo at 9.30 last night. Woke up this morning exhausted and sweaty after a dream where i was doing the work of too many people and constantly having to run, making mistakes on everything. My legs ache and i haven't got out of bed yet, i must have been moving around in my sleep a lot.

@Lanny you're in the right place to get things sorted out. I hope you feel better soon.

Have a good day everyone. I'm aiming to get home on time tonight so i can have a nap before going to the cinema. We're off to see the new Indiana Jones tonight.
Unfortunately not a wink or a hint of a sausage last night:A&E is NOT a restful place; allthe beeps, bells, whistles & alarms of machinery! BS just now is up again at 15.5! But, I’ve left it as I’m to leave all the medicating, pills & insulin to the hospital staff!

I didn’t find it funny last nght & I REALLY wasn’t trying to be funny but, I made the A&E nurse burst into laughter twice when I first went in! If there’s one thing I’ve learnt about being in A&E quite a bit these last 5 years or so is that there isn’t room to be dignified: in A&E very ill anyway & there’s no hiding anything; just called it as it is with no filter, I suppose!

When pulling my dress up past my nickers & up-to my chin for pads placement for ECG nurse said my skin around my belly was very tight & firm & is it normally like that? I said yes it is as I’ve been too fat for too long & it’s gone firm! The second time when I said the meal is very carb heavy & hospital is like that she asked me what I normally have for dinner? I said, not this past 10 days or so mind you while ill, fish with either spinach or broccoli. She said you’re telling me all the good stuff. I explained about my liver problems & the low fat diet I’m on. Then, said my backside soon lets me know if I’ve eaten too much fat as I can’t digest it!

Thinking over that overnight I REALLY didn’t filter anything! 😳:rofl:😉
Good morning 5.7 today

haven’t opened the blinds yet this morning
but it looks like the sun might be shining

have a fabulous day everybody 😎
It was a whopping 12.7 for me this morning at 5.06am when I woke up over heating badly. Jabbed 9 units of Fiasp to include breakfast bolus and correction along with an early basal dose of 22 units.
I didn't jab any basal last night (ie a 3 unit reduction) because my levels were dropping low all day yesterday after a long day of quite a lot of activity and exercise and my low reading yesterday morning all suggested a reduction was the right decision.
The problem was caused by some lamb stew brought over by my sister that I had as a very late (11pm) evening meal as that was when I got finished my chores and in the house. My brother in law had made a big pan full but neither of them enjoyed it, so it was sent over for me to eat or bin. I jabbed 3.5 units thinking that would be OK as it only had a few potatoes and carrots in it, but was mostly meat and gravy. I cooked and added extra veg but where I went wrong was that I didn't account for the carbs in the gravy and my brother in law always makes really thick sauces and gravy and it was a large portion so together with the protein from the meat and no basal to deal with the protein release, my levels shot up and stayed there despite a 3unit correction as I climbed into bed on 12.2. I really wish I hadn't eaten it as I had had a great day levels wise until then and hardly needed any insulin and then I had to inject masses and had high levels as a result of that. It was nice enough stew with the added veg but not worth the aggravation and just shows how easy it is for carbs to be hidden.

@Lanny Really sorry to hear you have had such a scary time. Those are really massive amounts of insulin and I can understand the medic's concerns about using so much. Is it possible that your sites are not absorbing properly when you are needing so much? Getting a little bit of exercise regularly would help both your insulin resistance and your breathing. Obviously that isn't possible when you are in crisis, but once you are more stable it would be good to work on it again. I think you were doing little laps of the kitchen a while ago and that seemed to be helping with reducing your insulin needs. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Morning all. 6.6 and a unicorn.

Warmer this morning but very dull, that means rain. Going out for lunch with three girlfriends, and I really don’t know what to wear. Too warm for a coat but too wet for not wearing a coat. Think I’ll just get Mr Eggy to drop me off at the door of the restaurant and pick me back up from the same place!

@Lanny hope you get sorted soon. Hospitals are not nice places, in my experience, much rather be at home in my own bed and get a bit of peace.

Have a good day everyone. 🙂
Woke just after 6 and spent the next 30 minutes trying to doze off again whilst a bunch of pigeons had a party in the tree out front. Decided it wasn't going to happen and got up, put the kettle on and got a 4.8 when I tested. Hmm - not usually that low so switched hands and did another finger - 5.1, so I'm averaging the two and posting a 5.0 this morning.

Shortly afterwards the garden waste collection truck rolled up the road and I realised I'd forgotten to put our bag out last night. Unlike our household waste and recycling collection, which is weekly - aren't we lucky? - garden waste is fortnightly so it's easy to forget unless I notice that our neighbours have theirs out. Oh well, there'll be a bit more for them next time then.

Thursday is one of my swim days so I'll be off to the pool later for my 20 lengths before lunch. No car as my wife and our eldest are both in the office today so it's the bus.

Looking forward to Day 1 of the cricket later. I expect Australia will find the atmosphere a little hostile in Leeds after what they did at Lords. Andy Murray playing later, too. I can't see many household or garden chores getting done today.

@Lanny - get well soon.

Have a good day.
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Morning all. 🙂 5.6 here. At last, a fBG in the 5s!

Oh, @Lanny - poor you being kept awake by the beeps and poked n prodded...I hope they sort you out and send you home asap. (((Hugs)))

I know what you mean about the weather and what to wear @eggyg. We’re going to a family barbecue on Saturday - I bought a dress in scorchio June for the event, but will probably be adding leggings, wellies and a pacamac to the outfit just in case. Nice! 😱

4.7 today, had a bad migraine just before I went to bed last night and still got a headache, going to log onto work and see how I go. Yoga tonight.

@Lanny - sorry to hear you are unwell and in hospital, hoping you are feeling better soon.

My new SOIT officer was supposed to call yesterday in an effort to improve contact from the police. You can guess what happened.

Popped to the folks’ to sort out their internet issues. They’ve switched from Sky to Community Fibre and couldn’t figure out how to connect everything to the new network so I sorted it out for them.

Other than that all I did was write, head to John Lewis’s and buy a new farm in anticipation of the coming heatwave and catch up on Bake Off Professionals.

Lots of stuff to do today so I’ll catch up later.