Group 7-day waking average?

Don't know what your weather was like yesterday but it barely stopped raining here after lunchtime. If you saw the pictures from Wimbledon that was us, too. My wife and our youngest got back from their Denmark trip late evening and she said the drive from Stansted was awful, especially with the spray off the motorway from HGVs.

That DF is still playing games with me - frustratingly it's a 5.1 this morning but congrats to @42istheanswer @Elenka_HM on your HSs yesterday and to @Gwynn this morning.

Hopefully a feast of tennis today as they catch up following yesterday's washout. At least Andy Murray was playing under the roof on Centre Court, winning in straight sets. The next round will be tougher, though.

Have a good day, everyone.
So close with a 5.1 this morning, prebolus, shower, get dressed, prepare breakfast, about to eat it and did a test to get the Sensor Error message, try in 10 minutes :(. Ate breakfast then scanned again - 2.9 and going down. Feel ok though, so probably just the Libre being overly dramatic. Rocket fuel, aka porridge, will be kicking in shortly and no doubt I’ll soon be cruising at an altitude of 12 or more:rofl:

Just work planned for today and hoping for some sunshine!

@eggyg - thanks for the pictures! You’ll have to build them into a time lapse movie when it is completed!

Congratulations to yesterday’s HS people : @Elenka_HM and @42istheanswer and to today’s HS @Gwynn. Here’s an interesting place to share, be careful going up the stairs though!

(Inside Las Pozas, Edward James surrealist garden in the Mexican Jungle)

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning. 6.1.

A few small breaks in the clouds but still quite chilly. Back much improved - can potter about without whimpering. Definitely not going to attempt anything more strenuous than looking. If it needs fixing it will have to wait. Might go mad an order a new hot water bottle - last of the big spenders eh?

Hope everyone has a happy day.

5.7 today, work, nurse and running-planned for today.

@Elenka_HM and @42istheanswer congratulations on yesterday’s HS

@Gwynn congratulations on today’s HS

@Ditto - I haven’t signed up for the Fast 800 diet yet, waiting on the outcome of today’s weight loss session with the nurse, to see what help I can be given, I know ultimately it is me who decided what to eat and puts the food in my mouth, but since having all the mental health issues I just eat my emotions

Rained here all afternoon yesterday, brighter this morning.
And it’s a 5.6 for me on a what started out as a nice sunny morning but has now become grey.

After the rain of yesterday the garden certainly looks better already, the water butts are full again so no need to use water from the tap anymore .

Hospital consultant calling this afternoon so it will be interesting to see what he has to say.
3.7 for me this morning despite a 1 unit Levemir reduction and eating a very late (11pm) high protein (omelette) evening meal. Slept like the dead though and only the last 30mins when I dipped into the red and didn't need any JBs to deal with it as I was back up to 4.5 within minutes of getting up, so quite happy with that.

Congrats to @42istheanswer and @Elenka_HM on your House Specials yesterday and @Gwynn for today.
Wow, what a lot of near misses today too! Unlucky!
Morning all. 6 4 for me this morning. Well my 100% in range went yesterday. One hypo in 30 days . Had two yesterday morning. Then a 12 after lunch . Started to go back to normal at tea time so I dropped to 85% in range . Back to 91 now . Were not machines Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all. Dark grey clouds interspersed with blue patches. Rain not forecast. Yesterday's rain was very light, though I did need a brolly on my way into town.

6.3 this morning with a flat line overnight. 95% in range - I'll happily take that!

Hubby took the Beldray steam generator iron back and the manager at B&M happily gave a refund. Today I received a message from Swan customer service and I need to steam clean the current steam generator iron by filling the tank with a mixture of lemon juice and water. So just maybe I might make further inroads into the ironing this afternoon.

Had a very pleasant afternoon in town chatting with 2 g/fs whilst the chaps played crib. In the evening another friend came round with her son who has been watering our garden whilst we've been away. Didn't want to break up the chat, so told them I could provide chipolatas and salad if they wanted to stay and eat with us. We also had a Lidl Spanish tortilla and some strawberries and peaches in Cointreau for afters. Everyone chipped in with the preparation so the meal was casual and easy. All in all a lovely day! Out again this evening to see other friends.

Expecting a phone consultation with the GP this afternoon re: BP meds. I have concerns that although BP is good the Losartan is affecting my kidneys, eGFR has dropped to 54 according to tests on Monday, and Felodipine could be to blame for the corkscrew oesophagus. Nothing is ever easy!

Congratulations to @Eternal422 and @Elenka_HM for your HS yesterday and @Gwynn for today's.

@eggyg congratulate Mr eggy on his lovely greenhouse base!

@Grannylorraine good luck with the weight loss!
Good morning all. My brother is 60 today, he is exactly ten years younger than me. 🙂 7.7 for me, same as yesterday.

Keep popping out inbetwixt showers and doing a bit in the garden. Loving the Montbretia next to the JoCoat, lovely combination of colours, orange and pink my fave colours. Have a good day all.

@Grannylorraine I will be doing it for sure, I'm reading the book from the library at the moment as well. I thought it was just another book on Type 2 not realising it incorporated the Newcastle so now I have a better idea of what I'm supposed to do. Basically 3 liquid meals and a tiddy salad. It's gonna kill me agh. I want to be a 34B bust so I'm going for it.
Oops! Silly me, just realised that I hadn't posted my morning 5.6. 😳 🙂

late on parade and it was 5.9 for me.

Been busy burning back up DVDs for keyboard which ended up involving re installing a DVD drive into the laptop as discs not happy with external drive.

Have a good day everyone.
Bittersweet appointment this afternoon, on the plus side she was pleased that I am not obese, seems my height had been put into the system wrong. But that rules me out for a lot of the help available, I was offered either a 12 week gym membership, which isn’t much help as I run and do yoga, and happy to pay at the local pool if I fancy a swim or a 12 week Slimming World membership as I have never done very well at SW I was disappointed, so took that as I was actually a bit embarrassed at this point. Will sign up in a couple of days for the Michael Mosley Fast 800 Keto diet, which the nurse knew about, but can’t fund, then just be weighed in at slimming world to keep me on track.

I could have had the Orlistat but once my BMI reach 28 it would be stopped, nurse worked that out to be about 4lb.
Posting this from hospital A&E as my breathing, heart rate , BS & insulin needs have shot through the roof the last 36 coming up to 48 hours now. I’m

Yes, I woke on BS 8.8 & didn’t feel like writing a great big long post on the struggle all day yesterday to get my BS back down to there! 😱

It took until this morning at 05:00 after using 324NR, not all in one go & with corrections, to get it BS 8.4 before I ate again putting in the whole 300NR at once to wake on BS 8.8 this morning! Then, rang my GP & saw her at 14:30 although she was running 45 minutes late! I have punmonia in my left lung & was sent straight to A&E. My BS was just stuck for hours on 15/16mmol for hours when it seemed I was injecting water before it finally started going down mmol by mmol as the corrections went in. I used more than 2 pens yesterday for two meals. My breathing was very bad & I had to stop taking inhalers eventually as my heart rate was so fast & my wheezing remained wet as opposed to the normal dry wheeze; it was a wet gurgle. Just lying in bed my heart rate was very high!

It all started when my DP busting dose before breakfast didn’t work at all & BS was 11.1 before I ate so, I stuck in 180NR.rose to 15 pushing 16mmol & stayed there for hours as the corrections stacked up: 2NR/mmol wasn’t doing anything; had to be brave & stick in 60NR to get it to move at all!

My GP & A&E doctors are agog with my 624NR yesterday! Blood tests & chest xrays taken & fed as I only had 24NR this morning to DP bust & eaten how many oatcakes, I lost count, to keep my BS up today: didn’t touch my BS at all yesterday & I’m struggling to keep it up today! Had mash, battered chicken, gravy peas & carrots & told no insulin & it was BS 6.3 at 17:00 & 18:00 BS 12.3. Waiting for results & my night things are here in case I need to stay. GP’s diagnosis needs to be confirmed & I might even have corona so, mask on which doesn’t help with the breathing! No test though, as they not doing the swabs tests anymore!
Wow! A&E is heaving tonight: didn’t notice it before because I was in one place but, been moved around a few times; everyone is out in the halls! A&E is the whole ground floor now: all three Outpatients departments & the xray department which is where I’m at now! Blood tests are normal & just had a nose swab for corona as I’ve been feeling feverish, hot, cold & sweaty since I got in here but, temperature is fine! Breathing is now completely clear & no signs of anything in the lungs although GP heard crackling on the left side earlier. I’m surprised my BS didn’t rise that much for dinner with no insulin! Just very short of breath moving around this huge hospital as it’s only two floors very spaciously laid out! I wonder what’s up tonight as I’ve never seen it so busy! But, inside wherever I’m put I don’t notice it as everybody is sitting in the halls & only being called in if & when! Just waiting for swab results & I may be able to go home? Whatever it was I seemed to have passed the peak: annoying really!
Had a very pleasant afternoon in town chatting with 2 g/fs whilst the chaps played crib. In the evening another friend came round with her son who has been watering our garden whilst we've been away. Didn't want to break up the chat, so told them I could provide chipolatas and salad if they wanted to stay and eat with us. We also had a Lidl Spanish tortilla and some strawberries and peaches in Cointreau for afters. Everyone chipped in with the preparation so the meal was casual and easy. All in all a lovely day! Out again this evening to see other friends
That sounds all lovely. I'm honestly a bit jealous of your social life! 😳 😉