Group 7-day waking average?

I missed that! Glad you mentioned it, I hadn’t realised the new series had started, and it clashes with Your Home Made Perfect, so I watched that instead. I know what I'll be watching this evening!
I was torn too Robin. Love Your Home Made Perfect although Angela’s dress sense is getting more and more bizarre. Went with GBBO; The Professionals and the new presenter, Ellie Taylor, also has a similar style. 😳
A slightly higher 5.8 this morning for me, added an extra unit of NR to my breakfast bolus which I’ll probably be regretting in a couple of hour’s time!

Had fun with this sensor yesterday evening, it steadfastly refused to scan for a whole 2 hour period (the usual scan again after 10 minutes message). Even Shuggah was struggling, but after somehow managing for 2 hours (even resorting to the old finger prick testing!) it scanned ok again - I think the scanning beep sounded a bit smug to be honest. It wouldn’t be quite so smug if I had given up on it and ripped it off my arm last night instead of waiting! Oh well, at least it is working again now and at only 5 days into its life it’s good not to have wasted it.

@Lanny , thinking of you and sending my best! Hope you’re ok today and being well looked after in hospital. Amazed at the high amounts of NR you have been using and can understand the diabetes doctor being shocked. But it sounds like you are sensible and careful with lots of testing which is good.

My new SOIT officer was supposed to call yesterday in an effort to improve contact from the police. You can guess what happened.
oh no! At times it feels like the country is falling into chaos!

Have a good day everyone!
And it was a near miss for me today with a 5.1. 🙂

@Lanny sorry to hear you are unwell and in hospital, hope you get better soon.

Have you come back from your retreat as Jeremy Clarkson? :rofl:
Fan! Fan! Although a farm wouldn’t be all bad if it was full of hunky farmhands 😉
And it’s another happy 5.5 for me on a pretty grey morning with more rain in the forecast.

Making another donation to the blood doctor today, I think this will be the Third lot this year.

Saying a prayer for you @Lanny get well soon.
Love Your Home Made Perfect although Angela’s dress sense is getting more and more bizarre
I wondered if she was concealing a pregnancy bump in some of the 'before' shots, because they’re always voluminous, and she's always wearing something more figure revealing in the 'after' ones, but I may be wrong about that. I think Will's designs are bizarre, he'd completely ignored the fact that they hated the kitchen stuck on the back, and left it where it was. And the other week, they chose his design even though he’d left the lounge and kitchen a long way apart, when they had young kids they needed to keep an eye on. Sue enough, when they revealed the final result, they’d switched the dining and lounge areas so the lounge was visible from the kitchen.
I wondered if she was concealing a pregnancy bump in some of the 'before' shots, because they’re always voluminous, and she's always wearing something more figure revealing in the 'after' ones, but I may be wrong about that. I think Will's designs are bizarre, he'd completely ignored the fact that they hated the kitchen stuck on the back, and left it where it was. And the other week, they chose his design even though he’d left the lounge and kitchen a long way apart, when they had young kids they needed to keep an eye on. Sue enough, when they revealed the final result, they’d switched the dining and lounge areas so the lounge was visible from the kitchen.
And they always cost more than twice the budget!
I thought that about Angela and I even Googled it to see if she’d recently had a baby. She has a child but not a baby. Just a fashion victim then. :rofl:
Morning all - the sun is shining, though it may be temporary, there are plenty of heavy duty clouds around.

7.7 this morning. Considering I forgot to bolus for a cheese sandwich last night it's not too bad! Specially since I've ditched the metformin.

Attacked the steam generator iron yesterday afternoon with 1 litre of lemon juice and water in the tank, then stood over the sink whilst it spewed out dark brown gunk that looked like used coffee grounds. 2 hours and another 1.5 litres in the tank, ran out of lemon juice so used white vinegar. I gave up then - Mrs Hinch I am not! Got to have another go at it today. I've no idea where all this crap comes from as we live in a soft water area... but until it's done then the huge pile of ironing will continue to sit on the dining chair and I'm running out of clothes to wear.

Went to a meeting re: organising a village fete last evening (funds to be put towards renovating the memorial hall) . It was held in one of the two village pubs, not the one we normally frequent and over a drink afterwards with people who are already friends, we met a whole load of people we haven't met before in our 6 years in the village. All very friendly and I got dragged out to see one lady's garden. She only lives about 50 yards from us, but on the other side of the stream (which I am told now is actually a river) and the houses on that side are screened by bushes on our side of the stream/river. Shame as the whole terrace has an absolutely glorious riotous display of colour in front, but I suppose the bushes do give them some privacy. Turned into a fun night and I seem to have volunteered to produce a batch of jam/chutney for the produce stall.

Out for lunch in town with a g/f today, @Elenka_HM don't be envious, I think you sound like you have a very good social life too. I'm lucky I don't have to fit it round work.

@Lanny, oh my dear, I do feel for you! A&E departments are horrid places, though the relief at getting some help must be enormous. I've wondered for a long time about your huge doses. In a FB group I belong to there was a chap also on huge doses and members there helped him reduce them gradually. In the end he was fine on much more normal doses, apparently the high doses were causing insulin resistance. Anyway, get better soon!

@Robin and @eggyg now you've got me dying to watch Your Home made Perfect... actually "perfect" to watch whilst I do that ironing! Not so keen on Professional GBBO. I didn't like that Chinese lady who was a judge... she seemed very severe and no SOH.

Have a terrific Thursday everyone. Fingers crossed the heatwave will actually arrive so that @ColinUK can use his farm and @Bloden can wear her dress without leggings and a raincoat!
My! From Thursday morning starting at 11:20 was my 1st heading off hypos day where I had 4 of them & stopped feeling them when numbers 3 & 4 hit! I am SO SICK of JB’s!

1st check of the morning 04:45 BS 15.5. Next check before breakfast 08:10 BS 8.1 & 48NR went in. Next check before lunch 11:20 BS 4.1 had 1st JB of the day before lunch at 12:00 & 88 tresiba went in & -4NR of 40. After lunch was moved upstairs & 14:35 BS 4.5 second hypo that was a bit more effort to get BS up that need 2 JBs to get it above 5 14:43 BS 4.7 & 14:54 BS 6.8 had an oatcake. Hen, before dinner at 17:00 the nurses test, don’t know the time, BS 4.9 & 1 JB & waited 10 minutes 16:40 BS 6.0 had an oatcake. Dinner where I decided to stick with the discussed with nurse plan of -10 or -12 NR? There was extra dinners left & they were offered to the other patients’ visitors so, I had another cottage pie with mash, that was weird as the pie is topped with mash too, as I was worried about going low over the long night until breakfast at 08:00. Stuffed myself with 2 lots of cottage pie & 2 heaps of mash, 3 instead of 1 with the second of which I could only eat 1! Nurses check after dinner ? BS 11.7 with JB, oatcake & two dinners I went with the planned -10 & 34NR. Before bed check around 20:00 BS 8.7. Last hypo when I got up after finally sleeping 01:22 BS 4.2, so, that’s my waking reading for today, JB 01:36 BS 5.7 an oatcake! Nurse’s check around 02:15 BS 5.7 & I knew JB’s & oatcakes weren’t going to hold me up for long before breakfast so, had 4 slices of buttered toast & tea which brought me back up afterwards to a better 02:38 BS 7.7. Couldn’t go back to sleep & I plan to discuss further NR decreases at doctors rounds at 11:00 but, definitely need at -10 for breakfast & maybe even -12 before then?
I’m still having to keep on my toes as the nurses, I feel, aren’t checking my BS often enough & no longer feeling them I’m checking more often.

Just now to see after tea & toast 04:34 BS 13.0 & hopefully that will hold me up until breakfast at 08:00?

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Good morning everyone

It's looking very gloomy out there. Rain forecast for tomorrow when the St Annes on Sea festival and parade are due :(

Yesterday was nice, a bit of extra exercise, sucessful arranging of my daughters birthday and our . anniversary party / meal, a very pleasant tea time meal of cod too.

So to today...

BG 5.3 tease tease tease
Pulse 51
BP 116/77 much better

Overall I am feeling a whole lot better than normal, and I feel fine most of the time anyway.

Later on, Excercise (if it doesn't rain), fixing some cabling in my 'studio', my wife has decided to make cakes and merringues today rather than go to Blackpool... a very good decision.

Thank you to the person who put up the link to the excellent analysis about water and how our bodies need/use it. It was fascinating, revealing, and long, but well worth the time to watch and learn.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A very good early morning all. 6.7.

Looking gloomy but 16c already, forecast for 24c. It’s Zara day today so we’re borrowing her mummy’s car and we’re going out for the day. She’s going to Majorca on Monday so we won’t see her for two weeks. Can’t decide if that’s good or bad, maybe somewhere in between. What shall we do with all that spare time?:confused:

Have a fab Friday, and TGIF to the wage slaves, except those who work weekends of course, which I did all my working life. I’ve never had that “Friday Feeling”. 🙂
Good morning - 8.5

Clinic on Wednesday, HbA1C was 42 with 5% hypo over 3 months but 3% over a month so that’s an improvement!

Have a great day everyone
Good morning! 6.9 from me today.

Back still aching from yesterday so will have an easy day physically. Need to look at latest electric bill in detail as have made three mistakes in eighteen months, and only Barclays have a worse call centre or is it the same one answering based on which number you dialled? I set up systems like this 30 years ago with callers expected to hear a human voice in under 10 seconds!

Mixef weather again as sunshine and showers since I woke!