Group 7-day waking average?

6.4 for me today, and a unicorn! That is after gnocchi for tea last night and a couple of corrections. Going for tea at the pub tonight with an old work colleague so not sure what the readings will be!

Have a good day everyone.
Morning folks. A nice round 6.

Seems calmer today, weather wise, yesterday was another day of squally showers and gusty winds.My washing got drenched twice! But, drum roll please, Mr Eggy has finally got the tiles laid for the greenhouse, and no more were broken. Now the real start of Operation Greenhouse. He’s making it himself, in wood with real glass. It won’t be a quick build, he’s never done anything like this before but he likes a challenge. As long as it’s ready for next years seed sowing, that’s fine.

I’ll be ironing yesterday’s washing which finally got dried. Making stuffed pasta ragu for tea and generally pootling about. A nice quiet week this week, ( until Friday) bliss.

@Pattidevans nice to see you home from Corfu. We had Greek night last night, very nice it was too.
@ColinUK glad things have gone well, on the whole. Look forward to the craic tomorrow.

Have a great day. 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 4.9...aaah, that’s bettaaah.

Good on Mr Eggy! My OH likes a project too, but I’ve banned him from using the patio as a workshop, otherwise the garden ends up covered in sawdust and there’s nowhere to sit out on a nice day. 😱 We’ll want pics @eggyg of his progress. 🙂
What's happened to Summer? Yesterday was another cool and blustery day, now thunderstorms are forecast for this afternoon with highs of a mere 16 degrees. This following what was apparently the warmest June since 1884, when records began. Climate change to blame for the high temperatures they say, in which case I'm wondering how that explains what's going on so far this month.

5.3 this morning, same as yesterday, so a whisker away from an HS for the third day in a row. Good zone to be in, though. I'd be happy if I was thereabouts every morning.

Mixed bag of results for the Brits at Wimbledon yesterday. Andy Murray in action today, so looking forward to that. Garden chores can wait, especially if it's going to be cool, wet & windy. My wife says it's pretty much the same over in Denmark.

Have a good day, weather permitting.
4.7 this morning.

@Robin - the Jackdaws here have found some seed on the bird table this morning and are noisily squabbling about it!

Nothing planned today other than work. Had to get my new screen from the loft yesterday (bought it a year back when the old one started flickering, but then miraculously recovered and as been fine ever since!), as a thunder fly / thrip (those little black line thingies you get when thunder threatens, or is that an old wives tale?) had somehow managed to crawl between the screen and the front cover/film. I tried to flick it off thinking it was on the surface, but ended up squashing it so I had a permanent black line which was really annoying! There’s no way to split the screen apart to clean it out so I decided to consign it to the loft as an emergency spare and break out the new screen finally.

Glad you had a good holiday @Pattidevans and welcome back!

@ColinUK , so pleased that this retreat went so much better than the last one for you.

@eggyg as @Bloden has requested, we need progress pictures of the greenhouse build!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all, 6.5 here, not too shabby considering I hit the low teens yesterday evening. Went to a wedding at 5pm, we had canapés and fizz immediately afterwards at about 5.30pm, then photos and chat, interspersed with more canapés, then sat down for dinner two hours later, but then had some speeches before we were served the starter. Then had more speeches after the main, and ended up with pudding at 9.30pm. I followed the rule of 'inject after you’ve eaten if you don’t know what you’ll be having' so by the end of the evening had stacked so many doses I’d forgotten what I'd still got in the system.
The bride and groom were so lucky. It blew a hoodie and chucked it down as we were just on the last lap driving up there, bits of branch blowing down from the trees, etc. Got to the venue, sun came out, stayed dry for the rest of the early evening. Went outside after the dinner and discovered it had rained again after dark.
Today we have the long drive back from North Norfolk.
08:26 BS 6.8 🙂

Very pleased to be able to give a morning greeting in what seems like ages to me…..

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Slept round the clock & only really awake to eat to wake feeling much better. 🙂
A 5.7 for me today and another dull and drizzly day forecast.

And it’s a happy 4.9 for me on another grey windy morning, I may be wrong but I think I can actually see rain spots on the windows.

Have a good day all.
Good morning. Weather dismal. BG 5.4.

Back ache not improved as I hoped by hot water bottle pressed against the main point of pain last night - I don't know when the ruddy thing burst but a soggymattress is no cure-all...

Sought distraction yesterday by driving to look at 2 places on the market. One described as quiet and surrunded by forest was huddled under a bend in quite a busy B road - you could have reached over and patted the chimney, the other was up a vertiginous lane only able to climb the hill by dint of numerous hair pin bends. Arrival was disappointing. It had obviously defeated the current owners. Not quite sure when neglect becomes abandonment but the only dream left was the asking price. Came home thinking "Cor - mine must be worth more than I thought".

Got an appointment with GP on Friday - hope he will have some idea on how to sort out the screaming back muscles.

Well done @ColinUK on your successful retreat.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning all

6.1 today, still got this cold/hay fever feeling, still not sure which it is. Apart from work nothing much planned.

@Martin.A - I blame Wimbledon for this weather, as you can tell I am not a tennis fan, but have often noticed the weather is more unsettled around Wimbledon, either that or because we all moaned it was too hot and we needed rain.

@Pattidevans - pleased you had a good holiday, nice to see you back.

@ColinUK - great to hear you have felt more comfortable at this retreat.

@Ditto - hoping the link below works for you. I bought one of the recipe books I think it was £10, in the supermarket, has lots of info and recipes in there, but had a look at the website. The price is £119 for 12 weeks, but I added my email address to receive updates, and now have a money off code for 25% off, so if you are interested, I wouldn’t sign up straightaway, wait to see if it is offered at a slightly lower price

Back up in the 8s this morning or me at 8.3 as I dropped a uni off my Levemir last night.
Really must swing my legs today and cover some ground.
Good moaning! 10.5 around 5:00 am. Was up at 4:00 after a disturbed night of pain (mainly heel). All started when in my slepp when my leg went off the bed and my poorly help hit the ground. I woke eff'ing and blinding (I once was an MMOD Navy contractor). The mix of painkillers is finally coming in and I am seriously drowsy so hopefully can get a few hours before my porridge and kippers.

P. So. I keep all painkillers in the kitchen to minimise risk of accidents.

The day is going downhill fast. I wanted to poach two eggs to go with my kippers but they all became lemmings. Only been up 45 minutes and feel like going back to bed so I am not in an eff'ing wheelchair!

Morning all on this dull morning, at least yesterday's vicious wind seems to have ameliorated, but rain is forecast for this afternoon, just at the time I am due to go out.

7.0 with a flat line overnight. Not complaining after the M&S Mango Masala chicken breasts which we had with basmati rice for dinner last night. Had to guess at the rice carbs, as the way they were presented on the packet baffled even Julian who's darn good at math. It's now dropped to 5.7 so looks as though a minor basal tweak is needed for this period to keep it steady.

Tried to attack the massive pile of ironing yesterday when I got home from the blood letting (at least BP was excellent when they took it - 114/64). The first item I tried to iron was a pair of white trousers that need to be ironed with a cool iron. The (steam generator) iron promptly spat out a stream of filthy brown water all over the trousers. Then followed a pantomime of trying to clean the iron by heating it to max and spitting steam down the sink.... and then having to let it cool before I could clean the resulting sludge off it. At the end of the day we decided to go get a cheap iron to use dry (I have several pairs of trousers that all need cool ironing). But no... it's not in the Evans' psyche to get the cheapest option. In B&M we found a Beldray steam generator iron reduced from £70 to £39 - bargain! So we bought it instead of the £12.99 iron in Currys... what is wrong with us? Got it home to discover that actually it was very flimsy and not a patch on the Swan one we've had for several years. It's also scratched. It's going back this morning... This resulted in starting ironing around 5pm. Half the pile remains sitting on one of the dining chairs unironed. Emailed Swan to ask how to clean the iron as there are no instructions in the manual supplied.

Meeting friends this afternoon for a catch up.

@TinaD I feel your pain re the soggy mattress, had that a number of times when we had a hotel. Back in those days it was not hot water bottles to blame... Drying it out is a PITA though.

@ColinUK so pleased to hear the latest retreat was beneficial to you.

@Bloden. I do sympathise with your dilemma regarding your delivery from Insulet. I don't quite understand why they are being so intransigent as they sent me an extra box at least a month ahead of the date I should have been able to order. I wonder if the problem is the communication between your DSN, the pump secretary and Insulet i.e. the secretary's wording wasn't clear enough in her communication. If you still have time I would be onto your DSN again.

Hey ho... have a terrific Tuesday everyone.
The day is going downhill fast. I wanted to poach two eggs to go with my kippers but they all became lemmings. Only been up 45 minutes and feel like going back to bed so I am not in an eff'ing wheelchair!

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Well after putting it on WhatsApp my mates have been cracking jokes!

Oh dear. Looks like you’ve had a smashing time (not).

No chance of getting egg bound then !!

Why do people call you egghead?

I should imagine it’s egg sasperating!!

Are you eggo centric?

Etc, etc....

Fortuneately one said "Just leave it and I will come over and sort it!"
The day is going downhill fast. I wanted to poach two eggs to go with my kippers but they all became lemmings. Only been up 45 minutes and feel like going back to bed so I am not in an eff'ing wheelchair!

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That must be eggsaperating! Hope you don’t have underfloor heating or your friend will be clearing up omelette!