Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone, 4.9 today for me.

Been feeling a bit off all weekend, better than I was but still a bit bleh this morning. Hopefully work won’t be too demanding today!

Congratulations @goodybags on your HS today!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Well done @goodybags on the HS. 5.7 for me today. 🙂

Morning all. 5.7 and a lie in. I’m not good with lie ins, I feel like a wet weekend, in fact I feel like two wet weekends with another wet weekend sandwiched in between! I should have got up when I woke at 6.15. :(

After a terrible day yesterday, weather wise that is, hoping for a dryer and less windier day today. My poor tomatoes have had to be tied up again after losing some branches ( not sure I mean branches but you know what I mean). Mr Eggy only got two tiles laid as was rained on and off all day. And it was quite cool too. I spent the beginning of June praying for rain, I’m now spending the beginning of July telling it to do one! Never happy are we?

Congratulations @goodybags on the House Special. @Eternal422 hope you feel better soon, your palm needs you. @Robin enjoy the wedding, maybe a thermal vest under your posh frock?

Have a Happy Monday everyone, whatever the weather. 🙂

6.6 today, after indulging in a Mr Whippy ice cream yesterday evening, I dot have the flake, so that is my compromise and only 1 per week, the ice cream van comes round everyday as he lives in our road. Anyway lost another 1.5lb, so that is 6.5lbs in total, plus off to see the nurse on Wednesday about weight lose help from NHS, if none is available I’ll sign up for the Fast Keto 800 diet, by Dr Michael Moseley as with a discount it works out about £90 for 12 weeks, so although expensive I need to do something for the sake of my HbA1C which I am ashamed to say is up to 65, not been that high for a long time.

feel like I have a cold, either that or the hay fever is so bad the Allevia isn’t working, still going to run this evening as it is more a stuffy nose and a bit if sneezing, no fever or breathing issues at the moment.

@goodybags- congratulations on the HS

@eggyg - hope you get some better weather today, we have a mixture of sunshine and grey clouds, quite breezy.
6.7 for me this morning and Libre shows a significant length of time in the red about 5am, but only just below the line, not a deep low. I have no alarms on my phone at the moment, so I happily slept through it (I always sleep really well when levels are high 3s and low 4s). Just surprised it rose so much before I woke up as generally my liver doesn't respond to minor lows like that or give me any obvious DP until I get out of bed.... so half wondering if perhaps it was a long compression low. TIR has certainly taken a big hit after yesterday afternoon's carb fest after our club drive. Hot pulled beef sarnie in a large white bun with horseradish, gravy and chips followed by some chicken curry with a few more chips and then cheese cake. No prebolus time and then sat in the car afterwards going home so I got a massive double spike up to 18, despite copious amounts of insulin, which took 5 hours and a number of stacked corrections to bring back down into range. Need to be very focused with my diet this week to improve my stats... and my waistline!!.

Many congrats to @goodybags on your House Special this morning.
Good morning. 6.8. Foul day - grey, cold, windy and wet.

Blasted gardener is a no-show - has to tidy up own place as builders coming for 3 days - might manage a couple of hours on Wednesday,. Getting a bit fed up with the lad. The idea of hiring him was to reduce the amount I do to reduce my pain levels. It doesn't seem to be working. Neighbour kindly cut lawns yesterday whilst I weeded a bed on my knees - result he has a bad back today, I am not a well bunny, and the stable yard needs a good strimming - docks 3ft high.... Harrumph!

Feel a bit like giving up but, as that is not an option, have downloaded a couple of property particulars to give the drive-by- viewing - maybe I can find somewhere easier to run. For some reason I am more comfortable in the car than anywhere else - part a good seat but also perhaps the distraction provided by the local dire drivers - most of whom do not seem to recognise that the R on the gear stick means you can go backwards...

Moan over.

Hope everyone is having a good day - and for those of you still working a stress free one.
Hello all

Warning - long post! Not a rant though!
We are home now, as of Saturday. We flew back to UK on Thursday, a painless journey and our friends picked us up from Heathrow. We stayed Thursday night with them in Surrey where they had looked after our car whilst we were away. We should have been home Friday, but we detoured to stay with friends in Hampshire for one night at their request for a catch up. On the 5.5 hour drive home (easy for once with no congestion) I caught up with all the posts here. It was impossible on holiday as the internet flicked in and out so often I couldn't even be sure of doing a "like". However, I've read CCC and seen @TinaD's pond (wonderful) and @Eternal422 s amazing palm. Congrats to all those HSs in the last month too!

@Bloden, I had the same hassle with Insulet. In the end I emailed my DSN, who emailed Insulet and the next day I got confirmation and a very quick delivery of an extra box.

BGs were absolutely terrible on holiday. 33% TIR on a lot of days. Whether that was due to the insulin going off in the heat or just inept carb counting on my part whilst eating unfamiliar foods in restaurants I don't know. Somehow I managed to forget to take my Metformin at lunch time for most of the holiday and actually developed an appetite! Despite that, I only put 1lb on. I think I may stay off it as it also eliminated other nasty bowel symptoms. However, the minute I set foot back on British soil my BGs dropped back to normal without me doing anything and I have been 99% TIR since! Go figure!

We think it will have been our last visit to Paleokastritsa as there were too many steps (60 from our apartment on the sea, to the road where all the restaurants are) and it’s rather hilly, which was a bit much in the heat. So we didn’t do as much as we have in previous years. Age is creeping up and my leg won’t cooperate! I must ring and get an appointment with the chiropractor.

Julian managed to sustain a fish-feeding injury. He was throwing stale bread from the rocks so we could watch the millions of little fish come to feed, when he slipped on seaweed, grazing his arm from armpit to wrist and pulling a tendon in his ankle. He proceeded to sit on the balcony with his ankle raised and an ice pack on it, whilst I served lunch and poured him wine! Fortunately we had bought Betadine from the pharmacy on our visit into Corfu town. Marvellous stuff, it heals cuts and grazes with amazing rapidity. For the next two weeks his ankle was another deterrent to rushing about.

The area was very busy, particularly towards the end of our stay. Mostly with a younger crowd, who seem to think it’s OK to parade along the road next door to naked. We witnessed an amusing incident whilst we waited for the bus into town. The narrow road was quite busy with coaches one after the other taking excursions to and from the monastery at the end, plus cars and quad bikes. One young lady strolled past on the other side of the road wearing a thong and little else except a teeny weeny bikini top. It was hard to see the thong between her generous buttocks and she was blissfully unaware of the traffic chaos she was causing as brakes were applied sharply to avoid collisions. Along came Spiros in his fruit and veg van, tailgate raised with his wares, strawberries, melons, peaches and nectarines plus fresh salad goods all tastefully displayed in the back. As he screeched to a stop we watched gleefully, waiting for the whole shebang to descend onto the road. By some small miracle all the fruit stayed where it was and Spiros, no doubt mightily relieved, continued on his merry way.

We attended no less than 4 "Greek nights" and managed to avoid dancing ourselves. We also attended a "Bouzouki evening" at a posh restaurant where we were entertained by a bouzouki player and a keyboard player. The music was actually very good, but we couldn't help being amused by the bouzouki player. He was wearing tight white trousers and he paraded around the tables seranading us whilst woggling his somewhat grubby crotch at eye level and staring boredly above our heads. Not romantic at all!

We celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary with friends whilst there. We asked one of our favourite restaurants to put on some canapes and wine for 7 of us, with the idea that people could then proceed to have dinner if they wished. As it happened the canapes were so generous that no one wanted any dinner! When the restaurant closed 5 of us, not wanting to break up the party, proceeded to Unlimit, a late night cocktail bar where we partied until 2:30 am - shades of our mis-spent youth.

So.... 4.9 this morning, on this cloudy/sunny breezy day.

4 machine loads down and laundry draped everywhere around the house, dreading the ironing. Off for more blood tests at 2:30 IIRC these are for kidney function (egfr has dropped to 58).

@MikeyBikey good luck with the podiatry today.

@Paul Gibbins I have B12 injections every 8 weeks. Mostly painless and they do make me feel so much better... but worth enquiring at the GP to see if you should also be taking Folate supplements.

So... enough from me! Talk tomorrow.
Woke twice so far & both were nicely in the 5’s:- 10:45 BS 5.8 & just now 12:15 BS 5.1. 🙂

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m going to have as much of a sleepathon as I can today: wanted to do it yesterday but, the needles debacle meant that I couldn’t; I just feel a good ole long sleep will really help!

Yesterday was about 90NR for meals which was a bit less than the day before but, that tiny looking McDonalds chicken sandwich & smalls took 80NR in the end: 60 first that left me in the mid 11’s & another 20 correction; LOVELY but, no wonder I hardly ever eat fast/junk food! 🙄:rofl:

Typing off horizontally in bed with A Stream of Z’s emoji!
Morning all. No reading today as I had an iffy night. I have to have a proper sleep to function properly or it all goes to heck in a handcart. Deluge! Plus nippy with it. Have a lovely day all, get the galoshes out. 🙂

How do I sign up for that @Grannylorraine I need to do something drastic, I'm having myriad 'funny turns' because of my food addiction.
Bit late in posting today but it was a 7.3 for me this morning. Still 100% in range . Must be doing something right. No hypos now for over two weeks. Mind I have the alarm set for 4.2 so if it goes off can treat it before it goes into the red . Hopefully get my hedge cut this afternoon. Winds spoiling things . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
A few hours more sleep 15:36 BS 7.3 & I feel much better than earlier. Had a can of soup & guessed 50NR. At the 2 hour mark I’m very pleased with the result 17:26 BS 8.0. I feel almost where I was at 3 days ago because I got more sleep! 🙂

Tesco shopping is coming at 19:00 to 20:00: changed it last night to later than my usual pre lunch slot of 11:00 to 12:00 as I wanted to get more sleep; I’ll eat again after it’s here & put away!

Hoping for an early night & still get more sleep but, get up earlier tomorrow; been getting up in the afternoons, these days,; takes a long time to get eating & doses right before I’m happy to go to bed on a decent reading! 🙄
Oh yes! I forgot to say I REALLY like using my SIL needles as they are virtually completely painless & goes in like butter: Unifine Pentips 0.25 by 8mm; had my doubts when I saw how long they are but, they’re BRILLIANT! 😛

I just looked it up on my health centre’s list & they have Unifine but, not quite the same sizes & put the 0.30 by 6mm on my list to order next time as ai’ve already ordered by usual Novofine 0.28 by 6mm which I’ll get my chemist to deliver on Wednesday! My SIL has been in HK a lot this past year & buys her diabetes stuff when there & the chemists there say the UK uses cheap supplies/meds on the NHS: I’m fine with that as it’s free; the US’ diabetics are at the mercy of the prices set by the drug companies! 😱
@Bloden, I had the same hassle with Insulet. In the end I emailed my DSN, who emailed Insulet and the next day I got confirmation and a very quick delivery of an extra box.
Well done your DSN!

I texted my DSN, she informed the Pump Secretary, who sent an email to Insulet...they’ve agreed to move the dispatch date forward by ONE day, which means the Pods still won’t get here before we leave. I was informed by Insulet’s Customer (don’t) Care that they’d need another email from the Pump Secretary to bring the date any further forward. The stress all this has caused! My TIR is dreadful. I’ve already decided on the date when I’ll go back onto MDI while I’m away, cos there’s no way, José the Pods’ll arrive before I leave. I feel SO let down, it’s pathetic. Customer service, my rrrr’s.

Lovely to have you back @Pattidevans!
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Good morning - 5.3

Have a great day everyone
Morning all!

Today’s the last day of the retreat. I’ll be heading home late morning so normal service will be resumed re testing etc from tomorrow.

This one has been more successful for me than the previous one, as evidenced by my lasting the whole thing! It’s not been easy but having my own room certainly helped.

I’ve enjoyed it. Food has been exceptionally good other than the meal I cooked which, although cooked with love, just didn’t work well. The saving grace however was the low carb cherry and almond cake I made for pud. It was delicious!

I’ve done lots of introspective things, talked through serious trauma shit, waxed lyrical about the positive impact of this place and had a relaxing giggle. And I think I’ve lost a few pounds.

I had brought my finger prick kit with me but like an idiot I brought the wrong pot of test strips insomuch as it was the very nearly empty one I popped in the bag rather than the full one which is sitting on my table at home doing no good to anyone.

See you all in the morning! xx
Morning all. 5.7
Hmmmm, may have to double check this new sensor for a while longer. Waking said 5.7 downward trend, 10 mins later (without moving) 9.1 upward trend!
Good moaning! 10.5 around 5:00 am. Was up at 4:00 after a disturbed night of pain (mainly heel). All started when in my slepp when my leg went off the bed and my poorly help hit the ground. I woke eff'ing and blinding (I once was an MMOD Navy contractor). The mix of painkillers is finally coming in and I am seriously drowsy so hopefully can get a few hours before my porridge and kippers.

P. So. I keep all painkillers in the kitchen to minimise risk of accidents.