Group 7-day waking average?

Afternoon all. 10.2 this morning. I thought i was doing well with another 100% day yesterday until i suddenly dropped into high 3s. Treating this and the fire alarm went off at work so had to quickly get children out. Levels stayed stable then until teatime when a 2 hour drive took 4 hours because of traffic and roadworks. By the time we'd got to our destination, levels were up and stayed up all night. Oh well, hopefully they'll be better today

@eggyg your granddaughter looks beautiful. I know what you mean about the cost though. We have 2 girls!! I didn't dare count up the cost of their proms.

Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTo.

Have a good day everyone.
Good afternoon tested on waking and was 6.9 this morning
just had a Full English for brunch
think I’ve had to many of them recently as feeling a bit FAT

need to get more exercise
not easy when supposed to be resting with leg up.. lol

have a wonderful weekend everyone 😎
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Yesterday was a good day & it was indeed just an extra +4NR across the board for 3 meals: +8 for the second meal as my higher reading from the first told me what I needed & I added THAT first meal’s +4 on top. 🙂 But, the third meal was spot on to finish the day at 23:51 BS 6.6🙂

But, a bit of a relapse today, in the ebb/flow wax/wane nature of fighting Bell’s Palsy, which I felt the instance I woke today 14:38 BS 11.7. For starters I felt my throat was tighter & responded too slow to alarm so, fell into a deeper sleep this time!

Put in a guessed dose of 80NR for ramen which I corrected with another 18NR after 2 hours 16:58 BS 15.3. Still too high another 2 hours later at 19:03 BS 14.3 & I put in another 12NR. Have yet to eat a second meal as my BS is still too high & I’ll report on that tomorrow!

I generally feel a bit worse but, not as bad as the first two days: if I get the NR right & my BS are lower; I would FEEL a bit better as high BS on top of feeling “off” is MISERABLE!

I had forgotten, this week, about checking up on libre & I was thinking how much easier it would be to get my doses right if I can see better what my BS is doing. It’ll have to be Monday now & I’ll try & see my GP as well, in case it some other infection that antibiotics can deal with; it’s just the Herpes Chicken Pox virus that causes Bell’s Palsy antibiotics are no good for?

I hope you all had a Wonderful Day? Propping up my chin for a 🙂 if not quite my usual Wink emoji!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 good
Pulse 53 it's always low
BP 123/75 elevated

Today church, exercise, rest

Completed folder 1 conversions of the churches music ( from paper into Word). Only 5 more folders to go!

We invited my friend over for tea yesterday, cheese and tomato pizza, a good time was had by all. We managed to work out how to change something deeply buried in the menu structure on my new keyboard too. Very helpful.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Sunshine's back this morning so hopefully a fine, dry day in store. Up earlier than usual as my wife and our youngest had to get to Stanstead Airport for 05:30 and it's a 90-minute drive from here. Got a 5.1 when I tested at 05:34, which was a bit of a surprise as I was a little short of the recommended 8 hours without eating or drinking, and having had a coffee just after 3am while they were getting ready to leave. It means me and our eldest are on our own for a few days, although apart from tomorrow, when he works from home, I don't expect I'll see much of him.

@Gwynn - you think your pulse is low, my resting HR is usually in the 40s (which I put down to my supreme fitness, of course..!)

Planning on a quiet day - reading the Sunday paper, watching the cricket and being Laundry Fairy. Whatever you're planning, have a good one.
Typically for me I have gone from one extreme to another....

3.6 the second time I woke up low through the night, so had another JB to follow the 2JBs I had 3 hours earlier. I went to bed much earlier and I guess the extra sleep destressed my body and dropped my levels. Anyway, I decided to get up very early rather than risk dropping again and I had had enough sleep for one night. Levels have slowly crept up a bit since but I haven't needed my usual 2 units of Fiasp yet to deal with FOTF, which is most unusual.

We have a club drive today and I will be going off piste with my diet yet again this afternoon as our hostess for today's drive always puts on a lovely spread of food afterwards.

5.0 today, just one dose of the new meds taken so far. Off for a run this morning, then An afternoon spend knitting/crotcheting and watching the Grand Prix, oh and a little housework.

nice and sunny today.

Have a good Sunday everyone
Good morning. Clickety click 6.6 at 6.50am. We laid in bed chatting and putting the world to rights for a while. Got up for loo, got dressing gown on and I’d shot up to 8.1!

Damp morning again, we did get sunshine yesterday amongst the showers but it was very, very blustery. The tomato plants have taken a bit of a bashing. I’ll be glad when the greenhouse is up. Mr Eggy bought the tiles/slabs/pavers yesterday for the floor, broke the first one as he laid it! He’s not happy. If it stays dry he’ll be out there again today. The garden looks like a builders yard at the moment, and not a very tidy one either. 🙄

Have a super Sunday all. 🙂


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And it was a 4.7 for me earlier. 🙂
Off to spend an hour or so with the Sunday cryptic crossword to keep the old brain in shape.

Have a good day everyone!

Snap @MeeTooTeeTo ! 4.7 for me this morning, a couple of trips into the red overnight. I upped my basal yesterday as was expecting a day of little activity, but then I ended up doing lots! I've left it on the higher dose today too as my levels were pretty good yesterday, (I was unicorning until those trips into the red), but if I have too many low alarms overnight tonight then I'll know not to do it unless I am really inactive! Did mean I could have breakfast within 20 mins of bolusing though as FOTF only put me up to 5.6!

Have a lovely Sunday everyone 🙂
Morning all, 5.0 here. Woke up at 4am with cramp in my calf. Managed to get back to sleep, even though the Song thrush outside was insisting loudly that it was getting up time. We’ve had baby song thrushes in the garden this year, fingers crossed they survive, we haven’t many of them round here.
Good morning - 6.9

Have a great day everyone
Morning all

And it was a 5.3 for me on this first sunny morning for days.

Off to Derby soon for one of my granddaughter's 21st birthday Bar-B-Q, free food yippee. 🙂