Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.7 for me today. 🙂
Dull and cloudy today and the outside temperature of 16C makes it feel positively arctic compared to recent days, 😱


6.1 today, but feeling slightly breathless, hoping that settles so I can run this evening. Lovely yoga session yesterday.

brighter here today, but a little fresher, but still warm enough.

@eggyg - photos are lovely, your grandson is handsome and good on him for not wanting loads of money spent for his prom.
Morning all
It’s a nice fresh and breezy morning here today and I’m starting the day off with a 4.8 on account of having no snacks during the evening.

Might feel like doing some gardening today as it’s a little cooler.

Have a good day all, and stay safe.
Another grey start and no sign of the sun yet, and it looks like it rained overnight. Where's Summer gone?

Busy day coming up. Need two new tyres on the car, Friday is Big Shop day and it's day 3 at the cricket with the match finely balanced. Wimbledon draw today, too.

Friday is BP check day - 99/63, which the NHS website says is healthy, and to cap it all I got another 5.2 this morning. Haven't had back-to-back HSs since January.

Have a good Friday.


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Morning all and 4.8 for me.

Grey and dreary out there. Need to find some cables for the monitoring system I looked at yesterday. Evidently we have loads down at the studio. If only we could remember where.

Have a good day everyone.
was 8.5 today but had a pretty terrible day yesterday so happy to be back in range. Sorta maybe thing I might have forgot basal 😳

Drs called on Wed as my latest bloods showed a hefty hike up in white count and low magnesium (that ones new for me).
Got to repeat those bloods and adding more in and they are writing to haematology again asking them to speed up reviewing my stuff. (been waiting since Jan for that)
Had an appointment yesterday already booked about my ongoing tummy problems after another 5 day bout of upset tum (without anyone else being unwell) and continued/ongoing cramping and bloating and nausea. Celiac was negative and they have no idea what else it might be.
Anyway he's going to refer me on to gastroenterology to investigate.

In less depressing news, heading out today to meet up with my daughters ex (with her as well) for some lunch so Nandos it is. :D

Hope you all have a brilliant day!
Good morning - 8.3

INSET day today - no school but about 4 hours of maths revision!

Have a great day everyone!
Ok, so, I fell asleep pretty soon after eating earlier, alarm went off & didn’t respond in time & dozed off again BUT, 12:33 BS 8.4 :D😱🙂 Which tells me +2 or +4 more is where I’m at now? Meds & tresiba already in & I’m cooking right away so, letting the 8.4 alone & test again when about to eat: the effort of cooking could drip me down a bit, anyway?:confused:

had my medication review due to my issues with SR Metformin, i am being changed to Alogliptin and 1 500mg ordinary metformin again. Was taken off of the normal Metformin due to to stomach issues. Just looked up the side effects of Alogliptin and it says stomach issues. Oh well I will give it a try as I have to have my bloods done again in 3 months, so will see how they affect my digestive system and if they have worked in conjunction with an improved diet.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS
5.6 this morning for me.

Glad it’s Friday, looking forward to the weekend! Palm should be delivered tomorrow morning all being well.

Yesterday’s car painting didn’t go well - the paint colour didn’t quite match so the Chipsaway guy is now having to buy some directly from Ford rather than mix some from the various combinations of tints he has. So, yet another attempt to repair the wheel arch scratches to come - hopefully soon! This is turning into a real faff now!

Congratulations @Martin.A on your Friday HS!

Have a great day everyone!
Good afternoon
have had a very lazy morning, dozing with one eye on the TV
this morning was 5.0

had hypo in the early hours woke up around 02:30 and BS was 3.6

Happy Friday everyone 😎
Evening all. 🙂 In freefall, got to get a grip, nearly 10 this morning, crazy. Have ballooned as well, nearly up to one of my high weights agh. I'm blaming the weather. Not sure whether the crazy things I'm doing are high bg or dementia onset (Mum's might have been hereditary, you never know!) :( Mowed without the grass collector in the Flymo, scrambled my eggs sans olive oil - rubber eggs, lost my diary for weeks and blamed everybody else, forgetting to do stuff all the time, just something silly on a daily basis. Need to get bg under check so can go ask the doc. I just keep thinking if I can still draw a clock I must be okay. :rofl: My brother says he's putting my name down for the nursing home, I'm driving him nuts.
Morning all, and I’m on the early morning 7.4 step with @Northerner.

Been awake since 4.30, tried my upmost best to go back to sleep but my body and mind were having none of it. It doesn’t really matter as I’ve nowhere to go and no one to see/care for/drive somewhere today. The day is my own to do with whatever I want. After the last two hectic days it’s a nice feeling.

Have a super Saturday all. 🙂

Here’s our beautiful eldest granddaughter before her prom last night. In contrast to her cousin who spent a grand total of nowt on his outfit, her dress cost twice as much as my wedding! And no I didn’t forget to add dress on to that. I really meant my WHOLE wedding! TBF it was in 1980, we only had 19 guests for the ceremony and wedding breakfast. An additional 50 or so on the evening in a working men’s club my dad was a member of so didn’t cost anything to hire, and I did the buffet with the help of my mother, mother in law and a food processor we got as a wedding present! :rofl: My dress was £40 ( which was a week’s wage) from a fashion shop in Newcastle and my shoes were £5 in Binns sale! There’s not much to beat! 🙂


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Awoken at 5 by a headache. Last day of holiday today and no painkillers with me so had a nakd protein bar and a coffee with a shower to follow.

Need to checkout by 1030 but ferry home isn’t till 5pm and weather is looking a bit naff, so combined with the 5am wake up it might be a long day.

Libre ended yesterday too. Back to fingerpricks for 2 weeks.
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