Group 7-day waking average?

Oops! 😳 A few mistakes with the second meal yesterday & I’m back up today, 12:07 BS 10.6 & will have to wait a bit before breakfast ramen BUT, once it’s in the 6’s I know now to go 130NR & then, 126NR, I think after hitting a hypo before eating it & heading off one two hours later yesterday, for my second meal? 🙄:confused:

Meds & tresiba in as alarm woke me this time & I can take my time, are you “quivering in your shoes” a la “The King and I” at what length of essay I’ll be posting, as it was NEVER going to be a morning greeting? :rofl:

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I had about an hour’s doze as it was quite noisy in the living room, of which the door was obviously open & directly opposite my bedroom: heard the distinctive loud voice of my SIL so, my eldest brother must have come for a visit as well? Got up just after 19:00, no alarm or anything, as my empty stomach needed feeding & barely said “hi” when all four said they were leaving & wanted to see me up before they left. So, I started to eat the chicken & penne pasta, as it turned out, that my sister cooked me! Sister said she couldn’t find the salt & it’ll be bland but, I said there isn’t any as I don’t use it & there was plenty of flavour just from the chicken: she put some mixed herbs in too trying to make up for no salt; my older siblings don’t use herbs & only my two younger siblings born & bred here cook with them! :D It was really delicious & I didn’t have to expend any effort in cooking it!😛 I put if 130NR again as 120NR wasn’t enough, even though that was with a hypo start & an extra of soup, yesterday: have yet to figure out what dose I need?:confused:

Well, it was a bit overdone & I knew I’d be heading for a hypo at the two hour mark when BS was borderline 7.2. My throat was tight anyway so, I decided to have an ice lolly & decided to leave it another two hours, after active NR, to see where I’m at to correct & in the meantime, that cold lolly was SO SOOTHING on my throat, while it lasted! 😛

Going to bed after active NR 23:31 BS 12.2 it wasn’t much higher than yesterday’s & 8NR was bang on when 10 would have been too much so, 8 went in & it wasn’t enough for me to wake in target today! Ah well! I’ll start again today & see if I can get my second meal right with 126NR? 🙄:confused:
Good morning all, 5.7 for me this morning. Yesterday I was told I need B12 injections following a test showing low figures. Anyone had experience of this? Feeling a bit concerned.
If you take metformin that can interfere with the absorption of vit B12 from foods but it also can be age related. If it is an absorption problem then injections are needed as oral B12 wouldn't work.
It is often needed every 3 months though if very low then initially they may be given more frequently.
If you take metformin that can interfere with the absorption of vit B12 from foods but it also can be age related. If it is an absorption problem then injections are needed as oral B12 wouldn't work.
It is often needed every 3 months though if very low then initially they may be given more frequently.
Thanks for this Leadinglights. I think it's a combination of Metformin and age. Looks like I'll grin and bare it.
Thanks for this Leadinglights. I think it's a combination of Metformin and age. Looks like I'll grin and bare it.
My other half noticed a big difference when he started having B12 injections, he is convinced his deficiency was caused by being prescribed esomeprazole which can have the side effect of damaging the area of the gut which produces intrinsic factor needed for absorption of B12 from foods. It turned out that was the wrong medication anyway for the particular gut issue he has.
The injections are no big deal really.
Those and orthotic insoles in his shoes for plantar fasciitis revolutionised his life, well almost.
04:04 A NICE SURPRISE! BS 5.1 just overshot a HS! :D

But, it wasn’t REALLY a surprise as I was heading off hypos 3 times yesterday: kept going down with the NR & ate 3 times, haven’t done that for a couple of weeks with the hot weather etc. & I was down to a guessed dose of 50NR; only had 47 left in the pen so, went with it & it seems that was about right! 🙄:rofl: I went to bed on BS 5.2 which is a bit low so, had two biscuits & I wake more or less on the same reading!:D So, in total 3 JB’s & 4 biscuits were consumed yesterday & I ate my second meal an hour early to head off hypos!😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already had my breakfast ramen & gave my normal 48NR a go: will correct with more if needed; DEFINITELY DO NOT NEED ANYWHERE NEAR 130NR! :confused:

Wasn’t really sure last evening but, I definitely feel the difference this morning: under chin to ear swelling has gone & only the odd intermittent tightness in my throat; hopefully it’ll stay that way but, experience tells me that the battle can for last weeks with it ebbing & flowing! 🙄

I might even cook an omelette later: the most effort I’ve put into food these last few days is sticking frozen sauté potatoes & haddock fillets into the oven or ramen! 😳
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 dancing around an HS again

Yesterday was a bit tough/long. Hours on noisy bumpy buses to get to the hospital and back. A good consultation (endocrine). Lots of suggested changes. All good. Worn out when I eventually got back home 5 hours later! Still it didn't stop me going for an hours walk later on (5 minutes later on!).

Today fixing a whole stack of song sheets for the church (convert from paper to word via scans, OCR, corrections). It's a long process but do-able. Then later (10am) a first walk. Then keyboard practice. Then a second walk. Then rest. All fun (well, almost)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning folks. 6.2 on this quite dull Friday morning. That will soon change when the sunshine arrives at 8.30 in the guise of Zara.

Already have one grandchild here. Grandson had a sleepover last night, it was his Year 11 prom and Mr Eggy took him ( in the Jag, no fancy limos for the farmer’s son), took photos and then picked him up at again 10am. He had a great time. Today I’m taking him to his new employer for his induction at 1pm. He starts full time work on Monday! 😱 He only finished school last week. This is just a summer job with them, he starts his apprenticeship with them in September. But a chance to get experience of the work place and earn some money. Oh I suddenly feel old. 😳

Eldest granddaughter’s prom tonight, she’s got a limo but wants Gags to take photos of her at the venue. So he’s playing taxi driver again today, picking her mum up from work at 5pm and driving her to the prom venue to see her daughter and Mr Eggy will take photos! Of course these venues are out of town so it’s not just a quick five minutes down the road! At 5.30pm tonight Grandma and Gaga’s Taxi Service and Childcare Centre closes until next Friday! 😛 We love them really. When they’re all in their own homes tucked up in bed!

That’s our day, busy and hectic as usual, looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.
Have a fab Friday y’all. 🙂

And here’s grandson all suited and booted in his uncle’s suit, dad’s shirt, tie and shoes ( he refused to spend a penny on even a new shirt) with our eldest daughter, his mum. Not his sister, or his date as someone thought when I put it on FB last night. If she was, she didn’t make much of an effort! :rofl: PS she’s 40 next birthday, now that does make me feel really old!


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7.0 for me this morning after two low alarms in the night (which I’ve not had for a while) resulting in a dextrose and some orange juice!

Sensor seems *touch wood* to be getting more accurate, hope it carries on in that vein.

Have a fab Friday all! 😎
Morning all. Woke to this today. Fingers crossed it continues.
Good morning. 6.9

Fell of the food wagon last night and had cheese and seedy crisp breads. Not enough to exceed calorie level but obviously more than enough carbs. Oh well, back to semi-starvation.

Grey and miserable outside but nothing crying out to be done until it is dry enough to do the lawns. Hopefully the met have it right and after heavy rain today it will be dry and sunny over the weekend.

Kids got the dates wrong for their next visit - now coming for 2 weeks in August rather than July. Makes me wonder why I paid for 2 degrees if use of a diary still beyond them! Never mind - it does mean they will be here longer and hopefully the weather will settle down a bit. For some reason it always rains for a few weeks post-midsummer in West Wales. I blame the druids.

I am off to hairdresser today - looking a bit shaggy.

Have a good day all.