Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 for me this am. And well done to @MrPixels on that HS. 🙂

[Sorry for very long post, for those of you who are bored here's Part 2 of the novel]

So I'll be at the course from 9:30 to 5. Luckily my work friend is taking my breakfast shift tomorrow, so I can stay a little longer if I feel like it, and have a proper night of sleep. I didn't get much last night, meant to take a nap in the train but got distracted with this and that, hope my little Starbucks treat wakes me up a bit. And also hope my brain is able to get the information of the course!

I'm not sure what to do with Libre alarms today, they are switched off at the minute, I don't want them to interrupt the course but yesterday I seemed to be lowish most evening. I didn't lower my basal today as it's already small and I guess I'll be sitting most day, plus no idea what will be served at lunch but I doubt it is low carb. I mentioned to some colleagues they provide lunch and they were joking they probably will give us a sandwich, apple and tap water :D
I'm not sure what to do with Libre alarms today, they are switched off at the minute
Personally I’d keep the alarms on, and put my phone to vibrate if worried about the noise, but it’s a medical device so if you get any hassle about alarms I’d just say it’s a medical device so I need to hear it.
5.0 this morning for me, much better!

Patio and path cleaning was good yesterday, the guy did a great job and now everywhere looks new and gleaming! The palm should be delivered today all being well, but I’m not holding my breath. Can’t really complain as we aren’t getting charged for delivery and the garden centre must be 10 to 15 miles away.

@TinaD - love your description of the fishing in your pond! Would have bought tickets for that!:rofl:

@rebrascora - we’ll done in persevering with setting up the iPhone, glad you got it working! I work in IT and am always frustrated with passwords for this, that and the other!

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS.

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all. 7.2 @ 5.33am. 🙂 Had a funny turn in the night. Woke with pins and needles in my arm so thought I was dying of course, I always am. Also weird sensation of having my specs on, like if I doze off in the recliner with them on, that feeling. I tried to take them off a couple of times. It's ridiculous to get so frightened. I've had my three score years and ten, get real, I'm gonna go one of these days. :rofl:

joining Ditto on the 7.2 step. Much cooler today, so hoping for a good run this evening, but trying not to eat myself up about it. Going to try and not get stressed with work, as I found out yesterday some of my colleagues overseas got made redundant yesterday, they were all hard workin, so what is the point in getting stressed and trying to do everything as it makes no difference in the long run.

@MrPixels - congratulations on your HS

@TinaD - loved your post this morning.

@rebrascora - pleased you resolved your reading issues.
Morning all, and it’s another grey day here, no sign of any rain here yet.
A 4.8 for me at 8.40 this morning after making a cup of tea, usually do the test before getting out of bed but forgot this morning.
Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
8.7 for me this morning and fairly level all night.
Finding the phone much less convenient than the reader at the moment. I feel exactly the same as you @Bloden. My phone is not an integral part of my life and the reader is much more convenient. I understand now why people are so keen for full CGM without scanning if they are using the phone. Scanning with the reader is so quick and easy I couldn't understand why people felt full CGM was that much of a benefit, but I can totally understand after a day of using my phone. It isn't the actual scanning so much as all the steps to open the phone up to get to the scanning stage, like pin switching the phone on and entering a pin and selecting scan. It is really irritating me and so far, the benefit of making additional notes doesn't outweigh the awkwardness of using the phone. I have another 11 days to be convinced....

@Elenka_HM Hope you enjoy your course anyway. Do they pay you for going on it considering that it should be your day off? Really think they are being very unreasonable but good that a friend is going to cover your breakfast shift tomorrow. Hope you find a little time to enjoy the city before your return.... and that lunch is something more interesting than a sandwich.

@TinaD Poor guy. He must be a really good sport doing that and not even for any benefit to himself other than a story of the ones that got away..... until he got serious!

@eggyg My guess would be that the combination of the exertive cleaning and a blockage caused it, so your muscles were sucking glucose out of your blood whilst you lay down and rested and the food not releasing due to the blockage. Quite concerned that you don't have hypo treatment by the bed.
Hope you have a better day today. Can totally understand you being concerned and frustrated that the medical professionals are not offering any support for the situation as it must be scary when it happens and particularly when you feel so bad with hypos. I am guessing that your liver was responsible for taking you high afterwards.
There is another thread on the forum where a lady is going for surgery to deal with her adhesions so it will be interesting to see how much benefit she gets from that. I think she is also hoping to get a stoma reversal. I believe she has a similar history of pancreatic problems to you, so it might give you some insight into options that are available elsewhere if your local hospital are not keen to do more..... but I appreciate we are all different and I know operating on scar tissue is not always beneficial, so they will be reluctant. Hope you have a better day today.
Again I will post, medicate & eat first before I catch up on your posts on this thread.

A MUCH better 11:40 BS 5.6 🙂 Phew! Wiping Sweat Off My Brow! emoji!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m still not completely well as there’s still a tightness in my throat all the time but, I CAN control the BS, mostly, with extra NR: still scary amounts, admittedly; none the less I FEEL better & less tired now that my BS is not swinging up & down!

I upped my NR to 120 for breakfast yesterday as I actually ate more than a can of soup, or a single sandwich as opposed to the two I would normally eat, & made the effort to cook ramen. But, I under did it a bit & BS went up to over 15 so, I stuck in another 20NR which turned out to be a bit too much as I was scraping above a hypo 4.5 hours later when eating my second meal: didn’t feel it at all & tested as I was about to get sauté potatoes & haddock fillets, no batter, out of the oven BS 4.2. Decided to bolus after eating & ate without treating as I felt fine but, about halfway through eating I felt the symptoms of a hypo & the hunger hit me as I finished my plate & STILL had a can of Heinz chicken soup afterwards; I was SHOCKED at myself! 😱 I still felt that hypo lightheadedness & super fast racing heart for about another 45 minutes, the DVLA REALLY DO HAVE THAT RIGHT as the minimum amount of time needed to recover to drive, & waited a bit longer, maybe 10/15 minutes, before I stuck in a conservative 120NR again despite the extra can of soup on top of my meal: the most food I’ve eaten in two days; about three times the amount! So, I suppose not surprisingly it was underdone BUT, not by much my BS ended up at 11.7 after 4 hours. Then, I worked out with my usual correction factor of 2NR/mmol I want to go down to stick in 10NR but, instinct told me to go with 8NR & it turns out I was right; 10 would have been hypo land again! Despite that, it was a good sign that I was hungry & cooked twice yesterday!

Let me see how today goes? :confused: I KNOW I’m fighting off another bout of Bell’s Palsy as that tightness in my throat, swelling/tenderness under my chin & intermittent slight bit of pain in my right ear is telling me! And since I can’t tolerate the steroids to treat that anymore, since 2017’s lot of steroids gave me LSD type vivid coloured hallucinations, I have to fight these bouts myself, & I have been doing that: I can only be on the lookout for definite signs as defined by my GP of drooping eye/s for anti virals; won’t prescribe unless the signs call for it as they’ll harm me otherwise! So, heigh ho! I’m mountain climbing again! “Climb Every Mountain” is playing in my head at times to help me through my struggle!:rofl:

MUST sign off now! Didn’t know I was going to off-load SO much! 😳 It’s now 18 minutes past my midday alarm for tresiba!

Will catch up later! 🙂
8.7 for me this morning and fairly level all night.
Finding the phone much less convenient than the reader at the moment. I feel exactly the same as you @Bloden. My phone is not an integral part of my life and the reader is much more convenient. I understand now why people are so keen for full CGM without scanning if they are using the phone. Scanning with the reader is so quick and easy I couldn't understand why people felt full CGM was that much of a benefit, but I can totally understand after a day of using my phone. It isn't the actual scanning so much as all the steps to open the phone up to get to the scanning stage, like pin switching the phone on and entering a pin and selecting scan. It is really irritating me and so far, the benefit of making additional notes doesn't outweigh the awkwardness of using the phone. I have another 11 days to be convinced....

@Elenka_HM Hope you enjoy your course anyway. Do they pay you for going on it considering that it should be your day off? Really think they are being very unreasonable but good that a friend is going to cover your breakfast shift tomorrow. Hope you find a little time to enjoy the city before your return.... and that lunch is something more interesting than a sandwich.

@TinaD Poor guy. He must be a really good sport doing that and not even for any benefit to himself other than a story of the ones that got away..... until he got serious!

@eggyg My guess would be that the combination of the exertive cleaning and a blockage caused it, so your muscles were sucking glucose out of your blood whilst you lay down and rested and the food not releasing due to the blockage. Quite concerned that you don't have hypo treatment by the bed.
Hope you have a better day today. Can totally understand you being concerned and frustrated that the medical professionals are not offering any support for the situation as it must be scary when it happens and particularly when you feel so bad with hypos. I am guessing that your liver was responsible for taking you high afterwards.
There is another thread on the forum where a lady is going for surgery to deal with her adhesions so it will be interesting to see how much benefit she gets from that. I think she is also hoping to get a stoma reversal. I believe she has a similar history of pancreatic problems to you, so it might give you some insight into options that are available elsewhere if your local hospital are not keen to do more..... but I appreciate we are all different and I know operating on scar tissue is not always beneficial, so they will be reluctant. Hope you have a better day today.
@rebrascora Don't worry - he is my neighbour and benefits from free eggs and vegetables etc. His MIssis has just left with a collander full of ripe goose berries and will be back in a couple of days for the black currents, watercress etc. She was much amused by his slimey efforts as he chucked his clothes in the washer and headed for a shower.
Almost there! 2 hours after 14:55 BS 12.8 & another 10NR in. If this works out I’ll know to go 130NR for ramen tomorrow morning? :confused: That’s if I stay the same & I think it’ll take me a while to fight this off?🙄 So, ordered NR twice this week: usual box every weekend & another one on Tuesday morning; at this rate I’m going through a pen a day & there’s only 5 in a box!😱 I would normally be getting my weekly delivery today but, will phone for it tomorrow to get both boxes at once!🙄 I’ll order as usual this weekend & then order another on Tuesday as well as my stockpiles are depleted: I’m on high doses, anyway, normally; when ill I go even higher but, not so scared of injected all that anymore as high BS on top of being unwell is worse!😱
My sister is here with my BIL, they come every week, & they’re cooking chicken & potatoes for me to eat later & doing the dishes which stacked up a bit! 😛 I’m resting in bed after a wee chat so, my throat is a bit tighter from the swelling & I’ll eat around 19:00 after all the active NR & hopefully BS will be more or less in range after my correction around 15:00 earlier? A Nicely Hugged & Warm Feeling! emoji!
Good morning. 4.3.

20+ fish departed to new home yesterday. Should have a happy time with a retired vet and his wife.

Drizzled depressingly all day - the sort of rain which inveigles itself through all waterproofs. Didn't get much done outside. Today's forecast is for sunshine although, so far, it is quite grey and gloomy with reduced visibility.

Very, very, hungry yesterday despite a fine rib eye steak. The BG results are good but strict keto with intermittent fasting is far from fun. At least as it is so cool I am not suffering from the ice cream mugger.

Hope everyone having a good day.
Morning all. 8.4 with a downward trend after a 2u correction just gone midnight. High overnight again despite going to bed on a 6.4. Basal could do with upping again i think. Over the summer holidays i might do a basal test and try to see whats going on.