Group 7-day waking average?

And you guys are all so kind for humouring me and showering me with stars to lift my spirits after what was a rather challenging 24 hours. Thanks so much for your support.
I’m watching with interest, I’m clinging to my reader because I feel happy with it, and it tucks into a smaller pocket than my phone does, but one day I may have to bite the bullet, then it'll be a case of trying to work it out myself with the aid of youtube, or asking one of my kids and putting up with the patronising comments about technophobe oldies.:rofl:
You can only get alarms on the first device you use to start the sensor with, if you are using a reader AND a phone. @rebrascora had already started her current sensor with the reader before she lost it, so she now can’t get alarms on the phone for this current sensor.
You can (at least on Android) but you need to use unapproved software, LibreLink won't support it.
I’m watching with interest, I’m clinging to my reader because I feel happy with it, and it tucks into a smaller pocket than my phone does, but one day I may have to bite the bullet, then it'll be a case of trying to work it out myself with the aid of youtube, or asking one of my kids and putting up with the patronising comments about technophobe oldies.:rofl:

So far it seems to be working fine. Like you I love the reader because it is small and basic and works well. I am still struggling with a lack of familiarity with the LibreLink functions and how the new phone works.... even just remembering how to previous page or go back to my home page, but I like being able to put more info in the notes in the LibreLink. I expected it to be more difficult scanning than it is, as some people had said that the NFC had to be more precisely positioned with the phone, but I am managing OK with that. I just find the phone so horribly big and cumbersome and heavy. And I fully expect that I will drop it and break it at some point, whereas I have dropped the reader many times and because it isn't so heavy it survives.
You can (at least on Android) but you need to use unapproved software, LibreLink won't support it.
Yes, but I think that challenge is for another day or perhaps another lifetime for this dinosaur 🙄
Good morning. 4.1.

I wish you could all have been here to watch a sturdy, retired medical researcher, lightly clad in shorts, gillet and T-shirt, resignedly removing boots and socks to enter the pond bare foot, having failed to catch anything from the bank...Net in hand, bent double and concentrating like a starving heron, he can have had little idea of how amusng was each dart in anticipation of fish. I managed to disguise my amusement (I hope) as I callously encouraged additional effort. As I sat there in the drizzle I wasn't quite sure whether I more wanted to see him slip in or worried how I would get him out...Fortunately he stayed (mostly) above water and in due course landed a dozen fish. That should re-stock the pond for my facebook contacts and, as he drily observed, on climbing out, liberally bedaubed with bottom slime and beng hosed down with coldwater, it was an addition to species he had caught. The goldfish are now indignantly swimming round a tub awaiting collection.

Since I was already soaked I put another 4 hours into constructing paths through the beds, changing the connections to the big filter, and tidying up. All that remains is a bit of planting up and the job is done. Managed to also blitz the polytunnel so I shall have to set seed for more salads in the hydroponics today.

I was glad of the distractions as I was hit by a severe attack of the munchies which persisted until mid-night. Fortunately there was nothing with carbs available so resitance was possible, just. I note my jeans are a good deal slacker. Have a letter from the GP asking me to go in for an additional blood test in 2 weeks as my liver results are off, which makes the earlier message that my previous results were AOK a bit confusing. It ain't going to be fatty liver at this rate...

Hope everyone has a good day. We are forecast thunderstorms today but is as grey and dank as autumn so far.
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Good morning everyone

After a long 4 hour walk to and from the eye clinic in very light drizzle yesterday, I don't feel too bad this morning.

BG 5.5
Pulse high at 58 (high for me)
BP 120/79

Talking of the eye clinic, they took photos of each eye. Big flash of light, almost blinded by it. Then immediately proceeded to the field test. Tiny varying spots of light in an inverted sphere case thing. It was a tough test as I could hardly see after the photo flashes. I think the second eye tested did better as it had recovered somewhat. Seems a daft way round of testing things. I did challenge the 'nurse' about the order of tests done, but she just dismissed my comments completely.

Today, sorting out song sheets (a lot to do), practice, exercise, rest my aching legs (a bit).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 8.4

Have a great day everyone
6.1 for me today!

Went on a course yesterday at my old uni, had a buffet lunch for delegates. I had 5 mini sandwiches, a square of biscoff cake and I’d had 2 biscuits at the morning break (they came in a pack of 2). Was making the most of eating carbs on a weekday - if I eat them when I am actually at work I spike like anything then come crashing down, as I am very insulin resistant when there, I think it’s due to the stress of being at work and rushing around 🙄 Anyway, I did expect a spike still, as we were sitting around listening to guest speakers etc. I had 4 separate injections over about 2.5 hours, but this is the worst I saw! Very pleased with that! Back to my salad today for lunch as I’m back to work as normal.

Have a good day everyone! IMG_7992.jpeg
Morning all. An extremely surprising 12.1!!! Absolutely no idea why. I'd had a good day in target yesterday, tea was something i'd had before and not had a problem with. I'd crept up to high 8s before bed so had a correction but obviously not enough. I just don't know whats going on lately.

Have a good day everyone. Thunderstorms are forecast here and its going to be very muggy.
About 8 this morning, fairly tired after a couple of days on holiday, done 11k-14k steps per day (not loads I know but double my usual) plus a 30min swim in the outdoor pool each day. Food has been difficult to find anything GF so I’m glad I brought GF rolls and some tins of ww tuna mayo with me as I’ve been living off those for lunch and dinner. Going on a coach tour for the morning today, if I can work out what time they’re picking me up! Recharge in the afternoon.
I’m watching with interest, I’m clinging to my reader because I feel happy with it, and it tucks into a smaller pocket than my phone does, but one day I may have to bite the bullet, then it'll be a case of trying to work it out myself with the aid of youtube, or asking one of my kids and putting up with the patronising comments about technophobe oldies.:rofl:
If I can do it Robin, you can. I’ve even added my new Echo Plus pens. 😛. I thought I would alternate between my reader and phone but my poor reader is abandoned in some drawer. I like my phone because I always have it with me and know ( hope) I won’t lose it. It also acts as my purse, cards, plasters, stamps, all tucked in my granny style vegan leather flip case which has also protected it many times. I do get teased about that though.:rofl:
5.7 for me on this grey Berkshire morning. Barely any sunshine yesterday and none forecast for today. Warm and humid conditions should make the first day of the Test Match at Lords interesting, though. It'll be a good toss to win. Can't wait.

We can stop buying raspberries from the supermarket for a while now as our own plants are producing lots of them this year. Went out and picked a load yesterday evening. Last year was a poor season for raspberries, as it was for blackberries. We got hardly any blackberries from our bush and even struggled to find any decent ones growing wild. You should see our bush now, though. Nothing anywhere near ripe yet but there are so many berries coming through it's looking like we'll get a good crop.

Congrats on the HS @MrPixels

Have a good day, everyone.
Morning all. 5.4 for me this morning, very pleased as it was 10.0 at bedtime last night (decided to make myself some peanut butter cup cookies from a packet I had yesterday evening, then ate most of them - comfort eating following triggering conversations).

Need to get on with getting dressed and off to work now though
Morning all. 🙂 10.7 here, oops, didn’t have a walk yesterday, the power of exercise is amazing. I’ll make sure I move a lot today even tho I won’t have time for a walk.

I like the reader too @Robin. I can just whip it out, flash, job done. My phone’s a faff - bring up the screen, put in the pin, aim the NFC at the sensor (try again), aim the NFC at the sensor again (bingo!)...also, me and my phone aren’t attached at the hip, like some folks. It’s usually in my bag, hanging on a hook somewhere or sitting on a table. We’re all different!
Good morning all. 6.2, no unicorn today.

I had a “strange” day yesterday and I’m still trying to figure it out. Did a bit housework in the morning, I know I said I was going to have a duvet day, as I was wiping down the kitchen I decided to wash down all the cupboards, window sills, shelves. I also hoovered in every nook and cranny, we have lots of cobwebs at the moment, I used every tool of my Shark. I was sweating but satisfied. Had lunch at 12, as usual, tuna sandwich in one slice of bread, as usual, and half a packet of crisps. That wasn’t usual I usually have a full packet but didn’t feel like finishing them. Within half an hour I could feel one of my “turns” coming on. Bloated and very, very nauseous. I actually felt so ill I went to bed to sleep it off. I turned my phone onto silent and dozed on and off, heart was racing and I was so thirsty. Suddenly woke to noises from my phone, thought it was the kids messaging, dozed off again, ping ping ping. It was my Libre alarm. 3.3! Phoned Mr Eggy ( he was in the garden) to bring me some Kendal Mint Cake. Because I still felt sickly at this point it’s so hard to eat anything but I nibbled away. 15 mins later 3.1! I checked meter, 3.3. Nibbled some more, got up to 4.9 eventually. Felt better overall so I got up, came downstairs and fell asleep again! When I woke up, I was in the 10s! You can’t win can you? What I can’t understand is I was 7.2 before lunch, 20 mins pre bolus as per, I have the same lunch almost everyday and I double checked I hadn’t over bolused, I hadn’t, I can’t believe not eating half a packet of crisps would have sent me plummeting like that after two hours. My thoughts are I had another bowel blockage and the food never got to where it was supposed to. I don’t know and neither do any HCPs only that I’m complex. Very frustrating. Mr Eggy has mentioned going private but who do I see? GP sent me to Upper GI, they sent me to Lower GI, the colorectal surgeon passed me back to GP just saying to carry on doing my two yearly bowel cancer screening like every other over 60 year old. I never even got a chance to speak to the surgeon, I just got a letter. Maybe there’s nothing they or I can do but a bit of guidance would help. As it’s affected my diabetes this time, maybe that’s another Avenue to go down. Not that I have a diabetes consultant, or endocrinologist. , I’ve survived the night ( still full of cold and can’t breathe) and I’m back to “normal”, until the next time. Now to decide what to have for breakfast! 🙄

Sorry for the rant but sometimes I get so frustrated.

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS.
Have a grand day folks. 🙂
Good morning everyone! 6'8 when I woke up at 5ish. I stuck my Levemir in then and left for the train station, planning to have breakfast later on the way. By 7:30, when I sat in my last train of the morning with my coffee and sandwich, I was at 4'2 and the graph shows a short period in the red. Ooops! Might be Libre being a little dramatic, I didn't check this sensor Vs. finger pricks yet.

On my way to a wine training session (wine tasting included 😉 ) which I wasn't sure was happening until yesterday. I was looking forward to it, not just for the content of the course but the location, a different hotel of the same company, in a city that's a few hours away. Both the city and the hotel are beautiful, from what I've heard, and the manager who signed me up said they'd arrange for me and my colleagues to stay overnight. So I saw it as a 2-day mini holiday where I'd sleep for free in a luxury hotel and visit the city, in addition to the course itself.

That manager is not working with us anymore so I asked my immediate supervisor about the course last week, to make sure I had the time off and see if someone had arranged the transportation/accomodation. His answer "I think it is cancelled, the others are not going, hopefully we can cancel for you as well". I was a bit annoyed, he talked as if they would do me a favour by cancelling, when actually I was interested. I believe he just wanted me to be available to work instead. I did have today off, but had to work yesterday evening and tomorrow morning, so no chance to stay (and obviously no one organised it anyway). So now I wasn't so sure if I wanted to go, because I had to take the 6am train, travel almost 3 hours and be back in the same evening, with little chance to rest in my supposed day off. And that's after 7 days of working straight so I do need that rest.

Come Monday evening, a different manager comes to me reminding me I am on the wine course and asking how I plan to get there. I was confused. Wasn't it cancelled? He had a little argument with my supervisor and said he would inform me next day, aka yesterday, aka the day before the trip. I'm called to the General Manager office and she politely explains that I AM GOING, too late to cancel, they are buying the train tickets. "Don't drink too much in the tasting and enjoy the city, is beautiful!" Thanks but on what time I'm supposed to enjoy? :confused:
Good morning! 6.3 this grey morning! Yesterday visited what used to be my local shops some years ago. Both banks gone, menswear gone, really useful hardware shop (think he had tardis in the back) gone, etc. Lots of eateries but could only access Greggs. No wonder Tanni Grey-Thompson rants. And the less said about the disabled toilets the better - up two steps or a steep slope and once you got there in diabolical (nearly used a more appropriate word) condition!