Group 7-day waking average?

You probably don't need to fret too much about not finding any.

And yet, the efficacy of the dock leaf in countering the chemicals released by Urtica dioica— the nettle — is dismissed by modern pharmacology. Scientists claim that the juice released from the leaves of Rumex obtusifolius has ‘no pharmacologically relevant properties’— in other words, it does absolutely nothing. Yet researchers do concede that it can still help: apparently the rubbing action, together with a placebo effect that’s been entrenched for millennia, does relieve the sharp pain of a sting. So carry on regardless of the science, just as countless generations have done in the past, and countless more will continue to do so in the future.​

I find just about any leaf works, obviously not another nettle.
It is the little nettles which sting the worst and you can grip a nettle, no pain but brush past WOW.
Well I lost my Libre reader last night. Scanned just before 6pm and was a bit high so jabbed a correction unit and headed out. Topped up food for chickens at home, went up to yard in car, but because I tested and corrected before leaving the house, I didn't scan as I sat in the drivers seat because I had already tested 10 mins before. Got to my yard and unloaded horse and chicken feed and fed both lots of beasties and then jumped back in the car and headed up to the farm a mile away. Climbed over the wall at the water trough and put head collars on Ian's GGs and brought them in. Groomed and harnessed up, walked them up to the top yard and yoked up in unicorn formation. Walked back down the farm yard and out onto the road ahead to make sure they were settled before I climbed up. When to see how my correction was working and found that the zipper compartment in my little rucksack was open and empty. Half assumed that I must have left the reader at home when I injected the correction but when we got back and I headed home it wasn't here and went up to my yard and no sign there. Had the brainwave of eating something naughty and pushing my levels up above 9.2 in the hope that I could trigger the alarm on the reader and then visited all the places I had gone from leaving the house and hung around for several minutes (11pm by this time and getting dark, but not success. I even trawled my fingers through the murky depths of Ian's horses stone trough but not there either although I may now come down with typhoid!! 😱 Came home thinking that it must be here but still; no alarm despite lurking in the garden as well as in the house. I ate half a 110g barof Cadbury's mini egg chocolate bar t push levels up so I am now waiting for 7 correction units to bring me down thinking that I am going to need to stay awake for several hours until I know how that correction has panned out. Can't eat with levels that (other than cheese) so I ave had a wine and cheese supper! Thankfully I have a spare reader but this sensor will not accept a new reader and I only started it yesterday, so not binning a perfectly good sensor until I have no hope of finding the reader. Going to ask in the shop tomorrow in case I dropped it outside my yard and someone handed it in there. Long time since \I have had a libre break and forgotten how vulnerable it makes you feel.
Should be enough cheese in ,my system to keep me out of the red all night anyway. Just don't know if I need any Levemir tonight and Libre helps me so much with these decisions. Had enough wine and cheese that is for sure!

I should say that I am closely documenting my movements via this post now before I forget so that I can try again tomorrow to locate the reader. I am gutted to have lost it!! Felt sure that after eating Ian's chocolate stash I would be able to walk into the feed room and locate it via the alarm within a few minutes.... or up at the farm or back at my house or in the car. Feel like I am overlooking something but don't know what.

Oh well, just time for Wordle and then bed.
Good morning - 5.8

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 so close
Pulse 52
BP 118/75

Today I am supposed to be walking to the eye clinic but the skies look ready to drown me so, sadly, I may have to take the bus :(

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Obvious, I know. But if you're walking the dog your pockets are already full with phone, car keys, poo-bags, dog treats...
Making excuses, I know. 🙂
Train the dog to carry it for you!
Morning all. 7.1 and i managed between 90-100% yesterday for the first time in ages. I rang the dentist yesterday but they can't get me in until the middle of July! Luckily, the tooth isn't painful atm, just a few sharp edges.

it feels cooler today. I like the warmth but its just been too sticky. At least the plants will get a good watering the rest of this week.

@rebrascora i hope you find your reader. If you have time, retrace your steps in the daylight, you never know, you might spot it. I find sometimes, the more i look for something and i'm rushing/panicking to find it, the more i miss. When i stop, i find it. Good luck!

Have a good day everyone.
6.3 this morning and almost time for a mad dash around a couple of shops to pick up stuff, back home to pack and then off to sunny Derbyshire for my second attempt at a gay men’s retreat.

I’m hoping this will be better for me than the last one was! We’ve been asked to bring recipes for anything we fancy baking so I’ve pulled a few from sugar free Londoner and from Caldesi as well.

I’m apprehensive after the experience of the last one but I’m also looking forward to it.

I’ve no idea if there’s phone reception etc in the house so I might be quiet for a week (thank God! I hear you cry!) but if I can pop in whilst I’m away then I will.

Meanwhile play nice and get lots of unicorns, flatfish and HS’s!
Good morning! Finally got to sleep but very restless with bizarre dreams about being minus a leg. In the first I found myself in a cafeteria having just paid trying wo work out showing to get my cup of coffee to a table. A rather bizarre former Iranian colleague had just wandered off without offering to help me! In the second I had just got to an independent book shop on an e-scooter but there was 1' step to the collectors books. The shop owner was Windsor Davies who was babbling on about the best time of year to go on holiday. I wonder what it all means? BTW my BG was 8.2.
6.3 this morning and almost time for a mad dash around a couple of shops to pick up stuff, back home to pack and then off to sunny Derbyshire for my second attempt at a gay men’s retreat.

I’m hoping this will be better for me than the last one was! We’ve been asked to bring recipes for anything we fancy baking so I’ve pulled a few from sugar free Londoner and from Caldesi as well.

I’m apprehensive after the experience of the last one but I’m also looking forward to it.

I’ve no idea if there’s phone reception etc in the house so I might be quiet for a week (thank God! I hear you cry!) but if I can pop in whilst I’m away then I will.

Meanwhile play nice and get lots of unicorns, flatfish and HS’s!
Have a good time @ColinUK. I hope you enjoy the retreat.
Morning all, 6.6 here, new sensor seems to have settled, though it did give me a couple of compression dips overnight, so that’s my time in range shot at the bottom end. I had to put it lower down on the same arm, I normally alternate but after foolishly gardening in short sleeves in the evening, without skin so soft on, I got two mozzie bites on the other arm, right in sensor territory, so had to avoid that arm for the new sensor.
@rebrascora , how frustrating! Can you download the App and use your phone for the current in use sensor, or is it non compatible?
Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here...just diabetes being diabetes. 😉

It’s almost dark! Hopefully, it means the garden’s going to get a good drenching. I noticed something’s been taking great big bites out of one of my plants - so big, I spotted them from the kitchen window, what the heck? Weird coincidence - I was watching Garddio a Mwy on S4C and they were talking about leaf-cutter wasps. Apparently, the female takes great big bites of leaf and uses them to line her nest. Amazing. I just hope she’s finished lining her nest, the cheeky leaf-chomping buzz-bomb! 😉
Good morning from a snotty nosed Eggy. Talking of noses, I got 5 on the nose and a unicorn. I raised my basal up as it got cooler and I was inexplicably high all day Sunday ( now know it was probably the cold brewing), but I’ve skimmed the bottom of the graph all night. Dropped it a half unit this morning.

I feel yuk ( thanks darling granddaughter Zara) so I’m having a metaphorical duvet day today, I wouldn’t dream of dragging my bedding downstairs, I’ll just get myself ensconced on my kitchen sofa and watch the birds and read my book.

@ColinUK I’m sure all will go well this week.
@rebrascora fingers crossed you find your reader, I bet it’s in the most unexpected place.
@Ditto you’ve got to spit on the dock leaf before rubbing it on the nettle sting. That’s what we did as kids anyhoo!

Have a great day all. 🙂
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A poor, for me, 6.3 today, oh well, onwards and downwards (a bit!)

Palm didn’t arrive yesterday and after calling the garden centre they gave excuses and said it would now be Wednesday. Fingers crossed! Anyway, patio being cleaned today (extravagant paying someone to do it, but saves us a lot of work).

@Bruce Stephens - really interesting reading about dock leaves on here - who knew? I always thought there was something in them and the fact they always seem to grow around nettles was handy - so probably just an old wive’s tale. It won’t stop me though!

@ColinUK - I wish you well for your retreat and hope it goes well for you.

@rebrascora - how annoying to lose your reader! I hope you find it today and I won’t ask the stupid question of “where did you last see it?” that everyone always asks - if you knew that you’d find it! :rofl: Hopefully it will turn up or your brain will work on it and you’ll have a flash of inspiration as to where it is. Maybe subconsciously you hid it so that you could scoff chocolate then have wine and cheese on the pretence of getting the high alarm to reveal its whereabouts?:rofl:

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning 6.9 today,

Last weeks rashes and eye swelling have pretty much gone down now,
plenty of resting and taking all the meds that both the Eye Dept & the GP gave me at the correct times

On top of my diabetes medication and various vitamins supplements I take
think I must be rattling now (not that I’m jumping up and down with leg in plaster)
the anti blood-clot injections that they sent me home with finish in 7 days - I shan’t miss those.

Counting down the days now (a fortnight until my cast comes off)
and x-rays get taken on my ankle following the surgery I had 5 weeks ago,

that reminds me
any day very soon, my employer stops paying me and move me to SSP
so fingers crossed when x-rays get done in a fortnight everything looks as expectEd.

Quick trip to Tesco to pick up a prescription shortly
then days leg rest for me

have a great day everybody 😎
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My reading today - same as yesterday 5.0 🙂

Good morning all. I was 5.2 this morning which I have not had for months. I am preparing to go to Greece for a holiday in a few days so just ordered some waterproof protection for my sensor. I am hoping I can swim in the sea and not worry about the sensor falling of.
Have a great day.
Good morning. 4.7.

Lousy night - awake until dawn, thought "Oh good I can get up and get on" and promptly fell asleep!

Over did it yesterday as Michael cried off, his son having pulled a sickie and was away from school. Have finished the pond except for moving the pressure filter back behind bushes - too heavy for me- and planting a few more plants along the edges. DIscovered Achiliia are real horitcultural thugs and rhizomatous. Had quite a tug of war where they were in the way of the grids. Garden centtrs ought to label plants "only buy of you want a fieldfull". I'm blaming them for the back ache.
Looking forward to an amusing morning - Mark and Jill are coming over to catch fish as I am doubtful that the total strangers who want some will be capable of restraining exceitement and missing my plants. Mark is red hot with a rod and line after the sewin - be fun to see how he gets on with a net.

@Ditto - Dockens = docks. Maybe a dialect word? What we always called them.
@rebrascora Hope you find the reader in day light.
@ColinUK Good luck with the retreat, hope it goes well. Taking recipes sounds more hopeful on the diet front - the last place sounded like a gulag.

Hope everyone has a good day.