Group 7-day waking average?

Once you have them growing and they seed then they tend to self seed everywhere. A bit like rocket which is a pain for self seeding if you don't cut off the flowers pronto.
I like the sound of courgette pakoras.
They’re delicious. I found the recipe last year, so easy.
Grated courgette and red onion. Ground ginger, coriander and cumin. Red chilli and of course gram ( chickpea) flour. Squeeze everything together and spoon them into hot oil for a couple of minutes. I put them in the oven for a few minutes to dry them off. Served with raita. These are tonight’s offering.


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I’ve tried growing coriander from the pots and even under cover they’ve never worked. When I was in Glasgow for the forum meet @Purls of Wisdom told me she grows her own from the seeds you buy to put in your curries etc, she told me to crush them first and you get more seeds. I’ve had them under cover the whole time so we’ll see. It’s expensive to buy and I use it a lot.
I loathe coriander. It tastes like health clinics smell. Medicinal wipes and cleaning fluid. Shudder. Apparently it’s genetic.
I loathe coriander. It tastes like health clinics smell. Medicinal wipes and cleaning fluid. Shudder. Apparently it’s genetic.
Yes, I believe coriander tastes like soap to sone people. It’s a weird one isn’t it? Another weird one is asparagus, some folks, Mr Eggy for example and my youngest daughter, can smell it if they go to the loo even just minutes later. I can never smell it ever. TMI? :rofl:
They’re delicious. I found the recipe last year, so easy.
Grated courgette and red onion. Ground ginger, coriander and cumin. Red chilli and of course gram ( chickpea) flour. Squeeze everything together and spoon them into hot oil for a couple of minutes. I put them in the oven for a few minutes to dry them off. Served with raita. These are tonight’s offering.
Thank you, I will give them a try since I picked another 5 courgettes tonight.
5.9 for me this morning.
Off to vampires first thing for kidney function tests (because on water tablets - nothings wrong) so will do a little shopping while in town 🙂
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.3
Pulse 52 !
BP 119/72

Over the years I have noticed that if I wake and take a BG reading it is often higher than another taken 15 minutes later after pottering about. The opposite of the 'foot on floor' syndrome!

I also notice that more recently my evening BG is higher than it used to be. No idea why.

Today I have to scan some of the church song sheets. They are in a bit of a muddle so need sorting out, scanning, converting to Word, formatting and saving securely. The old card folders have had their day!!!

I had a look online to see if there were resources available (to save me lots of effort), there are but at a cost.

Later, a bit of exercise.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 5.6

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 6.4 on this cooler morning. Thank goodness.

We got lots and lots of rain yesterday after an initial start of intense mugginess. It was 19c when I rose yesterday and within two hours was heading to 28c! Then it got darker, and windier and cooler and then the heavens opened at 2.30 and barely stopped all day and night. It was fabulous.

Zara day today, hence the early hour, I could have slept on. What should we do today with her? River to play Pooh sticks, she likes that, or park which is a longer walk therefore she’ll possibly need carried? Decisions decisions. 🙂 Or I could stick CBeebies on and plonk her in front of that whilst I have a nana nap!😛

Have a Happy Monday everyone.
Morning all. I woke earlier because the low alarm went off at 4.9. Eating 2 JBs, a back tooth broke taking part of a filling with it :(. Dozed back off and its woke me again with a 4.0! I'll need to ring the dentist now but trying to get an appointment outside of work time can be impossible. A great start to a Monday morning.
Good morning 6.1 Yesterday & 7 Today
Spent most of the weekend with my plastered leg up & fan on
in front of the TV watching Glastonbury
not sure if the next door neighbours appreciated my singing

Have a great day everybody 😎
8.8 - sore throat. #Joy!
7.8 this morning - was in the 10s before bed and was cautious with my corrections - did 3u but probably could have done with 4. Hey ho, stayed in range with no alarms overnight, so it could be worse!

My horrible rash under my arms is back, I am guessing it must be heat related? I’ve switched deodorants to see if that helps, if not it’s the drs for me! Also my eye issues are back - I thought it was hayfever, then an infection, now not sure - got out the shower last night with one eye feeling all irritated as though there was something in it, though nothing was visible. Sorry for the moan - any tips with either of those things, please do let me know :rofl:

Have a good Monday and week everyone! @freesia I hope yours improves for you!

Edit to ask: Does diabetes increase other health issues? I’ve never had rashes in heat before!
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Morning 9.5 and waking up with a coffee in the waiting room for an adventure IMG_6958.jpeg
Good morning 4.9. The reward of virtue or at least semi-starvation.

Reckon I am on the home straight with the current water works, just 4 metres of grid edging left to do. Decided, after Michael put his size 12's on the area of soil slope, where I hope to establish yellow flags, that the edge needed reinforcing so spent a couple of hours building a mini dry stone revetment. All electric/filters etc up and working but water still too murky.It needs patience which I have always found in short supply. The grid areas I seeded have germinated, no idea how they will look as I happily mixed all the seeds of multiple species together before scattering them - I'll yank out any that displease me.

Veggie garden doing OK but no beans yet. Polytunnel neeeds a blitz. Michael will be on strimming and mowing today - dockens are taking over the back yard and meanly popping up in bits of lawn. Now we have had some rain even the grass is making a recovery.

I was so hungry by lunchtime yesterday that I nipped over to see old friends from Llangrannog to take my mind off it. Had a good laugh or two, resisted all offers of refreshment, and the pangs declined by dinner time. It also avoided the hottest part of the day and I even caught a good couple of intense short showers. So that is the dust laid on the car - a pressure wash is on the agenda but well down the list. Looks like a lovely day today.

Hope everyone is going to have a good week.
No planes this morning, just pigeons and magpies seeing who could make the most noise. Not what I'd call birdsong, but I suppose that's the price you pay for having a tree in the garden yards from your bedroom window.

Our eldest will be back from Manchester this evening, having spent the weekend with his girlfriend. Typical Uni romance - once they'd graduated they found themselves living and working hundreds of miles apart. If he's not in Manchester she's down here.

5.8 on this bright and sunny morning, same as yesterday.

Hope all goes well at Podiatory @MikeyBikey

Have a good day, everyone - Monday Blues permitting.
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