Group 7-day waking average?

Like my diabetes twin, I went with no basal last night and settled my levels in the mid 4s where they stayed all night with a lovely flatfish graph until just before I woke up when there was a slight drift up to 6.4 so that is my offering for this morning. I too hit it with a couple of extra units of Fiasp on top of my breakfast bolus before I got out of bed and that stopped it going any higher until my morning Levemir kicks in.
Apart from a nasty hypo last night before bed, which was totally my own fault, my levels played quite nicely yesterday. Even during my walk/run out with the pony in that oppressive heat, it stayed really stable and that was after trimming Archie's feet before we went, which was pretty exertive work with it being so hot and humid and had me huffing, puffing and sweating like.... well...a horse!! Clegs were absolutely horrendous, despite fly spray (@TinaD I am open to recommendations if you know of one that actually works!!) and despite it being after 7pm, I got bitten several times myself as did Laura, but the horses were being eaten alive again. I must have easily killed another hundred plus. Olive went really well and was much calmer than the last time we did this and the daughter was more confident, but my friend needs to learn to be more assertive with when handling her. She is a really great pony but she needs confident, assertive handling.

More strimming for me today before the rain comes later this afternoon, but pleased to report my knees are holding up pretty well so far. Not looking forward to the heat but knowing that the weather is going to break later will help to keep me going until I am rained off. I may even go out for a walk in the rain to realign my body and cool off afterwards. Hope I am not reporting a disappointment tomorrow that the rain didn't come but also hoping it isn't too heavy or prolonged!
Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS! Will this be ok for you?

4.1 today for me, not bad after yesterday’s impromptu Goat Curry with rice & peas at Akamba garden centre, where, yes, you guessed it, we bought another palm!

The first two garden centres were really disappointing and we really didn’t find anything that we were after, so in a last ditch attempt at salvaging the day I suggested Akamba (which specialise in African and tropical plants) and found a lovely bottle brush plant (Callistemon) before spotting a beautiful multi-trucked palm (Trachycarpus Fortunei), so that’s what we bought with the palm to be delivered tomorrow.

My wife stood behind the palm for a picture so we have an idea of the space required to clear in the garden!


Off to see my son and his new girlfriend for lunch today, so that should be really good. Not sure who is more nervous, us, him or his girlfriend :rofl:

Hope everyone has a good day!
That looks fantastic, where is it?
An abandoned church somewhere in Michigan, it’s from a FB site of Abandoned Buildings, some really fascinating pictures on it!
Good morning - 7.1

I had a surprisingly good run of levels with yesterday’s and Friday’s TIR at 98%. No extra injections, it just kind of happened. But of course then I float around 11 all night and because my alarm is 11.5 it didn’t go off :(

Have a great day everyone
Afternoon! 7.3 when I woke at 9.10!
I’d been awake at 2.30, 5.30, 6am, really didn’t think I’d sleep again. Mr Eggy said the look on my face was hilarious when I saw the time. Poor love had been too scared to move and laid still for ages whilst dying for the loo but didn’t want to wake me. I don’t feel refreshed, yet!

Had a good day/evening with our friends, it was so hot though, still is, we ended up walking home at 9.30, the bus route which gets us the nearest to ours, still a mile away, was cancelled! My new fashion trainers rubbed on my right heel and although I put a plaster on, which I always have with me, it has blistered and was bleeding by the time we got in at 10.30. I’m annoyed with myself. 😡

Hoping it’s going to rain today, storms are forecast, need to break this oppressive heat. I was watering the garden last night after we got home and it was so muggy it was unbearable. I picked my first two courgettes whilst I was out and pleased to see that the coriander seeds implanted two weeks ago have at last sprouted. Not sure if they’ll grow into a full blown plant but it was worth a try.

Congrats to all yesterday’s and todays HSers.

Have a good day everyone. I’m doing nowt after a really busy week. 🙂


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And it was a 5.4 for me on yet another hot sunny morning, not been out yet but I can see the trees moving about so there’s a breeze, hopefully it will feel somewhat cooler.
Good morning everyone, I'm still alive! 6'8.

I had a good holiday. Came back to England on Wednesday morning, was working already on Wednesday evening (don't recommend it, was exhausting!) and I basically didn't stop since then. My suitcase remains open in the sofa waiting for its contents to be returned to their place :D

With every visit to my hometown comes some pressure to change my job. Which I agree an extent. This time my mum also pointed out that my house, well, room, is a bit rubbish and maybe I should move. I actually agree with that one, I'm getting more dissatisfied with my living space, especially after staying in a proper house. But to me it would make more sense to change the job before changing the house, so I know which area is more convenient and what I can afford. And looking for jobs seems stressful. It's the fish that bites its own tail... sigh
From what you read places are struggling to recruit staff but that may be because they are offering rubbish wages and working conditions.
I hope you find something that suits you better soon. You may have to think out of the box as to what sort of job you want.
Like my diabetes twin, I went with no basal last night and settled my levels in the mid 4s where they stayed all night with a lovely flatfish graph until just before I woke up when there was a slight drift up to 6.4 so that is my offering for this morning. I too hit it with a couple of extra units of Fiasp on top of my breakfast bolus before I got out of bed and that stopped it going any higher until my morning Levemir kicks in.
Apart from a nasty hypo last night before bed, which was totally my own fault, my levels played quite nicely yesterday. Even during my walk/run out with the pony in that oppressive heat, it stayed really stable and that was after trimming Archie's feet before we went, which was pretty exertive work with it being so hot and humid and had me huffing, puffing and sweating like.... well...a horse!! Clegs were absolutely horrendous, despite fly spray (@TinaD I am open to recommendations if you know of one that actually works!!) and despite it being after 7pm, I got bitten several times myself as did Laura, but the horses were being eaten alive again. I must have easily killed another hundred plus. Olive went really well and was much calmer than the last time we did this and the daughter was more confident, but my friend needs to learn to be more assertive with when handling her. She is a really great pony but she needs confident, assertive handling.

More strimming for me today before the rain comes later this afternoon, but pleased to report my knees are holding up pretty well so far. Not looking forward to the heat but knowing that the weather is going to break later will help to keep me going until I am rained off. I may even go out for a walk in the rain to realign my body and cool off afterwards. Hope I am not reporting a disappointment tomorrow that the rain didn't come but also hoping it isn't too heavy or prolonged!
Sadly not 100%. Mostly Deet seems to discourage things as does NAFoff but not a certainty. Some people like Citronella but I think it just adds piquancy to Palominos for horse flies although the wretched black flies which cluster on the face do seem to be discouraged.. I had some stuff from Amazon (can't trace the order) for people which helped a bit but the only sure thing I have found is used by the SAS (old boy friend) - the problem is that it damned near takes your skin off so not exactly a positive. I go for the SPLAT .." die you barsteward" technique but you can't spend all day swatting ponies. If it gets too bad I just bring them in. Have you tried the gel stuff? It looks rather dear but maybe it will last longer? The gel I use for midges seems to linger for several days.

Glad you asked tho' - gave me a guilt free excuse to sit down with a cuppa instead of laying the last 5m of pond edging. Nearly dead after finishing the electrics, cleaning the filters and dosing the pond. What dozy b. instructs the user to "water it on through a watering can rose all over the surface" when the middle is 4m away? How long do they think their customers arms are?
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Sadly not 100%. Mostly Deet seems to discourage things as does NAFoff but not a certainty. Some people like Citronella but I think it just adds piquancy to Palominos for horse flies although the wretched black flies which cluster on the face do seem to be discouraged.. I had some stuff from Amazon (can't trace the order) for people which helped a bit but the only sure thing I have found is used by the SAS (old boy friend) - the problem is that it damned near takes your skin off so not exactly a positive. I go for the SPLAT .." die you barsteward" technique but you can't spend all day swatting ponies. If it gets too bad I just bring them in. Have you tried the gel stuff? It looks rather dear but maybe it will last longer? The gel I use for midges seems to linger for several days.

Glad you asked tho' - gave me a guilt free excuse to sit down with a cuppa instead of laying the last 5m of pond edging. Nearly dead after finishing the electrics, cleaning the filters and dosing the pond. What dozy b. instructs the user to "water it on through a watering can rose all over the surface" when the middle is 4m away? How long do they think their customers arms are?
We used DEET and Naff Off the other day to no effect at all and Citronella last night and again there was with no obvious deterrent. I have spent a fortune over the years. "Phazor" was supposed to be the wonder fly repellent a few years ago but that didn't work either. My lot have open access to the yard and stable and I seem to do more mucking out in the summer than I do in the winter but it is peace of mind knowing they can get relief when they want it, so I don't worry about them but Ian's lot are being eaten alive every day at the moment. Literally 3-5 clegs on each of them sucking blood all day long at the moment. It is just horrendous. Never known it be this bad and taking them out for exercise, you have the clegs and swarms of pesky flies from the hedgerows.
I am toying with making something of my own with clove oil and vinegar but even then it is only effective until it evaporates and in this heat, that is pretty quick.
Afternoon! 7.3 when I woke at 9.10!
I’d been awake at 2.30, 5.30, 6am, really didn’t think I’d sleep again. Mr Eggy said the look on my face was hilarious when I saw the time. Poor love had been too scared to move and laid still for ages whilst dying for the loo but didn’t want to wake me. I don’t feel refreshed, yet!

Had a good day/evening with our friends, it was so hot though, still is, we ended up walking home at 9.30, the bus route which gets us the nearest to ours, still a mile away, was cancelled! My new fashion trainers rubbed on my right heel and although I put a plaster on, which I always have with me, it has blistered and was bleeding by the time we got in at 10.30. I’m annoyed with myself. 😡

Hoping it’s going to rain today, storms are forecast, need to break this oppressive heat. I was watering the garden last night after we got home and it was so muggy it was unbearable. I picked my first two courgettes whilst I was out and pleased to see that the coriander seeds implanted two weeks ago have at last sprouted. Not sure if they’ll grow into a full blown plant but it was worth a try.

Congrats to all yesterday’s and todays HSers.

Have a good day everyone. I’m doing nowt after a really busy week. 🙂
I bought a coriander plant for a couple of quid from the supermarket last year and split it into several plantlets and put it in the polytunnel and it has given us leaves ever since but pretty well finished now.
Courgettes pretty slow until a couple of days ago and now they have gone berserk and I picked 6 yesterday. The redcurrants are getting ripe as well. But sadly no sign of any tree fruits so they just didn't set fruit.
11:43 BS 5.9 🙂 A long lie on this Sunday morning! A Long Lazy Stretching emoji!

Just about squeezing this one in, without reading posts yet given how long it takes me to type, for a MORNING greeting! :rofl:😉

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Will catch up later as I’m going to eat Sunday, I was going to say brunch, lunch as it just coming up to midday, meds, tresiba & lunchtime! 🙄:D😉 But, not a roast in sight!🙄

Read your posts later! 🙂
6.2 for me this morning, but that was after I’d got up and walked to the bathroom and then the kitchen. I live in a bungalow, but with FOTF that short distance is enough to give a rise, and indeed it looks from my graph that had I done it when lying in bed (as I usually do) that I’d have got a reading in the 5s.

Pizza for tea last night, did not successfully bolus, but did only (!) go up to 12.

@rebrascora @TinaD I found that Superdrug’s “buzz off” insect repellant very good for deterring horse flies. I went wild camping a couple of years ago on a small island on Loch Lomond - which as I’m sure you can imagine was teeming with the horrid things. I used the Superdrug stuff religiously and didn’t get bitten by one once. I realise you might need ones that are heavier duty (not sure if you mean for you or your GGS!) but just thought I’d share!

Another humid day here, but more of a breeze than yesterday. Enjoy your Sunday all!
I bought a coriander plant for a couple of quid from the supermarket last year and split it into several plantlets and put it in the polytunnel and it has given us leaves ever since but pretty well finished now.
Courgettes pretty slow until a couple of days ago and now they have gone berserk and I picked 6 yesterday. The redcurrants are getting ripe as well. But sadly no sign of any tree fruits so they just didn't set fruit.
I’ve tried growing coriander from the pots and even under cover they’ve never worked. When I was in Glasgow for the forum meet @Purls of Wisdom told me she grows her own from the seeds you buy to put in your curries etc, she told me to crush them first and you get more seeds. I’ve had them under cover the whole time so we’ll see. It’s expensive to buy and I use it a lot.
Our redcurrants are just on the turn, we’ve two big bushes. We make redcurrant jelly with them. The problem is trying to get them before the birds! We’ve loosely put netting on them but I worry the birds will get caught so I keep checking.
We planted raspberry bushes this year and they’ve got fruit on, not anywhere near ripe.
I’ve got a few courgettes almost ready. Today’s will make courgette pakoras to go with tonight’s curry.
I’ve tried growing coriander from the pots and even under cover they’ve never worked. When I was in Glasgow for the forum meet @Purls of Wisdom told me she grows her own from the seeds you buy to put in your curries etc, she told me to crush them first and you get more seeds. I’ve had them under cover the whole time so we’ll see. It’s expensive to buy and I use it a lot.
Our redcurrants are just on the turn, we’ve two big bushes. We make redcurrant jelly with them. The problem is trying to get them before the birds! We’ve loosely put netting on them but I worry the birds will get caught so I keep checking.
We planted raspberry bushes this year and they’ve got fruit on, not anywhere near ripe.
I’ve got a few courgettes almost ready. Today’s will make courgette pakoras to go with tonight’s curry.
Once you have them growing and they seed then they tend to self seed everywhere. A bit like rocket which is a pain for self seeding if you don't cut off the flowers pronto.
I like the sound of courgette pakoras.
Good afternoon all. Raining stair-rods with a bit of lightning and one big clap but it might be on and off till midnight apparently. The sounds are loud, the air quality seems to change the noise levels, lots of traffic noise which I don't usually notice, tons birdies tweeting and a party with kiddies somewhere. The air feels clearer, thank goodness.

7.5 @ 6.06am rushed off to Sale to buy mushy stuff and citric fruits for a convalescing family member who was chucked out of hospital too soon, the NHS is doomed. He said the ops were like a conveyor belt. At least he's on the mend now, thank you God and medicos.