Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 7.7 here.

Insulet are being a pain - they won’t bring my next delivery of Omnipods forward by a few days so that they’ll arrive before I go on holiday, which means I’ll run out...fleurrgh...I’ve got to contact the hospital for authorisation...a few days FGS!! What a waste of NHS time.

Happy Monday, folks! 🙂
A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂
It's a couple of degrees cooler than the last few days which is a relief.

7.4 for me but that was after 3 JBs at 3am for a 3.4 and no Levemir on board but I worked really hard yesterday right through the heat of the day strimming. Scored 2 insulin free Solero Ice creams from the shop next door when levels were running low and lots of running my head and neck under the standpipe in the yard to keep me from collapsing in the heat. I promised myself I would keep going until the rain came or I ran out of fuel. Twice the weather teased me with a few droplets of rain and a rumble of thunder but then stopped so I had to continue. By the time the rain came at about 6pm I could barely walk home and pretty much every muscle in my body was screaming at me. Funny how you don't realise you have done too much until it is too late!
Really wanted to crawl into bed and sleep when I got home as I was exhausted but it was my brothers 75th birthday and it took 2 hours and 4 attempts to get through to him, so had to stay awake. Had a lovely chat with him whilst I lay in bed and eased my muscles and we both had a good laugh and it sounded like he had had a great birthday (he lives in Tenerife). I felt surprisingly revived afterwards (the power of laughter) so I got up, made myself something to eat and then swung my legs up the hill to see GGs and put chucks to bed. Legs, arms, back and even hands (they are stuck in that gripping handlebars position 🙄) complained all the way there and back but I know it did me good because I am not as stiff as I expected to be this morning. Got to take the strimmer back this morning and then go to the dentist for some work (replace a crown and 2 fillings that have broken over the past 6 months....It is no doubt an expensive fall out from my pork scratchings addiction! 😱
Anyway, hope everyone has a good day.
Morning. Completely forgot to do morning reading yesterday so don't know the final outcome of the sandwiches and cakes (but also several G&Ts and a rum and Pepsi...) on Saturday (former colleague's 70th afternoon tea birthday party). It was a lovely afternoon and lots of fun (bf drove me over so I could drink and stayed and chatted to my colleagues, the only other male there was the host's husband but bf seems to have still enjoyed it).

Pre-tea BG yesterday was ok though, 6.2 but that was a bit less than 2 hours after a crunchy fava bean snack.

Was running late this morning so brought meter into work but forgot to use it before starting my scrambled egg and coffee breakfast. Maybe I will test pre- and post-lunch instead!
Morning all

After retiring last night on a 5.1 I awoke this morning to another 5.1 - good job I had
a muffin last night before bed as I could have been in hypo territory this morning.

Sorry not had time to read everyone’s posts today, will try to catch up later. Anyway a 7.4 today, probably caused by eating pizza last night. On the plus side I have lost 5lb this week, despite 3 ice creams, and pizza last night. Now I am wondering how much I could have lost if I hadn’t eaten all those things. Weight loss is probably down to all the water I have had with the heat last week.

work once again is overwhelming, getting more and more added to my workload because other people are busy, yet when my colleague and I explain we are busy it gets ignored, I think the mistake we make is to just keep absorbing this work and end up working later and later or lunch breaks. I guess we need to leave some of it as while we keep doing it they will keep giving us more and more.
4.6 this morning for me, hoping today will be better with regard to TIR (a hopeless 39% yesterday thanks to lots of lows and a couple of spikes, grrrr!).

Meeting my son and his new girlfriend went really well, she is lovely and cooked us a tasty curry which we had with some rice and paratha. Needless to say I hopelessly underestimated the carbs so corrections were needed later on.

Waiting for palm to be delivered and boiler service this afternoon.

Repeat prescription I made on the NHS app had been cancelled by the surgery, after a call it seems that the pharmacy had placed a repeat they had made up as nobody had asked me what I wanted! When I collect it later this week I will get them to stop doing repeats automatically for me as it just doesn’t work out for me - a fair amount of variation each month and not easy to say a month ahead when I collect one repeat to place the next month’s order. Think I’ll be better off doing it myself in the last week of each month.

Hope everyone has a good day, and good luck for those with dental work to be done - I feel for you!
First time on this thread and interesting to read how others manage on a daily basis.
I was diagnosed pre-diabetic last September and having been on the learning curve since.
The last HbA1c saw me back on the right side of the line so since January I've only been doing fasting level FP tests. These usually see me somewhere between 5.0 and 6.5 which I'm fairly happy with. Although I didn't set out to lose weight seriously, reducing the carbs has seen a drop of 8.6Kg - though I do miss the homemade bread and spuds!
We do try to eat healthily - loads of veg and salad stuff, not much meat - but I'm wondering if I'm kidding myself with only doing fasting readings? Life is busy and I never seem to be anywhere near the FP test kit 2½ hours after eating. Thoughts?

Life is busy and I never seem to be anywhere near the FP test kit 2½ hours after eating. Thoughts?
Take it with you? I haven’t been anywhere without my fingerprick kit in about 15 years
Obvious, I know. But if you're walking the dog your pockets are already full with phone, car keys, poo-bags, dog treats...
Making excuses, I know. 🙂
Take a small bag? That’s what I did when walking the dog. Millions of diabetics successfully walk dogs.
Evening all. 6.8 for me this morning. 🙂

What are dockens? Dock leaves? I need some of them, the nettles keep getting me! There's not a dockleaf to be had around here. I grow the nettles for the butterflies but never see any. 🙄 I only ever see two magpies, two wood pigeons and one squirrel most of the time and my own two cats and visiting cats and the dancing cat who comes to tease my two. Causes utter mayhem.
I need some of them, the nettles keep getting me!
You probably don't need to fret too much about not finding any.

And yet, the efficacy of the dock leaf in countering the chemicals released by Urtica dioica— the nettle — is dismissed by modern pharmacology. Scientists claim that the juice released from the leaves of Rumex obtusifolius has ‘no pharmacologically relevant properties’— in other words, it does absolutely nothing. Yet researchers do concede that it can still help: apparently the rubbing action, together with a placebo effect that’s been entrenched for millennia, does relieve the sharp pain of a sting. So carry on regardless of the science, just as countless generations have done in the past, and countless more will continue to do so in the future.​
