Group 7-day waking average?

6.9 this morning, woken up by the high alarm at 03.30, which is very unusual for me, checked on finger and yep, 10.4! I was all wrapped up in the duvet and quite warm though, wondering if that or an unremembered dream caused it. Corrected with 2 units but didn’t wake up in time to catch old sensor before it ended to see what happened; I’m going to guess it was okay if 6.9 was the score on the door this morning on a finger prick :rofl: New sensor will only have had a bedding in overnight rather than the full 24 hours I like to give it as I forgot about it 🙄 So fully prepared for a random number generator today!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all.

5.6 after a shockingly high evening. 79% TIR! I think I may have injected my teatime bolus into an internal scar. It felt odd and it hurt. Went from 7.9 to 11.9 arrow up in just over an hour, I peaked at over 13. There’s absolutely no way that should have happened with what I ate. Sweet potato chilli, which I’ve had loads of times. Planned to take a correction at bedtime but at 10.20 I was 8.9 so I didn’t bother, thank goodness. Have skimmed the bottom of the graph alI night, guess the insulin finally got absorbed. Was extra careful this morning. But the good news is the cold I was so lovingly gifted by Zara, is on the way out. I can actually breathe this morning. Fingers crossed I won’t be whinging to you all tomorrow morning. 😉

Nice day today, albeit chilly at the moment, after yesterday’s constant drizzle. Mr Eggy is out already mixing concrete for his greenhouse foundations. Rain stopped play yesterday, he was very cross. I’m going to have a walk to the pharmacy and pick up my prescription ( wheelbarrow ready) and order Mr Eggy’s. It’s a full time job keeping up with our meds!

Have a good day folks. 🙂
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Opened the curtains to a rather wet and soggy Berkshire this morning, the first time in a while, though it's forecast to brighten up later. Hope so - have 2 machine loads of washing to dry.

No hot water yesterday. Reset the boiler twice without success, so switched on our rarely-used immersion heater so our boys could shower, then placed a service call and am expecting an engineer to call me later. Wouldn't you believe it though, we have hot water this morning...! We'll see whether they still want to come.

England disappointing in the cricket yesterday so hopefully a better day today, weather and Just Stop Oil permitting.

One bright note, a 5.2 this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.


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Morning folks. 🙂 5.3 here. I caught my BG sneaking up at 3am and had a correction dose. I MUST have a walk today!

Côr / choir later - no new songs atm, just fine-tuning the usual suspects for upcoming events (which I won’t be a part of cos we’re off to España soon!). 🙂
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

I am off to the hospital for an endocrine review and check up. It's in preston, too far (and tok dangerous) to walk. It will take the best part of the day with the travelling included. I am sure they could do it by phone, email, letter, or even text. So its a bit of a boring day today (better than being an alarming day). I am feeling a bit nervous never-the-less.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Congrats to @Martin.A on that HS. My reading was 6.0 this morning. 🙂

Still in the 8s for me with an 8.3 this morning. Jabbed 7 units of Fiasp and 22 units of Levemir and went back to sleep (for an unintentional hour) and got up JUST in time to get my breakfast before I hit the red but a JB was involved to slow the drop. Nothing like sailing close to the wind! Libre actually said 3,7 at one point but graph has no red on it, so as far as I am concerned, I got away with it. Oh and I had a unicorn day yesterday. Getting a little more familiar with the new phone and using it for Libre but still desperately missing the simplicity of my reader and had another poke about in the nettle patches in Ian's horses field yesterday in the vain hope I would find it and be able to revive it.
Good morning all, 5.7 for me this morning. Yesterday I was told I need B12 injections following a test showing low figures. Anyone had experience of this? Feeling a bit concerned.

I don't have experience of the vitamin B injections but it is good that they have picked it up and are treating you. Are you using Metformin? That is known to inhibit the absorption of B12 from your food and unfortunately any oral supplements too, so injections are the only way to top up your levels. I doubt there is anything to be concerned about and hopefully having them will make you feel better as B12 deficiency can cause fatigue and nerve discomfort like tingling/pins and needles, perhaps cramp. It is important for good nerve health and as a diabetic that is particularly important. Let us know how you get on.
Oh yes, and congrats from me too to @Martin.A on attaining the nominated optimum waking reading this morning!
Still in the 8s for me with an 8.3 this morning. Jabbed 7 units of Fiasp and 22 units of Levemir and went back to sleep (for an unintentional hour) and got up JUST in time to get my breakfast before I hit the red but a JB was involved to slow the drop. Nothing like sailing close to the wind! Libre actually said 3,7 at one point but graph has no red on it, so as far as I am concerned, I got away with it. Oh and I had a unicorn day yesterday. Getting a little more familiar with the new phone and using it for Libre but still desperately missing the simplicity of my reader and had another poke about in the nettle patches in Ian's horses field yesterday in the vain hope I would find it and be able to revive it.

I don't have experience of the vitamin B injections but it is good that they have picked it up and are treating you. Are you using Metformin? That is known to inhibit the absorption of B12 from your food and unfortunately any oral supplements too, so injections are the only way to top up your levels. I doubt there is anything to be concerned about and hopefully having them will make you feel better as B12 deficiency can cause fatigue and nerve discomfort like tingling/pins and needles, perhaps cramp. It is important for good nerve health and as a diabetic that is particularly important. Let us know how you get on.
Thanks Rebsascora, that is reassuring.

5.6 today, so pleased to get a trip into the 5s fairly soon after the other one, hoping for this to be frequent trips. Yesterday’s run was so hard, despite no sun it seemed hotter than during the high temperatures, although we still had temperature of 27 during the day, so I suppose the cloud was holding the heat in. Anyway it wasn’t fast, it wasn’t pretty, but I did it.

new baby step to improving my diet is writing down everything I eat and drink, including logging how much water i have drunk. I also include the calories and carbs, so I can see just how hard the comfort eating affects me, yesterday I did eat a few of hubbies chocolate biscuits after some bad news at work, wasn’t many biscuits, but 435 calories and 50g carbs, eating in seconds, going to put that on the cupboard door as a reminder. Ironically hubby puts them on top of the cupboard so I can‘t see them and get tempted, but I know they are there, so just like a small child wanting to reach something they shouldn’t touch, I got a chair to climb on, rather than using self control. Baby steps on this but hoping it will help me keep a tighter rain on high carb foods again. When I have lost weight on my own I have always kept a food diary including carbs.

we have a grey drizzle today, so whoever had that yesterday might have kept it, still warm.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS today.
A very definite mid 4s for me this morning, 4.5 at 2:44am, 4.6 at 5:55am and finally 4.7 when I got out of bed at 06:31am!

Had to take my wife into work this morning, when we got there at 7:17am my BG had risen to 5.8 purely thanks to dawn as I hadn’t had anything since waking.

After last night’s rain we have sun again today - yay! Hopefully enough to give us free power for some washing which I have been saving until we have more solar power (I’m becoming an electricity miser!). I actually begrudge the 30W we pull from the grid to run the inverter :rofl:

Whilst I have the car today (for Chipsaway to spray around a wheel arch that acquired some scratches from an underground car park !) I hope to get up to the pharmacy at the health centre, collect my prescription and get them to stop ordering repeats for me, I want to handle it myself from now on! @eggyg - I can sympathise in needing a wheelbarrow!

Palm tree will not be delivered until Saturday morning, spoke to the delivery guy at the nursery and he apologised and said he would come to us first thing on Saturday morning. At least we’ll get it then and have the time to plant it.

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS today!

@Gwynn - hope your hospital visit goes well and isn’t too much waiting around and travelling.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are doing!
Morning all

A happy 5.3 for me this overcast morning, a welcomed little overnight rain - the first for what seems like weeks.

Have a good day people and stay safe.
Good morning all. Bit nippy, only 18 in the lounge, I'm not used to it, brr. 🙂 6.8 today.