Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning and a 6.9 from me.

I sort of happy and sad at the same time. My eyes check was clear so really happy as many in the clinic were obviously in a worse place (eye wise). The bad thing was an over 4.5 hour wait for transport home. It would have been over 6.5 but a member of staff gave someone a full force roasting! Great return journey accompanied by attractive, intelligent attendant that made me want to halve my age. We chatted about everything from historic markets thru banger racing to housing markets. The crew arrived at the hospital, saw me and looked concerned. They had been told I lived on the second floor and needed to be carried up the stairs. The relief was immense when I said I was on the first floor and had a choice of two lifts! So it was a late supper and bed...

... only to be woken at 4:00 by phantom pain with painkillers finally starting to come in...

P. S. Although I weigh 100kg I am not obese as I am overtall. The majority of patients seemed to be underheight!
And a for me
Good morning everyone

BG 4.8

Visit to the consultant went well. A few suggested changes to the doses of my meds (down) which was good. The whole trip took 5 hours tho. By the end of it I was worn out. Still, I went for an hours walk and later did a whole lot of keyboard practice (my wife joined me too) and finally ended up composing a new happy song. So all in all a good day.

Today more practice, more exercise and this evening setting up the sound system for the worship team at the church.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
After back-to-back 5.2s I wondered what my chances were of this morning's test producing a prized hat-trick. After thinking (albeit briefly) of testing all six fingers in case there was one in there I chose one and got 5.7, so missed out again. Has anyone ever done it?

Nothing special planned for today, though I might take a trip into town and check out the new factory outlet shop that's opened where M&Co used to be. Then there's the cricket, of course. England look to be down and out but you never know. The weather could yet play a big part in how this one plays out.

Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTo

Lovely photo @eggyg. Our two boys went to their proms in suits, which means they looked pretty much the same as every other boy there. Girls have so many more options.

Grey start again here though it's supposed to brighten up around lunchtime. Hope so - we've had a week of this.

Whatever your plans have a good Saturday.
Morning all. 🙂 6.2 here.

Insulet got the authorization they needed and have brought my order of Pods forward by ONE day - it still might not get here on time, so...another call to the “help” line. I’ve been surprised by the effect the stress has had on my BG - it’s been waaay out of range. Thanks, Insulet. <sticking out my tongue and blowing a raspberry at Insulet emoji>

Gardening today - we’re stuck at home anyway, cos the roads are closed for the first adrenaline fest of the triathlon season. Might wander down to the seafront later and check out the fit bods as they zooooom past on their bikes, tee hee. 😉

Fab pic @eggyg!
Good morning - 4.3

Have a great day everyone
After back-to-back 5.2s I wondered what my chances were of this morning's test producing a prized hat-trick. After thinking (albeit briefly) of testing all six fingers in case there was one in there I chose one and got 5.7, so missed out again. Has anyone ever done it?

Nothing special planned for today, though I might take a trip into town and check out the new factory outlet shop that's opened where M&Co used to be. Then there's the cricket, of course. England look to be down and out but you never know. The weather could yet play a big part in how this one plays out.

Congrats on the HS @MeeTooTeeTo

Lovely photo @eggyg. Our two boys went to their proms in suits, which means they looked pretty much the same as every other boy there. Girls have so many more options.

Grey start again here though it's supposed to brighten up around lunchtime. Hope so - we've had a week of this.

Whatever your plans have a good Saturday.

I would consider three in a month a hat trick!
Good morning.

Yesterday evening's yoghurt has shunted me away from the desired HS - 6.00 this morning.

Quite cold here. Grey and gloomy. What happened to the promised sunshine ? Tempted to go back to bed until sun appears but know if I do I'll be spark out for 4 hours. I am very sleepy at the moment.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable day.
Good morning! 4'2 on Libre but I suspect is actually in the 5s.

I did a few finger pricks this days and the sensor seems to read consistently around 1 mmol less than finger. A reasonable difference so not complaining, but I've been getting way more "hypos" than normal in my graph.

The time when I'm convinced I was actually hypo was after my wine training/tasting on Wednesday. Kept getting alarms and half ignoring them while I walked. Surely Libre was being dramatic and I wanted to see a bit of the city before taking the train back. When I finally sat down in a restaurant it was a bit late and I didn't know what to order, started stressing about losing my train and got an alarming tingly feeling all over my legs. I left the place and bought myself a full sugar coke and some take away noodles for the way home.

In hindsight I should just have eaten first and do the walking when my glucose was more stable. But the combo of alcohol, sleep deprivation and low BG didn't help my brain to take decisions!
On the positive side, I did enjoy this course and found it very interesting. I don't think I have the nose or palate to be a professional on the wine sector tho. Didn't get most of those aromas people were talking about :D

And answering to @rebrascora (days later, sorry!) they will pay me not only the course hours, but the transportation time as well. Which is only fair because it was 3 hours each way 😳

6.1 this morning, after a very rare trip into the low 4s at one point yesterday, to honest I had a false hypo with that trip which is why I tested, anyway an individual size pizza put me back into my normal place.

Nothing much planned for today as knit and natter is still on their holiday break, well the owner of the wool hut where it is held is on holiday, back next week.

pick up my new prescription today, let’s hope the new meds are kinder to my stomach.

@eggyg - your granddaughter looks beautiful, not sure she will appreciate this but reminded me of a real life Elsa from Frozen. I seem to think my daughter’s dress cost more than my wedding dress, then the spray tan, nails, hair, her twin brother who was very short for his age actually fitted into a child’s suit so that saved money, as @Martin.A says not much to choose for boys and not all the other trips to the beautician to factor in.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on the HS

have a good day everyone

6.1 this morning, after a very rare trip into the low 4s at one point yesterday, to honest I had a false hypo with that trip which is why I tested, anyway an individual size pizza put me back into my normal place.

Nothing much planned for today as knit and natter is still on their holiday break, well the owner of the wool hut where it is held is on holiday, back next week.

pick up my new prescription today, let’s hope the new meds are kinder to my stomach.

@eggyg - your granddaughter looks beautiful, not sure she will appreciate this but reminded me of a real life Elsa from Frozen. I seem to think my daughter’s dress cost more than my wedding dress, then the spray tan, nails, hair, her twin brother who was very short for his age actually fitted into a child’s suit so that saved money, as @Martin.A says not much to choose for boys and not all the other trips to the beautician to factor in.

@MeeTooTeeTo - congratulations on the HS

have a good day everyone
The first thing I said was she looked as if she’d stepped straight out of a Disney film, but you’re right, definitely Frozen. She’s usually got sweats on!
Morning all and 7.1 on this dull and oppressive morning.

Not sure what today will bring as we did the supermarket yesterday. I do know that we're having Pork steaks with roasted cauliflower and aubergine for tea.

Have a good day everyone
11.7 for me which very rapidly rose to 13.8 within 10 mins of jabbing my insulin and that was despite a 2 unit increase in Levemir last night.
Had a bad day yesterday as I had agreed to go down to Lancaster with Ian to the "toy shop" (AKA carriage and harness dealer 🙄 ) again for something he had spied on our previous visit. For some reason, my whole body was stiff and aching when I got up and stayed that way all day. Added to that, driving conditions were shocking when we got to the other side of the Pennines particularly going down the M6 with sudden squalls of rain causing visibility to shut right down quite regularly especially as the spray was really bad and quite a lot of people didn't have their lights on. It was just dangerous and stressful. I told Ian he could drive back as I had done my stint. At least he got what he went for, but it wasn't the enjoyable day out that we had both hoped. We don't have holidays as such, so rare days away like this are supposed to be a bit of a treat, but yesterday definitely wasn't. :(

Good to see Dez @MeeTooTeeTo back on form with an HS. Congrats to you and I see @Martin.A got the double yesterday, so well done for that! Shame about missing the hattrick today. I think @Gwynn may have achieved the elusive triple.
11.7 for me which very rapidly rose to 13.8 within 10 mins of jabbing my insulin and that was despite a 2 unit increase in Levemir last night.
Had a bad day yesterday as I had agreed to go down to Lancaster with Ian to the "toy shop" (AKA carriage and harness dealer 🙄 ) again for something he had spied on our previous visit. For some reason, my whole body was stiff and aching when I got up and stayed that way all day. Added to that, driving conditions were shocking when we got to the other side of the Pennines particularly going down the M6 with sudden squalls of rain causing visibility to shut right down quite regularly especially as the spray was really bad and quite a lot of people didn't have their lights on. It was just dangerous and stressful. I told Ian he could drive back as I had done my stint. At least he got what he went for, but it wasn't the enjoyable day out that we had both hoped. We don't have holidays as such, so rare days away like this are supposed to be a bit of a treat, but yesterday definitely wasn't. :(

Good to see Dez @MeeTooTeeTo back on form with an HS. Congrats to you and I see @Martin.A got the double yesterday, so well done for that! Shame about missing the hattrick today. I think @Gwynn may have achieved the elusive triple.
I didn’t drive as far as you yesterday but did a few miles ferrying grandson about. It was awful, mizzle then torrential rain, low visibility, gusty wind. I was out for two hours and I had a splitting headache when I got home that wouldn’t shift. Sure it was stress.
Morning all

And it's a happy 5,0 for me on another grey overcast day here in a parched Bedfordshire, would
someone please arrange some rain as my water butts are empty and I'm having to buy water from
Anglia Water to keep my plants alive.....Not happy about that. :(

Have a good day all and stay safe.
I was 5.7 this morning, with a flat line overnight.

At my parents yesterday, offered to check their blood sugars as they had not long eaten. Both agreed, did Mum first. She got a reading of 20.9 😱 she was much calmer than I'd be - but it turned out she just hadn't washed her hands since preparing the food :rofl: did it again after a hand wash and she was 9.3. Highlights how easy it is to forget that and get a false reading! Turns out I'm still the only T1D in my family :rofl:

Have a great weekend everyone!