Group 7-day waking average?

I've just noticed that the jackdaws have emptied the fat all feeder.
Ours have discovered how to hang onto the various feeders and devour the fat balls within minutes of them being put out! Fun to watch them though!
I know @Pattidevans - I don't understand why they're being so rigid. I managed to get thru to someone sensible at Insulet just now. The order's being sent by next day delivery on Thursday, arriving (hopefully!) Friday morning. It needs to be signed for, which has mucked up my weekend plans somewhat, but it seems I'll get my Pods after all...I'm not holding my breath! o_O 😛
Good afternoon all. Breezy and nice after all the deluges. 🙂 7.7 @ 6.51am 14.10-2 and 50 agh

Thank you for that @Grannylorraine I didn't know they did all that and had a website! I'm impressed. Can't do it yet anyways as I have to pay my son back this week and next week it's cats to vets so expensive so it'll be the week after. It says one week free trial, did you do that? I'm determined to do it, a family member grossly insulted me last night not meaning to but my dander is up!
Good afternoon Tuesday
tested on waking this morning and was 6.1, had a busy morning,

technically I’m still off work,
but went to see one of my customers who needed me
and a neighbouring business who (on her recommendation)
following last week their current supplier letting them down,
I had previously tried to (previously sell into this other business for the last few years unsuccessfully)
but on the recommendation of this one of our customers they were happy to try the service I sell,
so that was good.

like most places it’s a wet day here,
even though I’ve been out in it I’ve managed to today still stay dry

good news
finished the anti-blood clotting injections, I did the last one yesterday,

feet up watching Wimbledon this afternoon
thinking maybe I can stop wearing the surgical stockings now (well they are pretty much worn out anyway)

hope everybody is having a great day 😎


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5.2 for me this morning, but been a busy day so didn't have time to post earlier
I had a 5'2 this morning as well, same as yesterday (not to brag 😎 ). The day before I woke up with 4'3, which is not bad in itself, but it followed a 5 hour stretch in the red zone.

The previous night I had one vodka and 4 shots, and for a light drinker like me, that was too many. It was a mix of peer pressure and the appeal of free drinks :D I did not feel bad or did anything stupid but arrived home dizzy and should have probably eaten some carbs before bed. I thought about reducing my basal next day when I saw all the overnight red in my graph, but it was ridiculously small already and I didn't plan to do any exercise all day so went for the previous day dose. I didn't move my ass from the room and still had a hypo. With that and the wine training incident in the same week, I feel I have to be quite mindful about my alcohol consumption...

(Please don't get a wrong idea, this is by no means a normal week of drinking for me!)

Anyway, after the training I was tempted to buy wine but didn't want any more hypos or headaches, so I tried an alcohol-free wine from Tesco. Okay, for some people might be not worth it but to me feels like a treat and can work for people who are pregnant, have to drive or can't mix their medications with alcohol. One of my supervisors brought a bottle to drink in the staff party because she has rheumatoid arthritis.

Picked a Sauvignon blanc, because so far seems to be my favourite style. That and the slightly sweet German whites.
8.5 today.
Been a bit of a struggle the last few days to keep a lid on numbers so I'll take a number that's in range!

Hope you all have an awesome day x
Good morning everyone,

Been away, back again AND ....

BG 5.2 triumphant return !!!!! 🙂

All else ok

This Wednesdays meet up for a practice has had to be cancelled, sigh

Possibly a meet up with my daughter and her family this weekend as it is her birthday and our wedding anniversary. My wife has now handed over the reigns for organising something as her attempts have not gone well. Hmmmm

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! 4.8 tiday after a better but not brilliant night's sleep. Woke every few hours with different aches and pains but fell back asleep before I decided on pain killers..

Exhausted at end of yesterday by phone calls that needed making. You send ages queuing after entering some basic data only to have to repeat it and more when some numoty eventually answers. They cannot help (can they even understand?) so they transfer you only to repeat the queueing and ID palava! Second person not much better than the first. Sure issues are lack of training and working from home with inadequate systems. Another organisation even says please select the right option as we cannot transfer you. Bl**dy hell I could transfer calls 40 years ago. Sorry ranting as I face more of same today.

Light grey and white sky with sun coming and going. And the eggs are all gone!

Morning all. 8.6 and a unicorn day yesterday. Tired this morning and on the countdown now to the summer holidays. I hope the weather improves, its been really cool and very windy here.
Morning all. And another nice round 6 on this quite nice sunny morning. Only 9c though, probably why I slept right through to 5am.

The forecast is for a dry day, bed stripped me thinks. I’ve also to venture into town for a few bits and bobs, birthday present, a new book that’s out, our local independent bookshop has signed copies, and some Cumberland sausage. I think I’ll go after lunch, there’s no point in rushing about is there?

Congrats to @42istheanswer @Elenka_HM and @Gwynn on your House Specials.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all.

@Bloden and @Eternal422 here’s the first update on Project Greenhouse. The floor! This won’t be happening everyday. Like some of the properties on Homes under the Hammer when they go back in nine months and it just looks the same, this will probably be like that! He made a jig yesterday, whatever that is, something to do with cutting wood to size maybe. And my patio is now covered in sawdust!


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Good morning 6.2 for me today

congratulations on today HS @Gwynn, Plus yesterday @Elenka_HM & @42istheanswer
I did wonder if I was going to join you, as tested just before nodding off and was 5.6.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everybody😎
5.3 this morning, so close to a double!
Snap @42istheanswer! 5.3 for me this morning, wondering if I’d have got a HS had I checked with a finger prick 😉

Was a unicorn all day yesterday until dessert at the pub with a friend, but I was back down to normal by bed time, so just a little spike. We wanted one of the children’s ice cream sundaes for pudding (they tell you how many grams of sugar on the kids menu!) but when we went to order, the server said the rules had changed - anybody over the age of 13 can’t have one 😱 we thought this was a bit ridiculous- but shared an adult ice cream sundae between us instead - we weren’t missing out!

@freesia the countdown is on for me, too - I have a week left!

Have a good day everyone! 😎
5.1 for me, after going to bed with this. A JD + coke, two beers and piles of crisps at the pub followed by a walk home...
Good morning - 8.0 at 6:00

Have a great day everyone!