Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A Saturday lie in, a nice round 7, and a unicorn. What more could I want? How about not having the storms that are forecast from 2pm today and for the next four days!

No massive plans today as had a busy day yesterday with Zara, took her to Talkin Tarn, just 9/10 miles from home. Playground, sand, ice cream, lots of ducklings, a walk all the way round and good weather. Perfect afternoon. She won’t get that in Majorca! 😉 We’ll miss her more than she’ll miss us.

Congratulations @harbottle on your House Special.
Congratulations @Martin.A and Mrs Martin.A on your 34th dateaversary. We always celebrate ours too. On the 5th December this year it will be 48 years! TBF it was hardly a date, I bumped into him on the way to the community centre and he asked if he could tag along, it was closed so we wandered the cold streets and had a snog ( no tongues) underneath a lamp post before he walked me home. We lived in adjacent streets and we were only 15.:rofl: And the rest, as they say, is history. 43 years married this month!

Have a super Saturday everyone. 🙂
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

Yestetday was our wedding anniversary. Very quiet, pleasant. My wife gave me a box of maltesers. She knows I like them!!! Goodness knows what they did to my BG levels.

Today we celebrate my daughters 30 something birthday with a meal at a very nice place at 4pm. I will be careful what I eat tho.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Seems July is a popular time for anniversaries. Congratulations for yesterday and your daughter’s birthday.
Good morning everyone, 5.7 today for me.

Visiting a couple of friends today which will be good as we haven’t seen them for ages. We did all of the washing yesterday so as to leave the weekend free, probably sensible given the forecast of thunderstorms.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS.

@Lanny , so sorry to read about your time in hospital. Thinking of you and hope everything gets sorted soon!

Have a great day today, whatever you are doing.
Morning all on this sunny day. Yesterday's gloom cleared and it was a nice sunny day after all.

3.6 this morning early. Shall have to adjust overnight basals back down after increasing them when I was struggling on holiday.

Went to the garden centre yesterday afternoon. I was dubious that we'd get anything for the tubs to add some colour to the garden, but actually they had a lot of Dahlias on offer at £12 for 3 big 2 litre pots + some Begonia trays, buy one get one free so we did OK. The herbs were rubbish though, so we went to B&M and got 4 pots of herbs, Rosemary, Thyme, Mint and Sage for £10 + 2 tomato plants loaded with tomatoes and a red pepper plant. Was too late to start planting when we got home, so I trimmed my Bay trees that are either side of the front door (I know - they're a cliche) and pulled off all the brown leaves from last year's caterpillar invasion. A task I've been meaning to do for ages. They actually look quite good now.

So today we are planting....

@Lanny, hope you feel better soon and pleased to hear that the Doctor's are now listening to you.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS

@MartinA and @Gwynn congratulations on your respective anniversaries.anniversary-3.gif
Good morning. 5.6

Had a good visit to GP yesterday, liver just doing its usual in and out routine so no worries there, no idea about the rigors in absence of infection (me neither unless it is immune system being more than usually stupid), suggests we try low dose amitriptyline (an old fashioned antidepressant) to help with the pain. Try anything once altho' I don't like the look of the "people who shouldn't take it" list or the side effects. Quite amused to see that he has lost weight (2 and a half stones he tells me) by doing 800 cals a day. Not often you see a Doctor taking his own advice!

Meanwhile my jeans are getting looser so hopefully I will be able to say "SNAP" when I see him again. Be easier if the ruddy pain levels would go down and get me back to exercising my over energetic self. I have plans for a stone wall....

Hope everyone has a good weekend and avoids thunderous deluges.
British GP qualifying today. Think there will be the usual burnt faces and shoulders as some never learn!
Those doctors should follow their own advice and wear plenty of sunscreen. :rofl:
Congratulations @Martin.A and Mrs Martin.A on your 34th dateaversary. We always celebrate ours too. On the 5th December this year it will be 48 years! TBF it was hardly a date, I bumped into him on the way to the community centre and he asked if he could tag along, it was closed so we wandered the cold streets and had a snog ( no tongues) underneath a lamp post before he walked me home. We lived in adjacent streets and we were only 15.:rofl: And the rest, as they say, is history. 43 years married this month!
Our date ended with a kiss, too. 34 years together, married for 27 years come October. When she was a teenager a fortune teller told her that she would marry and have 2 boys. I don't go for that stuff but guess what - we have 2 sons.
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And it was a 4.8 for me earlier today.
I was 5.4 a few hours after breakfast, so no change really from waking level of 5.2.

Which led to muse on the 'DP' and 'FOTF' syndrome that many T2s experience - I don't believe I do get it. When I was first diagnosed I took a few readings and morning fasting levels were low sixes, which given that my hba1c was 83 is quite good.

I'm not sure how much the 500mg of Metformin is contributing to things! (Which to be honest, I forget to take more often than not these days)
I was 5.4 a few hours after breakfast, so no change really from waking level of 5.2.

Which led to muse on the 'DP' and 'FOTF' syndrome that many T2s experience - I don't believe I do get it. When I was first diagnosed I took a few readings and morning fasting levels were low sixes, which given that my hba1c was 83 is quite good.

I'm not sure how much the 500mg of Metformin is contributing to things! (Which to be honest, I forget to take more often than not these days)
Excuse my ignorance but what are DP and FOTF?
After trying various different changes to when to take insulin it seems, at this time of keeping BS up, an hour or a bit more after eating is working best: still MASSIVELY reduced doses, though; it’s new to all of us as I’m the exception & don’t I know it after reading you lovely lot’s post here! A few surprises & I’m ordered to have dessert & the offers of tea throughout the day! It’s getting there.

Because of the Bank Holiday coming up, 12th. July is a BH in NI, things are delayed a bit & I’ll be here until Tuesday at least. Still tests to do & hopefully I’ll stop swinging from one extreme to the other? I may need HRT and/or Cortisol replacement: read up on it last night & it confused me as it looks like it’s too high to me; but, too low a level sends signals to the brain to counter that! Too much Cortisol makes extra glucose in the blood to feed the brain: certainly explains a few things; periodically going too low & brain overreacts!
Excuse my ignorance but what are DP and FOTF?
Dawn Phenomenon and Foot on the Floor.
It is when in the early hours or as soon as you get up out of bed your liver becomes super helpful and releases glucose to give you energy for your organs to function and to give you energy to 'hunt' for breakfast. Thought to be a hangover from our ancestors.
For some people it causes a significant rise in blood glucose and some need to take that into account with their insulin dose.
For those not on insulin and using their fasting reading as an indicator of progress can be an annoyance as fasting blood glucose reading can remain high when other readings are getting better.
Excuse my ignorance but what are DP and FOTF?
DP = Dawn Phenomenon (I believe when the liver begins to dump glucose into our blood stream to give us energy to go and catch our breakfast from the caveman days).

FOTF = Foot on the Floor (when your liver dumps glucose into your bloodstream when you get out of bed in the morning for the same reason as above).

Edit: I see @Leadinglights can type faster than me 🙂
Oh! I forgot! One thing of note came up today in that my meter readings, ALL THOSE EXTRA TESTS FOR MY POOR FINGERS GETTING PURPLE BRUISED, are reading 1mmol higher than the hospital meter! Some nurses having been asking me to check & others use the hospital’s: new, to me, weekend shift nurse figured it out & ordered all nurses to use the hospital meter; object lesson to other nurses “Didn’t you figure this out already?” We agreed that I won’t test anymore unless I feel low say in the quieter middle of the night night shift! Shifts in this hospital are two shifts of 12 hours. We’ll all be on the same page!
Our date ended with a kiss, too. 34 years together, married for 27 years come October. When she was a teenager a fortune teller told her that she would marry and have 2 boys. I don't go for that stuff but guess what - we have 2 sons.
A Tarot card reader told me I would meet and marry a man with size 8 shoes (also some other detail regarding where we would live and other stuff all of which was spot on - scarily so). Within a few months I met J who has size 8s. He was married, but 2 weeks later he told his wife, who turned out to be in love with someone else. We've beern together 40 years, celebrated 38 years of marriage in June and we were freindly with his ex until she died a couple of years ago.
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