Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - sun and clouds, but still hot and sticky. No rain forecast until tomorrow.

7.7 this morning. Was in high teens last night after dinner. We ate up the gnocchi dish with peppers, tomato, garlic and chorizo that I'd made the previous evening, supplementing it with a slice of Lidl tortilla. Too much potato I guess. Kept on lobbing corrections in, but only came down gently overnight.

Not doing anything in the garden today except sitting with a book. Even the ironing can wait. Julian finally lost his patience trying to clean the iron. So he removed the sole plate and what a mess of melted plastic was inside.... so a new iron it will have to be.

Have a super Sunday everyone.
I was 5.7 this morning and was a unicorn … went out for my monthly breakfast catch up with my friend at Harvester and once again saw the dizzy heights of 16 o_O Going to give it a hefty pre-bolus next time we go and see if that helps it; it went quite high last time too. Soon came down though, back in the 8s a couple of hours later and that was with only one correction, so it could have been worse, and I enjoyed the breakfast!

Lots of heavy rain showers/thunder here last night and this morning! Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!
Good morning everyone! 7'2 today, after some apple juice for a low alarm 40 minutes earlier.

I had a day off yesterday and did a few little chores I've been putting off. I also had a nice chat with my parents on Skype and later went to Asda. I wanted the tiny cans of Coke for hypos, for a change, and some shirts for work. There was nothing in the women's section and the ones in the men's section (where I get them at Primark) were too big sizes. But I found plenty of shirts in the "school" section, just 6'50£ for a pack of 2... And the 15-16 year olds size was PERFECT for me. Advantages of being small! :D

Also got some foods I haven't tried before, including paneer, a vegan version of sour cream+chive dip and "carb lite" wraps, which are roughly half the carbs of the regular ones. Looking forward to the taste test.
Good morning - 6.8

Have a great day everyone
Good morning. 5.8, been a while since I was in the fives, I put my basal back up to it’s pre heatwave amount about a week ago, it’s obviously just kicking in now.

We didn’t get rain yesterday, apart from a spit and a spot, so Mr Eggy got cracking on Project Greenhouse. We now have the start of a frame. I can’t show you as he’s covered it over with plastic incase of rain. More wood ordered to come tomorrow. Just hope that rain stays away.

Off to meet a friend for lunch, normally I’d be running after Zara today but she’s off to Majorca this afternoon. Lucky girl, she’s not even 2.5 years old and she’s already been on a two week Mediterranean cruise and now this holiday. I was 23 years old when I first went abroad, then I didn’t go again until I was 33! I’ve made up for it since though.

Have a Happy Monday everyone. It’s dry and sunny here, although only 13c. Think I will take my brolly with me when I go out though. 🙂
Morning all. 7.7. Where did the weekend go?! We've got 12 working days left before the summer holidays and they are jam packed busy so i'd better get up and moving.

Have a good day everyone.
5.9 for me this morning. Thought I’d broken my sensor last night as knocked it on a door frame - and it immediately went from telling me I was in the sevens to telling me I was 10. Finger prick confirmed I was still in the 7s, but an hour later it seemed to have righted itself, it obviously just experienced some trauma :rofl:

I’ve got 3 working days till the summer holidays - but we do go back for inset on August 23rd, so we pay for it then! However today I am leading a trip to the zoo - my first proper school trip with type 1, so who knows what’ll happen, eek! It’s meant to start with good weather and then rain - if the rain could just hold off till we’re leaving about mid afternoon, that’d be fab!

Have a great Monday all!
I’ve got 3 working days till the summer holidays - but we do go back for inset on August 23rd, so we pay for it then! However today I am leading a trip to the zoo - my first proper school trip with type 1, so who knows what’ll happen, eek! It’s meant to start with good weather and then rain - if the rain could just hold off till we’re leaving about mid afternoon, that’d be fab!
Enjoy the trip!!
Enjoy the trip!!
Thank you - I’m a mix of looking forward to a nice day and just wanting it to be over! I don’t mind trips but don’t like the responsibility of being the lead. However, my friend is a secondary school teacher and is currently leading a trip to a rainforest in South America - if he can do that, sure I can manage the local zoo :rofl:
Good morning 6.3 today,

One more week and 2 days until my foot/leg comes out of plaster
Looking forward to next Wednesday that’s when my ankle gets x-rayd
then a AirCast Boot is apparently the plan
before I’m back to “Normal“

have a great day everyone 😎
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
Pulse 50
BP 118/69

I love my weighing scales !! They said I had lost 2Kg yesterday !! Ok probably way (weigh) off, but that's what they said.

Today reformatting a load of song sheets, lots of keyboard practice and exercise, exercise, exercise!

I think I've developed an addiction to raspberries and strawberries !!!

Went for a lively 'intermediate length' walk with my wife yesterday. A nice walk. Listened to a great bress band on the prom on the way back. Rushed home when the sky turned a darker shade of black. It tipped it down just after we got home. Good timing but I felt for the band members who probably got soaked.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 9.8 here, last nights dinner was really heavy, Lasagne followed by a huge lump of (deliciously tender) pork, followed by apple strüdel. Shoved in insulin in three split boluses, but still undershot and rose gently for several hours in the night.