Group 7-day waking average?

Stress related. Police stuff (again). I heard from my new SOIT officer yesterday explaining why she didn’t call last Wednesday. The email was full of jargon.
I replied asking for a face to face meeting with her initially and another one with her, the officer in charge and the DS who oversees the team.
It’s stressful dealing with them at all but deal with them I must.
Lots of intrusive flashbacks so needed a distraction from those. That distraction was the new Mission Impossible film and what a belter of a distraction it was!
It’s huge fun and the stunts are many and magnificent. There’s even a decent plot and good acting!
6.6 for me today - I survived the zoo yesterday without being rained on (bar some drizzle for 5 minutes) and my sugars behaved better than they do when I’m at work normally. We didn’t end up eating lunch till really late, so it was a great basal test :rofl:

Out of the frying pan of the zoo and into the fire as it’s sports day today - it never rains but it pours (hopefully not literally, looking at the weather forecast!).

Have a lovely day all.
Morning all. 6.8. Busy day at work today then meeting a friend for a coffee, home for tea then walking to another friends house for a catch up. I'll try to make sure its not too late a night.

@ColinUK we went to see Mission Impossible last night too. Wow! What a film. I can't wait for Part 2!
Out of the frying pan of the zoo and into the fire as it’s sports day today
We have our sports day coming up. I dread it every year but the kids love it. I'm glad the zoo trip went well.
We have our sports day coming up. I dread it every year but the kids love it. I'm glad the zoo trip went well.
Thank you - ours has been organised a bit differently this year, infants are in mixed year group teams and they rotate round 6 or so activities like a carousel, collecting points as they go. We had a practice on Friday that was okay, hoping todays goes as well as that one did! (But will still be glad when it’s over!)
A very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

That’s how I’ll post on here now on with no waking reading: don’t need it; have no waking resistance to worry about or before meal readings necessary! I eat, wait an hour, test & adjust dose, a little on WHAT I eat & how high I go, & inject. BS levels go up a bit more but, they come down & I don’t swing high or crash low! COULD start work on lowering tresiba a bit but, I’ll stick with that in case things change with on going HRT etc. done at the GP end of it after I’m well now that BS is stabilised.

At home now catching up on lost sleep! A Strean of Z’s emoji!

4.5 on this dull drizzle day, starting a 4 week summer challenge on my Davina exercise app today, haven’t done anything from that since I came home from my holiday in February.

got a call from my DN yesterday saying she wasn’t happy that the practice nurse had only offered a Slimming World voucher to help me, anyway outcome is that I am being referred for one of the Diabetes courses run by Oviva, not sure which of their courses it will be yet, referral will take 3 - 5 days to be processed so whichever one it is I will probably start at end of July after I am back from Norfolk.

@ColinUK - so sorry to hear the way the police are messing you about, it is just not acceptable, sending you virtual hugs today. might suggest to hubby that we go see the Mission Impossible film at the weekend while he is off.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS and nice to hear your wife had a lovely day baking.
Morning all. 4.8! I know, I know. Never been known for me to be so low first thing. I’ve checked my metre that read 4.6!

I had a strange day yesterday, met friend for lunch. Service very slow in this particular cafe and I was going low ( 4.8) so didn’t want to pre bolus. Ordered ciabatta tuna melt. They brought our drinks and my friends lunch, she just had a scone, so I injected a cautious 5 units at 1pm. The ciabatta was brown, ( I shouldn’t really eat brown stuff) there was a salad with it too, and I shouldn’t eat tomatoes either. When it came, eventually, I was still 4.8. Took a while to eat as we were gabbing and it was big. Got home at 2.30. 7.8. Happy with that. 4pm 10.1 going up, 11.2, 10.8 then 11.8 at 6pm. I had had nothing to eat since lunch as I was very, very bloated and felt unwell. I had a 1.5 correction at 6.20, should bring me down. 4.5. By 6.55 I was 8.9, half an hour later 7.8, then it dipped to 5.9 going down, then 4.9 going down by 8pm. I decided, even though I didn’t want to as I was still very, very bloated and felt rubbish I’d better attempt to eat. I had a slice of toast, no insulin, and I immediately felt better, my bloating receded straight away. I then had a dark Blue Riband. Stomach got flatter! Went to bed on 8.1. No correction, no snack, just bed with my normal basal dose. Woke at 3.30, 4.9, I thought it was a compression low so ignored it, 4.50am 4.7, ignored it. 6.16am 4.8.That’s when I got up, pootled about upstairs for five minutes, came down still only 4.9! That’s when I checked on my meter. Decided to just go with my normal morning ratio, 1:5 and injected 10 units of bolus for two slices of toast. Obviously I didn’t have to wait long before brekkie, had it half and hour after injecting, one hour later I’m 4.7! Think it’s the old digestion problem again, I’m really going to have to try and get it sorted now it’s affecting my BG control more and more. Fingers crossed for a better day. Low residue diet for a few days, no cheating, no fruit, veg or brown stuff!
Sorry for such a long pity party post but I know you’ll, maybe not totally understand, but at least empathise. As we all know how frustrating D can be without added complications.

Have a great day.
Morning everyone - I had six biscuits before I went to bed last night :( so I need to (a) go to bed earlier and (b) turn off the biscuit bitch's voice in my head. It used to be the wine witch but I stopped drinking nearly 3.5 years ago and the biscuit bitch has definitely taken over. I never even used to eat biscuits before I became ill with my pancreatitis etc so why now? We never even had biscuits in the house when the children were growing up and then hubby started liking digestives a couple of years ago and it's a slippery slope - he's a fell runner so that's fine for him but I'm a middle aged, diabetic woman who cannot afford to eat them. And don't even get me started on the Grasmere gingerbread. It's so delicious that we've started finding an excuse every week to drive via there to pick some up. Anyway - enough from the Cookie Monster, have a great day everyone. xxx
Morning all. 4.8! I know, I know. Never been known for me to be so low first thing. I’ve checked my metre that read 4.6!

I had a strange day yesterday, met friend for lunch. Service very slow in this particular cafe and I was going low ( 4.8) so didn’t want to pre bolus. Ordered ciabatta tuna melt. They brought our drinks and my friends lunch, she just had a scone, so I injected a cautious 5 units at 1pm. The ciabatta was brown, ( I shouldn’t really eat brown stuff) there was a salad with it too, and I shouldn’t eat tomatoes either. When it came, eventually, I was still 4.8. Took a while to eat as we were gabbing and it was big. Got home at 2.30. 7.8. Happy with that. 4pm 10.1 going up, 11.2, 10.8 then 11.8 at 6pm. I had had nothing to eat since lunch as I was very, very bloated and felt unwell. I had a 1.5 correction at 6.20, should bring me down. 4.5. By 6.55 I was 8.9, half an hour later 7.8, then it dipped to 5.9 going down, then 4.9 going down by 8pm. I decided, even though I didn’t want to as I was still very, very bloated and felt rubbish I’d better attempt to eat. I had a slice of toast, no insulin, and I immediately felt better, my bloating receded straight away. I then had a dark Blue Riband. Stomach got flatter! Went to bed on 8.1. No correction, no snack, just bed with my normal basal dose. Woke at 3.30, 4.9, I thought it was a compression low so ignored it, 4.50am 4.7, ignored it. 6.16am 4.8.That’s when I got up, pootled about upstairs for five minutes, came down still only 4.9! That’s when I checked on my meter. Decided to just go with my normal morning ratio, 1:5 and injected 10 units of bolus for two slices of toast. Obviously I didn’t have to wait long before brekkie, had it half and hour after injecting, one hour later I’m 4.7! Think it’s the old digestion problem again, I’m really going to have to try and get it sorted now it’s affecting my BG control more and more. Fingers crossed for a better day. Low residue diet for a few days, no cheating, no fruit, veg or brown stuff!
Sorry for such a long pity party post but I know you’ll, maybe not totally understand, but at least empathise. As we all know how frustrating D can be without added complications.

Have a great day.
Sorry you're going through all that Elaine and makes my biscuit frenzy seem so selfish. What falls into the brown category?
Good Morning 10.2 this morning .
Wow @Nayshiftin. Well done. 🙂

Morning all. 🙂 9.3 here - that’ll be the lack of exercise and I won’t have time for a proper walk until Friday, so I’ve tweaked my basal in preparation. <pat myself on the head emoji>

Glad to hear you’re back home @Lanny - what an ordeal! Enjoy your zzzzzzzzzz’s.
Sorry you're going through all that Elaine and makes my biscuit frenzy seem so selfish. What falls into the brown category?
Anything with fibre in basically. I just eat white bread, albeit homemade as I can’t stand supermarket blotting paper, white rice, pasta etc. Limited veg and fruit unfortunately. No nuts, seeds, skins. Tomatoes are a killer, and I know I shouldn’t eat them and sometimes I’m fine with them but I’d had a salad Sunday night and then yesterday just tipped me over the edge along with the brown ciabatta. Luckily, chocolate, although it’s brown, is absolutely fine! Chocolate is my failing, although I do like biscuits but I only buy boring ones!
Managed a 5.0 today, but thanks to a correction at 1am when I scanned a 9.6. The result of an evening when nothing satisfied and I just kept on and on grazing :( . Morrisons delivery today and I have ordered some olives, I have been craving something savoury in the evenings and hopefully that will stop me eating rubbish sweet stuff all evening!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS today!

@ColinUK - sorry to hear of all the stress you’ve been going through, obviously more CCC is needed!

Hope everyone has a good day.
6.1 for me this morning. 🙂
More wet weather forecast. :(

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