Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 6.3.

Clouds rolling in again. Oh joy.

Yesterday was a bit of a pain. Had just got dry and comfortable after sorting flood water/drains etc and felling part of a willow tree which had decided to split and shed branches over the herb bed, when a strange car arrived. A couple of people I hadn't seen for 7 years, the male having tested my electrics (for which he had invoiced and been paid). Wanted free legal advice. Why people expect me to sort their ruddy affairs out (for free) and not accept I have retired I do not know. So today I shall be stuck sorting through their paperwork as it is of course urgent - no time for them to instruct (and pay for) a local solicitor. Fortunately the quarry owner rang so I was able to urge them out of the door eventually - I had begun to think they had grown roots in the kitchen chairs.

Nipped over to the quarry and inspected sandstone - very nice, good price, delivery Friday. Had just settled down after dinner to watch antique road trip when the phone rings - the quarry again. Could they come now? The lorry was loaded and leavng it full over night was bad for its springs...So back out into the by now pleasantly dry evening to move car, trailer, etc to make space. Good thing I had gone to the "Hole in the wall" earlier so I could pay for my my gleaming golden pile of stones. Now need to organise a digger for next week end...

I swear if I can find one I am moving into a smallholding as far up the hills as a Himalayan monastery. It's either that or buy a pack of man-eating wolves. This is no place for a recluse.

On the good side the back held up and is now only muttering a bit rather than sending out "scream required" messages. Hopefully I shall find time to get the rest of the willow felled today - my phone line runs through its upper branches so I daren't leave it for a local feller who would inevitably drop it onto any future chance of reading @ColinUK on the operas.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all. 5.4 today on rising at 5.30. Been awake since 4.15 and I was 5.2, does that count? 😉

Better day yesterday, stomach wise. Was very careful, bland and beige, that sums up my diet yesterday. TBF it wasn’t that bland, beige can be tasty, I made salmon and lime fishcakes. Very nice they were too. Will have Quiche Elaine today with new potatoes from the garden, Mr Eggy will also have salad, I will refrain.

Forecast rain all day, it’s pouring at the moment. A housework day methinks, with a bit of reading thrown in. Not sure Project Greenhouse will be happening today. The first part of the frame is fixed to the wall, I’ll try and get a photo later. It’s all covered up at the moment.

@TinaD we’ve a spare bed, come and stay with us and help Mr Eggy with the greenhouse, he needs someone practical ( I’m useless), we’ve got a pond you can mess about with and lots of trees and hedges you can deal with. No one will find you up here! I’ll feed you. 🙂

Have a wonderful, probably wet, Wednesday. 🙂
Good morning - 6.2

The London Dungeons were great yesterday! Unfortunately on the way to get us the 2nd coach broke down so we were picked up by at 3 and got back at 5:30 instead of leaving at 1 and back for 3. The first coach came and left and some teachers switched coaches which meant they must have known 20 minutes before telling us. I just feel bad for those who had to get buses after and for the teachers.

Have a great day everyone
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Morning all. 5.6 for me, 94% in target yesterday and 87% over 7 days. Finally, stats are looking better!

The sun is shining atm but rain is forecast for later. I haven't needed to water my plants in days.

Has anyone heard from @Michael12421? He doesn't serm to have posted for a long while. Also @rebrascora not for a few days (unless i've missed both as i'm so tired i feel like i can't see straight!).
Good morning! 6.9 for me today.

DN should be coming to dress leg today. Yesterday's foot swaddling doesn't come as high as last week so I have covered leg wound with a Mepore dressing to try and prevent leakage staining ComfiFAST tubular bandage over everything.

The usual Mixture sky promising sunshine and rain!
Morning all. 5.6 for me, 94% in target yesterday and 87% over 7 days. Finally, stats are looking better!

The sun is shining atm but rain is forecast for later. I haven't needed to water my plants in days.

Has anyone heard from @Michael12421? He doesn't serm to have posted for a long while. Also @rebrascora not for a few days (unless i've missed both as i'm so tired i feel like i can't see straight!).

@rebrascora posted on the Wordle-Quordle thread a short while ago. Why not join in!
Good morning 6.0 on the nose today
thinking I forgot to post yesterday oops..

busy day today as today (not next Wednesday I come out of plaster) looks like I got confused
glad the NHS now text a reminder of forthcoming appointment.
so fingers crossed following x-rays I swap the leg in a cast for a Air-Cast Boot today

I’ve got someone coming to the bungalow hopefully
he’s happy to do a few finishing off jobs
including painting, tiling, hanging some doors which is good, off to drop the wife at her work now

have a great day everybody
5.3 for me today, but I had been lying in bed reading for half an hour by that point - AND the graph showed the slightest increase upwards (so tiny) so wondering if I’d have managed 5.2 had a I scanned half an hour earlier!

Last day of term for me today! (But I do go back in August, so it’s not all fun and games :rofl:). However very happy to have made it! Hope it goes fast for those of you who finish later than me. I survived Sports Day yesterday without getting wet - don’t think the same can be said of the juniors who had theirs in the afternoon, but I was inside by that point! Out tonight too, so a busy day ahead for me and the sugar levels!

I was also wondering about @rebrascora - and if she ever found her libre reader!

Have a good day everyone!
9.8 but held steady through the night at around that.
Basal reduction last night and probs could have gotten away with a small correction before bed. Will see over the coming days if it was a bit too aggressive.
Back at drs for more bloodwork today. Last one's inflammation markers had them more concerned than usual so will see if it was a one off.
Also need to try and get a stool sample into them for calprotectin test (IBD screening). Was a hosp requested one. Kinda surprised as the referral was only made a couple of weeks ago and I've had the sample stuff since Friday. Thankfully it can be handed into the doctors and processed from there so the game this morning is can I go in the next hour when I've taken codeine for epic period pain for 3 days (usually affects me going) :rofl:.

Anyway that's my overshare for the day!

good luck to @Lucyr today with her libre training, you'll be a pro in no time 🙄:rofl:. Gotta jump through those hoops 😉
Its 9.1 but I ran out of strips last night so on a different metre and last night the accu check was 5 lower than this Synco one. I tested after with this one to see the difference but husband said it might not be linear .
Anyways its just marker at the moment.
I’ll either stick with this metre as I have strips in date or I will swap back.
I like the accu check as smaller and lighter but getting strips is not as easy to buy except online. I thought I had another tub but with testing more they go so quick. Tbh I had stopped testing until before my HbA1c test as it made it go away. Yes , Wake up its not going like my weight unless I work at it. Yes stupid I know
Booking opened this morning for the next season at Covent Garden. I’ve spent way too much money but I’ve booked for:

Das Rheingold
Jeptha (which I’m also seeing at the ENO next season)
La forza del destino
L’elisir d’amour
The Dante Project (a new “monumental” work mixing dance and opera apparently)
Picture a day like this (a new opera partly written by one of my favourite playwrights, Martin Crimp. I used to love doing his plays when I had the chance)
New work by Fallen Angel dance company - they specialise in working with recovering addicts and others with trauma. They conceive narrative works collaboratively and the dancers are also mainly addicts. I think it might be quite a powerful piece.

I’ve also booked for The Handmaid’s Tale at the ENO today as it was bugging me I’d not booked.

There are some things I’m not seeing at Covent Garden next season but it’s mainly because I just didn’t fancy them. And 9 additional CCC’s is enough to keep me busy!

Tomorrow I’m seeing Don Carlos with a friend who hasn’t ever been to an opera before. It’s had solid 5* reviews and all I really know is that pretty much everyone ends up dead at the end of the four hours!
A 4.4 for me this morning. 🙂 Haven't seen a blue sky for days and days. :(

Morning all. The sun is shining and with a cool breeze it’s just right for me. And with a nice round 5.0 it’s great to be alive
Another sunny morning but there are some ominous looking clouds around and we have yet another thunderstorms warning. June might have been the hottest ever recorded but I'm beginning to miss it.

Woke just after 5 and could I go back to sleep? Could I hell. Gave up after an hour, got up and put the kettle on, tested and - bullseye..!! Maybe I should get up early more often.

Session 3 (of 6) of my surgery's Managing T2 programme tonight. We were advised to download an App that enables us to connect with a team of mentors, but they all seem to be in India. Checked out one and it all seems a bit Gwyneth Paltrow to me so not sure I want to connect. Not really into all that well-being stuff (apparently we should try and spend some time each day with trees).

Will be out front later cutting the grass and taming our fuchsia, which has gone a bit wild. I'm having to push branches aside to get to the front door. Then it's back to the tennis. Fewer matches now we're at QF stage but tighter matches, too.

Our eldest graduated a year ago next week and he's having a reunion with his old Uni mates to mark the occasion, heading off this evening. Where've they chosen for their get-together - Albufeira. He's not long been back from a week in Malta with his mates from round here. Our annual family holiday in Cornwall next month will seem tame in comparison.

Hope you get sorted today @MikeyBikey

Have a good day, weather permitting.


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Hi. Thanks for your concern guys.
Afraid I am really struggling mentally with stuff and having to use a phone for my Libre has really rocked the boat. The final straw I guess! My management has suffered as a result and I am just not wanting to post my results, not because you lot will judge (because I know you won't) but because I just don't want to own or acknowledge them. Can't believe how much such a simple change can throw me off balance so much and I would have expected to be getting better as I become more familiar with the new phone, but actually finding it more of a challenge as each day goes by. Added to that I changed sensor on Saturday night but was out on a drive on Sunday with the horses when the changeover was due and forgot to take my new reader with me (left on charge at home 🙄 ) so I am now committed to the phone app for the next 2 weeks and giving myself a good kicking as I am the only one I can blame.
I am not sleeping well because I am not at ease with using the phone. I wake up when the alarm goes off and can't figure out how to work it when my brain is foggy with sleep whereas the reader was just so easy, so I just press the home to make it stop, fiddle for a bit, get frustrated and give up and go back to sleep and then wake up later when I am really low or really high and have to battle through greater brain fog as well as battle high or low levels. TIR is the lowest it has ever been and I am comfort eating because I am frustrated and levels are not stable, making me want to comfort eat. It is a right vicious circle and I need to get off the rollercoaster.

Sorry for the rant. It is such a minor thing (using the phone app instead of a reader) I really don't understand how it has derailed me so much and not just with my diabetes management but sleep patterns, exercise, confidence and motivation have all been destabilized. It really has had a massive impact.