Group 7-day waking average?

Sorry for the rant. It is such a minor thing (using the phone app instead of a reader) I really don't understand how it has derailed me so much and not just with my diabetes management but sleep patterns, exercise, confidence and motivation have all been destabilized. It really has had a massive impact.
Could you fingerprick for a couple of weeks instead?

I will try to pop down for a listen!
We start ringing at 11am with different people ringing for 45 mins then we are attempting a quarter peal (45min non stop) in memory of one of our group who passed away recently with just 6 people including me as I had known him for 44 years.
I hope we don't disgrace ourselves if you are able to come and listen.
Good morning everyone

Menacing clouds everywhere

BG 5.4

Been up for hours converting song sheets...on the last one now...for this folder...there are 4 more folders to go

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

6.4 today, but didn’t eat a proper meal yesterday as I got a call from my daughter to see if I could go and look after her daughters while she went to hospital, she had a small op on Friday and was in more and more pain, could hardly walk and feeling very sick. I needed up eating a 2 finger Kit Kat, bag of crisps, something called a light whip which although low sugar was sweeter than the Kit Kat with all the sweetness. Anyway daughter got to the hospital at 6pm, finally made it home at midnight, so was nearly 1am before I got to bed, daughter has an infection, prescribed antibiotic, different painkillers and rest, she will find the resting part the hardest. Anyway didn’t think reading was too bad considering what I ate, but stomach is letting me know it’s not happy this morning.

@Michael12421 - good to hear from you again.

@rebrascora - sorry to hear you are struggling, totally understand how just a small change of something routine can affect mental health, cause worry etc, I am also a comfort eater, but we are all here for you, as you are so supportive of all of us. Take care.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS

@Lanny - pleased to hear you are now home
Sorry for the rant. It is such a minor thing (using the phone app instead of a reader) I really don't understand how it has derailed me so much and not just with my diabetes management but sleep patterns, exercise, confidence and motivation have all been destabilized. It really has had a massive impact.
Rant all you want, Barbara - we don't mind. I'm sure this will quickly pass and you'll be back to your usual self again.
Could you fingerprick for a couple of weeks instead?
For the waste and cost implications, I might as well just rip the sensor off and start a new one with the reader but I won't do that. Even if I did go back to finger pricking, I don't currently have enough test strips to cover testing regularly and a repeat script will take at least 5 days but just doesn't make economic sense to do that. I barely use 2 test strips a week now, so don't keep a large stock.
Can get them on Amazon I paid about a £10; I think Just use them as a back up I use my phone for my scanner now 24/7 as I didn't get the libre 2 scanner . Haven't had a face to face assessment at Sunderland royal for over 3 years and my last nurse left last May . Haven't replaced her yet . Hope you get it sorted out you seem an intelligent girl . We all get a bit low with this diabetes stuff
For the waste and cost implications, I might as well just rip the sensor off and start a new one with the reader but I won't do that. Even if I did go back to finger pricking, I don't currently have enough test strips to cover testing regularly and a repeat script will take at least 5 days but just doesn't make economic sense to do that. I barely use 2 test strips a week now, so don't keep a large stock.
If you did to the take the sensor off you could always report it as having fallen off.

Also which finger pricking monitor do you use? I’m sure someone will have spare strips we could send you if you felt that’d be useful.
I’m sure someone will have spare strips we could send you if you felt that’d be useful.
I’ve certainly got too many AgaMatrix wavesense jazz strips than I’ll use now on sensors
@rebrascora you can use the reader along with the phone but the alarms won’t work as you started it with the phone. Could you live without them or maybe set your alarm for through the night when you possibly might go low/high?
@Michael12421 glad to hear you are ok. I hope the heat calms down and you feel better.

@rebrascora rant all you like. We all know what its like when struggling with something. You'll get yourself sorted soon and back on track.

Keep posting every so often both of you so we know you're ok.
@rebrascora you can use the reader along with the phone but the alarms won’t work as you started it with the phone. Could you live without them or maybe set your alarm for through the night when you possibly might go low/high?
Thanks Elaine, but the reader will only work if you start the sensor with it. If you started the sensor with a phone then the reader will simply not pair with the sensor.
I don't really care about the alarms that much although I have certainly benefitted from them since upgrading to Libre 2 at the beginning of the year, but I have another 11 days with this phone before I can go back to using the reader and in a lot of respects I am lucky to have the phone as a fall back in the first place..... although that was the reason I got it, so going to take credit for good planning. Just unfortunate that I hate it!
I think I am just frustrated with myself as much as anything. Frustrated that I lost the reader, frustrated that I cannot motivate myself to get out and exercise which I know will help with the frustration, mental health and BG levels and frustrated that due to a variety of social situations, I have gone off track with my low carb way of eating and I am now battling horrid cravings and comfort eating and using lots of insulin and getting fatter. I know what I need to do but just can't seem to get my foot on the first rung of the ladder at the moment to make progress.

You are all correct of course that I will turn things around and get back on course and this is just a minor blip in the scheme of things, I just need to take time out for my head to be in the right place to start that process. At the moment I am barely treading water, but at least I am not drowning and I know I am so fortunate in so many MANY ways that posting all this just makes me feel ungrateful and pathetic..... which is kind of why I wasn't posting about it...... but really appreciate all your good wishes.

As ArnIe would say... "I'll be back!"
Hi @rebrascora

So sorry you are in this rough place. If you have the reader then it's also a meter. I have a box of 50 freestyle strips that work with the reader that I can send you. Just PM me your address and I'll get them in the post first class. I may have more, but they are out of date (mind you I am still using them)
Afternoon all on this very changeable day. Doesn't know what it wants to do, sunshine or showers or both.

5.0 this morning. Not too shabby, though it spiked horribly last night after beef bourguignonne and a jacket potato.

Re: weather, just don't know what to put on. I got changed 3 times yesterday. Firstly in smart trousers and a light sweater as I was attending a PPG meeting at our Dr's surgery. They phoned at the last minute to cancel it, so I got changed into jeans and went grocery shopping instead. It was quite cold. Then later it was so hot and sunny and we decided to nip down the pub for one so I changed into shorts! Tonight there's a meeting of the village fete committee... I don't suppose it matters one iota what I wear!

@Michael12421 it really is lovely to see you posting again. Please don't go away. You know we're here to support you.

Have a wicked Wednesday all....
If you did to the take the sensor off you could always report it as having fallen off.

Also which finger pricking monitor do you use? I’m sure someone will have spare strips we could send you if you felt that’d be useful.
Afraid that would not be within my moral compass.

As regards the BG meter.... I am throwing hate at that as well! The hopeless thing eats batteries and test strips like I can eat chocolate! 🙄 Of course it waits until I have but blood on a strip before it tells me the battery is flat and in fact the batteries are not flat and if I take them out, warm them up and put them back in, they work fine, it just likes to waste test strips and I can't be chewed with taking the batteries out, warming them up and putting them back in every time I need to test..... although when compared to taking a sample of urine, adding a reagent, lighting a Bunsen burner and boiling it up, I think I am probably being ungrateful again.

This is the second replacement meter I have had from the company due to this issue so I am pretty sure it is a design flaw. Sometimes it works OK but at least 50% of the time it wastes a strip if I don't preempt it and warm the batteries first and when you are hypo you really don't need the extra aggravation. I bought some Optium test strips for the Libre to see if that was a better solution but I haven't really trusted the results it gives me as they are often lower than the Libre sensor, which is almost always lower than my Caresens Duo and lower than I actually feel. So if Libre says I am 3.9, Optium might say I am 3.6 and my Caresens will say I am 4.5 and I don't feel hypo.

I really appreciate you all trying to find solutions for me but when I feel like this, I am not an easy person to help and that is why I tend to withdraw from people, until I am back on an even keel. I know I am being unreasonable and difficult and it aggravates me, so I know it must be frustrating and irritating to others but I am afraid the best way is to let me stew until I am ready to pick myself up again and I know that, given time, I will bounce back. I have been through enough cycles of this with my mental health to know it ebbs and flows and I will be OK in a few more days. X