Group 7-day waking average?

A 4.6 for me this morning. 🙂
Will be trying to get some sense out of Nodel later about my parcel which is 3 days overdue. 😡

Good morning all, 5.3 this morning for me.

New app worked just fine overnight but I see that it has been removed altogether from the Apple App Store - presumably due to the various issues people have been having. Hopefully this means that a fix is on its way soon.

@eggyg - thanks for the pictures, loving the greenhouse! Like the design with the half timbered end, it will look great when completed!

Just work today and no doubt dealing with IT issues other than LibreLink :rofl:

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning all, 5.3 this morning for me.

New app worked just fine overnight but I see that it has been removed altogether from the Apple App Store - presumably due to the various issues people have been having. Hopefully this means that a fix is on its way soon.

@eggyg - thanks for the pictures, loving the greenhouse! Like the design with the half timbered end, it will look great when completed!

Just work today and no doubt dealing with IT issues other than LibreLink :rofl:

Hope everyone has a good day!
I saw your post on FB. Fingers crossed it’ll sort things. Are your readings recording in logbook? Mine aren’t unless I scan. Maybe they never will but it feels odd not having them. Im not sure of the advantage yet, apart from not having to lift my phone and swipe it on my arm. That was really difficult, not! (It’s like the new kettles that you ask Alexa to switch on. How hard is it to flick the switch on the kettle after you’ve filled it? ) I’ve still to look at my phone. :confused: I’m not big on change, it takes me quite a while to embrace it.
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Don Carlo - Giuseppe Verdi
(1886 version)

Royal Opera House
12th July 2023

Not written one of these for a little while as, although I’ve seen things, none have really warranted a full blown CCC. Don Carlo most certainly does!

Great seats in the stalls, far enough back for the rake to be effective and give a wonderful view of the entire stage which opens, as the first notes rise from the ever magnificent orchestra, to reveal a forest at night in winter. Bare trees dot the landscape and a frozen river snakes its way downstage. The only thing which was missing for me was the joy of seeing it snow. And snow is something the ROH do really effectively. It might have been a nice touch to have the curtains open and for the audience to be met with snowfall in the forest but that would have created issues to be cleared up for the next scene I guess.

Plot wise this is actually really rather sensible and logical. Perhaps that’s because it’s based on a Schiller play which is based on historical events and people. Perhaps it’s because I’m getting used to the absurdity of opera plots and now view things like this one as being realistic.

Don Carlo enters the forest. He is the heir to the Spanish throne. His dad, King Philip II of Spain, has fixed a marriage between Carlo and Elizabeth of Valois, sung beautifully by Lise Davidsen, as a method of ensuring peace between France and Spain.

Carlo isn’t sold on the idea of marrying someone he’s never even seen so he’s absconded from the Spanish court and has travelled in disguise to Fontainebleau (hence the forest setting) in order to see what Elizabeth looks like without letting her know who he is. He’s lurking in the forest to meet her and meet her he does.

Somehow she’s lost in the forest that’s her actual back garden and can’t find her way back to the chateau. DC stumbles upon her, or she stumbles upon him I guess, and he falls in love with her immediately. She falls head over heels for him at first sight as well.

As they’re both singing how much they are each in love with each other and how they would both die for the other a volley of cannon fire is heard in the distance. It’s marking the signing of the peace agreement between Spain and France and is a reason for unbridled joy and celebration. Well it would be if it wasn’t for the fact that DC’s dad, King Philip II, is so full of the joys of peace that he announces his intention to marry Elizabeth himself.

DC and Elizabeth are mortified and vow undying love to each other. Elizabeth also vows that she has no choice but to marry Philip and starts calling DC “son”. He starts referring to her as “mother”.

DC retreats to a monastery where the tomb of his grandfather King Carlos V is located. It’s a beautiful set that ingeniously moves the tomb across the stage and drops in a cloisters setting so that we get two viewpoints as the action moves around the tomb. I’m describing it poorly but it is a really rather elegant solution to the question of how you can hide characters in positions that they can eavesdrop without being seen but still being visible to the audience.

DC asks the memory of Carlos V for advice, and mentions that the cloisters are haunted by, not quite a ghost, but the memories of Carlos V. He decides, with the help of his most trusted aid, to go to Flanders and basically use that as a reason to mount a rebellion against Philip II. Sort of. I think.

Meanwhile there’s a lady in waiting who’s head over heels in love with DC (of course there is!) and she’s heard his lamenting that his love can’t be acted on. She then discovers that it’s not her he’s in love with but Elizabeth. She vows revenge. He’s never shown any interest in her at all so I’m not sure what she’s vowing revenge for other than her own warped sense of entitlement that she should be able to get any man to love her.

There’s a huge subplot with catholics vs protestants and the Spanish Inquisition. It’s a bit unclear to me what was actually going on but it mattered not one jot as it was beautiful to see and to hear.

Anyway, lady in waiting steals love tokens given by DC to Elizabeth and gives them to the King. He now thinks that the Queen has been unfaithful and wants her punished and DC dead. He asks the Grand Inquisitor if it’s OK to kill his own son. He’s told that God killed his own son so no reason why that rule wouldn’t apply to the King and DC.

DC and Elizabeth meet, knowing that they’re in danger, and vowing undying love for each other. She beseeches him to leave so that he can live. She’s happy to die so that he can live. He reluctantly agrees and then she comes up with a magnificent notion that DC should kill Philip and drag her “to the alter, drenched in his blood”. He agrees with that.

There’s a sword fight between DC and some Flemish protestants on one side and Philip, guards and the Inquisition on the other. DC is killed. Elizabeth isn’t killed or banished to a convent. Philip lives on but has to bow to Inquisitor (and therefore accept that the Church is above even a King). Then the presumed dead Carlos V makes an appearance and is very much alive and all is right with the world again.

It’s an odd ending which suggests Verdi just ran out of time to write a proper one or maybe had a pressing dinner engagement and left it undone. But it doesn’t matter. The whole piece is magnificent. The music is sublime. There’s a cast that’s probably somewhere near 150 in total. I would happily see this again tonight if I could.

The added bonus was seeing Lise Davidsen as Elizabeth of Valois. She’s been lauded as a voice of a lifetime and as much as I love seeing Angel Blue in any role it’s crystal clear that Lise is in a different league. She’s a true star with phenomenal control as well as a beautiful tone and it’s all backed up by solid acting ability. She’s going to be someone talked about for a long long time and I’m delighted that I got to see her perform.

Also got talking to a critic who was sitting next to me (and my Panto friend Tom who also loved it!) and she asked to read some of my CCC's and was talking about getting me into a program that the ENO does where they take newly formed opera fans and work with them on writing their experiences before publishing them on the ENO website..... You get free tickets and also get paid for anything they publish... so watch this space....

Oh and Tom, who's now a casting bod, has offered me a film role he just can't see anyone else doing. He's sending the script over and I'll read it and get back to him with thoughts. I'll probably say yes because it's something coming from a good friend and there's no pressure. So watch this space as well!
I saw your post on FB. Fingers crossed it’ll sort things. Are your readings recording in logbook? Mine aren’t unless I scan. Maybe they never will but it feels odd not having them. Im not sure of the advantage yet, apart from not having to lift my phone and swipe it on my arm. That was really difficult, not! (It’s like the new kettles that you ask Alexa to switch on. How hard is it to flick the switch on the kettle after you’ve filled it? ) I’ve still to look at my phone. :confused: I’m not big on change, it takes me quite a while to embrace it.
Libre app just wouldn't stay connected so I've turned that off and gone back to Shuggah which is working perfectly. Unfortunately the adhesive patch over the new sensor isn't doing what it was designed to do and is slipping. If it lasts the day I'll be amazed.
Mr Eggy’s favourite shop. He’s always “nipping” to Wickes. I don’t think that’s a euphemism. 😛
Trev was like that with Toolstation, always popping in for bits. Now he works there!
GoodMorning 6.0 again today

yesterdays hospital visit went very well
although it was quite painful on my ankle making my way to and from X-ray dept
I was only going from the fractu clinic so as you can imagine, it wasn’t like the other end of the hospital

x-rays done and they were with the bone healing process
So plaster cast was removed 🙂
sent home with an air-cast boot (I look like a storm trouper in it)
more x-rays in another 4-6 weeks

I have a phone consultation with my GP today
and need to speak to work to update them on my expected RTW

Have a fabulous day all 😎


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a very bad day yesterday, felt tired all day, was suffering all day with allergies, so I ate an ice-cream and about 10 chocolate digestives, did it make my allergies go away, of course not, just made me feel worse as blood sugars went crazy high and stomach groaned. Anyway 6.7 today going to go to yoga tonight,
Morning all and 7.1 for me.

Could be busy. I've got to get seem gear posted to the USA asap and take a back up of some gear and email that over. Unfortunately I don't have a key to the room that particular gear is in. I know who has one key but they're away. Trying to contact the other key holder.

Have a good day everyone.
Are your readings recording in logbook? Mine aren’t unless I scan.
No, to get a logbook entry you have to either enter a note on the Home Screen of the app, or manually scan.

I also miss having the TIR % on the Home Screen, instead you have to go into the TIR report.
Been catching up on sleep😛retty much only awake to eat; de stressing first talking away at home where no one can hear me; couldn’t do that in hospital & didn’t sleep at all the last two days as I dozed off, felt myself start to talk & jerked myself awake! Now going over hospital stay while releasing hormones to get over it & soon be back to normal sleeping!

DSN just came round & fitted with first libre 2 sensor. Just waiting for it to go at 11:33. Working on lowering tresiba as I can’t maintain tea & biscuits every hour out of the hospital & almost heading off hypo after first breakfast dose of 36NR so, it’s been 20NR across & will be for next three days while tresiba is reduced to 78 from midday later.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already had breakfast, wait for midday meds & tresiba & back to bed! A stream of z’s emoji.

Oh! Woke around 09:30 on BS 5.0: set libre low alarm to that & no high alarms; BS is up at 1 hour after eating from 11 to 14mmol normal dose & if more carbs are eaten I go a bit higher to 15/16mmol so, a bit more NR, +2 in the hospital.
A late, Morning all.
Couldn’t get to sleep last night until about five this morning so just woke up. Anyway, it’s a 4.8 for me on another grey day.
Now I need my porridge so I’m getting up with half the day gone already.
Colin’s Cultural Corner

Don Carlo - Giuseppe Verdi
(1886 version)

Royal Opera House
12th July 2023

Not written one of these for a little while as, although I’ve seen things, none have really warranted a full blown CCC. Don Carlo most certainly does!

Great seats in the stalls, far enough back for the rake to be effective and give a wonderful view of the entire stage which opens, as the first notes rise from the ever magnificent orchestra, to reveal a forest at night in winter. Bare trees dot the landscape and a frozen river snakes its way downstage. The only thing which was missing for me was the joy of seeing it snow. And snow is something the ROH do really effectively. It might have been a nice touch to have the curtains open and for the audience to be met with snowfall in the forest but that would have created issues to be cleared up for the next scene I guess.

Plot wise this is actually really rather sensible and logical. Perhaps that’s because it’s based on a Schiller play which is based on historical events and people. Perhaps it’s because I’m getting used to the absurdity of opera plots and now view things like this one as being realistic.

Don Carlo enters the forest. He is the heir to the Spanish throne. His dad, King Philip II of Spain, has fixed a marriage between Carlo and Elizabeth of Valois, sung beautifully by Lise Davidsen, as a method of ensuring peace between France and Spain.

Carlo isn’t sold on the idea of marrying someone he’s never even seen so he’s absconded from the Spanish court and has travelled in disguise to Fontainebleau (hence the forest setting) in order to see what Elizabeth looks like without letting her know who he is. He’s lurking in the forest to meet her and meet her he does.

Somehow she’s lost in the forest that’s her actual back garden and can’t find her way back to the chateau. DC stumbles upon her, or she stumbles upon him I guess, and he falls in love with her immediately. She falls head over heels for him at first sight as well.

As they’re both singing how much they are each in love with each other and how they would both die for the other a volley of cannon fire is heard in the distance. It’s marking the signing of the peace agreement between Spain and France and is a reason for unbridled joy and celebration. Well it would be if it wasn’t for the fact that DC’s dad, King Philip II, is so full of the joys of peace that he announces his intention to marry Elizabeth himself.

DC and Elizabeth are mortified and vow undying love to each other. Elizabeth also vows that she has no choice but to marry Philip and starts calling DC “son”. He starts referring to her as “mother”.

DC retreats to a monastery where the tomb of his grandfather King Carlos V is located. It’s a beautiful set that ingeniously moves the tomb across the stage and drops in a cloisters setting so that we get two viewpoints as the action moves around the tomb. I’m describing it poorly but it is a really rather elegant solution to the question of how you can hide characters in positions that they can eavesdrop without being seen but still being visible to the audience.

DC asks the memory of Carlos V for advice, and mentions that the cloisters are haunted by, not quite a ghost, but the memories of Carlos V. He decides, with the help of his most trusted aid, to go to Flanders and basically use that as a reason to mount a rebellion against Philip II. Sort of. I think.

Meanwhile there’s a lady in waiting who’s head over heels in love with DC (of course there is!) and she’s heard his lamenting that his love can’t be acted on. She then discovers that it’s not her he’s in love with but Elizabeth. She vows revenge. He’s never shown any interest in her at all so I’m not sure what she’s vowing revenge for other than her own warped sense of entitlement that she should be able to get any man to love her.

There’s a huge subplot with catholics vs protestants and the Spanish Inquisition. It’s a bit unclear to me what was actually going on but it mattered not one jot as it was beautiful to see and to hear.

Anyway, lady in waiting steals love tokens given by DC to Elizabeth and gives them to the King. He now thinks that the Queen has been unfaithful and wants her punished and DC dead. He asks the Grand Inquisitor if it’s OK to kill his own son. He’s told that God killed his own son so no reason why that rule wouldn’t apply to the King and DC.

DC and Elizabeth meet, knowing that they’re in danger, and vowing undying love for each other. She beseeches him to leave so that he can live. She’s happy to die so that he can live. He reluctantly agrees and then she comes up with a magnificent notion that DC should kill Philip and drag her “to the alter, drenched in his blood”. He agrees with that.

There’s a sword fight between DC and some Flemish protestants on one side and Philip, guards and the Inquisition on the other. DC is killed. Elizabeth isn’t killed or banished to a convent. Philip lives on but has to bow to Inquisitor (and therefore accept that the Church is above even a King). Then the presumed dead Carlos V makes an appearance and is very much alive and all is right with the world again.

It’s an odd ending which suggests Verdi just ran out of time to write a proper one or maybe had a pressing dinner engagement and left it undone. But it doesn’t matter. The whole piece is magnificent. The music is sublime. There’s a cast that’s probably somewhere near 150 in total. I would happily see this again tonight if I could.

The added bonus was seeing Lise Davidsen as Elizabeth of Valois. She’s been lauded as a voice of a lifetime and as much as I love seeing Angel Blue in any role it’s crystal clear that Lise is in a different league. She’s a true star with phenomenal control as well as a beautiful tone and it’s all backed up by solid acting ability. She’s going to be someone talked about for a long long time and I’m delighted that I got to see her perform.

Also got talking to a critic who was sitting next to me (and my Panto friend Tom who also loved it!) and she asked to read some of my CCC's and was talking about getting me into a program that the ENO does where they take newly formed opera fans and work with them on writing their experiences before publishing them on the ENO website..... You get free tickets and also get paid for anything they publish... so watch this space....

Oh and Tom, who's now a casting bod, has offered me a film role he just can't see anyone else doing. He's sending the script over and I'll read it and get back to him with thoughts. I'll probably say yes because it's something coming from a good friend and there's no pressure. So watch this space as well!
A great night all in all. Don Carlos is my favourite opera. I love the ending - superbly strange and Elizabetta's final scream is chilling. Montserrat Caballé does it full justice.
New app worked just fine overnight but I see that it has been removed altogether from the Apple App Store - presumably due to the various issues people have been having. Hopefully this means that a fix is on its way soon.
I looked last night and saw there was no update for me on App Store - this must be why! I’m a bit nervous to update to be honest, going away on Monday and could do without glitches!

I was 5.6 on my new sensor and 5 on a finger prick - so could be anywhere between the 2? (I know what number I’d pick! 😉). First day off, spent the morning dashing around sorting supplies and holiday bits and bobs plus washing etc! Now finally sitting down to read for a bit!
I was 5.6 on my new sensor and 5 on a finger prick - so could be anywhere between the 2?
I think that’s pretty good between the two given the differences between ISF that the Libre measures and direct blood glucose tests. The iphone app has been removed from the App Store today whilst bugs are being fixed, so you’ll just have to hang on to your current version for now anyway. It may be worth holding off updating for a bit anyway, especially if you’re going away and want to be sure of the app being reliable.