Group 7-day waking average?

I must be getting old, I thought I had posted...

5am BG 5.3
BP 117/72
Pulse 52

I got bogged down in music sheet conversion and after that, then exercise (twice 165 mins)

Have a great day (what's left of it) whatever you are doing.
Oops, forgot to post this morning, (7.5 anyway), had a bus to catch. We took a bus up to the pass and a cable car up from there, to 2,700m and visited some World War 1 trenches and tunnels. Can’t imagine what it must have been like fighting at that altitude in steep, near barren rock. This was the path down to one of them.Italian version of health and safety is…'oh by the way, there is a sheer drop, just be careful and do it at your own risk'
We start ringing at 11am with different people ringing for 45 mins then we are attempting a quarter peal (45min non stop) in memory of one of our group who passed away recently with just 6 people including me as I had known him for 44 years.
I hope we don't disgrace ourselves if you are able to come and listen.
Just seen on Bellboard the quarter was successful, well done! Was that your first since the knee injury? Hope the rest of the tour goes well.
Libre app just wouldn't stay connected so I've turned that off and gone back to Shuggah which is working perfectly. Unfortunately the adhesive patch over the new sensor isn't doing what it was designed to do and is slipping. If it lasts the day I'll be amazed.
Mine kept losing touch too & pinging alarm every time to scan it again when trying to sleep. So, turned off the alarm, slept & up at 16:40 ish on BS 5.1. Then, while sluggishly getting up to eat p, the low alarm set at 5.0!

BS is doing the expected, anyway as I wake at BS 5.0 ish, eat, an hour after eating inject 20NR, go back to sleep & drift down again to 5.0 ish & start over again.

Normal sleep now with normal dreams so, won’t be sleeping round the clock for much longer. THEN, start working on getting a rhythm back, be it wrong way round or not, where I’m not sleeping all the time!
We start ringing at 11am with different people ringing for 45 mins then we are attempting a quarter peal (45min non stop) in memory of one of our group who passed away recently with just 6 people including me as I had known him for 44 years.
I hope we don't disgrace ourselves if you are able to come and listen.
Lovely to meet you. Nice crowd of campanologists with you. Hope you all enjoyed our bells. I sat outside and listened for a bit then had to get back to sort out stuff.Good luck with the rest of the trip.
Well, evening all. It's been a bit of a changeable day with sun, cloud and a chilly breeze, then sun again.

7.1 this morning and a dreadful line overnight. Went to bed at 1 am and didn't sleep very well, awake from 05:30 and finally gave up and got up at 7:30. Then started messing about with a computer game and suddenly realised how much time had passed and had to rush to get ready as we were meeting friends in town for lunch.

Had a super lunch, moules, skin on chips and bread... guesstimated 40g carb. Rose to 13.1 but as no pre-bolus I guess that wasn't too bad. Oh and 2 spoons of Julian's choccie torte with custard. Then we went back to our friends' house for coffee which progressed onto them opening a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc - and another, before we hoofed it to the bus station and we just got home. We don't see these friends often as they spend a lot of time in the home counties and only come down here for a visit these days.

Dreading downloading the new Libre app onto my android and may wait a while before doing it.

@ColinUK loved the CCC.

@pawprint91 the difference between 5.0 and 5.6 is negligible and you could see that if you did a blood test on two different fingers.

So... hope you've all had a good day!
@pawprint91 the difference between 5.0 and 5.6 is negligible and you could see that if you did a blood test on two different fingers.
Thanks Patti 🙂 I wouldn’t usually check from sensor to fingerprick but happened to as it was a first reading from a new sensor - and was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy!
Thanks Patti 🙂 I wouldn’t usually check from sensor to fingerprick but happened to as it was a first reading from a new sensor - and was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy!
Good! I've always found mine very accurate. I know some don't get on with them.
Lovely to meet you. Nice crowd of campanologists with you. Hope you all enjoyed our bells. I sat outside and listened for a bit then had to get back to sort out stuff.Good luck with the rest of the trip.
Fantastic to meet you and I forgot to say how impressed I have been with all your garden renovations. I am sorry for the confusion about who I was, I had meant to tell you my name last night but my free 30min Connection ran out and Tim jumped to conclusion as one of the other is diabetic, I am convinced she is Type 1 or LADA as she has lost so much weight and actually looks really unwell. At least she now had basal insulin and gliclazide but without bolus insulin for the carbs she is still having so as not to lose more weight, I think she will still struggle.
I hope you enjoyed listening to the ringing, we enjoyed the rest of the day and had a lovely meal at an Indian restaurant in St Clears where we are staying.
Just seen on Bellboard the quarter was successful, well done! Was that your first since the knee injury? Hope the rest of the tour goes well.
You obviously still keep and eye on ringing activities, brilliant. I rang a quarter peal in April up in Yorkshire, which was my first since the knee injury. Where did you used to ring, I think you mentioned you didn't ring anymore.
A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

My very first libre post:- looks like I’ve been climbing The Alps! 🙂


Looks like I was lucky to have just downloaded the app in time, around 09:45, yesterday as it’s not on the Apple app store anymore as it keeps losing contact & not behaving like a CGM but, manual scans work most of the time!

Technically I’ve been up since 20:45 last night & I JUST KNEW IT: my day is the wrong way round now that I’m not just awake to eat; Ah well, can work on getting body clock back eventally!

Been eating all quick, easy, dingable ready meals for 4 days but, now feel ready to cook today: fancy an omelette later for lunch & try either 10NR or none at all; too risky to try it for breakfast now as I’m dropping towards the bottom of the valley now! So, one more ready meal now: had to throw out most of last week’s shopping when I got home & ordered all ready meals, tins of soup & microwavable burgers with bun & cheese; have 2 ready meals left & 2 burgers! Another tesco shop coming 10:00 to 11:00 with stuff I’ll cook now that I’m up, out of catch-up sleep mode!
Good morning everyone

I decided to post first thing today as I forgot until way late yesterday

BG 5.2 yessss. Can I have a very tall house. It would help my insecurity complex being rather short ! 🙂

I haven't done the other readings yet...

We had a music practice at the church last night and I was asked to do the sound and thrn at the end I was specifically asked to do the sound this Sunday. Made my day.

Today, NO song sheets to convert having completed the present folder. Only 4 more folders to go when I get them!!!

I feel particularly lazy this morning so I will have to put in some extra determination to get oht there in the cold and exercise! 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 6.0

Have a great day everyone
Morning campers. 6.9 and a nice steady night. Checked on meter 7!

All being well, I’m meeting my first ever Type 3c this morning. @zippyjojo, and not only Type 3c but we had the exact same operation which lead us to this sorry state! 😉 Looking forward to it.

We had a good day yesterday. Whilst I got my hair cut Mr Eggy nipped to Morrisons to get Hovis granary bread flour, it’s the only place in town that sells it, whilst there he got 4 litres of whipping cream from their bakery department for £2, that’s the normal price. I read on a FB group I’m in that you can make butter from this, ( not as fatty as from double cream) we’ve done it before and it does work but have only had a small amount of cream to work with. We got 2.3 kilos of butter and 1litre of buttermilk. That would have cost us at least £18 ( at £2 a pack) from the supermarket. I don’t know how much buttermilk sells for.
We also got another bargain, we needed one more floor tile for the greenhouse base just to fill in a small gap. We went to get one in B&M and they had two left but both broken, which was fine for what we wanted, they usually sell for £18 each. The assistant said we could have both for half the price of one. Bargain we thought. She told the girl on the till. I also bought a picnic blanket as we left ours in Scotland, she totted it up and said £16 please. I had looked at the price of the blanket and thought it said £8 but my eyesight isn’t the best and thought I’d misread it to or it was reduced, but when we looked at the receipt the blanket was £8! Hmm….:confused: Ah well, their loss our gain ( even if it was only a quid).:rofl:

Have a fab Friday folks. Weather a bit inclement today after yesterday’s dry, sunny day. 🙂
5.3 this morning. Woke early and listened to the new album by the folk/prog group Strawbs and enjoyed it a lot.