Group 7-day waking average?

Late to report today but I was 5.6 (same as yesterday) with the flattest line I've had overnight for ages! It's been thoroughly miserable weather wise here too today, rain and wind non stop all day! I have also felt a bit off ... Not sure if it's just the changeable weather or if all my rushing around is catching up with me and I'm coming down with something - hopefully just the first one as I'm meant to be going away in Monday!
Good evening all. I am back from sisters. Went to diabetic clinic with her for check up after her being in hospital with ketoacidosis etc. I kept dobbing her in to everybody. 🙂 Upshot is she's having a meds review for her insulin and has to wear Sketchers, not slippers, to protect her feet indoors as we both go about with bare feet! :( The Podiatrist said to treat feet like glass, once broken that's it, no going back. Today 8.4 @ 5.42am not surprised as ate a pile of rubbish yesterday.
We’ve had a great time. We nattered non stop for three hours. Only stopping to eat/drink on occasion
We’ve had a great time. We nattered non stop for three hours. Only stopping to eat/drink on occasion!
We hardly drew breath! So lovely to natter for so long. I wonder if we scared off anyone on the neighbouring tables with all our talk about surgery and drains - I can’t say I noticed 🙂
Good morning. A totally undeserved 5.7.

The high spot of yesterday was meeting up with @Leadinglights and hearing the bells - which i couldn't have done if the freeloading "clients" had not been over half an hour late for their appointment. I simply decided enough was enough and went to the church. No message to say why late but got back to a scribbled note full of excuses and an email practically demanding that I amend their draft. So I did - a mere 2 hours work which was relieved by the sound of the new (and horribly expensive) gardener (more an hour than junior doctor even if they accept the new pay offfer) strimming round the baby wood.

My lovely neighbour had met the freeloaders when parking up his Landie and thought the female was downright odd, a judgment I could only endorse. Oh well, I did point out that they must go find, and pay, somebody professional to look after their affairs in the future. I was so irritated by the matter that I ate nothing all day but a very nice pear tart which I had baked to calm myself early in the early morning. So I expected a humdinger of a score this morning but got quite a good one. What a weird illness D is. Also how daft am I to find baking a soothing activity!

The other diabetic on the ringing team seemed very frail and ill. I hope she improves - she obviously has some spirit to go on the trip.

Weather very wet with thick cloud, more like an auturm day than a summer one. Family are coming for 2 weeks in August so I am crossing my fingers it will improve by then.

Have a good day everyone.
We enjoyed our ringing day in Swansea and Carmarthen but did get rather wet, and predicted to be just as bad tomorrow.
Good morning! Just off to bed again. I woke about 2:30 with fourth bout of phantom pain in 24 hours with three hypos in the same period. After tossing and turning for an hour I got up to take some strong painkillers and make a coffee. Did the Wordles for distraction as I waited for them to kick in.

BTW BG 7.2.

It's lighten up a bit to show horizon to horizon grey sky promising lots of rain! On the plus side there should be no stinking BBQs!
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A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉


A bit of a messy day, as seen above! Got a lot of visitors yesterday as it was my 2 eldest sisters’ birthday & 6 family members all turned up at the house to see me, not long out of the hospital, & celebrate the birthdays together: was just taking midday meds & tresiba at the time; took the pills but, forgot the tresiba. What with all the loud chatting, we’re a noisy bunch, & the tea I kept checking the libre quite a lot & kept wondering why my BS was staying up for so long after midday? Finally realised just before 16:00 that I couldn’t remember injecting tresiba & realised I’d forgotten it so, in it went.

BS started to go down & up a wee bit for quite some time afterwards & I watched everybody have take out fish & chips while I waited for my BS to go down. Man! I REALLY wanted some! But, had a teeny tiny bit of a hastily bought, while the fish & chips were ordered, Victoria sponge cake & single candle: we all laughed at the audacity of my SIL asking at the till of the little shop if she could buy just 1 single birthday candle instead of the whole pack of 24; she bought the whole pack! :rofl: They all left just after 19:00. My BS was still in the mid 12’s by then, really hungry & could barely keep my eyes open so, ate & put in a guessed +4 40NR before going to bed: overdid it a bit & woke in the 4’s just after 01:00; having to learn new lower food adjustments to BS & know now +2 was enough earlier. Asked my siblings to take the leftovers with them so, I wouldn’t be tempted to eat more junk food after 3.5 days of it! Had 1 JB which brought me up a bit & has stayed pretty steady the last few hours.

Now getting hungry & will eat breakfast now & go with 36NR. Despite the blip in the afternoon yesterday I think that 78 tresiba is about right & will see if that bears out today? NR doses need a bit of increasing but, wait to see if tresiba is right before refining that: 3rd day of 78 goes in later today; should have a clear picture by tomorrow & refine lunch & dinner NR then.

It was a great “craic” yesterday! :D
Good morning everyone

It seems bright and sunny out there right now, bit cool tho

Got to go to the church this morning to try to find someones music stand that has gone missing

Feeling a bit tired this morning too

BG 5.5
BP 125/77
Pulse 52

Today, if I have the energy, lots of keyboard practice

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Yes well… erm…

Email from police landed in my inbox yesterday afternoon, after a bombshell exploded in therapy.
I debated whether or not to go to my folks after therapy but decided I would as the distraction is useful and it gives me time to process things which came up without focusing on them.
Whilst having a cuppa the email arrived responding to my gentle complaint that I sent on Monday. Took myself upstairs to read it and then hopped on a call with my ISVA to discuss it.
The police have agreed to a face to face meeting which will include the top brass in charge of the unit investigating my case.
It’s what I asked for so I can’t complain but now my mind races to having to put things down on paper in an agenda type format so I can say what needs to be said.
I couldn’t even think about that whilst at mum and dad’s so had to leave and come home mid afternoon.
On the way home I walked through the farmers market and picked up a couple of bits I’d have been better advised to leave well alone.
My mind has been racing with flashbacks as well as the implications of what happens if the meeting with the police somehow goes “wrong”.
I haven’t slept well at all either so I’m not overly surprised at the morning number but I’m amazed it’s been so high overnight without any dip into the green.

On the plus side, those things I bought at the farmers market have been eaten so I can’t eat them again today. Yogurt, chia seeds, blueberries for breakfast. Something courgetti based for lunch maybe. And writing. Lots of thinking. Lots of thinking and writing are on the cards today.

Morning all, 5.8 here. Off to the airport in a mo, a long tedious travel home, I’m not expecting the flight to be on time.
It might be early!
@MrPixels here’s a house of quite like myself today. Lovely and quiet and secluded. But you can have it as you scored yourself an HS!

Good morning everyone, well look here :

Amazing, given a disturbed night with my Mum having another fall and getting taken to hospital. Luckily she is ok, cut her head open and broke her glasses but otherwise ok.

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning - 6.4

Have a great day everyone!
It was late on the way out because of 'Weather' near Gatwick. I thought there was constantly weather of some sort, but what do I know.
Maybe it was the wrong kind of clouds in the sky
Good morning everyone - 6.1 for me - but I woke up to the dreaded white screen of death from the Libre app 😱 Thankfully(?) I’ve seen enough struggling on here to know what to do to get it back - but all my data for the last 90 days has gone 🙄 I’ve opened and rescanned, time will tell if I’m now continuous or not!

Feeling a bit better than I felt yesterday, all my throat does feel a bit sore (not uncommon for me). Fingers crossed it just stays that way and doesn’t get worse! Happy Saturday everyone!

Edit: it seems to now be continuous for me!
@Eternal422 and you get a house!

Here it is from the front…

It does come with a rather nice formal garden (and another good few acres of land, fishing rights, helipad, football pitch, guest houses etc)