Group 7-day waking average?

59.9 carbs yesterday and BS 9.7 today .
No wine or crisps either on a Friday night.
This is going the erong way these last two days for me. Ah well its down from the stArt . Got to keep going.
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Morning all. 6.5, I’ve to remember to remember my waking number as of course there’s no log unless you scan. I’m withholding judgement on the upgrade at the moment. :confused:

Another very wet day ahead. My plans are all kitchen based. I’m going to attempt to make my own bao buns, I bought them last time as there was 12 to feed. I might be nipping to Asda later!

Congratulations @MrPixels and @Eternal422 on your HSs.
@Robin safe journey home. Daughter had an almost two hour delay from Manchester on Monday as none of the luggage belts were working at check in and all the luggage was all piled up in a heap regardless of the flight, she said, and had to be loaded manually. Luckily their’s arrived ok, but 52 cases out of 147 didn’t, everyone got a text when they landed so it was a case, no pun intended, of just waiting. Oops!
@ColinUK big hugs. Xx
@pawprint91 fingers crossed your throat sorts itself out. Have a fab holiday.

Have a super Saturday. 🙂
Awake early yet again (05:08) but this time - glory be! - I managed to go back to sleep and it was just gone 7 when I next looked at the clock. Nice and bright outside at the moment but after getting a right soaking yesterday - it barely stopped raining from breakfast to tea here - we're apparently in for a battering from the wind today. Yellow weather warning and all that. Our eldest and his mates certainly picked the right few days for their short break in the Algarve. They'll find it a little cooler here when they fly back tomorrow.

My wife came in from the garden yesterday evening with a handful of blackberries, so although our raspberries are about done we're looking at a bumper crop of blackberries this year. Last year we got barely any. So nice to have berries fresh from the garden on my Weetabix.

Trip into town later and will probably have lunch there. Whether we walk, as we normally do, will depend on the weather. Wimbledon Ladies Final today so need to be back and settled in front of the telly for 2 o'clock.

Congratulations @MrPixels & @Eternal422 on getting an HS! I almost joined you - it's 5.1 for me this morning, same as yesterday.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your Saturday everyone (weather permitting).
Morning all. 7.7 @ 6 and weight down a few pounds overnight so that's good. 🙂 In a right bad mood last night, looking forward all day to Monty and them and they take off Gardener's World for Wimbledon. S'not fair! GW always gets ousted,
they should take something else off instead. ::angry smiley::

Where have the smileys gone?
Morning all.
And it’s a happy 5.1 for me on a wild and windy morning here in Bedfordshire.

I’m off shortly for a second attempt at de-waxing my left ear, I hope it works this time.

6.7 today, knit and natter and baking my grandson’s birthday cake are on the agenda for today.

@Eternal422 and @MrPixels congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - sending hugs.

@Robin - hope you have a smooth journey home.

@eggyg - great picture of you and @zippyjojo so lovely to meet up.
Morning all. 6.3 for me this morning. Alarm did go off twice during the night. But got it set for 4.2 so a couple of jbs sorted it. Hope to get dog out and back before this heavy rain ️ we supposed to get starts . Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Just signing in to confirm my membership of the St Swithin's day club. My lancet has been duly changed although it had a lot of life still left in the point, as it hardly gets used these days. Seemed really wasteful to bin and replace it, but really didn't want to lose my membership of this exclusive club. No rain here yet but I believe it is coming later today. I have hired a brush cutter to do more weed whacking this weekend so really need to get out there and crack on before the weather changes. Oh and it was a nice 6,2 for me this morning which I am delighted with as I haven't had a decent waking reading for a while. Libre says I dipped into the red very briefly overnight but I am not convinced and happier with that than the mountains that have been erupting whilst I slept over the past week. I did jab 2 stacked corrections before bed and I am up to 5 units of Levemir on a night and 24 in the morning which are my highest doses, so hoping a weekend of strimming brings that down a bit.
Morning all and it was a 4.4 probably as a result of trying to estimate for a vegan pizza and a few tins of beer.

Great gig last night in a suitably grotty punk club. Great atmosphere, great crowd. Got home at 4:30 but couldn't sleep past 7.

Have a good day everyone.
Hello weekend 6.0 again today
6.0 also yesterday
looks like yesterday I forgot to hit the blue post button .. oops

a few days ago spoke to both work & a GP
I’m now signed off work for the rest of July
work has now moved me over my from basic pay over to SSP
(as I’ve been off since my operation on 22nd May)
looking forward to when my ankle is healed
and I’m normal again

have a great weekend everyone 😎
Morning all. :D My BG was so high this morning - what is it with time zone changes? 😱 I'm only an hour ahead of the UK - that I can't bear to see the figure in writing!

Scorchio for the last 2 days, but now it's raining - usual weather for N. Spain LOL. :confused::rofl:
Think stress of the last few days has affected my bgs. Something like 15 this morning. Have the dietician this week, first one since having libre through hospital, so going to have a go at logging insulin doses and carbs for a few days to see if it makes it easier to communicate than the usual “what are your bgs before / after meals”


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Morning all - well, it's either tipping it down or the sun is shining. It's changing every 15 minutes!

3.7 this morning and it looked like I was in the red for around 3 hours. No idea why.

Supposed to be going to a Jazz thing at the pub this afternoon, but it's outdoors so we'll see. To be honest we've probably had enough socialising for one week.

Have a good journey home @Robin

Congratulations to @MrPixels on your HS. Congratulations also to @Eternal422 on yours. Sorry to hear about your mum's fall and hoping she is OK.

@ColinUK I do hope the writing helps you get your head around things. Sending HUGS.

Have a super Saturday all...
5.4 and then 4.7 before lunch.
Weather is terrible, I’ve got piles of records to listen to, and just finished writing a short horror story. So I might be listening to prog rock today and eating more stories!
5.4 and then 4.7 before lunch.
Weather is terrible, I’ve got piles of records to listen to, and just finished writing a short horror story. So I might be listening to prog rock today and eating more stories!
Feel like sharing anything you’ve written with us lot or does it have to go to your agent/publisher as really you’re Steven King?