Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.8 here. Got home with only an hour's delay yesterday. Why do airlines never tell the customers anything? in todays world where everyone has their own portable technology, it’s silly to pretend the flight will be on time, when everyone can look at the flight radar app and see that the inbound flight is still in the air, circling, waiting to land. Still, we were lucky. Having hopped over the border to Innsbruck, even though the wind was causing delays, at least we fared better than people flying from Italian airports where there was an air traffic control strike.

6.2 today, off for my run. Lovely, bright and sunny if a bit windy here still. Was the same yesterday, warmin the sunshine just very windy.

have a good Sunday everyone
5.0 on this bright Berkshire morning. The sun's just broken through and there are bits of blue sky around. Wind seems to have dropped after yesterday's gales. We got a right battering here, with a couple of short sharp showers thrown in. @zippyjojo - don't blame yourself for the wet weather - it was me. I washed my car and everyone knows that it rains as soon as you do that.

As a Kinks fan way back I was spoilt by BBC2 last night with a real Kinksfest - The Kinks at the BBC followed by The Kinks on the Old Grey Whistle Test followed by a feature on Ray Davies. I still have all my Kinks singles, EPs and LPs from back then, in a box up in our loft. Saw them live once at Swansea Top Rank, went to a Ray Davies solo show when it was on in Oxford a few years back and went to see the musical Sunny Afternoon when it was on at the Woking Theatre. Happy memories.

Nothing special planned for today apart from a few garden chores, then it's Wimbledon Men's Final from 2 o'clock. Thought the Ladies' Final yesterday would have been closer but it was all over in straight sets. Not sure that'll be the case today.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday.
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Good morning - 4.1

Yesterday I performed with my dance group in the parade and arena for my town’s Summer Carnival. Got absolutely soaked during the parade but it stopped raining for the performance and no one slipped on the damp grass!
Morning all (note I never said good). 4.7 on this foul, wet, grey, windy, rotten day. Seems like it’s all over the country.
Well I hope it’s not all over the country, I have an outdoor concert by the sea to play in today! Sounds a bit windy occasionally but not raining.

Think I’m getting used to knowing I’m most likely T2 now (had the negative GAD and that advice on type this week) though honestly I’d be amazed if anything other than insulin ever controlled it, seeing what I can do with the weight to improve things.

BGs still being weirdly high, 14.9 this morning, feel like I’m coming down with a cold now too. Have started recording insulin jabs in the libre app before appointments so I can see how many / how much I’m doing. 1 basal and 7 bolus yesterday!!
Why do airlines never tell the customers anything? in todays world where everyone has their own portable technology, it’s silly to pretend the flight will be on time, when everyone can look at the flight radar app and see that the inbound flight is still in the air, circling, waiting to land.
Not just airlines, I had the same on the ferry. The ferry company kept saying yes it will depart Guernsey on time when I could see on the ship tracker that the boat was still at least an hour away as it was in Jersey!
Sun is streaming in through the windows and all I can see is clear blue skies overhead.
Snap! 😛

Morning all. :D Back in the sixes, phew. Hubby's spending a second day strimming - don't know what happened to the strapping lad that usually does it. He's not answering his mobile. Not sure my OH is in the best shape for this amount of exercise, but needs must. o_O😉

That's brilliant @Nayshiftin! Well done. 🙂 If you feel the changes you've made don't suit you and they're making you unhappy (and likely to fall off the wagon), are there some tweaks you can make? Ideally, you want to be making changes that are realistic and that you can stick to. You've probably done so already, but why not have a look at some of the threads in the food section, especially the one called "Food ideas with photos". Some of the meals on there look amazing, and filling too. It takes time to make permanent changes. Just try to focus on the positives, and think of all the benefits in the long term. And keep posting, keep getting everyone's support. (((Hugs)))
Another 5.0 for me today. 🙂 It's a lot brighter this morning compared to yesterday's grey skies and continuous rain.

Good morning 8.0 on the nose today
clearly I overdid a hypo reaction when at 2am I had woken up sweating & shivering tested and was 3.4
rather than the sensible choice and going for the Lifts (that are kept in readiness my bedside drawers)
half got up half awake went to the kitchen reached for biscuits,strawberry yoghurt, drank the milk milk (one of those eat the kitchen hypos) 🙄

Looks like it’s dry out this morning at the moment
have a super Sunday everyone 😎
Cor! What a relief! I thought I had caused the UK deluge by watering new plantings and topping up the pond. Then I looked at the pictured plashings of muddy boots in the North and felt better. I am but a mere contributer to this foul summer. Wish I could get decent black puddings down here tho'....
Probably me too! We had solar panels fitted at the start of May, sorry everyone for turning the weather bad!
Good morning all. 7.3 @ 7.03 I like that. 🙂 Oh I just got my smileys back, you just clicky that thingy at the end. Who knew! That's a relief. :rofl: Ignore inappropriate rant on the food thread then. Have a good day all, despite the weather. I'm dreading the heatwave coming, I might not survive 40, I'd rather the rain.
7.4 this morning for me after lots of stacked NR doses last night. Feels like I really had way too many carbs, we had some Chinese ready meals from Waitrose for dinner last night and they definitely aren’t the lowest carb option!

Here’s my graph from yesterday showing the sorry story :


It started going wrong after the hypo just before dinner, decided to not have NR until after a bit as I was low. Wrong decision really as the NR would take 30 mins or so to work, by which time there would be the start of the rise in BG from the food. Oh well, today is a new day and a chance to get things a bit better!

Another visit to my parents in a little bit. We got Mum back from hospital yesterday morning and she didn’t look too bad. Couple of stitches in the cut on her forehead, but otherwise ok. Hopefully stopping taking the drugs they’ve told her to do, will improve things for her. It sounds like bending over or getting up drops her blood pressure, along with low BG is a recipe for making her feel dizzy and lose her balance.

Pleased to say that the updated LibreLink app is still working for me.

Have a good day everyone, hope the weather improves for everyone!
Morning All - a ridiculous 11.2 this morning. I've got to get myself back on the track of actually admitting I'm diabetic. Trouble is with this weather the last thing I feel like doing is quickly nipping out for a walk to bring my BS down so I need to make sure it doesn't get up in the first place and ditch the biscuits & crisps. Nothing planned here today. I've got a huge load of ironing (lots of dreaded sheets and linen shirts) and I keep putting it off. I've even had the ironing board up in the sitting room a couple of times but now it's folded down and back upstairs. There's really no excuse today. Maybe I could do it watching the Wimbledon final. I haven't watched any of it this year but my Mum has been glued to it as tennis is her passion. There are things I'd like to watch on telly while ironing but some of them have subtitles and I've learnt to my cost that subtitles and ironing do not go hand in hand. I hope you all have a lovely Sunday xxx
Morning all and 8.9 for me - no idea why in this instance.

We were going to go to Masham Steam Rally today but reports from yesterday were of traction engines getting stuck in the mud so could well be a quagmire.

Have a good day everyone.
Mine was 3.something this morning but since I am now on full CGM I can't go back and check. I upgraded last night to CGM by deleting and reinstalling the app rather than wait until my next sensor in 7 days time. The reinstall went well but I forgot to reset alarms so I was blythly ignorant of being in the red all night. Added to that my iphone needs charging every night to support LibreLink usage and the bluetooth was unable to maintain connection with the sensor despite being on the bedside table next to me, so I woke with a large gap on my graph. When I was eventually awake enough to realize that if I scanned it, I could fill the gap in, I was rewarded with a lot of red throughout the night. I guess my bedtime corrections were too heavy handed despite a 1 unit Levemir reduction. It was a lovely flat line running just above 3 though, so the Levemir reduction was right and I only got the correction half a unit wrong, but doesn't look good on my stats. 🙄 At least I sleep better at that level than when I am high. The recent highs and disturbed sleep do not help my mental state. I am far happier sleeping well at low levels, even if I am a bit too low.
Morning all, a rather late post from me this grey and very windy morning.

It was a 5.7 for me at 9.15 today which makes a change from the low 5’s I’m used to.

Have a super day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all - not raining, just light grey!

3.8 this morning. Libre sensor fell off yesterday morning. That's 6 days before it was due to end. A previous one fell off 2 days early when I was on holiday, but I thought it was my own fault due to the copious amounts of sun-tan cream and Avon Skin so Soft oil applied in the evenings to ward off the mossies. I think this one is reading 2 above the meter. Odd as usually mine stick like limpets and are very accurate.

Doing nothing today except roast a chicken with all the accompaniments.

@eggyg you describe exactly what Basil does in this house.... wilt and die on the kitchen counter. So when you split it did you put it into plant pots and keep it indoors, or plant it out?

@zippyjojo - your mention of ironing reminds me... I watched several episodes of "Your Home made Perfect" whilst doing the ironing and I agree with @eggyg and @Robin, I do think the presenter is preggie. Did you ever see anything like that green gingham dress in episode 2? Arghhhh, pantomime outfit comes to mind!

Happy Sunday all