Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 4.9 here. Seem to have dipped into the red briefly in the wee small hours. The cupboard is bare, I need to do a food shop, and then the holiday ironing beckons.(not too much of it, we both wear seersucker shirts for walking, and I wear leggings, so it’s just OH's trousers and bits of evening wear really)
the weather is waiting for you to finish for the school holidays
Keep your fingers crossed for that. A nice mid 20's would be good. I could get jobs done around the house in the mornings then sit in the garden with a book in the afternoons. Perfect!
I'm glad Zara is a bit better, poor little thing, and your daughter must have been worried.

@pawprint91 have a good holiday!
Looks like we're in for a nice day here. It's dry and bright at the moment with no rain in our forecast. Almost forgot to test this morning as I was busy sorting out the laundry baskets but when I did I still got a 5.1, so still flirting with that elusive HS.

What a cracking men's final at Wimbledon, although after the first set it looked like it might be a repeat of the women's. Instead we got a 5-Set thriller. No sport for me now for a couple of days, then it's the back to the cricket.

Our eldest got back from Portugal yesterday evening having had a good few days away with his old Uni mates. Both he and my wife are WFH today and our youngest doesn't work Mondays and Tuesdays, so it's a full house for a change.

Hope the Monday blues disappear quickly and you have a good start to the week.
Morning all. 🙂 8.0 here.

A week of basal testing beckons. The hardest part is trying to come up with extremely low-key activities that won't effect my BG. Sitting around isn't in my nature! But it'll be worth it - my BGs have been all over the place for a while now. My TIR is horrendous.

Enjoy your holiday @pawprint91. :D
5.8 this bright and sunny morning

Odd night though. Went to bed on a pretty flat 6.1 (I’d been between 4.8 and 7.1 all day) but around 1am sensor shows that I climbed steadily to 11.6 where I bounced around for a couple of hours or so before a nice smooth line all the way back down to where I am now.

I did have a particularly rough night with regards to flashbacks etc so I’m assuming that the two are related. Correlation isn’t causation though so I’m wondering which bit was the chicken and which the egg.
Morning all 10.0 this morning (I thought I was “good” yesterday. We went to our local pub for a quiz night with another couple that we’ve met (my husband goes fell running with him). Really fun evening and we won! Cash prize if all the entry money which we shared a bit and put the rest back in the pot. Just realised we didn’t eat till 10pm so maybe that’s why number quite high as I didn’t have my usual sweet treat I did have 2 digestives mid afternoon but has anyone tried dunking a bit of ham in a cup of tea?? Ironed all afternoon (sheets) watching the Men’s final - great! @eggyg hope Zara can get some English drugs if she still needs it, poor little thing. Have a great day everyone xxx
6.7 this morning still not there but getting somewhere. Yesterday was the worst day ever. I am not on Metformin but the symptoms were as if I had . A little dizzy today but so far kept food up and so far it has not gone down. The sweats I thought oh this must be a hypo but no when taken in fact although Id eaten nothing they went up so don't understand but its down today and off course my weight was down this morning greatly but most will be fluids. Long long way to go.
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Morning all, a 7.2 for me today. Discovered yesterday that roast dinners are not my friend! Took the MIL out for Sunday lunch. Had a lovely roast lamb dinner. I asked for just 1 roast potato. Piled extra veg on my plate, only ate half or my yorkie pud. Went from 4.5 to 12.2 in 2 hours!!! Was back down to 5.6 after another 2 hours. Roast dinners are off the menu for a while!
That’s not bad really Donna. We all spike after two hours, ( even the Muggles) and to be back down to what you almost started at after another two hours is a win. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s when that spike doesn’t move for hours that you need to be concerned. I’m giving you a virtual pat on the back. Xx
A 4.5 for me this morning. It was bin-emptying day today. The workers came exceptionally early and seemed to take longer that usual and made a louder racket. 🙂

Good morning everyone, 5.4 for me today.

Bit of sun today with a shower forecast at noon, so I’m hoping to be able to get the bedding washed and then dried outside. Apologies now if this causes some bad weather today. @TinaD - bit of sun here this morning, I’ve asked it to include West Wales for you :rofl:

Have a good day everyone!
Thank you. Did he have his hearing aid turned on?
Morning all. We seem to be among the luckier ones. Plenty of clouds about, but also plenty of blue sky and the sun is shining. Forecast a bit mixed.

6.6 this morning after a rotten night's sleep. Went to bed at 1:00, woke at 5:30, finally got off again around 7:30 and at 8:15 hubby's phone went off to tell him he had an email grrrr....

Appointment to have my B12 at 2pm then grocery shopping. Must get a basil plant.

@eggyg I have a very small kitchen and absolutely no room for 4 plant pots of herbs... but I shall take @TinaD's tip and chop it in some butter and put it in the freezer. Some herbs freeze really well just chopped e.g. Dill and Tarragon, but soft herbs don't so the butter is a good idea. Hope Zara improves once she is home.

Have a good Monday all.
09:04 BS 6.0

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉


Didn’t go the way I planned or expected & another strange looking graph of my BS swinging up & down! :confused:

Left a message with my DSN & wait for advice. Breakfast 36 is ok it’s lunch & dinner: tried it both ways on hospital doses of 20 that left me too high for hours with little movement; tried adding a bit more as in yesterday’s plan & I still get an initial high reading that stays the same for a few hours but, then comes down quite fast & a wee trip into the red zone set at below 5mmol! I need that buffer too as just getting tea made with biscuits in the middle of the night sent me into the 4’s: might need JB’s next time if I scan a 5.2, or 5.1. It’s strange & the doctors at the hospital said I have a very high resistance & also, very high tolerance for insulin! o_O A Very Puzzled emoji that’s sending me stir crazy!o_O
Morning all and a 5.7 for me. A nice flat line over night too, none of that dipping or spiking nonsense.

Got an idea for a new song bouncing round my head. Better get it recorded/written down before I forget it.

Have a good day everyone.
I returned last night after my trip to sunny, wet, sunny, wet West Wales. Got soaked on the walk up to Llansteffan castle and thoroughly enjoyed ringing the bells at St David's Cathedral on Sun am. Then walked along the beach at Newgale, a challenging scramble over the stones to get there but very bracing in the strong wind.
I hope the ice creams have not done too much damage.
I'm happy with a 4,6 on another overcast grey morning, It does say we won't be having any rain today so
I might get in a bike ride a little later today, the trouble is I don't really like riding in strong winds.
Good morning everyone! 5'8 today.

I'm as good as usual @Pattidevans, just sort of lost the habit of posting daily. I try to catch up with the thread but never seem to find the time to post myself!

I tried some new foods from Asda over the past week, with mixed results. The "carb lite" wraps are okay, they break more easily than regular wraps in my experience so maybe not the best for a big amount of filling. The vegan "sour cream" and chive dip was awful for me, tasted like vinegar and had a strange texture, I hate food waste but it went to the bin after a couple attempts. On the positive side, I tried the red tapenade (Kalamata olives and sun-dried tomatoes) and is very tasty, I already knew and liked the green one with lemon and coriander. And I still have to try the paneer, this weekend I got everything for a recipe and will get to it when I have the time. Looks a bit spicy for my taste but I decided to give it a go :D

6.6 today, but once again Sunday evening my will power goes out the window and I always snack on something either sweet or high carb, I am sure it is to do with my MH and Monday morning fast approaching. Also forgot my meds yesterday morning, first time for a few weeks I have done that.

Weather was lovely, warm and bright, then clouded over with a short sharp shower, back to sunshine, now cloudy again, so very April like.

@eggyg - hope Zara soon recovers once she is home.
6.9 for me this morning and a slack washing line of a graph overnight. Pleased I held my nerve when my low alarm went off on 4.1 and I didn't treat, as there was a slow steady rise after that without hitting the red.

@eggyg Hope Zara continues to improve. I imagine it must have been very worrying.