Group 7-day waking average?

Got through security at Heathrow without one diabetic question … but had to wait for them to go through my bag with all manor of things running through my head, only to find it was because I’d forgotten to take my handgel out of my handbag! :rofl:
At last! Call from DSN: starting tomorrow as 78 tresiba already in, 70 tresiba & 20NR across the board; need to get the basal down first to stop the continuous drift downwards!

I’ve eaten way too many times since last night just because I HAD to & would like a bit more sleep than a doze of an hour here & there! Went down from 12, 8 & just now 4NR for cans of soup when BS dropping & it’s still not looking good for keeping it up but, BS will stay fluctuating a wee bit in the 13/14’s with nothing nothing as twice a) I just didn’t know WHAT to inject & b) wait until a couple of hours later just to see if it comes down & by how much, fluctuating just 1/2mmol to 11/12’s! o_O

Fingers crossed I CAN avoid eating more soup later & IF I need to after leaving it on its own for a couple hours in case it comes down, it doesn’t, & try 2NR? If I come down too much from that: just stay high; have to wait for the lower dose tresiba which won’t even go in until tomorrow! An Over Stuffed Bunny emoji!

DSN is finding it hard to see what’s going on too but, said I was quite good at working it out myself albeit my sleep is taking a BIG HIT! It doesn’t help that there’s still no alarms so, turned off Bluetooth as it’s a big drain on the iPhone battery because the sensor keeps losing connection!

Oh dear! Better STOP ranting now! An Extremely Irritable Tired Out Stressed & a Bit Wired Bunny! emoji!
Got through security at Heathrow without one diabetic question … but had to wait for them to go through my bag with all manor of things running through my head, only to find it was because I’d forgotten to take my handgel out of my handbag! :rofl:
I just flew back from Innsbruck, I've never known security be so thorough, (Gatwick on the way out was a doddle by comparison), we had to take everything electronic, plus watches, coins and keys out of our hand luggage and put them in a separate tray , along with mobiles, laptops (but I forgot my Libre reader which seemed to pass). Then when my clear plastic bag came through the scanner, with my insulin pens and spare insulin, (as well as my hand gel!:rofl:) the guy monitoring the screen stopped the belt and stared at it for a good ten seconds, looking baffled….then shrugged and sent it through!
I just flew back from Innsbruck, I've never known security be so thorough, (Gatwick on the way out was a doddle by comparison), we had to take everything electronic, plus watches, coins and keys out of our hand luggage and put them in a separate tray , along with mobiles, laptops (but I forgot my Libre reader which seemed to pass). Then when my clear plastic bag came through the scanner, with my insulin pens and spare insulin, (as well as my hand gel!:rofl:) the guy monitoring the screen stopped the belt and stared at it for a good ten seconds, looking baffled….then shrugged and sent it through!
Airport security is a lottery. Once travelling for work I was in Prague. Looking for something in my laptop bag I found a Swiss army knife that had been missing for a couple of years. I reckon that knife travelled through five different airports in the time it was missing without being noticed by security.
Just prepped two lots of dinner, proper food, in case I need to eat fast: BS seems to be holding up & slight increase after food prep; saute potatoes, a whole bag, frozen haddock & chicken breast fillet! Potatoes in now until 21:00 when, fish & chicken goes in. Want a decent amount of food that’ll hold me up & try 20NR before bed for, hopefully, a decent amount of sleep? Cans of soup just not holding me up for long enough & with dinner sitting ready I can do a quick ding, or even cold if I have to, if I wake needing it? Two Hands Together Pleading emoji!
I survived my 9 hour flight and am pleased to say I am posting from Canada!! Still got a 3 hour connecting flight to go, we’ve been sitting in Calgary airport for 3 hours already! My sugars behaved really well on the flight, but I think I was lucky as I got on the plane at 4.8, and the meals are tiny so they didn’t do an awful lot. We got a vegetable pastry thing for a snack about 2 hours from the end of the flight and that did the most damage; went up to 10 or 11, but came off the plane and striding round the airport sorted that, had a Tim Horton’s sandwich and a coffee and they’ve still been okay **heavily touches wood**! Think I’ve managed to suss the basal too, just my body clock doesn’t know if it’s coming or going …3.34am for you guys, 8.34 on Monday evening for me o_O
Phew! :rofl: Got some sleep in a bigger chunk of about 3 hours!🙂 04:35 BS 6.9 for a wee loo trip & back in bed BS 7.1


A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

DSN ended call with the plan of action with a bit of a non sequitur “as long as it doesn’t go to high”: it went very high & I was thinking how high is too high & at what point/if any do I add some NR & how much?; it started going up more or less straight away after eating & pushed 21mmol in the first hour! 😱 But, started dropping after that so, I slept around 01:30 ish after 4 hours after eating when it was around mid 11’s.

Still a bit of an annoyance, just didn’t post it to rant further last night, in that Abbott sent me an email saying the was an update to fix the bugs, delete app & reload so, I did that after I’d just put in my first reading straight after eating & all the data was wiped! It was a good thing that the DSN had already seen it & the graphs! 😡 That was me when that happened. Re scanned & put in all that info into the new reading which I wouldn’t have taken so early but, it showed how vertically the line went up so fast!😱

That was SOME narrow steep mountain my BS climbed in that 1st hour after eating from 11.1 sitting down to eat, BS had dropped to 8.? around 20:30 before cooking & I wanted a buffer in case the effort dropped me further & it rose a bit! 🙄, to 16.9 straight after eating & peaked at 20.8 an hour later!😱o_O BUT I NEEDED that buffer to give me a decent ish chunk of sleep. Which I estimate at about 1mmol/hour after active NR around 01:30 ish. So, I think I’ll be needing to eat breakfast around 06:00, not far off now after typing & posting this!

I’ll be starting lower so, shouldn’t climb so high BUT, also not as much room to drop & I see a day of tea & biscuits: every hour in hospital; ordered to take them & they ended up tasting more & more intense to me & had to force them down! YUK! A Green Puking emoji!; hopefully, it won’t quite come to THAT many cuppas & biccies? 🙄
Good morning - 7.5
Good morning! And it is a 6.8 from me.

I have updated my "My Poorly Leg" thread after yesterday's podiatry visit (graphic images). Waiting for wheelchair repair man (not an engineer) today. Best time they can give is between 8:00 and 4:00!

Strange yellowy orange object in the sky. Must Google it.
Morning all. 5.4 after a few dextrose on and off through the night. Between getting up for the toilet 4 times and the low alarm going off 3 times i feel like i've had no sleep. Note to self: don't doze off at lunchtime. Mind you, today is the day of the week where i have to have a short lunch break so i shall be lucky to get 30 mins to eat and drink. Roll on 3.15.

@pawprint91, Canada! I'm jealous, it looks such a beautiful country when i watched Race Across the World. Are you staying in one place or touring?

Have a good day everyone.

5.1 today, did a nice 6k run yesterday so got to build on that, today’s exercise is a walk to mums, got to be there before 8 as the boiler man can come anytime from 8 - 1.

Bit grey outside, but supposed to brighten up late.

@pawprint91 - have a fantastic holiday, Canada is on my list.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9
BP 112/75
Pulse 53

All good.

Today the keyboard practice that didn't happen yesterday. Got most of the churches 5th folder of songs converted (it's quite a long process). I will do a few more today. And a morning walk. I shied off yesterday when it started raining. Today I walk no matter what (within reason) 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
5.5 on this bright(ish) Berkshire morning and not much sunshine in the forecast for today. I'll settle for it being dry though as I'm a day behind with the bedding & towel changes, so that'll keep the washing machine busy.

BBC said our cool & wet July is due to climate change. They also said the heatwave in mainland Europe is due to climate change. No, me neither.

Nothing special on the calendar for today except for my regular Tuesday swim before lunch, otherwise it's just the usual household & garden chores. Wimbledon's finished but at least I have the cricket to look forward to from tomorrow.

Whatever your plans have a good day.
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