Group 7-day waking average?

you describe exactly what Basil does in this house.... wilt and die on the kitchen counter. So when you split it did you put it into plant pots and keep it
I put it out through the day and bring it in on an evening. Although I have forgotten on occasion and it’s a bit battered! Think the pigeons have been nibbling it too. Not sure if it’ll survive the cold weather but it’s saving us money because it’s such an overpowering taste you waste most of it.


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There are things I'd like to watch on telly while ironing but some of them have subtitles and I've learnt to my cost that subtitles and ironing do not go hand in hand.
I watch “rubbish” telly, as Mr Eggy calls it when I’m ironing. Nothing that requires me to concentrate. Google Box, Long Lost Family, Who Do You Think You Are and my guilty pleasure Homes under the Hammer! :rofl:
I put it out through the day and bring it in on an evening. Although I have forgotten on occasion and it’s a bit battered! Think the pigeons have been nibbling it too. Not sure if it’ll survive the cold weather but it’s saving us money because it’s such an overpowering taste you waste most of it.
I am a basil addict. I chop the leaves when in glut and add them to butter which I freeze. It means I cana get the lovely fresh basil taste in mid-winter.
Sensor is still erratically higher but, still using it to scan so, I can get my fingertip readings, in notes on the logbook, for the hospital team to see. Despite that, the graph has evened out & gone smoother & I can see, more or less, what I need on 78 tresiba, which I think is a good middle place to leave it at & change NR up or down for the pesky menopausal cycles, & trying 38, now I’m up after snooze to put in tresiba & meds, 34 & 30 NR doses? See how that goes? :confused:🙂
Good morning - 8.2

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 11.7 on the sensor which promptly fell off. 8.3 on finger prick. Sensor was due to be changed later anyway.

Another day of showers here. Where is summer?!
Good morning everyone, 5.4 for me today.

Bit of sun today with a shower forecast at noon, so I’m hoping to be able to get the bedding washed and then dried outside. Apologies now if this causes some bad weather today. @TinaD - bit of sun here this morning, I’ve asked it to include West Wales for you :rofl:

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning everyone.

It's looking a bit menacing out there right now and I need to get out for some exercise after breakfast (8 am) and this afternoon (2 pm).

Ate all the wrong things yesterday evening, and enjoyed it too, thankfully my BG this morning is 5.1
BP seems to have retreated back into the normal range at 116/77
Pulse, well there's always one! 53

Today lots more keyboard practice, lots more music sheet conversions (only 3 folders more to go), lots more exercise IF it doesn't pour down.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.8 and a unicorn.

The sun is here too @TinaD but not for long I suspect. Like @Eternal422 it’s bed stripping day but I’m hesitant, no judgment please if I don’t.😛 I used the tumble drier yesterday for the first time in months, needed towels washed and dried and it was so inclement I didn’t chance hanging it out, there’s nowt worse than bringing in heavy, wet towels and having to re wash them or at the very least spin them and get them dried inside without any heating on. Mr Eggy is, on one hand, very happy as he is pleased that the towels now don’t crack as he folds them, but not happy when he saw that smart meter in the red zone for two hours!

Well, apart from dodging showers again, there’s not much going on today. The wanderers return today from Majorca, poor Zara has been poorly for the last couple of days. They took her to the doctors, throat infection. He gave her a suppository antibiotic straight away and a prescription for oral antibiotics and ibuprofen. She hasn’t taken a drop of either. She just keeps gagging, daughter says the medicines are really thick, like Gaviscon or such like. She hasn’t eaten much in the last two days either, bless her. I’m be glad when they’re home, although she’d perked up a bit last night and had some grapes. €200 it cost them altogether. Just had message as I was writing this, she’s a lot better this morning and they’re on the way to the airport as we speak. Thank goodness, I’ve been very worried.

@freesia the weather is waiting for you to finish for the school holidays, and then we’ll all be complaining it’s too hot and we need rain! :rofl:

Have a Happy Monday folks. 😎
5.4 after three days without my 500mg of Metformin (oops!) which appears to have also lowered my heart rate.
5.9 this morning, the sun was out briefly here when I woke up about 20 mins ago. Went out for fish and chips for tea last night but the highest I saw was 11.5, new “cgm” sensor took a while to catch up, was a couple of numbers behind till I hit the 11s.

Got to get sorted as heading to the airport today o_O although already woken up to a message via the airlines app that the flight is 20 mins delayed. Tbf it doesn’t matter too much as we have a huge layover on the other end before getting our connecting flight. I’m just nervous for lots of reasons - OH isn’t a good flier (I’m okay) but I’m a bit worried about how the blood sugars will behave!

Have a good Monday!
Morning all, a 7.2 for me today. Discovered yesterday that roast dinners are not my friend! Took the MIL out for Sunday lunch. Had a lovely roast lamb dinner. I asked for just 1 roast potato. Piled extra veg on my plate, only ate half or my yorkie pud. Went from 4.5 to 12.2 in 2 hours!!! Was back down to 5.6 after another 2 hours. Roast dinners are off the menu for a while!