Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 6.9. Wonder if my basal needs to go up a bit as it’s getting cooler? I’ll give it a day or two.

Like @TinaD I wish the powers that be would get the forecast right. We were forecast heavy rain all day yesterday so I put off doing any washing. We had a slight showery morning then it was glorious, muggy but sunny. Today I’ve switched on the machine as it’s is supposed to be stormy at the minute, it’s lovely.

We’re going out tonight, I know, on a Wednesday! Our girls bought their dad tickets to a concert in Carlisle Catherdral ( and me of course) for Fathers Day. It’s a tribute to Hans Zimmer and John Williams played by the London Film Orchestra, it isn’t until 9.30 as it’s a candlelight performance. Hmmm…on the longest day? :rofl: TBF catherdrals are dark places. Looking forward to it, youngest daughter and her husband are also coming and we’re going out for dinner first, which I imagine Bank of Mam and Dad will be paying for! Oh, I forgot to say, we’ve got VIP premium seats. Eat your heart out @ColinUK with your fancy pants box.😛 I might do an EEE tomorrow for you. Eggy’s Entertainment Evaluation.😉

@Lily123 well done on your fantastic exam mark.
@ColinUK was that a Werther’s original opera?
@Lanny I used fresh basil last night, you have to be careful, it is very powerful. As an alternative to cream or evaporated milk try using Philadelphia cream cheese. Not as sickly as cream etc and gives a subtle cheesy taste. Try salmon fillets instead of chicken too, quicker to cook and lighter.

Have a wonderful Wednesday all.
4.7 today for me, much more like it!

Congratulations @Lily123 on your grade (and you even managed to get your BG to match it!)

Have a good day everyone!
Another HS (of the Heinz variety) 5.7 for me today. 🙂
Temperatures are a lot more bearable today.

7.0 this morning.

Royal ballet school showcase thing this evening. Not sure if it’s worthy of a CCC or not as I’m not sure what to expect but looking forward to it nevertheless.
Morning all and it was 6.1 for me.

Not confirmed by our agent but we're on the poster for the Darker Waves festival in Huntington Beach California. More dates to be confirmed. As we used to say woot, woot, woot.

Yes I am a little excited.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all

And on another sunny morning it’s another 5.1 for me.

I’ve got some shelving to put up in my workshop today so I better get my porridge eaten and get on with it.

7.3 today, didn’t eat much again yesterday, out running this evening, although sunny and warm, doesn’t feel as if it will so hot today.
Good morning 6.1 again today

I did eventually speak to eye casualty on the phone yesterday
but they didn’t think I needed to see them urgently however they have given me an an appointment in eye department tomorrow afternoonm,
as I type this I’m listening to that lovely music in attempt to get a appointment or Al least a phone call with GP.

My face still a bit puffed up especially my eyes which 8 feel like I just want to close (I won’t spoil your day with a photo)
feeling like mr itchy (all over) lol

have a Wonderful Wednesday everybody 😎
Good news got through to receptionist and seeing GP later this morning 🙂
6.3 for me today and a unicorn yesterday which is the first in a while but definitely doing better with my levels although Levemir doses are higher than I would like (stable though on 24 and 4 for the last week) because I am not doing enough exercise and I am putting on weight as a result. Exercise will reduce those doses and also make me less hungry, so I need less basal and bolus and thereby lose weight.
Feeling a bit swamped with everything at the moment and the more I get behind with stuff the harder it is to motivate myself to do anything. Really need a kick up the backside and some blinkers so that I can only see the one job in front of me instead of starting it and then getting distracted by the hundred other jobs that also need doing, all crowding in on me. Oh well, what doesn't get done, doesn't get done, but then the chaos of it just makes me feel worse and less motivated. Need to start with exercise as that will help physically and mentally.
Grade 9 @Lily123 didn't expect you to get anything less 🙂 well done !!!

A 8.2 for me. Have a good rest of the day.
Late posting but a 5.8 for me. Finally a reasonable waking for the first time in 3 weeks.
Chest infection + time of the month (10 day ordeal) + really upset tummy for 5 straight days (meaning no water tablets) has really screwed with my dosing in both directions.
On the other side of it all now so will need to monitor and probs start adjusting back down. Phew!

Well done @Lily123 :D
Thanks everyone, if the one with diabetes couldn’t get a 9 (A*) on a poster about diabetes then there really was no hope (joking!)
Good morning - 7.9

It turns out I did remember my long acting so was worried for nothing. Better to be safe than sorry I suppose.

Have a great day everyone

I’m back doing finger pricks for a while I think. I’ve built a nice stockpile of sensors but I’m waiting for an armband to arrive before I try them again.

I’m also away on another retreat at the end of the month and am planning on using three months following my return and prior to my HbA1c test in Sept to drop some weight and tighten up my carb intake so it makes sense to use them in the run up.

Didn’t make it to the ballet yesterday. Had a an email from the police late yesterday afternoon apologising for lack of consistent communication and offering a meeting. They always knock me sideways for a little while and that’s what happened yesterday so I let the ballet go. On the flip side I’m on the verge of booking three seats for La Traviata for next month so I can take mum and dad.
I’m undecided whether I should ask if they want to go or just announce that I’m taking them. I think if I ask they’ll say no and not to spend the money etc. If I say it’s booked they’ll say I ought not to have spent the money but it’s a lovely thing to do etc.
It’s a Sunday matinee and I’ve booked a Zipcar that lives in a parking space right next door the opera house. That way I can collect the car, drive and pick them up, drive back and park right next door and drive them home again later.

I’m also trying to remember which side of the auditorium dad prefers to sit when they go to theatre these days as he’s blind in one eye. I forget that’s the case with him as he resolutely refuses to wear a parrot and a eye patch!
Morning all. 9.7. I dropped half a unit of basal as i was having a few hypos and needing lots of JBs to keep me in the upper 4s and above. Now i keep spiking, waking on higher numbers and needing more corrections. Seems i can't win. I think the DF has moved in for a while.

Sunny outside atm and more rain forecast for this afternoon. At least the garden is getting a good soaking, though the rain is so heavy when it comes its flattening my plants.