Group 7-day waking average?

It was a rather disappointing 9.3 for me this morning which I hit with whopping 9 units of Fiasp and my Levemir and then fell straight back off to sleep. Alarm woke me an hour later on 4.9 with a downward sloping arrow but i was just a little too late to stop it dropping into the red 😱. That will teach me to drop back off after injecting my bolus and correction. At least I didn't have to sit around ages waiting to eat my breakfast though which was nice, but needed a JB before and afterwards to get me back out of the red.
Had a visit from my lovely horse dentist today. Unfortunately he got stuck in traffic and was about 2 hours late and after he did my 4GGs, I then had to head up to the farm to get Ian's horses in for him and act as cleg swatter whilst he rasped their teeth. I have easily killed over 100 clegs during the whole process and plenty that I missed. They were literally eating the horses alive, so I have persuaded Ian to keep them in until this evening. There were just a few at my yard and the horses can come in of their own accord when they want to to get away from them. There were absolutely masses of them up at the farm and Ian's poor horses were demented with them. Anyway, just in the house now after being out all day and really enjoyed a cool drink.... or two and a light bite to eat. Now I feel like a siesta before I do some more lawn mowing.

Many congrats to our very numerous House Special achievers this morning.
Good evening
I did test this morning it was the highest I’ve seen for a while 9.1
I got to see a GP yesterday afternoon, she prescribed me steroids some super strength anti-histamine tablets, plus a special soap to wash with and some cream to apply afterwards

Today was seen in Eye Casualty having spoken to them a few days ago when my eyes
puffed up, good job I went to see them as they tell me I have a eyelid papilloma, which as I’m currently taking blood thinners they won’t remove, so have now got 2 lots of eye drops
one is antibiotic the other a steroid,

good job I’m currently already signed off work (following my recent operation)

probably not surprising my waking leverl was high this morning
with the infections I currently have.

PS although I woke and was 9.1
about 90 min later having got up
paused bathroo, loaded the washing machine & cooked myself a English breakfast I then tested (prior to eating) and had dropped to 7.2

Hope everybodys had a great day 😎
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Well, yesterday was a write off kind of a day: me being so grumpy; such a struggle to get my BS down & then, have it go up above 13 again after eating! I kept sticking in the max 60NR as nothing less than that had any effect! A Tearing My Hair Out emoji!

SO OOOH…. VERY VERY VERY pleased indeed to wake on, BOY! it was an anxious wait for the numbers to come up I can you, 04:48 BS 7.1 😱:D AND my heart feels like dancing for joy; figuratively!:rofl:

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Some sleep, finally, overnight has done some wonders after I stuck in a finally 60NR around 18:30 after eating from the 14:58 BS 6.1 reading, 60NR & it went up to 18:21 BS 13.6! I was exhausted & stuck that last 60 in & thought I’ll deal with the high BS again when I get up in the morning? :confused:

My eyes feel much SO much better: with my super sensitivity my right eye kept watering from hay-fever & was wet all day along with my tingling fingertips al la Daredevil; my left eye was aching & throbbing!

Both eyes are a bit wet right now but, hopefully once the cetirizine gets up to speed that’ll stop! Had a good feel round my closed left eye & can’t feel anything swollen so, the allergic reaction has died down at last!

I’m REALLY hungry as I only ate twice yesterday & it’ll be ramen, AGAIN, admittedly & hopefully the numbers are better today & maybe up to cooking later: mum’s voice in my head “too much MSG is bad for you”!

A recharged Lanny battery bunny skipping off to have breakfast! :rofl:😉
Good morning everyone

A teasing 5.3 this morning
Pulse 55
BP 120/77

Yesterday was fascinating as I went to the music shop again (with my fried, who did the driving) to try out the proposed keyboard (Korg PA5X 76 note); and after an hour of checking things out, bought it. It is that good.

Buyers remorse? Not a bit of it. New horizons, new learning.

It will be delivered this morning too. A bit of a learning curve with the new operating system to get to grips with.

Other than that today, an afternoon walk with my friend and sweet and sour fish for tea.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 6.3

Have a great day everyone
Morning all.

7.4 this morning. More stress related crap.

Had an email from the police agreeing that there’s been an issue with keeping me informed. They will be assigning a new SOIT officer who will be liaison between me and the investigating officer in charge (OIC). Hopefully that’ll make comms flow better both ways.
They’ve also invited me in for a meeting which I’ll likely accept as the OIC is devastatingly handsome and I’m a tart :rofl:

Tickets booked for La Traviata in July. As mentioned yesterday I was debating whether or not to take the folks and decided to book the tickets as they were selling fast. I’ll tell them what we’re doing probably a couple of days beforehand and if they really don’t want to see it then I can always get a refund.

Therapy this morning and I’m going to walk there. It’s about a three hour walk all the way along the canal from central London through to Greenwich foot tunnel and under the Thames. Afterwards it’s a bit of retail therapy picking up a few bits for the retreat/holiday starting Tuesday!

I apologise for the lack of houses but I’ve run out. I need to boost my portfolio of weird, wonderful, magnificent, whacky properties for the deserving 5.2 gang!
Ooh forgot to mention I was messaged by my GP surgery and invited to download a new Onron BP tracking app.
The GP apparently send you a message asking you to do X number of bp measurements over Y days every month.
They have direct access to the data.
It’s unfortunate that it doesn’t pull days directly from my Omron bp Bluetooth cuff or from Apple Health but it’s another example of how tech embracing my surgery is.
Anyone else use it?
Morning all. 9.3. I've upped the basal again, all these higher numbers and spikes leave me feeling really tired. Very fed up now with it all. I've got more spikes and lows than the Alps. Glad its Friday, its been a really long week again.
5.1 for me this morning (so close!) and a fairly flat line overnight. 3 legged unicorn at 99%! :rofl:

Yesterday after both lunch and dinner my BG started to spike rather quickly towards an out of range reading and I had to correct. I used my normal ratio, with the same amount of pre-bolus time and these meals weren’t unfamiliar to me, so wondering what caused that. Last time that happened to me I was ill (felt ill too) but I currently feel fine - wondering if it could be hormonal?

Have a great Friday everyone!

an improved 6.4 today, got up early to go running before it gets too hot, but very wheezy and blocked nose, so will have to run after work about 7pm but it will still be hot then.

Yesterday Was a calmer day at work, so taking the small wins of a better day. Lovely yoga session in the evening, there was only 2 of us in the class so the teacher was able to give us lots of help with getting a little bit deeper in the postures and holding them for longer.

congratulations to all those who got a HS yesterday,
5.6 on this dry, bright and sunny Berkshire morning. Torrential downpour yesterday evening, though. Seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute nothing, the next it was hammering down. My wife and I were frantically running round the house shutting windows but we still ended up having to dry windowsills.

Friday is BP check day - 99/74, so in the green zone on the NHS website.

Events conspired against me yesterday and I missed my Thursday swim, so will have another go today. Hygienist at 10, and Friday is Big Shop Day, so will have to juggle things a bit but should be able to fit it in.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Morning all, 7.5 here. I went to bed a bit higher than normal but not worth a correction. Jackdaws continue to use next door’s trees as a gathering point, they fly in around 9pm, with lots of cawing and changing their minds which tree they want to be in, then when they’re all assembled, they all fly off presumably to roost for the night. then around 6am they reverse the process, and fly off to the fields to feed, I assume. This is just part of last night's gathering.
Morning all, a very nice 5.4 after fish and chips last night. I decided to split my dose as I don’t always manage to eat them all. So 5 units of bolus, I ate the fish but not all of the batter and maybe ate half the chips, there was loads! Then we did our walk. Just under five miles around the point and we waited for the sunset. I kept checking my BGs but they were steady. Got home at 11. No insulin on board and was 8.3. No correction needed. I’ve had a lovely straight line overnight and a unicorn. Eggy 1 Diabetes 0. 🙂

Zara day today, we’re both very tired as we’ve had two late nights. Late for us is 11! Been after midnight when we’ve got to bed. I think Zara may be putting me and her Gaga up for a nap today! :rofl:

A plethora of HSs from the boys yesterday. Well done. Come on girls let’s show them who’s boss! 😉
@Robin that looks like a scene from Hitchcock’s The Birds!

Have a fab Friday.


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And it's a 4.8 for me this drizzly Friday morning. 🙂

6.2 for me this morning and a lovely straight line overnight. Not had one of those for a while. I have dropped my morning basal by 2 units today as I am determined to reverse my weight gain, so going for a long walk and I am hiring a brush cutter for the weekend. I absolutely hate strimmers/brush cutters. Horrible noisy messy things but they serve a purpose and I have a lot of areas of both my own garden and next door, plus my fields and paddocks to do, so I fully anticipate that my basal needs will drop this weekend as I get my money's worth out of the hire and tidy the place up a bit.

@Robin Jackdaws are a total menace and with no natural predator. They damage masonry in old buildings and eat eggs of other birds and numbers of them in my village seem to be out of control like that too.
Good morning 6.1

That fatal dish of pasta certainly proved lasting - it took until 21.44 yesterday to get down to 6.1. So I had breakfast then having survived a busy day on water works. Smoked salmon on crispbread - total 24 carbs. So I was quite hopeful of a 5 ish score but, alas, t'was not to be. So it's bite the bullet and zero carbs for a few days. Harrumph.

Not a perfect day on the pond front. New filter working perfectly - tick. Dismantled old faithful, cleaned it, set out to put 40 quid new UV light in and broke the blasted quartz glass holder. Ordered a new one - another 40 quid. How anyone can charge that for a large test tube defeats me. Oh well, spare no expense, lets eat another goldfish...

Some rain forecast today although studying the weather map I fear the clouds may just skirt this part of Wales. Courgettes now in production so they can go in a stir fry with pak choi and chicken. No rice or sweet and sour sauce so it'll be a dull, green, day. The culinary joys of diabetes.

Great photos @Robin and @eggyg . Don't have jackdaws, do have crow, rook, raven and beastly magpies. Corvids have to live and eat only I am not sure why. Blasted things even attack sheep.

Off to do the animals. Hope everyone has a good day.
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