Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all from sunny Cumbria. On the 6.8 step with @ColinUK must have been all that culture last night! 😉

We had a smashing evening. Lovely meal, I’m always a bit worried these days eating out but went for a low carb, low fat sea bass dish. Only 2 units of basal taken and no tummy problems. That was definitely a win, but I must say what a fab little orchestra The London Film Music orchestra is. We were sat two rows from the “ stage” in the Cathedral, so could see very well which was interesting. The usual culprits were played, Star Wars, Jaws, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, all very jolly and booming and for a minute I thought I was at home on a Bank Holiday Monday listening to the Classic FM chart countdown! But for me it was the Hans Zimmer pieces that got my vote. The pure simplicity of the Gladiator theme with just piano and one cello was spine tingling. Mr Eggy’s all time favourite film, mostly because of the music. All in all a very enjoyable concert. Pity about the seats, @Robin they must have shipped them from the concert you were talking about yesterday, basket weave and wood. Didn’t exactly have lines on my legs as I had trousers on, but I bet my bum did! I didn’t look! 😛

Mr Eggy’s birthday today and we’re going to the seaside. Forecast good, sunny but breezy, perfect walking weather. We’ll end the day with fish and chips eaten whilst overlooking the Solway right over to Scotland. Absolutely perfect day. We’re simple souls.

Have a good day all.

Some photos of our tiny but beautiful cathedral. Look at the ceiling.


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7 exactly, so seeing a downward trend, another good 5k on hills in the heat yesterday, so pleased I am getting consistently with running, going to try for 6k on Friday which will be my first solo run for a long time. Yoga tonight, going to mum’s which is also 1/2 walk, hubby will pick me up.

As for work, still the same old stuff, but it is now laughable some of the stuff they are saying to my colleague and I, talk about micro managing, I have decided that stupidity must now be a qualification needed to be a manager where I work.

Grey but warm here today, rain is forecast later.

@Lily123 - congratulations on your exam result.
Still flirting with that elusive HS, with a 5.3 this morning following a 5.1 yesterday and the day before.

Interesting second session of my surgery's T2 Management programme last night, although I think the presentation seemed (to me, at any rate) to be more the sort you would give to HCPs rather than a cross-section of T2s, mostly middle-aged and upwards. Lots of slides full of data from various dietary studies, though the doctor did his best to explain it all. The session ended with a bit about the importance of well-being and mental health, and included suggestions like taking up yoga or starting your day by going outside and looking up at the sky for 10 minutes if it's sunny, or 20 minutes if it's cloudy. Hmmm - not really my sort of thing.

I walked home from the surgery (a couple of miles) as it was such a nice evening and decided to test when I got home, even though it was over 3 hours since I'd eaten, and got a 3.8 - what..???. Switched hands and tested again - 4.0, so it seems I really was that low. I always thought that was hypo territory but I'm not on any diabetes meds and I felt perfectly normal.

Thursday is one of my swim days so off to the pool for 20 lengths before lunch. Finished most of my gardening chores yesterday but still have a little bit more to do, so that'll keep me busy for the rest of what's shaping up to be a nice sunny day.

Have a good one, everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG yesss another HS. Can I have a balloon house...floating in the air please.

Off to the music shop today to try out a new keyboard I am thinking of buying.

Feeling so much better and a great nights sleep (except the bit when my wife clouted me, in her sleep !).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. 11.5. Hopefully tried another finger 11.1. Oops.

Overdid the garden work yesterday. While Michael swept and barrowed away 7 load of beech mast I decided to dig a trench...I have been waiitng for 6 weeks for a young builder to do it. I've known him since he was a lad, he has had 10 hours of free legal advice, and I agreed to pay his going rate but he can't be a**ed to turn up. I didn't want my good neighboour Mark to do it, he is late 60's, is a consistent and kindly volunteer, who tends to overdo it and hurt himself, and I find sweeping kills my back so that was Michael sorted.

I sharpened my spade and set to. It was only 15 feet and quite shalllow - just across a bit of lawn to hold my new electric extension so no chance of mowing the wretched thing. I employed my old hill climbing trick - when knackered look back and see how far you've come and not how far you have to go...It was, perhaps, a bit ambitious but I got there and before the heavens opened Michael had cleared up, was able to lay the cable and stamp down the final turf.

Overly pleased with this, after a short rest, I decided to get down on my knees and insert the end into the mini shed - without my kneeler. Couldn't get up. Had the embarrasment of Michael seizing me under the armpits and heaving me to my feet. What a hero - he is quite remarkably strong. I wish they would sort out his chemo and get his bone marrow transplant done.

Spent the afternoon trying, unsuccessfullly, to source a second outside electrical socket. Not sure if it was the exhaustion, the aches, or just frustration, but I then made the choice to eat pasta for dinner, followed by strawberries and cream, after consuming a glass of lager...erm - possibly not the wisest move for somebody who does diet control of D. Oh well, back to steak and salad.

I'm on the final "hook up" of the electrics today so should soon see my fishes scudding about once the UV knocks off the algae. Looks like a fine day here after the deluges. Like @freesia the rain has battered my taller plants but without penetrating more than a centimetre of surface, below that its like dust.

@eggyg Happy birthday Mr Eggyg. Congratulations to @Grannylorraine for 6 kilometres and reducing numbers.

Have a good day all.
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Haven't had one of these for a while. 🙂

Para-phrasing a well known film, @Gwynn , we are going to need a bigger balloon :rofl: As I’m joining you today with a HS!

@TinaD - very interesting reading about your gardening work, especially the pond! You’ve got me thinking about what needs doing in our garden to tidy things up and revamp it a bit. @ColinUK - I looked at pleached trees on the two websites you mentioned previously, Paramount Plants and Barchams, but decided the style doesn’t really fit in with what we have. Still undecided on what to do, or whether to just ignore the 20cm or so of our neighbour’s trampoline sticking up above our fence. Putting a tree or climber to block that view may have the opposite effect and actually draw the eye instead of distracting. More pacing and pondering in the garden is called for!

Switched hands and tested again - 4.0, so it seems I really was that low. I always thought that was hypo territory but I'm not on any diabetes meds and I felt perfectly normal.
Maybe meter inaccuracies are at play so your 3.8 may not have been that low at all? Love the advice you had to look at a blue sky for 10 minutes and a grey one for 20 minutes!

Have a great day everyone!
And on another sunny morning it’s a 4.9 for me which is surprising as I went to bed on a 12.4 last evening.
😱😱😱 It’s a shocker of a waking BS, you’ve been warned!!!

04:51 BS 23.0 with my throat feeling ON FIRE! AND, I blinked quite a bit with my very swollen left eye at THAT, I can tell you!!! I KNEW I had infection: felt ROUGH; very painful swallowing to try & ease the throat for about an hour after I stuck in a whole maximum dose of 60NR! I kept checking my BS about every hour in case I needed any JB’s but, no I REALLY needed it as my BS went down steadily:- 05:40 BS 19.5; 06:52 BS 16.5 & I fell asleep for a wee bit as my throat, along with loads of water with the swallowing eased a lot; Oh! I forgot to say swallowed my pills with the NR for the cetirizine & just now upon waking hungry 08:42 BS 10.0 when I stuck in another 60NR for a quick breakfast of instant ramen! The swelling in my left eye has gone down quite a lot & my throat feels almost smooth! I’ll keep JB’s in hand in case I was too aggressive but, I know from experience it takes a lot of insulin to even START shifting high BS WITHOUT food & eating is another wholly different ball game, I think the expression is?

I’m sitting posting after breakfast & now thinking “Did I get stung by something? I once got a very bad reaction from a moth landing on my chin, a long time ago I can’t remember how long ago, & it swelled up like tennis ball size: didn’t feel any sting or bite as such but, definitely some kind of allergic reaction from that moth! It’s why I’m always very wary of them!

Anyway, the worst of it seems to have passed! Phew!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Edited to add the BS reading of 10.0 before cooking breakfast which I forgot to type in! Still not QUITE myself, I realise, as I hardly added any emojis! & Shush! I was awfully grumpy with my self at my clumsiness in cooking this morning! A Little Miss Grumpy emoji! Food has made me feel better! 🙄:rofl:
Morning all. 6.8 not bad. 🙂 Have a good Thursday. I lost a day this week, convinced it was Friday today for some reason. Nearly ate my fishfingers for tea last night by mistake. 🙂
Maybe meter inaccuracies are at play so your 3.8 may not have been that low at all?
Maybe, but don't see why my meter should suddenly go rogue, especially with 2 different test strips, on different hands, producing almost identical results. I often take a walk after our evening meal and test afterwards, and I'm always lower than when I don't take a walk.

Congrats on your HS @Eternal422, @Gwynn and @MeeTooTeeTo
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Maybe, but don't see why my meter should suddenly go rogue, especially with 2 different test strips, on different hands, producing almost identical results. I often take a walk after our evening meal and test afterwards, and I'm always lower than when I don't take a walk.
I think BGs in non-diabetic people is regarded as normal in anything down to 3.5. The cut off as 4 for people on insulin or glucose lowering medication, I think, was developed to allow a cushion for taking action and allowing time for it to have effect, before you drop any lower, rather than 4 being an absolute cut off for what's ‘normal'
I think BGs in non-diabetic people is regarded as normal in anything down to 3.5. The cut off as 4 for people on insulin or glucose lowering medication, I think, was developed to allow a cushion for taking action and allowing time for it to have effect, before you drop any lower, rather than 4 being an absolute cut off for what's ‘normal'
That makes sense and fits in with how I experience hypos. I tend to only feel hypo symptoms from mid 3s and lower.
I walked home from the surgery (a couple of miles) as it was such a nice evening and decided to test when I got home, even though it was over 3 hours since I'd eaten, and got a 3.8 - what..???. Switched hands and tested again - 4.0, so it seems I really was that low. I always thought that was hypo territory but I'm not on any diabetes meds and I felt perfectly normal.
I may be wrong, but I was always told that 3.5 and below is a hypo - it is normal for even non diabetics to occasionally dip below 4. I think Type 1s/medicated Type 2s are told to keep an eye on levels in the low 4s & below to encourage hypo awareness.
It’s been a bit of a struggle in keeping my BS down so far & definitely NOT been too aggressive with NR. 60 wasn’t enough for breakfast earlier as BS was still at 13.0 at 12:03 after tresiba alarm so, stuck the tresiba in & added a planned 12NR but, there was 13 left in the pen & stuck in the extra unit: have always +1/-1 unit doesn’t register & the difference has to be at +/-2, anyway!

I’ve looked at my closed left eyelid & in the much smaller red lump now there’s a teeny tiny puncture mark so, something DID sting me!

I’ve been awfully hungry the last 2 hours but, wanted hold off eating until I got the BS back down. FINALLY I just had another bowl of instant ramen: I could hear my mum’s voice in my head saying eat too much ramen is bad for you because of all that MSG; but, it’s quick & easy & I’m too grumpy to cook anything else. 14:58 BS 6.1 & just stuck in the usual 44NR with a tiny overlap of about 30 minutes by the time I stuck it in after eating.

My sensitivity is through the roof I’ve noticed as the bowl was burning my fingers when they weren’t earlier this morning! My fingertips REALLY feel the lancets in testing & I feel like Daredevil: the blind comic superhero with a super sensitive sense of touch as played by Ben Affleck in the movie where he uses it on the locks on his front door! 😱