Group 7-day waking average?

Good afternoon everyone

Bed at 10pm.Up at 1am! Slept at 3am and got up for real at 7am.

Spent this morning at a keyboard shop with my friend looking at a new keyboard. I may get one. The sounds andcfunctions are just superb.

Knacked now after playing for an hour and then walking for an hour

And I have just recieved an email from the Pastor of the church I go to, accepting me into the worship team, playing keyboard and singing.

Incidentally, BG 5.0

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A late CCC -

Colin’s Cultural Corner

Werther - Jules Massenet
Royal Opera House - 17th June 2023

Another rehearsal at Covent Garden and another opera I’ve never seen or knowingly heard anything from. I do know that it’s a bit of a bleak tale of tragic love and death but that’s just opera so I’m thinking it’ll be like the others.

Musically it’s a lush romantic score so I was expecting to be blown away by the music, conducted by Antonio Pappano, who I’ve learnt can find power and drama in any score.

I was sitting up in the Amphitheatre for this one. Front row. Centre seat. Curtain up on a really sort of nondescript set which I am struggling to recall much detail of as I’m writing this a few days later (and that’s why I try to write these the day after I’ve seen something rather than leave it for a few days but heigh-ho).

Just remembered the set!! I thought it was a street set in a Mediterranean village, all soft yellow stone, windows surrounded by bougainvillea, and a huge wall suggesting another house. Softly lit like it’s being caressed by the setting sun. Hints of a small beach upstage centre but out of sight.

Turns out that it was the courtyard of a large house and the huge wall was actually the gate. The bougainvillea was inside the courtyard surrounding a little fountain that trickled all the way through the performance and I’m sure caused the huge queue for the toilets in the intervals.

Back to the plot. The house belongs to the elderly mayor of this town/village, he’s written as a massive 50 years old. He lives there with his two daughters, Charlotte, aged 20 and Sophie, 15 children and half a dozen much younger children. Charlotte helps to look after the kids and is acting as teacher and mother combined. The other one is a bit of a dreamer.

Werther, an idealistic poet of just 23 years, here performed by Jonas Kaufmann who’s actually 53 and no longer blessed with the physique that a 23 year old itinerant poet would have, arrives and announces that he’s taking Charlotte to a huge party that evening.

Off they go to the party. Presumably they have a whale of a time but we next see them around dawn when they’re returning to the house. Werther declares his love for Charlotte and it’s reciprocated. There’s one minor wrinkle though and that’s the whilst they’ve been out partying Albert, 25 and played by Gordon Bintner who I reckon is about 28-30 and could probably knock seven shades of excrement out of any podgy middle aged poet without even breaking a sweat, has returned to town. Oh and he’s engaged to Charlotte.

Sophie, the 15 year old daughter, takes it upon herself to tell Werther and Charlotte that Albert is back in town. Werther is distraught. Charlotte apologies for forgetting all about Albert in the six months he’s been away.

Werther remains distraught throughout the rest of the opera. Charlotte quickly regains her composure and tells W to leave so she can marry A and to return at Christmas. He goes off in a huff after singing that he’s so distraught he doesn’t know if he’ll ever return.

Charlotte marries Albert and we next see them on Christmas Eve. Werther has written to her and said that he won’t return as he’s in love with her so much that it hurts. He says that he’s unlikely to ever return or ever love another. Sophie appears more upset at this than Charlotte does but then Albert confronts her about a letter from W she’s hidden. He’s not found it but can sense that something’s up and that she still loves Werther.

Albert goes off in a strop and Charlotte is distraught.

Werther returns. He announces to Charlotte that he didn’t think he’d see another Christmas but had to return once more to ask her a favour. That favour is to borrow a couple of pistols. Albert decides that he’s happy to do an old friend a favour and tells Charlotte that Werther can borrow the pistols.

Charlotte is distraught when she realises what Werther is going to do with the pistols (which have now been sent to him). Albert is distraught that Charlotte is distraught that Werther is distraught. Sophie couldn’t really care less.

We hear a gunshot off stage and revealed is a huge surprise, that nobody ever could have seen coming a mile off, a bloodstained Werther. He’s tried to commit suicide by shooting himself.

I’m guessing that poets don’t know much about biology even though he’s supposedly an intelligent and well educated man. He’s got two pistols. He’s shot himself once. In the stomach.

Charlotte runs to his side where they sing about how distraught they each are. They do this individually and together. Werther is keen to express that he’s doubly distraught at the idea of not being buried in consecrated ground. He also declares that he loves her.

She’s distraught at his declaration of love and that he might not be buried in a churchyard and she agrees to bury his body somewhere he specifies whilst being distraught over something or other. He dies.

Charlotte remains distraught and returns to Albert where presumably they live an utterly miserable and wretched life whilst being distraught over Sophie’s likely future as a first class bitch.

I was distraught in the first act as for some reason I started to get a little vertigo. Not being one to suffer unnecessarily, nor one to become distraught about asking if there are any other seats I could be moved to I presented myself to the Manager and asked if there was anywhere else I could sit. He informed me that of course there was and then promptly assigned me an entire box to myself.

An usher escorted me to the box and when she opened the door was, you guessed it, distraught! There were four people sitting in the box already. Clearly they’d snuck in and had hoped to hide in there as they’d moved all their seats towards the back in order to remain hidden by the staff.

The usher apologised for interrupting them, asked to see their tickets and then requested that they return to their seats which were in the very back row of the Amphitheatre!

I admired their chutzpah at moving from £10 seats to a £1,000 box and just chancing that they’d not be discovered but discovered they were and I had the box to myself for the remaining two thirds of the most depressing opera I’ve seen so far. I won’t rush back to see Werther if when it appears in a future season and I’m unlikely to head back into a box either but I’m not distraught over either of those things.

View from the box. Those little black things in the red velvet are screens for the surtitles. There are others a bit higher in the walls of the box so that the folks sitting behind can easily see them.

And this was the box next door - the Royal Box!
@ColinUK - loved your latest CCC, Distraught : The Musical :rofl:. You would think by now that poets, realising they are in an opera, would have an unfortunate end. Great move to get the box, really good of the ROH to be so accommodating.
I’m just jealous, @ColinUK . I saw Werther at The Maltings, Snape, when we happened to be on holiday and coincided with it. Not having been to the venue before, we didn’t know to take cushions, as the cane seats are rock hard, and have that waffle pattern on them, which leaves an imprint in the backs of your thighs for days afterwards.
That was an interesting production, it was a touring opera, (I can’t remember which one, might have been Opera North), and was a pared down version. It was very well sung and acted, and I did enjoy it. The orchestra was reduced to a string quartet, which played on stage behind the singers and the set, which was semi transparent, so you could see their rather ghostly figures. It meant that you never lost the sense that it was a staged production, so the feeling at the end was, oh, he shot himself, well there's a surprise, this is Opera after all…
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Was told a month Ago am diabetic on a count of 51
Since then tested every morning and it’s 5 and late afternoon/teatime it’s between 4.5/5.3
But have cut out snacks and back walking daily
Good evening all. 🙂 Had to run about a bit on getting up this morning so when I took my bg it was 8.4, high for me, bit surprised as I hadn't had anything to eat yet! It would have gone up even more, especially with the size of my breakfasts. 🙄 I had a really bad eating day today, not sure why, started off fine with usual eggs and mushrooms but got food lust in Quality Save and it was all downhill from there. Good grief I have to get a grip. Break out the Atkins book I think. Put myself in control. I'm just gonna have that tin of Heinz Tomato Soup and a Warburton Thins for breakfast then I'll start... bit like Peter Kay's "I'll start Monday."
Greetings in today the longest day! Woke about 45vminutes ago feeling quite shakey with blurred vision. Had a couple of JBs and 2 squares daekest G&B. Vision settled after about 20 minutes and crossing fingers it doesn't trigger a silent migraine! Got through Wordle and as a clue it is not DRUID!
Good morning- 9.0

I got my grade back for my biology poster on diabetes - a 9 !

Slight thing is , can’t remember if I did my long-acting last night. There’s one needle used up and I think last night I made sure there were two in the case. If not, then oops

Have a great day everyone
Good morning. 5.7.

Looking forward to the gardener coming and tidying up the yard which, owing to the lousy local drivers, who use my gateway as a layby and then exit via the roadside drain instead of making the effort to turn the wheel, received all the heavy rain and accompanying beech mast. The rain was most welcome but the anticipated 2 hours sweeping and shovelling isn't.

Managed to site the mini shed for the electrics and unwind the cables for the new connections. Why do they do that double roll system on hoses and cables? Took half an hour to unravel 50m of the wretched stuff. Most of the day spent hunting down a connection for the filter - after visiting 4 builders merchants I eventually found one in a box of free bits in the garden centre. However it wasn't all wasted time as I met a nice chap who has given up his pond having developed Parkinsons - afraid he might fall in. I am now heir to his pump and various other bits and pieces of pond equipment. More for the spares shelves.

BBC and Met Office in their usual rangle. BBC says lots of rain and thunderstorms from 1100. The Met swears it will be dry until 1400 hours when some chance of light rain. They do agree it will be warm so whichever is right we shall just plod on wiping either sweat or rain from our eyes. Its a hard thing being a devoted gardener.

Hope everyone doing well and getting their prefered weather.
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Morning all. A surprising 11.3 for me. I dropped to 4.1 about 9pm so had a small snack of 3 little cheesy crackers and a small lump of cheese. Before bed, i dropped to 3.8 so i had a sip of juice. Now woken to a high 🙄.

@Lily123 well done on your result! Congratulations.
05:55 BS 7.4 🙂

WOW! Yesterday’s cooler morning didn’t last long as the sun was still pretty hot behind some hazy cloud when my sister & BIL came round in the afternoon, around 15:00, we were boiling in the conservatory & I said the temperature is back up again & it was only a little short relief! But, then around 17:00 as they were leaving the weather changed again & the heavens open, as it were, with an hour long thunder & lightning storm with loads of rain! They didn’t want to drive in that so, we cooked & ate instant ramen as we were all hungry! Sister & BIL left around 18:00 after the storm finally passed & it still looking grey this morning after quite a chill night so, hopefully the air is properly cleared out now? 😱:confused:🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Oh yes! Had the chicken broccoli in creamy garlic sauce yesterday & BOY! Basil is pretty strong stuff: smelt it when I unsealed it; thankfully with my instincts I only put a wee teeny bit in! 😱

Recipe suggests chicken thighs so, that’s what I used but, you can use breast too. I used a 400g pack of thigh fillets that didn’t need cutting & cut into large ish chunks if using breast. Basil, paprika. black pepper, I left out the salt, rubbed into the chicken. No par boiling necessary for the broccoli but, I did par boil for 5 minutes. Pan fry the chicken first on high to brown, turn it down to cook, add garlic, add the broccoli, add a small can, 170g, of evaporated milk, add some double cream, & I did use that this time, & cook until chicken is cooked. No cheese at all in this recipe! The sauce is thicker too with the tinned milk AND I used the thicker cream so, the texture was better but, I found it JUST a tad bit sweet & the basil is strong! I enjoyed it though! 😛🙂
Not exactly first thing, but after getting up and pottering around for 20 minutes it was 5.3. First morning reading for a while!
Thank you for all the diaversary wishes yesterday! 7.9 for me today, which was the knock on effect of my Chinese and cupcake for my diaversary tea :rofl: Paying for it slightly this morning however, as have jabbed 5u in the past hour and am still in the 7s, my insulin resistance in the morning is real! Hoping it comes down a bit soon so I can eat some breakfast before work. However, any reading is better than the 31.0 I saw on the meter of the day of diagnosis!

@Lily123 well done on your grade!

Have a good day everyone, sun is back here after a rainy morning yesterday 😎
5.1, same as yesterday, on this sunny Berkshire morning. Sunny intervals and a gentle breeze is the forecast, so a chance to finish off my garden chores.

Thoroughly enjoyed a fantastic day's cricket yesterday with the match going almost to the wire and the result in doubt right up until the end. Unfortunately for Andy Murray he's gone out in the first round at Queen's. Having said that, Queen's is the premier pre-Wimbledon warm-up so it attracts a lot of the higher-ranked players, so it was always going to be a tough one for him.

It's the second session (of six) of my surgery's Managing Type 2 course this evening so it will be interesting to see what they have to say. The first one was an introductory session so presumably this one will start going into details.

@Lily123 well done on your result. Is that 9 what used to be called an A*?

Enjoy today's Summer Solstice. From tomorrow we go into reverse and start losing a little daylight every day again.
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Good morning 6.1 again today

I did eventually speak to eye casualty on the phone yesterday
but they didn’t think I needed to see them urgently however they have given me an an appointment in eye department tomorrow afternoonm,
as I type this I’m listening to that lovely music in attempt to get a appointment or Al least a phone call with GP.

My face still a bit puffed up especially my eyes which 8 feel like I just want to close (I won’t spoil your day with a photo)
feeling like mr itchy (all over) lol

have a Wonderful Wednesday everybody 😎
Good morning everyone

First decent nights sleep for a week. I seem to be on the mend. Yesss

BG 5.3
Pulse 54
BP 117 / 72

Today nothing much planned

Have a great day today whatever you are doing