Group 7-day waking average?

4.8 this morning which followed a hypo around midnight. I obviously took too much insulin yesterday evening to correct a high after dinner. Always such a balancing act isn’t it?

Heavy rain today here, great for the garden as @freesia and @Robin say (it also has washed the solar panels nicely too 😉).

Happy Diaversary @pawprint91 !

Taking my wife to a hospital appointment this morning for an investigation into a polyp in her nose. We’re hoping it is benign but there’s obviously some worry about it.

Have a good day everyone!
I mentioned yesterday that despite the rain in some parts, everything was looking parched down here. Scrub that - woken up just after six this morning by a thunderstorm and torrential rain. It's stopped now but we've had a long overdue soaking.

It's the final day at college today for our youngest as his 2-year Creative Media Production course comes to an end with a day showcasing students' work. There are several media production studios in Thames Valley and more coming, so he may get an opportunity to work in that field. Also the last day of our eldest's Malta holiday, so he'll be home tomorrow. I've never been to Malta, apart from stops to refuel on flights to and from Libya back in the 1950s, but it looks really nice based on his social media posts.

Some DIY work in the garden this morning then off to the pool for 20 lengths before lunch. Also looking forward to a good day's sport on tv - weather permitting - with Andy Murray playing at Queen's and the final day of the Test Match, which could go either way.

5.1 on the meter - oh so close. Have a good day, and Happy Diaversary @pawprint91
Good morning 6.1 today

Taking car for MOT later this morning
I couldn’t get through to book appointment with GP yesterday,
so went and saw a pharmacist, he’s getting me some medication in today that I need which is good.

seem to have have some kind of eye infection come on, I’m unsure if it’s following the treatment I had last Monday or as I’ve recently had bad hay fever and just not sleeping properly,
plenty of rest for me later today and over the next few days I think.

have a great day everybody 😎
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Morning all. 6.4 and the flattest of flat fishes.

Like others, I too had a hot and sweaty night. Up at 2.30, 4.45, 5.45 then surprisingly slept until 7.40. I also feel pooped. But nowhere to go and no one to see, just a pile of ironing, including bedding and a table cloth! o_O

Forecast heavy rain, starting imminently, very cloudy and overcast at the moment.

@Bloden congratulations on your new job. Well done.
@Eternal422 hope the hospital appointment goes well for your wife.
@pawprint91 Happy Diaversary and here’s to many more.
@Lanny hope the PIP application goes well.

Have a lovely wet day everyone. << cloudy and rainy emoji>>
8.something this morning after some overnight lows.
Sensor expired this morning too and I think I might have had a few JBs when that alarm went off as well (don't judge my non caffeinated sleepy brain) :rofl:
Dashing out to doctors in a mo, Kiddo had an ear infection last week and its still not right and antibiotics are finished so taking her back to get checked again.
Have a great day everyone x
A Heinz special (5.7) for me today. 🙂
Oh and it's 4 years today since I joined you lovely lot here. :D

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Anyone having issues claiming PIP or any other benefits, I’d recommend looking at this brilliant website…

They have a forum where there’s lots of real life advice on how best to answer questions and what to do if you need to challenge an outcome.
Good morning. 6.1 .

Was having a lie in this morning after rather hectic day yesterday. In the morning was phoned by a PPI scammer with whom I played along nicely asking for the details of the scheme in writing. What came was, of course, an assent form attached file but no details. So, before deleting it, I spent a merry 2 hours being a good citizen and reporting it to FCA, Fraud team, and HMRC...Deeply asleep, presumably Wolf the same since no morning bark of "Oy where's my brekkie", when the phone rang. By the time I got my marbles gathered it rang off so dialled 1471 in case it was family - no, it was my friendly scammer again, no doubt checking that I had looked in my spam box for his message. Can't fault them for persistence if not for cleverness🙂

As a result of the wasted time I was a bit late checking facebook where I found a newly listed fibreglass pond listed - just the thing for a biofilter but rather beyond my "worth it test" new at around £900 so a snip at £100 second hand. Girded loins, hooked up trailer, and drove to Pembroke, returning with the thing strapped on making my ensemble resemble an overlarge snail... 3 hours driving at 50mph and an hour talking fish to the seller.

No serious rain here but much promised. Off to a Drs appointment for annual check on my blood thinners (and weight/blood pressure etc). Not keen on that as weight has risen recently - I blame those vicious ice-creams. I made a doozy of a vanilla one yesterday...Must pop down to the organics place today and pick up a few kilos of strawberries.

Have a good day everyone with your preferred weather and good numbers.

@MeeTooTeeTo Congratulations on your persitence - 4 years!
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7.6 for me with an upward sloping arrow. 4 units of Fiasp promptly dealt with that and now a steady 5.6 after a cup of coffee with cream.

@pawprint91 Congrats on your first Diaversary and getting to grips with things so well. Hopefully it will continue to become easier for you as the years roll on.

@Lanny Do I remember correctly that you had been prescribed Libre and if so, have you got it yet? .... And if so, how are you finding it?

@Bloden Many congrats on your successful job application. You are so enthusiastic about the Welsh language I think you are the perfect person to teach it and will no doubt make it fun for your pupils. Well done!

@Martin.A Pleased you have now had some rain too. We are forecast a second dose of it about lunchtime today and into the afternoon. Just trying to psych myself up to cut a lawn before the heavens open, otherwise I am going to be well behind and struggling to catch up as it will no doubt shoot away now.

@MeeTooTeeTo Happy forum anniversary. I am surprised as I thought you were here before me and way more experienced at this diabetesing lark. Maybe you give that impression because you are so good at it.... Always lovely stable predictable morning readings.... I try not to be jealous! 🙄
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9.4 at 8 am and 11.1 just before breakfast at 8.30. This is after dipping down as low as 4.4 just after 3 am. I didn't take any action at that time, so can't understand why it was so high when I got up.

Anyway, I'm just heading out for a bike ride now and I should have plenty of 'fuel in the tank' to last me until I get home.
Looked like we had some overnight rain when I woke up with a 5.1 earlier this morning.

Have a good day everyone.

7.5 and feeling slightly better today, than yesterday, although did need to use my inhaler during the night. Despite not feeling great yesterday I decided to go running and considering how hot it was still at 7pm was pleased with my 5k.

Woken up by a storm about 6.45 this morning, hardly stopped raining since, but considering parched everywhere around here is we certainly need the rain, and I am not even a gardener.

@Bloden - congratulations on getting the job.

@pawprint91 - happy diaversary

@Eternal422 - right there with you on the job, I am certain. Could fill my days with crafts, reading, yoga etc, I would at least like to give it a try.
Morning all 5.1 for me.

Further reduction in breakfast basal and so far things looking good.

Been to the vampires this morning. I was going to walk but it's rather persistent outside. Phlebotomist was one I know so straight in and out.

Have a good day everyone.
PIP just filled in, social worker gone & tresiba in, just a wee bit late at 12:15, & I feel like a depressed, geriatric, disabled person after putting everything down at its worst! :( I just can’t help that Frown but, will hopefully bounce back to my normal optimistic self soon?🙄:rofl:😉 I kept almost contradicting the things she put down on the form & she said I’d have to cut that out when it comes to the face to face assessment!😳 I always like to put the best light on things whenever possible & the pessimistic mindset isn’t natural to me! A Fish Out of Water emoji!
@Eternal422 hope the hospital appointment goes well for your wife.
All good thank you! We were seen within 10 minutes and even didn’t have to pay in the car park as we were there for such a short time! Really pleased to say that there were no polyps and no issues, other than a slightly mis-shapen nasal passage from a childhood trauma (which may have involved a stone being inserted as a child:rofl:).

The consultant seemed to think that the GP over-reacted in doing the referral, however we are so pleased to know for sure that everything is alright. He suggested continuing to use a steroid nasal spray that the GP had originally prescribed, to help keep the nasal passages open and prevent future infections / difficulty breathing through the nose.
Some welcome rain for the allotment overnight Oh WHY Oh WHY did I plant so many lettuces but hasn't it brought out all the slugs and snails, happily chomping my sunflowers and petunias.

Just seen in the Tesco magazine recipe for lettuce, pea and ham soup and lettuce pesto. Now I have some ideas for my glut of lettuces.
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