Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.0

Have a great day everyone
06:13 BS 7.9 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

The cooler break from the heat continued yesterday & last night so, I slept in a bit this morning! :D

Will be cooking, later, more carb free meals that I gleamed off various youtube videos & adapting to what I, italics, want to use. 🙄 Chicken with broccoli in a creamy garlic sauce made with evaporated milk, basil, garlic, black pepper & some cream: I’m leaving out the salt. I’ll tell you lot how that goes later? :confused:

I’ve always just used Schwartz mixed herbs in my cooking & never used individual herbs before but, in my shopping, yesterday, I’ve gotten in a jar each of garlic granules for convenience as I don’t chop, paprika, oregano, basil, rosemary & thyme since they’re all on offer at tesco for any 2 for £3:40 promotion for loads of carb free recipes I want to try out! 😛
Morning all. 6.8 this morning.

Yesterday was interesting. Went off to the opera house again but saw ZooNation dancing a fantastic hip hop piece which was just so good! Then came home to find no broadband connection.
Finally managed to log the fault with BT and Openreach will aim to reconnect me by 23:59 22nd June.
Not that far away I guess but one issue with living in a connected house is that everything is on WiFi. Today I’ll switch all the lights to manual so I don’t have to use a torch, and I’ll probably head to the 3 store and buy a payg 5G broadband gizmo so I’m not melting my phone by tethering everything to it for the next few days. As it’s a payg gizmo it might just sit in the cupboard and be wiped out for emergencies.
Morning all. No reading yet as the sensor fell off during the night and i was so tired last night i came to bed without my kit. The sensor was due to be changed tomorrow anyway so i'll shower and put the new one on ready to activate later and finger prick for today.

Have a good day everyonr.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 sigh and yet hooray
Temp 36.4
Pulse 55
BP 120/77

What a great day yesterday was. My daughter and family came to visit unexpectedly (as they had said that they were not coming). Their daughter is a very happy child. We get on well.

I am still struggling with something bug like. Thankfully a couple of paracetamol enabled me to sleep last night (tickly throat).

Today an early walk with my friend and some keyboard practice.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
4.5 for me today, and a flat line overnight.

Had a diabetes win yesterday - went to my OH’s parents for Father’s Day tea. I didn’t have time to pre-bolus so ended up correcting as it went slightly high - it then started dropping quite fast so I was able to try both types of dessert :D

Got a message through from a friend of a friend last night, asking her if I’d help organise a belated hen party (the mutual friend had a “micro-wedding” ie family only ceremony last year) for her. With 16 guests for September o_O😱 I had a busy summer as it was, oh well, I guess it just got busier:rofl:

Hope your afternoon tea went well @eggyg.

Have a great Monday all - lots and lots of rain last night, but the sun is back out this morning!
Morning all. 6.6 on this gloriously wet day. Yes, at last we got rain, and lots of it. Luckily it didn’t start until our afternoon tea party was over. We sat in the summer house and just listened to it battering the roof, it was lovely. Water butt full and veggies look very happy, my first courgette has almost doubled in size overnight. Forecast is light rain this morning and fine this afternoon. Perfect.

Good day yesterday, everyone enjoyed my Round the World Tea Party. I hadn’t mentioned it and they were expecting “ bog standard” sandwiches, 11/10 was given. I’m happy with that. Just got Operation Tidy Up now! Dishes got done last night but there’s furniture everywhere and my big dishes and good china to put back where they belong.

Have a fab day and I hope you all got at least some rain.


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Opened the curtains to a similar start to yesterday, overcast and no sunshine. Hopeful it will get better as the day wears on. Despite yesterday's weather warning we got no thunderstorms and barely any rain. Unfortunately the cricket didn't escape. Luckily the tennis did, so didn't spoil my day's tv completely.

Highlight of the day is a trip to the recycling centre over in nearby Bracknell to get rid of a mix of wood, rubble, cardboard and garden waste. Nothing else planned bar the usual household and gardening chores.

5.6 for me this morning. Have a good day, everyone.
Morning all, and a cheeky 5.2 here, courtesy of some squabbling jackdaws who woke me up at 6am. I confess to going back to sleep again and now I'm 5.8.
Came through an absolute deluge of rain coming back from son's house yesterday afternoon, got back home to find everything still dry as a bone. We did get a shower later in the evening.
Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

Looks like a proper soaking is on the way, according to the forecast. Hopefully, it’ll soften up the ground enuff for me to plant the cherry blossom tree that’s been sat in a pot since the beginning of May, oops. Have a lovely Monday ev1. 🙂
@Robin I think that’s allowable under the new rules so you get a house!

How did it go? Sorry I couldn’t make it.
Had a good audience all sat under their umbrellas :rofl: Long day though, so a bit tired today!
A 5.9 for me this morning. 🙂

7.1 for me this morning and delighted to report that we got rain last night.... AT LAST! It started gently about 8pm but was a deluge by 10. I went out for a walk in it and got drenched but it was glorious although I was a bit concerned about how fast it was running off. it was coming down the lane 2 inches deep and unfortunately erupting from the manhole along the lane, although the bulk of the water coming along the lane and along all the roads was of course just run off. You get a little bit anxious when you live in the bottom of a valley and you see water running off like that but thankfully it eased after about half an hour to a much more gentle rain and this morning we have blue sky with the odd wispy cloud and sunshine.

Congrats to @Robin on your House Special. Don't mind you being cheeky as long as you don't make a habit of it! 😉

@Ditto I have to ration nuts (hard I know 🙄) and I don't always succeed and my levels will go high and stay high for many hours, particularly peanuts which are of course legumes rather than actual nuts and I have the same problem with lentils etc as do some other people. I think some of us have digestive systems which are more efficient at breaking down these particular foods. Also the salt (if they were salted) may well cause you to retain water and the fat content will provide a lot of extra calories, so you do have to be a bit disciplined with nuts which I know can be hard for you.... as it is for me. If you didn't enjoy them then the answer is not to buy them again. Part of it for me is the crunchy texture. I really find crunchy foods very satisfying.

@Lanny That recipe sounds very similar to the previous one you posted with chicken and broccoli and cream. Do be aware that Evaporated milk seems to contain more carbs than you might expect. I stopped buying it (I used to have a can as standby in my cupboard for my morning coffee in case I ran out of real cream), because it increased my levels my levels more than I expected or like.
Another cloudy morning and a 5.4 for me today.

Going to have a lazy day today and do absolutely nothing - zilch.
Thanks for that tip, Barbara @rebrascora 🙂 I had a bit of difficulty in getting the correct stuff too as evaporated & condensed milk means two different things ie. one’s the canned milk, evaporated, we used to serve with our coffee in the family restaurant & the other is that thick, gloopy terribly sweet stuff I loved as a kid & can’t stand now, condensed! But, I’ll try it now as it there & this recipe has garlic & basil; the other had no garlic & supposed to be oregano which, I can try out since I have oregano now! I’m not sure what subtleties or nuances using different individual herbs will be as opposed to only using mixed herbs before: said before Chinese cooking doesn’t really use herbs & my older brothers & sisters don’t even like the taste of mixed herbs in the omelettes I’ve made for them before when they came round while I was cooking; I’m the maverick for having used mixed herbs for so long now!🙄:rofl: I’m finally branching out to use individual herbs now: a whole new taste adventure, I’m sure!:confused:😛:D