Group 7-day waking average?

6.6 for me this morning, but that includes FOTF as I’d moved around a bit before scanning.

Had a bit of a blood sugar disaster yesterday - went to Prezzo with a friend for dinner and had truffle chicken burger and chips. Have eaten that meal from there before a few times and usually bg goes up to 12 or 13 (sometimes only 9 or 10) - that meal is 80g of carbs. I split the dose into 6u and 2u as I wasn’t sure if we’d be leaving fairly soon after the meal, meaning I’d be home walking the dog and therefore likely to go low - but we stayed and chatted for AGES - lovely; but when I scanned to drive home (libre alarms stopped going off after levels hit 12, when I did the second part of the split dose as I realised we wouldn’t be moving) I got a shock - 16.4!! 😱 o_O Jabbed a correction and walked the dog, and managed to get it down to 10 within an hour, levels then kept slowly falling, so had half a mini packet of haribo, a biscuit and then, right before bed 3 JBs - thankfully levels then stayed okay all night. My TIR for the past 24 hours is still 90% so I’m not too bothered.

A bit cooler here this morning and originally no sunshine, now it is raining! I was sitting in the garden enjoying the cooler weather but have moved to the conservatory for now. Have a good weekend everyone!
Wow, grey sky and clouds to greet my 4.7 this morning.

Might just get out on the bike soon as it’s been to hot all week.
Wow, 5.3 this morning, how on earth did I manage that after snacking in the evening? Must have taken enough insulin after all!

Bit of a change to the weather this morning with some dark clouds and a threat of rain. Still, we managed to get pretty well all the holiday washing done yesterday and for free as well thanks to plenty of solar electricity being generated. Still generating 1500W with it being cloudy and battery is back to 40% charge, so it looks like we’ll manage another day without using the grid.

New sensor last night which readings-wise seems to have bedded in quite nicely. However it has been hurting a bit (too strong a word, more that I am aware of it) and around the sensor the arm feels almost bruised. Thankfully it is starting to ease off now so I’ll persevere with it as I hate to waste any. Altogether my experience has been really good with the Libre 2, pretty accurate and 99% of the time I’m not aware of them on my arms. Looking at the failure rate (through inaccuracies and sensors not sticking) I’ve still had a failure rate of 19% (5 failures out of 25 sensors) which doesn’t seem that good, but the last 6 sensors have all been good.

Off to my sister in laws this evening for her 60th birthday celebrations. Apparently there is a UB40 tribute singer/band, so hopefully should be good (thunderstorms permitting!).

Have a great day everyone!
Not sure what the day will bring. Just been down for a COVID booster so we'll see how that goes first.
Had mine last month (Pfizer). Arm a little sore at the injection site, but only if I put any pressure on it, otherwise nothing.
7.0 for me this morning which I suppose I am happy enough with. Still needing lots of insulin but I am not fighting it, just jab whatever my Libre reading suggests I need. Pleased to report my knees are a lot less painful, so I am sure that is helping.

Had a lovely evening with my friend last night, where we had a pleasant but steady walk along an old railway line which was perfect terrain for my knees (nice and flat and even). She isn't walking fit as she rarely gets the chance, so my incapacity meant that our pace was perfect for both of us... I am terrible for walking fast normally. 🙄 Then she laid on a lovely low carb platter of olives and continental meats and dips whilst we watched Fisherman's Friends 2, plus of course we had a good catch up and sipped on refreshing diet ginger ale and water.

As always, loved your CCC @ColinUK , even if most of the main event didn't rock your boat, the overheard conversation clearly made up for it. I can't imagine that exchange happening anywhere else in the world except in an opera house in London! How the other half live!!
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New sensor last night which readings-wise seems to have bedded in quite nicely. However it has been hurting a bit (too strong a word, more that I am aware of it) and around the sensor the arm feels almost bruised. Thankfully it is starting to ease off now so I’ll persevere with it as I hate to waste any.
Well, spoke too soon! It just started peeling away until it was almost hanging off. Given that and it hurting a bit I decided to ditch it and apply a new sensor. I think the problem was it wasn’t on a “flat” bit of my arm, more on the side rather than on the back if you know what I mean? Anyway, cooled down, washed the arm, shaved some hair off and applied a new one. Fingers crossed this works ok.

I did hesitate about whether to report it on the Abbott sensor form, but as the adhesive didn’t feel very sticky at all after it fell off I decided that maybe the issue was more around poor adhesive, so reported it anyway. If I get a replacement, great, otherwise I do have some spares and it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t replace this one.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4
Temp 36.4
Pulse 56
BP 122/77

Not feeling so well this morning sadly, and a bunged up nose. Soldier on tho.

Meal last night went really well. The only downside were the raspberries and strawberries...nasty.

Today, not sure about church if I am not feeling too well. Same for exercise too. Perhaps a rest day (for once).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
05:08 BS 6.7 🙂

Phew! After all those hot nights with the fan going & the bedroom door open, last night was markedly cooler with no fan & door closed! 😛

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Finally got to see our new King Charles III first Trooping Of The Colour yesterday, just missed it live around 14:30 I was watching on iPlayer, as I was ready to watch it live last Saturday but, NOTHING: didn’t know it was postponed as it was too hot for the poor horses; a bit miffed I didn’t see it live as it doesn’t feel quite the same! 🙄
Up early this morning. Actually I'm usually awake around 6 or thereabouts but tend to hold off getting up until 7 o'clock. Tested and my meter said 5.5, so no different to where I usually am despite the much earlier start.

Couldn't be bothered to cook yesterday evening with no one here but me so wandered up to our local Chef & Brewer and had dinner there. Good decision - really enjoyed their Smothered Chicken (aka Hunter's Chicken, my favourite chicken dish). Came with a handful of chips, which I rarely eat, so no surprise to be just in range with an 8.1 post-prandial. I was down to 5.6 just before bedtime though.

Grey and overcast at the moment with a weather warning in place for thunderstorms from 10 o'clock. Although I've been watering the garden every other night for the past couple of weeks it could do with a thorough soaking, especially the grass, so maybe it'll get one today. Just hope the cricket and the tennis don't get one.

@Gwynn - sorry to hear you're unwell, but those numbers all look good so hopefully you'll feel better later.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your Sunday everyone..
6.9 this morning. Atrociously poor sleep last night. I think it’s the after effects of Friday’s therapy session just doing that thing of bringing things to the fore that need to be dealt with and the various parts inside me each clamouring to be heard.

I’m also looking at the weather forecast and the prediction of 32+ coming our way and wondering whether to invest in aircon.

Gotta catch up with CCC’s as I’ve two to do and there’s going to be another one after today to add to the pile.
Morning all, 5.4 here. Off to son’s house today to supervise his gardening efforts. So of course there’s now thunderstorms forecast for just after lunch. I’d better get up and get going.He’s an hour’s drive away, I bet we get rained off there, then come home and find there hasn’t been a drop here.
Morning folks. 🙂 7.3 here.

Well, I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday’s Welsh learners end of year bash. Lots of lovely people cranking up their Welsh and chatting to each other. We ended on a high with a singing session with a singer/comedienne/TV presenter - lots of fun. We even had visitors to the stately home stopping to join in. Oh, and I won a prize for my Welsh, which was embarrassing, but will hopefully help towards me getting the Welsh teaching job - interview’s tomorrow. Fingers crossed! 🙂
Good morning - 7.1

Have a great day everyone

9.3 and didn’t manage 3 good days in a row with eating, 2 really good meals and then a chicken chow main as my son ordered a Chinese takeaway and I just couldn’t say no. Anyway off for a run/walk this morning, a bit of housework later and then finishing off some knitting.

@Gwynn - hope you feel better soon.
Morning all. 6.2 when I got up at 7.40.

Just relaxing after my brekkie then it’s back to prepping for the hordes descending at 3pm. Looking forward to it, don’t know whether to get the garden furniture out or not. Forecast rain from 2pm. Mind you they said that yesterday and we got five minutes at 3.30! I’ll set the dining table up too. Belts and braces!

@ColinUK don’t buy AC because the whole country won’t have nice weather ever again! Just suffer like the rest of us sweaty lot! 😛
@Bloden sounds like a great day was had, big congratulations on your award, you obviously deserve it.

Have a great day, nice that’s it’s a bit cooler.
A near miss this morning with a 5.1. 🙂

@eggyg I can’t actually get my head around the notion of buying air con tbh. I might justify heading to John Lewis (or Argos or Robert Dyas) and buying another massive fan though.

I’m thinking something like this although it might not be ideal for use at the theatre.

Good morning. 6.2.

A cooler night so, with closed windows meaning less moths, slept quite well. Could be the result of the long drive - Satnav doesn't speak Welsh or had lost its marbles and took me on a scenic tour of every dreary village inland of Bridgend. Coming home I turned it off, used basic geographic knowledge and common sense which clipped half an hour off the return journey.

Put my feet up on return and then found myself in the shed, at 11 p.m. finishing the minature hut to hold the electric extension sockets by the pond. When it rains here it comes down sideways so I am reluctant to test even the most waterproof of outlets without some cover. Not that there is much chance of rain today - one blob of light rain chance of 20% on the forecast at 4p.m. but an amber thunderstorm warning. Harrumph - back to the hose pipes.

Hopefully going to change the UV bulb in the new filter and run it today. Be nice to see the fish more than an inch or two under the surface of the water.

Hope everyone has a nice, peaceful, cool Sunday.
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