Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

@Eternal422 lovely picture of tranquility, peace, fresh air, time to relax. I am glad that you have had a wonderful time.

Back here BG yet another HS 5.2 yessss. I will consider a nice house boat this morning.... I wonder if my test meter is stuck on that great number!!! 🙂

Yesterday the hospital visit was a breeze. All done within a few minutes. For once they found the vain easily, no pain, no multiple stabs at it, and no bleeder afterwards. Almost pleasant. The results will be very intetesting (to me). It was an endocrinology test so quite a lot of the things I am interested in will be missing.

My wife came along too, a new norm for her, and we had a good outing. The bus journey, tho was a bit unpleasant. It wasn't the driver, nor the crowded hot busses but the dreadful roads making the bus almost explode on every bump, crack, pothole, that made the journey unpleasant. Mustn't complain tho as it was free with my bus pass.

Today reast, practice, exercise

And my wife has asked me to invite my friend to tea, excellent.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

As for the houseboat...something a bit better than this please...

Morning all. 5.1 and a unicorn. Had a very up and down day yesterday, looks like I was at Alton Towers. Up down up down, apart from breakfast, I didn’t bolus for my meals, just relied on corrections later. I was dipping dangerously low a few times and got a few alarms to say I was hypo but they never showed on the graph. Thought I’d cracked this weather, I haven’t reduced my basal but will be keeping a closer eye on my BGs today. Zara day today so lots of running about.

Have a great day. TGIF. Are we going to be cooler soon? Or better still get some rain?
Morning all. 6.4 and a rare unicorn day yesterday. TIR over 7 days is creeping back up slowly as well so hopefully things are beginning so settle back down.

In work very early this morning. Hubby has had to drop me off as i have the eye screening this afternoon. Looking forward to that (not). Very glad its Friday as well.

Have a lovely day everyone.
7.2 - heat is playing havoc with my BG

(It’s clearly meteorology playing havoc and absolutely not the utter deliciousness of the odd Magnum.)
5.6 for me this morning. 🙂

@Gwynn congratulations on your HS! I am joining you today with a 5.2 . Thank you, it was indeed a lovely relaxing holiday for both of us.

And a better narrowboat for you, but you’ll have to share with 12 other owners in the syndicate!


Hope everyone has a great Friday!
And morning all from me to, I’m starting my day off with a 5.4 and that’s after a Magnam and half a bar of chocolate last evening.
5.4 this morning. Big shop day so off to Sainsbury's and the Garden Centre Greengrocer shortly. Going earlier than usual as the first Ashes test starts today, so need to be done by 11 o'clock.

@Gwynn and @Eternal422 - congrats on your House Specials.
Morning all! 5.3 for me (so close!!) House Special congrats to @Gwynn and @Eternal422

Another hot one here, and my insulin needs are still tumbling. Was due a set change this morning but there’s still 60u in the tank (almost enough for 2 days!) so I’ll leave it until tomorrow morning as long as it stays comfy.
Well I am bucking the trend as my insulin needs have gone through the roof. There is something going on causing it, so not weather related. I hurt my knee on Wednesday but no idea how or why. One minute it was fine and the next I was hobbling in agony. I am using lots of Voltarol but now the other knee has come out in sympathy..... not sure if it is because it has been taking more strain or if, as I suspect, it is systemic inflammation perhaps caused by me straying too far from my low carb diet the past few weeks. Both knees are puffy and just don't look like my knees at all! :( If I walk in straight lines on good flat surfaces and concentrate on relaxing them.... not easy when I expect pain with every step..... then I can manage to walk almost soundly but any torsional movement is really painful as is going up and down steps or hills or uneven ground. Trying to walk as much as possible because that will reduce the build up of fluid, which is causing the puffiness and trying to get my diet back on track although last night's pie and pea supper social event will not have helped.
Whilst my knees have taken a lot of stick over the years from skiing and horses, it seems unlikely that they have both succumbed to wear and tear within days of each other, so it has to be systemic and just hoping that it is diet related as I really have been quite naughty recently on that front. Trying to ignore the possibility that it might be another autoimmune condition developing. 😱

Anyway, I woke up to my high alarm going off on 9.3. I jabbed a correction and my bolus for breakfast and FOTF correction (8 units in total) and my Levemir which is now a massive 24 units and promptly went back to sleep and woke up again an hour later on 7.2 with a downward sloping arrow, so just perfect to get up and make breakfast and eat it straight away for once, rather than sitting waiting 45 mins for Fiasp to kick in. I will take that as a triumph if nothing else although I did need to eat 1 JB just as I was sitting down to eat as low alarm went off but I turned it around before crossing the red line.

Congrats to @Gwynn and @Eternal422 on achieving the nominated optimum waking reading this morning. Well done guys!

8.6 today, after a lovely yoga session yesterday, although my hips ache to from it. A very good day eating wise yesterday, managed to stay under 80g of carbs, honestly can’t remember the last time that happened. Slept badly so that might not help.

I think where I am rain I forecasted for Sunday.

taking mum for her eye screening this afternoon.

Well done @Gwynn and @Eternal422 on today’s HS.
Good day all. 6.9 for me today, nice and sunny again. 🙂
Well I am bucking the trend as my insulin needs have gone through the roof
Have you tried changing your cartridges? I got caught out over the last two days, my insulin needs suddenly went up, and I put it down to being back from hol and not going for a 6 mile walk along the cliffs every day, but I just changed both cartridges because I'd got to the end of them, and suddenly my BG has been rock steady in the 5s all afternoon. I'd been going up to the 11s at mealtimes, including breakfast, which I normally have nailed as it’s my most regular meal, and then staying there in a flat line til the next meal, so I suspect the Novorapid. I had taken it out for a walk in my black bumbag a couple of times when it was getting quite hot and sunny towards the end of the week, and kept it by my bedside in an increasingly hot bedroom at the cottage. It was obv still working to a certain extent, but it didn’t seem as potent as it should be. Of course, I blamed my body for days, rather than the insulin!
@TinaD - just catching up with this thread and saw your pond pictures! Wow! Looks beautiful, and more of a lake! You could put in an island with a bridge