Group 7-day waking average?

And would you believe it I got a 5.2 on this evening BG.

An evening house with BBQ would be just right.

Like this...

I’ve screenshot the steps. You’ll need info about your phone and sensor number. Go to “about” and it’s all there. Jot it down as it wouldn’t copy and paste for me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! I’ll have a look in a bit 🙂
Blimey. That’s one heck of a pond. It looks fantastic. Do you get lots of wildlife?
Glad you like it. Wildlife? Masses. Dragonflies and damsels zooming about and mating. Birds hopping on to the lily pads to drink. Beetles scudding about rowing. Water snails silently chomping away. It is about 8m long and 7 wide. I've been scattering seed on the grids this evening whilst watering. Hopefully some of them will take - I put, as an old Highland forester used to say as he meaasured out seed and added a bit, "and a puckle for the birdies".
03:50 BS 13.4! 😱 I didn’t eat anything else after the chicken broccoli yesterday! THEN, I realised that I’d completely forgotten to take my tresiba yesterday so, stuck in now & for convenience it’s 16 hours late!😱😳 The alarm went off at midday but, I had a flurry of text messages around then from my social worker & got distracted in answering them so, I forgot to stick in! I DID wonder a bit if I’d done it a couple of hours later in testing the new meal after 4 hours of NR had past but, quite often I do things SO automatically that I barely remember I did them & I didn’t want the extreme hassle of 2 lots of tresiba in my system; imagine the toe hopping then! I meant to stay awake for another few hours to test & see but, I was out like a light after the hot day!😳

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’m not quite sure, yet, what to do about tresiba doses & will have a think about it? I’d worked out what to do if that happened with Levemir which was take the full dose of what I should have taken & then take the next LR dose on time despite the overlap as I needed that to counter the high BS as I took my NR doses as normal when I ate. The BS would eventually settle back down to normal! I’ve never been SO late with tresiba before & have no experience to guide so, I’ll wait until 09:00 & give my DSN a call for advice: if I can’t get her, sometimes she’s so hard to get a hold of, I suppose I can continue to stick tresiba in the early morning when I wake! :confused: In the meantime my BS will be higher than usual when I eat…which reminds me I haven’t done anything about DP yet so, better, I’m thinking,…..take half an oatcake & I’ll try 20NR or 22 if my BS has risen a bit in the time I toyed this sitting up in bed?
04:18 BS 12.8 so, tresiba is doing its thing already! 🙂 I’ll go with 20NR & play things closer to the ear today with more testing to gather more experience on this: not that I ever PLAN to be this late again; will know better what to do if it does as, I have to face it, I’m at the age now where the slightest bit of distraction & I forget to do things!🙄
Good morning everyone

Just missed another HS by a cats whisker BG 5.3
BP 118/75 good
Pulse 54. It's always been low so no worries
Temp 36.4 regardless of how hot it is, remarkable

Out at the hospital today simply to have bloods taken. It is such a farce trying to get it done at my local GP and then getting them to transfer the results to the hospital, I gave up and go direct to the hospital now. Even though the NHS is supposed to be able to see patient data from anywhere (or so I believe) invariably they can't or the test results go missing. Anyway, it'll be a day out. Not much sight sering tho. 🙂

Later on more keyboard practice. New songs to learn.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
I ring up.
I have called sometimes as it’s quicker that way but sometimes I can’t be bothered to talk to someone and just want to do it online.
Apologies for missing the various HS the last few days. I’ll start a house building spree so I can catch up.

As posted on my sensor experience thread, I tried a new sensor with the combo of Skin Glu and a patch yesterday. First time using the things designed to help it all stay put for hopefully the full 14 days lifespan of the sensor. It fell off after 6 hours. That’s a new record. On the plus side it fell off in a body pump class, the first one I’ve done in 20+ years!

Anyway, it’s back to finger prick testing until the weather cools down a little and I get another replacement sensor from Abbott.

6.1 this morning.
Good morning - 4.7

Have a great day everyone
A very good early morning. Libre alarm woke me at 5.20 with a 3.6 going down! I didn’t believe it and got up to the loo, scanned again 5.8! I just got up then.

Hairdressers this morning to do the colour I missed two weeks ago when I wasn’t well. Thank goodness as I’m looking like a badger! Then on my return it’s Operation Mr Eggy’s Fathers Day/ birthday afternoon tea prep. I’ll make the gingerbread and carrot cake today I think and if I’ve time the brownie. They’ll all taste amazing by Sunday. I’m doing an alternative to sandwiches by doing a Round the World afternoon tea. By that I mean other countries version of a sandwich, for example a naanwich, a naan bread filled with curry of some sort, bao buns with shredded duck, mini pulled pork burgers, halloumi gyros and burritos. I will also do salmon and watercress pinwheels and sausage rolls for the purists amongst us. Scones will of course also be served, fruit and cheese. How I’m going to make them bite sized is puzzling me at the moment. :confused: It’ll probably all go horribly wrong and I’ll end up boiling eggs for egg and cress sandwiches and opening a tin of tuna!:rofl:

Have a lovely day all. It’s cooler this morning which is nice, but 26 degrees forecast and still no rain until the weekend apparently.
Good morning, bright and sunny again. Must mow at least a bit of the front today. Killer. I liked no mow May really. 🙂

7.3 @ 6.20am have a good day all.
Morning all. 9.3.

I’m doing an alternative to sandwiches by doing a Round the World afternoon tea. By that I mean other countries version of a sandwich, for example a naanwich, a naan bread filled with curry of some sort, bao buns with shredded duck, mini pulled pork burgers, halloumi gyros and burritos. I will also do salmon and watercress pinwheels and sausage rolls for the purists amongst us. Scones will of course also be served, fruit and cheese
We'll be coming up for Mr Eggy's tea. That sounds amazing.
Joining @Gwynn on the 5.3 step this morning! That was on a finger prick whilst I wait for new sensor so start - how tempting it was to prick a different finger to see if I could get a HS! :rofl:

I tried following your instructions @eggyg and it still wants me to ring up - I think because the error is in the figures rather than the sensor falling off or an error message? They were the only two options available to me on the drop down support form. I did end up using the generic contact us form (it was after 8pm so their phone lines were closed) so seeing if somebody gets back to me that way. I’m not too bothered if they don’t though as I’ve just pulled off the faulty one and the needle was bent 😱 so I’ve obviously caught it on something, meaning it’s my fault not theirs.

Started a new one after 12 hours rather than the usual 24, so that will probably be a random number generator for a bit too! However after having them for just under a year, this is the first sensor I’ve had to replace, so don’t feel I’ve done too badly.

Have a good day all! 😎
Oh dear, it’s one of THOSE days today! Little Miss Clumsy & Frazzled, Tearing My Hair Out emoji, I’m finally sitting down to brunch, I’ll call it as It’s later than my breakfast & earlier than my lunch these days! 07:27 BS 10.0.

In the middle of moving back & to the fridge I accidentally knocked over, with my elbow, a half filled glass bottle of the Polish raspberry syrup I dilute with water to drink with meals sometimes! It took me almost the entire cooking time of 30 minutes for a second go at yesterday’s new recipe as I DO NOT bend easily these days, constant neuropathy aching right knee, with about an entire roll of kitchen paper to clean it up. I moved the kitchen chair out of the puddle & finished prepping, put it in the oven before I started cleaning up! Got almost all of it: just swept the tiny bits of glass, gingerly picked up the bigger pieces before soaking up the paper, to one side of the floor up against the cabinets; will get the pan & brush later to get those bits & a mop up too as the syrup residue in the grouting of the tiles is sticky underfoot!

Already put in 26NR, +4 to breakfast dose of 48 divided by two for the half bolus, for the higher reading!

Signing off now to eat & it’s much better today without too much liquid & soft but, not mushy broccoli! 😛