Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.8 here. 🙂

Wow, @TinaD the pond looks fab, well worth the effort! I can’t shake off the image of you being rugby-tackled by a six foot ice cream...🙂 hahaha. And @Grannylorraine - Tina’s right, you’re doing great considering the stress you get at work. We’ve all got each other’s backs, so don’t throw in the towel. One day at a time.

@eggyg - he’s a very lucky man!

Wow, must dash, it’s boiling already! 🙂
Good morning. 6.1.

Looks like another sizzler so Wales will have the doubtful pleasure of looking at my legs. I've given in and put on my shorts. The gardener didn't faint at the sight yesterday (but he is a brave lad) so I shall inflict them on the public.

Nothing exciting planned for today so will dig up a few spuds and visit friends.

Hope everyone has a good day.
I’m not quite sure, yet, what to do about tresiba doses & will have a think about it?
If you took it 16 hrs late that means you’re now taking it 8hrs earlier than usual? Tresiba lasts so long that moving it back to normal time shouldn’t be much of a problem. Do it over 2 or 3 days just take it a few hours later each day until back to normal time.
Joining @Gwynn on the 5.3 step this morning! That was on a finger prick whilst I wait for new sensor so start - how tempting it was to prick a different finger to see if I could get a HS! :rofl:

I tried following your instructions @eggyg and it still wants me to ring up - I think because the error is in the figures rather than the sensor falling off or an error message? They were the only two options available to me on the drop down support form. I did end up using the generic contact us form (it was after 8pm so their phone lines were closed) so seeing if somebody gets back to me that way. I’m not too bothered if they don’t though as I’ve just pulled off the faulty one and the needle was bent 😱 so I’ve obviously caught it on something, meaning it’s my fault not theirs.

Started a new one after 12 hours rather than the usual 24, so that will probably be a random number generator for a bit too! However after having them for just under a year, this is the first sensor I’ve had to replace, so don’t feel I’ve done too badly.

Have a good day all! 😎
I’ve been using sensors for a couple of months or thereabouts now and I’ve had more replacements than I’ve actually paid for so we’re opposite ends of the bell curve on this one!
And it's a 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

5.1 for me on yet another lovely, sunny Berkshire morning. Thursday, so swimming later. Pool is set up for lane swimming between 12 and 2 so I always go for 12, as that fits in nicely with lunch. In the meantime, as our eldest is in Malta for a week, we're going to take the opportunity to Spring-clean his room. Most of the time it looks like he's been burgled.

Have a good day, everyone.
Good morning 5.3 again for me today
looking busy here on the 5.3 step today

Relaxing day with plenty of leg rest planned for me
Have a great day everybody 😎
Scones will of course also be served, fruit and cheese. How I’m going to make them bite sized is puzzling me at the moment.
I once did little bite sized ones as an aperitif for a dinner party and I used a gin bottle top to cut them.
Morning all

a bit better today, 7.8, yoga this evening. Best run for a few weeks, although still 5km, was a much better run and considering it was hill repeats and much warmer than Monday, I was quicker. Hopefully the consistency will start paying off.

@TinaD - thank you very much for your kind words yesterday, love the support on this thread. Your pond is fantastic, probably bigger than my garden, but postage stamp gardens are the norm for the housing estate we live on.

@Bloden - thank you for your kind words as well.

@eggyg - what time should we all arrive for Mr eggyg’s birthday celebrations?
It was a 4.9 for me this morning and a much better night, levels wise, thank goodness! Increased my evening Levemir dose by half a unit and morning by 2units. Still needed corrections yesterday morning but then the odd JB yesterday afternoon to stop me going low. That said I was trimming horses hooves in that blistering heat and they were falling asleep whilst I was trying to do it, so wobbling and expecting me to hold them up. Bending over rasping hooves and trying to support my own weight let alone half a ton of wobbling horse doesn't half make the sweat run out of you and give your back some work. For information, horses legs have a kind of locking mechanism to enable them to sleep standing up without falling over, but if you have one leg bent whilst trimming it, the system doesn't work and they are not stable if they nod off. 🙄 Of course it would be Rascal (the biggest, heaviest and bendiest) whose feet needed doing the most. I sometimes resent farriers charging £20 for the 10 mins it takes them to trim a horses feet, but then it takes me the best part of an hour to trim and balance one horse and then I appreciate why they charge what they do!
Morning all

And it's a 4.7 for me on another bright sunny day.
I once did little bite sized ones as an aperitif for a dinner party and I used a gin bottle top to cut them.
Good idea but I’m fine for the scones thanks, I’ve loads of different sized cutters, it’s the other things I’m concerned about! So I’ve amended my menu, decided naanwiches aren’t going to work nor gyros. Which is a shame but there’s no way I can make them tiny and tidy. Instead I’m doing pizza sandwiches. Thin and crispy. Will just make Margarita pizzas, not too sloppy. Cool them and cut into triangles and sandwich together! Genius. I hope! 😳
5.9 for me on our last morning of our narrowboat holiday. It’s been a beautiful 2 weeks and perfect weather all the time!

Back to routine again now though! Thought I’d share our view from this morning, Tixall Wide on the Staffs & Worcs canal (in allowing a canal to pass through the estate of the former Tixall Hall, the landowner insisted it should look like a lake, and how beautiful it is).

03:37 BS 8.6 after yesterday’s reading I’ll take that! 🙂

All day yesterday was a bit higher than target range but, only a little & still only ate twice: in this heat wave I just don’t eat dinner anymore!

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉
Good morning - 8.7

Have a great day everyone