Group 7-day waking average?

Have you tried changing your cartridges? I got caught out over the last two days, my insulin needs suddenly went up, and I put it down to being back from hol and not going for a 6 mile walk along the cliffs every day, but I just changed both cartridges because I'd got to the end of them, and suddenly my BG has been rock steady in the 5s all afternoon. I'd been going up to the 11s at mealtimes, including breakfast, which I normally have nailed as it’s my most regular meal, and then staying there in a flat line til the next meal, so I suspect the Novorapid. I had taken it out for a walk in my black bumbag a couple of times when it was getting quite hot and sunny towards the end of the week, and kept it by my bedside in an increasingly hot bedroom at the cottage. It was obv still working to a certain extent, but it didn’t seem as potent as it should be. Of course, I blamed my body for days, rather than the insulin!
Not changed the cartridges as they were both almost full ones and I hate waste so I just keep injecting insulin until my levels come down. I am definitely well aware that that could be part of the issue as my insulin was out with me all weekend in the heat, although I made sure it was in a light coloured canvas bag, but I do suspect Fiasp in particular may be more susceptible to degradation than NR is. I am also aware that I will need to be careful when I start new cartridges as it may suddenly be more effective and I may need dose reductions.
There is definitely something amiss though with my knees and I have been feeling bloated and horrid, so I suspect there is something else going on too and I was eating very badly over last weekend in particular, but for several weeks now my diet has been slipping due to various events and I know when I went low carb in the first place, my joint pain improved enormously and I just felt so much better in general, so I do wonder if there is a dietary issue. Thankfully my knees have eased a bit today but I have mostly rested and walked cautiously, so fingers crossed, whatever caused the flare up/aggravation to them has settled again and I am reminded why it is best for me to stay on the low carb wagon. 🙄 I do wonder if I may need to invest in a Frio pouch. Seems crazy to need one here in the UK, but starting to look like it.
04:06 BS 4.8 felt ok so, no JB but, took the precaution of eating first before NR which I dialled it back -4, 44NR! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

For those of a nervous disposition especially, before breakfast, don’t read the next bit:-

Made a discovery yesterday the HARD way! My digestive system can’t handle eggs for breakfast, cheese & mixed herbs omelette, followed by 2 100g pots of full fat Greek yoghurt, Oykos, for lunch: I was running to the loo about 90 minutes after lunch for couple of hours! 😱😳 SO ooh I DID eat 3 meals yesterday after all as my system was emptied out & I ate instant ramen for dinner around 13:30 & went to bed on 18:55 BS 6.0 after active NR. It was just mainly fats that I had for breakfast & lunch & too much for my poor gut to handle at once BUT, I DID ONLY USE HALF THE AMOUNT OF NR both meals as there were no carbs! Lesson learnt I CAN cut out carbs BUT, not at the expense of fat loading, as opposed to carb loading, as my system will protest!:confused:🙄😳
Good morning everyone.

A bit too warm last night. Woke at 4am. BG 5.0 excellent.

Going for an early morning walk with my friend at 9am (early for him). More keyboard practice later. Breaded cod for tea.

A few days ago I read on the BBC news that L-Taurine was beneficial in many ways including blood glucose control. Has anyone here had any experience of it and if so did it give any benefits or otherwise.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. A nice round 6, eventually! Oh and another unicorn. 🙄Libre alarm woke me at 5am with a 3.8 with arrow going straight down. 12 minutes later 5.7, another 12 minutes later 4.4, 5 minutes later 6! I got up then, was hot sweaty, hungry and the traffic was getting busy and was noisy. We actually slept with our bedroom window open, living on one of the main arterial roads into the city that doesn’t happen very often, I know why now! It didn’t make any difference to how hot it was. I’m with @Northerner. Please let it stop. 30 degrees again yesterday. We’ve been promised rain from 2pm today. Fingers crossed the BBC get it right.

Lots to do today for Operation Fathers Day/ Mr Eggy’s birthday afternoon tea tomorrow. But I’ll have a chill first, it’s far too early for cooking.

@Lanny I can only tolerate one egg for breakfast and it has to be just cooked perfect, not over and not under, otherwise I’m rushing to the loo within minutes of eating it. On the odd occasion I forget I’m not a normal person with a normal gastric system and I have two eggs, well…..I’ll leave that up to your imagination! 😱

@Gwynn I’ve not heard of L-Taurine but it does sound like someone who would be on Love Island! Disclaimer; I’ve never watched Love Island but I obviously read about it and see clips. Honest Guv! 😛

Have a great day and I hope the rain pours on you all. And your gardens. 🙂

Abbott confirmed that they’re replacing the sensor that slid off my arm after a few hours earlier this week.

Couldn’t sleep so decided might as well get up. 8.6 again this morning another day of being good with eating and round about 80gs of carb, going to try for day 3.

off to knit and natter later. Mums eye screening went well, she had to have slit lamp again, because last year they didn’t get good pictures so got referred for slit lamp, and although she has had her cataract surgery, she had to have the slit lamp this time.

have a nice Saturday everyone, cloudier hear today and temperature is predicted to be a bit lower today.
A change in the weather this morning - no sunshine on waking, and still no sign as I type. Bit cooler, too. Forecast says sunny intervals today and we have a weather warning for thunderstorms tomorrow. If so at least it'll save me having to water the garden.

Billy No Mates today. My wife is visiting family up in Bedfordshire, our eldest is in Malta and our youngest has a 2-10 shift at Sainsbury's. Was planning on Hunter's Chicken for my evening meal but now tempted to wander up to our local Chef & Brewer this evening and have one of theirs.

5.6 on the meter this morning.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday.
@TinaD - just catching up with this thread and saw your pond pictures! Wow! Looks beautiful, and more of a lake! You could put in an island with a bridge
(Don’t give her ideas!) Just relax and enjoy the lovely view @TinaD (ha, fat chance 😉).

Morning all. 🙂 6.0 here.

At last a bit of rain. It’s Gwyl y Dysgwyr today - ie Pembrokeshire’s Welsh learners’ end of year bash. We all get together at a local mansion and do random activities in Welsh as well as being entertained by minor Welsh-speaking celebs. The latter doesn’t include Iolo Williams, unfortunately (my mum’d be angling for an invite otherwise). He’s far too famous. Should be a larf! 🙂
A few days ago I read on the BBC news that L-Taurine was beneficial in many ways including blood glucose control. Has anyone here had any experience of it and if so did it give any benefits or otherwise.
From what I've read they tested the effects of a daily dose on mice and rhesus macaques. Although the results were good the doses were equivalent to you or I drinking 6 cans of Red Bull or Monster, as taurine is one of the ingredients in energy drinks.
Good morning. 6.1.

Quite chilly this morning by comparison with yesterday's searing heat (well 30 degrees). Forecast promises not more than 22 today. Next few days offer showers/thunderstorms whatever. Hopefully they are right as lawn is distinctly brown and has given up growing - only the odd docken showing above what should be a sward. I'll be round with a spot weed killer now they have revealed themselves.

Quite glad of the cooler air as I have to set off up the M4 for 73 mile drive and I have forgotten to get my ac filled up. A chap there has a pond filter for sale at £110 (new price over £600). My old filter was top of the range once but it is struggling to clear the water and needs a good service - since it is an Oase the spares are amazingly expensive. So having a stand by will be helpful. Don't know how they can charge so much for what is in effect a plastic box filled with sponge and a fitting for a UV bulb. Even the bulb for that is over 40 quid. Quite brings out my inner Scrooge. Fortunately the car seat seems to be just the right shape to relieve the back so it should be a comfortable run.

Hope everyone is havng a good Satruday.

@Eternal422 Island? Bridge? Come on - think of the shovelling involved and control your imagination of dreamy Japanese effects. I'll settle for getting the green water under control.
Last edited:
5.3 with rain and drizzle for me this morning. 🙂

5.3 this morning.

And a CCC might be coming later if I can decipher what it was I saw yesterday.
Colin’s Cultural Corner
12th June 2023 The Royal Ballet - Royal Opera House

Untitled, 2023
Corybantic Games
Anastasia Act III

This much praised program of dance has been given rave views in the press. Perhaps they were at an actual rave because I’m not sure what they were watching was this lot.

First up is Wayne McGregor’s new work Untitled, 2023.

Curtain up (figuratively speaking as there was no curtain) on a plain white stage with two features: a triangle reminiscent of the Pizza Hut roof logo but here painted in a exact colour match to the green of the squishy mint chew Pacer; and a white triangular arch off to the side of the stage.

The arch was large enough to obscure some of the dancers but not so large that they could either dance through or on it. I am not sure what purpose it served unless it was a subliminal ad for Toblerone maybe.

Dancers enter from various points and are all in similar Pacer-green and white costumes. They dance. They dance expressively. They dance solo. They dance in pairs. They dance in trios and more. They stand still. They do exercises which take me back to the first movement classes I ever did, mirroring a partner perhaps or trust exercises maybe. The dancers roll around on the floor in muscular fashion. Then they don’t.

There’s music of course but honestly I couldn’t see any relationship between what the orchestra was playing and how the dancers were contorting themselves on stage supposedly for the entertainment of us, the audience.

When the piece did finally end a few of us audience members turned to each other and did a quick straw poll. Nobody could get any meaning from what we’d just seen. A few, myself included, thought the music was ‘interesting’ but that the choreography was so patchy that it let the whole thing down.

I note that this isn't the first time I’ve been non-plussed by a McGregor work and I’m not sure I’ll rush to see his more experimental things again.


Now this is where the fun starts. A couple of elderly ladies arrived to take up their seats behind me. They’d watched Untitled, 2023 on monitors outside as they were late because Iolanthe and Bodica have had a huge argument but they’re not to blame as it’s all down to that shower of a man Sebastian and how he’s treated them.

One of the ladies has been to Iolanthe and Boudica’s this afternoon consoling them after Sebastian announced that he didn’t want to go to Cap Ferret with them this summer as he was going to Glyndebourne. What made matters worse was that he was going with Ithaca and her partner Leander.

What drama! What names! What on earth possess a parent to give their kids names like these I wonder? But then again they are rather more interesting that Dave, Deborah, Deidre or even Dick.

Boudica has thrown Sebastian out of the house (both of them: the one in the Cotswolds and the one in, what according to Lady 1 behind me, is in a really rough part of Knightsbridge) and Lady 2 has called him all the names under the sun and then lights dim and it’s time for less exciting things to happen on stage.

Corybantic Games which is choreographed by Christopher Wheeldon.

I can’t recall anything about how this was staged other than it being quite a sparse set. The music is great as it’s Bernstein before he wrote West Side Story and there are clear hints in this piece about the direction in which his music was headed. Bernstein wrote this piece as a gift for Isaac Stern, the great violinist, and here the solo violin is extraordinary. The dancing was again a bit hit and miss for me.

It was another piece without a linear narrative but seemed to be about the difference between the sexes with the male dancers adopting typically muscular, strong poses and the ballerinas being oh-so-graceful and light.

I got that there was tension, probably intended to be sexual tension, between the men and women and it also seemed to be a bit about the tension between humanity and nature but without reading into the background more I’m not convinced I got the intended meaning behind this at all.

It was still enjoyable but just left me wanting more. Which was convenient because now it was time for the second interval and more about Iolanthe, Boudica, Sebastian and Leander.

I possibly missed a few details as I had to go to the loo and the water bottle fill station for a top up but then it’s back to the juicy stuff!

So... it turns out that Iolanthe adored Sebastian. Boudica always thought he was a bit of a heel but put up with him because Iolanthe was rather enamoured of him. She used to go out with Leander back at Uni in St Andrews before he came out as gay.

I can see where this is headed and I think you can too but bless their cotton socks the two ladies behind me really can’t.

Sebastian is going to be staying with Leander for a while before they head to Glyndebourne and they’re also planning a quick break for some sun and to get over the stress of the friendship breakup. They’re going to “a little village on the beach not far from Barcelona” thinks Lady 2.

Being blessed with detective skills akin to those of Sherlock Poirot if he were ever to exist, I deduce that Sebastian and Leander are headed to Sitges. And further deductions also suggest that the reason why Iolanthe’s love for Sebastian was unrequited is that he’s gay and is about to shack up with Leander.

Honestly this was so convoluted that someone ought to write an opera about it!

Anyway... I wish them luck in their fledgling relationship and hope they find all the happiness that eluded the title character in the third piece we’re presented with tonight, Anastasia.

Choreographed by Keneth McMillan this is based on the story of the supposed survivor of the Romanov family, Anastasia. That story has been told many times and in many ways but suffice to say this one is based on the historical facts behind the myth and not the Disney-type fairytale it has sometimes morphed in to.

By Act III Anastasia is in an insane asylum. Nobody believes she’s related to the Romanovs. Her identity is known. Her husband has been located. She’s broken and alone. Apart from the figures from the past and from her imagined memories which she conjures up as dance partners whilst in her room in the hospital.

The whole piece is sublime. The dancing amazing, Powerful. Painful. Powerless. Anastasia is tormented by her memories of the Imperial family and by the asylum staff. Revolutionary soldiers march through the set, guns raised and aimed as if a firing squad. The Tsar and family saunter through at leisure or run through scared of the inevitable execution. Anastasia sinks into more desperate psychosis.

I’m trying to recall how it ends, and I think it’s with the murder of the family members and Anastasia calmly retreating to the safety of her bed but I’m not entirely sure if I’m misremembering something here. Not that it really matters. What does matter is that the next time I see this announced in a forthcoming season I’ll be there as I want to see it all now.

C’est fin.
Last night I saw Il Trovatore and will write the one up when I'm back from the Opera House this afternoon after seeing the rehearsal for Werther.

And I'll catch up with all the posts I've missed as I'm sure I owe some of you lot houses!
Good morning - 9.2

Have a great day everyone
10.8 here

The dexcom someone from the forum kindly sent me died yesterday, after only one month. Spent time on the phone with dexcom going through the steps and it couldn’t be revived so they’re sending a new transmitter. As I’m moving to funded libre in a month anyway that’s the end of the dexcom time for me for now and I won’t use the new transmitter. (Don’t worry I’ll pass on all the unused Dex supplies)

Luckily a friend has switched to dexcom for looping with pump, and so sent me a spare 2 libre next day delivery, and then the free libre sensor I ordered for the training next month arrived yesterday too so fully covered with sensors until my libre “training” now! The diabetes community has been really helpful in supporting with sensors this year!
Morning all and 6.4 for me reduced doses seem to be working ok for now.

A bit grey out there.

Not sure what the day will bring. Just been down for a COVID booster so we'll see how that goes first.

Must be time for a coffee.

Have a good day everyone.