Group 7-day waking average?

Today, not sure about church if I am not feeling too well.
There’s often a lot of vulnerable people in a church so I’d never go if have a cold or feeling unwell. Lots of church’s livestream their service online, you could watch a service that way?
Good morning all. 6.8 today. Have a good Sunday. 🙂
9 this morning, and on a coach to London to play an outside concert this afternoon. Hoping the rain and thunderstorms wait until we’ve finished as it’s a long journey
5.9 for me today and a unicorn when I woke up, with a flat line overnight.

Something went very wrong somewhere though with breakfast, usually only go up to about 8 or 9 today it was 11? Wondering if iI it was the pre-bolus timings being a bit off so corrected and the insulin seems to be a bit like water … wondering if it’s hormonal - either that or something’s developing somewhere that I’m not aware of yet :rofl:. Whilst I was in range all day yesterday, I was on the higher side (between 7-9) and I jabbed a few single units here and there but it didn’t really do a lot - I was very lazy yesterday though, which probably didn’t help!

We’ve had rain and sun so far this morning; hoping the sun stays around! 😎 have a good Sunday everyone!
5.8 for me today.

Sister in Law’s party was good, UB40 tribute singer was really good. Trouble is I only remembered Rat in the Kitchen and Red, red, wine as I wasn’t really a fan. Shame he didn’t sing 1 in 10 though. He also sang a set of reggae songs which suited the party mood really well.

Going to set up a Careline system for my parents today which looks really easy to set up. We ordered it on Friday and it was delivered to us yesterday, so pretty good service. At least we’ll get a call if they can’t be reached if one of them falls.

Hoping to get to a garden centre sometime today, but not banking on having the time. Really looking for a nice tall patio/potted plant or tree to screen the neighbour’s trampoline which is next to our fence

@Gwynn , sorry to hear you’re not well, hope you feel better soon!

@ColinUK - hope you get a day to de-stress and recover from your Friday therapy session.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday!
9 this morning, and on a coach to London to play an outside concert this afternoon. Hoping the rain and thunderstorms wait until we’ve finished as it’s a long journey
Concert? In London? Today?! Details please!!
5.8 for me today.

Sister in Law’s party was good, UB40 tribute singer was really good. Trouble is I only remembered Rat in the Kitchen and Red, red, wine as I wasn’t really a fan. Shame he didn’t sing 1 in 10 though. He also sang a set of reggae songs which suited the party mood really well.

Going to set up a Careline system for my parents today which looks really easy to set up. We ordered it on Friday and it was delivered to us yesterday, so pretty good service. At least we’ll get a call if they can’t be reached if one of them falls.

Hoping to get to a garden centre sometime today, but not banking on having the time. Really looking for a nice tall patio/potted plant or tree to screen the neighbour’s trampoline which is next to our fence

@Gwynn , sorry to hear you’re not well, hope you feel better soon!

@ColinUK - hope you get a day to de-stress and recover from your Friday therapy session.

Hope everyone has a good Sunday!
Would a pleached tree work maybe? They’re fab at above fence height screening and don’t take up too much room where the bulk isn’t needed.
Morning all 7 1 for me this morning. Just put lamb in oven for me and dogs dinner. Get the house work done dog out before rain starts. Had a few drops at 5 pm last night first in a long time. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
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Morning all, and it was a 5.2 for me at 9.12 this fine sunny morning.

No rain yet, both my water butts are empty and I've now got to pay for water for the garden. :(
@eggyg I can’t actually get my head around the notion of buying air con tbh. I might justify heading to John Lewis (or Argos or Robert Dyas) and buying another massive fan though.

I’m thinking something like this although it might not be ideal for use at the theatre.

View attachment 26334
Unless you were taking part, at the Windmill! 🙄
Would a pleached tree work maybe? They’re fab at above fence height screening and don’t take up too much room where the bulk isn’t needed.
Great idea! Thanks, I’ll see what I can find online!
Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS!

Here’s a lovely villa, in need of slight modernisation and a little tidy up.

Yes I know this is for something I saw last Friday! I've still got two more to do to catch up, Werther yesterday and ZooNation dancing a hip-hop/street piece today!

Colin’s Cultural Corner
Il Trovatore - Verdi

Royal Opera House

16th June 2023

This was yet another first for me and my journey through opera. Seats in the stalls! Makes a pleasant change from needing an oxygen mask and climbing boots and being up in the Gods somewhere I can tell ya! Also another first was the company I had for this one. A friend, who shall remain nameless, who’s a professional opera singer wanted to see this one and I had a spare ticket so they came along as my guest. I was interested to hear their take on the production but I was a little fearful that they might find fault and I wouldn’t. Or vice versa. And then whose opinion would matter most? I needn’t have worried as they loved this as much as I did!

Now to the plot (all on stage this time as there was nothing to report from Stalls gossip). From what I gather there was a Prince, he’s ruling the land. There’s a Count. A dead Count. He had three sons, the younger one of whom died from a mystery illness in infancy a good few years before the curtain goes up but we’re told all of this in exposition. Bearing in mind that this is set in mid 14th C Spain I think... although it could have been France... I’m guessing that lots of babies died from lots of unidentified illnesses and nothing more was made of it. Unfortunately this baby died in unusual circumstances.

His mother (also dead by the time the opera takes place) woke up in the middle of the night and heard him cry. She rushed to his side and found an old woman bending down over his crib/cot/bed etc. The mother screamed at the woman to get away from her child which she did. Nothing else happened until a few days later when the baby boy died.

Logic in the Middle Ages being what it was, the assumption was made that the old woman was a witch and that she had clearly cursed the child and caused his demise. So the Count sends men to find her and bring her as a prisoner to him. They do that and she comes along with her daughter. I don’t know why the daughter came with but it’s opera so who cares!

The Count has the old woman tortured. She says that she was just trying to bless the baby, but as she’s feeling pain or floats or whatever method they use that day, she’s declared a witch. Custom at this time was for witches to be burnt to death and so she is duly tied to the stake and a fire lit. She curses the Count and his family and calls upon her daughter to avenge her. Which sort of explains why the daughter was there I guess.

The daughter (who is somewhat upset at seeing her mother tortured and then burnt alive, sees a chance to elicit revenge on the Count. In a rage she grabs the Count’s middle son (still only a toddler) and throws him into the raging fire that’s consuming her mother.

I’m not quite sure how nobody sees her do this and takes the time to stop her and get the boy out of the fire but they don’t. Instead they examine the ashes after it’s all cooled down and they find bones of an infant in amongst them. The child is declared dead. The daughter has vanished back off to the woods or mountains somewhere to hide from the Count.

Now all of that lot happens before the curtain rises but it’s explained in wonderfully expressive sung exposition in about the first ten minutes or so and it’s important!

The Count dies and makes his one living son swear to get revenge on the Witch Daughter and to kill her if she should ever be found.

Now to what actually happens on stage! Curtain up. It’s nighttime. The Count and his men are positioned on a wall of his castle/town etc and are listening to the singing of a troubadour who is serenading a Lady of the Court. Suffice to say we quickly gather that the Count really fancies aforementioned Lady and despises the troubadour. He wants him dead. They’ve never met and as far as he’s aware he’s not met the Lady he’s serenading either but still he wants him dead.

His jealousy is reinforced when Lady wanders onto the battlements and declares her intention to marry the troubadour. She also says she’s never met him but his singing is enough to convince her that his love is true. There’s a bit of back and forth with people saying that it can’t be Love and that they’ve not met etc and the Count reinforces his desire to kill the Troubadour and therefore prove that he’s a worthy suitor for the Lady.

His men capture the Troubadour and he’s somehow freed by the Magic of Song or something like that and he returns to his mother.... who is.... living in the mountains or the woods.... and is the daughter of The Witch!

He sings to her that he won’t ever leave her (as she’s now unwell) but that he has to go back and win the hand of his love the Lady. So he leaves. In song. Quite a long song. In which he doesn’t leave for ages but rather spends time singing that he wouldn’t ever leave her when she’s ill. Then off he trots of course.

There’s a battle for the castle and he wins. Obviously he’s now looking for his love so he’s dropped his guard and is captured by the Count who’s recaptured his castle. Somehow the mother hears of this and turns up to plea for her sons release. She’s taken prisoner and is recognised as being the Witch Daughter. Oh buy this stage she’s also told her son that he’s not her son and that he’s actually the presumed burnt alive baby son mentioned earlier and that the Count is his brother (the mum and dad now being dead of course).

She tells the Count this as well. Now Lady comes into the picture in a big way because she’s heard that Trouble is in trouble and has been arrested and she’s going to do what she can to free him. That is marry the Count.

Promises are made that her body will be his if he frees Troubie. The Count can’t believe his luck and agrees to her demands. Little does he know that she’s taken poison (it’s described as being a quick acting poison but there’s a bunch of duets and arias to come so it’s not that quick acting) and is set to honour her promise to the letter. Her body will be his but nothing more.

The Count senses he’s been played and imprisons Lady along with Troubie so they sing lots of lovely songs about love and loyalty etc. Troubie is executed. Lady dies from the poison she took about an hour ago by now and Witch Daughter tells the Count that he’s executed his own brother and that she’s avenged her mother.

The end!

The plot is utter drivel even by opera standards but it was such a great production that the plot holes didn’t matter one iota. Verdi wrote this after completing Rigoletto and before Aida and he was basking in the glow of huge success and acclaim. It wasn’t written under commission and took him a few years to complete and it’s clear that he was having fun with this. It’s almost as if he’s sending up his own work and making the plot deliberately thin so as to not get in the way of the luscious music.

Directorial choices for this production are exciting and freer than many operas I’ve seen recently. It’s really an ensemble piece and the ensemble are fantastic. I would see this again in this run if I could but alas I don’t have the time so I might have to just wander the streets beneath castle walls and sing of its glory until dawn.
5.6 this morning, despite eating sandwiches and crisps and a big piece of lemon drizzle cake at the party yesterday. Maybe due to the beers and cider I also had at the party... Cake was as delicious as the first time I made it.

Bloods didn't get taken on Friday... Rang the GP surgery to check the time of the appointment as I hadn't written it down immediately so wasn't sure I had remembered right, and hadn't had a text reminder. Was told no appointment booked for me... Only the diabetes review one on 30th... So I have an appointment for the bloods on 23rd June now. Hopefully they will be back in time still for the appointment!
I was getting morning readings between 5.5 and 6.5 but my metformin has been reduced from three tablets to one per day and my morning reading is steadily going up. 8 this morning.
Will it go down again as my body adjusts, I wonder.
The metformin must have been helping so if it has now been reduced which I assume is because your HbA1C has come down you may have allowed your diet to drift and now will need to tighten up a bit more with your carb intake.
Maybe go back to doing some before and after meal testing just to check on things,
Good morning. 8.6 - not a sensible diet day.

New, to me, filter working but bad leaks on hoseunions - I need to go to my plumbing store and sort out better conectors. However I did manage to prove the thing before it pushed the inlet hose off and covered me in dirty water...

Had a few spots of rain but no sign of the hoped for deluge. At least it brought the temerature down.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning all. Much cooler and very wet underfoot. Yay. 🙂 After what I thought was an excellent eating day yesterday I put on over 3lbs overnight and my bg went up. I will be giving up the big bags of Aldi peanuts, they're tasteless anyways. 7.4 this a.m. Have a good Monday all.