Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all

9.9 after a very bad sleep, hardly ate anything yesterday, but woke up with a congested throat and have an upset stomach today, so maybe a knock on effect from the chicken chow mien on Saturday, very rarely to we have a Chinese take away so not going to worry.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS.
7.1 for me this morning and delighted to report that we got rain last night.... AT LAST! It started gently about 8pm but was a deluge by 10.
I wish we could have had the same. Everything's parched down here.

@Robin - congrats on the HS

@Grannylorraine - hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for that tip, Barbara @rebrascora 🙂 I had a bit of difficulty in getting the correct stuff too as evaporated & condensed milk means two different things ie. one’s the canned milk, evaporated, we used to serve with our coffee in the family restaurant & the other is that thick, gloopy terribly sweet stuff I loved as a kid & can’t stand now, condensed! But, I’ll try it now as it there & this recipe has garlic & basil; the other had no garlic & supposed to be oregano which, I can try out since I have oregano now! I’m not sure what subtleties or nuances using different individual herbs will be as opposed to only using mixed herbs before: said before Chinese cooking doesn’t really use herbs & my older brothers & sisters don’t even like the taste of mixed herbs in the omelettes I’ve made for them before when they came round while I was cooking; I’m the maverick for having used mixed herbs for so long now!🙄:rofl: I’m finally branching out to use individual herbs now: a whole new taste adventure, I’m sure!:confused:😛:D
Marjoram is pretty similar to oregano. Fresh herbs taste very different to dried herbs.
7.1 when I finally decided to get up and face the day. Really on the verge of not going back to work, but will no doubt soldier on for a while longer. Having a couple of weeks off makes it hard to go back!

Still, hopefully back to more sensible food options now and correspondingly better BG readings.

Hope everyone has a good day!
At last! The long awaited rain is here as it’s lashing the windows: odd that the rain hit you lot in England first before me in NI but, I’m glad it’s come at last! It’s really bucketing down & the temperature has plummeted! :D But, TBF it was already cooler, than it has been, from yesterday!🙄
Good afternoon
7.1 this morning
and was 5.3 on Saturday & 5.3 again yesterday

I’ve got blisters from being on crutches / my knee scooter to much.

Ive recently recieved my appointment letter to have the cast cut off
but it’s not until 01st August, which I’ve been thinking is way over the 4 weeks
I expected when they put this cast on, back on 05th June, so will call that hospital tomorrow see if we can’t get something sooner, everything crossed (apart from my legs / ankles)

hope everybody’s having a great day 😎
The metformin must have been helping so if it has now been reduced which I assume is because your HbA1C has come down you may have allowed your diet to drift and now will need to tighten up a bit more with your carb intake.
Maybe go back to doing some before and after meal testing just to check on things,
Yes you are probably right but I think I have been slacking on the exercise. I have stepped up diet and exercise regimen
Well remembered @freesia. 🙂 I got the job, starting September! I’m chuffed to bits. <super-cheesy grin emoji> We’re going out to celebrate tomorrow. Woohoo! 🙂
Great news! Congratulations!
05:46 BS 7.0 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A nice heavy thunderstorm with lightning last evening after the rain in the afternoon! 😱 Me covering my ears!:D

Just up & sitting in bed, typing, pills popped, DP busted & my eyes are streaming & stinging already because there’s quite a lot of cloud cover in damp sunny conditions, I suspect without having looked yet, which is tree pollen release: cetirizine not quite up to speed yet; but, it does save my eyes from watering as much, once it’s up to speed in about an hour, even though Sudafed, from what I remember, is much better all around with the other sinuses! 🙄

Social worker is coming around today, 10:00, to have another go getting PIP & help me fill in the form: have a MUCH better idea of the mindset now; think in terms of every day being the worst day! 🙄 But, actually I have more bad days now as my creaky right knee has made a difference! I’ll allow myself a Tiny Little :( Frown emoji!

Then, tomorrow, no specific time & wait all day if needs be, my bath lift is being serviced even though it’s only been about two months since I’ve had it!

Never actually got around to cooking that new recipe yesterday as I had the last of the tesco frozen crispy potatoes with frozen non battered haddock fillets instead: all the potatoes are gone now; only buy in a bag every now & then as I’m trying to up my carb free meals as much as I can! A Looking Hopeful emoji! I usually get in 3/4 bags a week to use in casseroles & meal accompaniments since I definitely don’t chop & have sliced my fingers on occasion peeling! 😱 & An Ouch! emoji!

PS:- was laughing yesterday when reading a post on this thread that’s made me realise that I’ve gotten a lot more of you lovely lot verbalising their own emojis now! :rofl:😉😎😛
Good morning - 5.5 at 6:00

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all. Woke to a 6.7 after a terrible nights sleep. I was too hot, couldn't get comfy, up for the toilet 4 times, then from about 4am a cat yowling somewhere. I don't mind cats but 4am?! Really?!!

Its looks quite dark cloud out there and rain is forecast. At least it saves me watering the plants.

Another busy day at work ahead so i'd better get up. Have a good day everyone.
5.1 for me today, was hoping for a 5.2 as it’s a very special day for me …. My first diaversary! Have done another post in a thread, but thank you so much to everyone on this thread who has given their time to reply to me and my seemingly endless questions over the past. Feeling good I’ve got one year down - hopefully many more to go!

Have a great day everyone! 🙂
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Morning all, 5.3 here. Got woken up early by the sound of heavy rain, and it’s still persisting it down. (Mustn't complain, the garden needs it badly). Seems I only get results in the 5s if my beauty sleep is disturbed.
Morning all. 6.1 here. 🙂

You’re right @Lanny <puzzled head-scratching emoji> It’s a very useful tool!

Happy Diaversary @pawprint91 - sorry you had to join us, but very glad to have you here. Are you going to celebrate?!! 🙂

I couldn’t sleep last night either @pretty much ev1 who’s posted so far this morning. I hope this morning’s classes are happy to teach themselves...I’m pooped.