Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all

9.9 but somehow I managed to run out of meds so didn’t take any yesterday and new prescription won’t be ready to collect until tomorrow, I must of counted wrong when I worked out when to pick up the new prescription. Not good as have my HbA1C test tomorrow. Oh and it might al be another slice of lemon drizzle cake I ate after running in the heat last night, I was too hot to cook anything. Oh well I will have to accept my fate from the DN.

I want to follow Dr Michael Mosley’s fast keto diet, but due to their medical conditions need to check with dr that it is ok for me to do that, so will ask that at the appointment, I’ll take the book with me.

still hot and sticky in South West Essex, we didn’t get any rain yesterday but hubby said it was raining really hard in Dagenham which is only 5 or 6 miles away as the crow flies. Apparently it was a storm, I hard some rumbles of thunder, but was in the distance.

@harbottle - congratulations on your HS.
Morning all
It’s a 5.9 for me this fine sunny morning.
6.3 this morning for me.

We started early to avoid some heat and got as far as Gailey by mid afternoon when we gave up and moored for the night. Walked down from the boat to the Round House canal shop, picked out some ice creams to be told “sorry, cash only, our phone lines are still down”. Neither of us had any cash on us, now relying totally on Apple Pay on the phones! So, a death-defying dash across the adjoining A5 to a nearby garage/Londis for some ice cream from there! Meeting 60mph traffic after pootling along at no more than 4mph was a bit of a culture shock.

After just one “proper“ lock and one stop lock in 7 hours, my wife is rejoicing that we will have 10 locks tomorrow to keep things interesting.

Congratulations @harbottle on your HS!

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather / staying cool or whatever you need!
Hi all, apologies for the long absence. Was very busy while away with my family (including long phone calls with my boyfriend as I felt it was too early to take him to meet them all for a whole week!). Work has been a bit manic since I got back, and I do seem to end up spending rather a lot of time with boyfriend 😉.

I have my next bloods on Friday (luckily enough the day before my party, so I shall eat my cake and not care! It's going to be a gluten free lemon drizzle cake). Review appointment isn't until the 30th so I shall post a guessing thread once bloods taken.

I'm not sure it'll be quite as low as last time though, had a few higher morning readings recently (particularly mornings when boyfriend has stayed the night... I don't take them until I actually go downstairs and those mornings tend to have involved a little :cough: exercise first, so obviously my liver is busy helping me out with the hard work those mornings of getting breakfast... A couple of times had a morning reading of 7.1 which previously only happened just after diagnosis). Also had a couple of 8.something post readings, which may be partly carbs being a bit concentrated at tea time some days despite usually still being within my target limit for the day as a whole.

6.2 this morning which wasn't bad considering I was working until just after midnight to complete something which had a tight timescale so was tired and a little short on sleep. Still feeling tired now so will be going to bed once the washing machine finishes spinning and I can hang out school uniform to dry
Evening all. 7.8 @ 4.36am too early but worrying about eye exam probably, anyways I was in and out, but that stuff really stings imho. I am a wimp! No tv for two days. Something somewhere got zapped in the storm. 🙄
04:13 BS 8.0 Ok ish! 🙂 A wee bit higher & under bolused slightly but, I’ll take it for a Singapore chow mein takeaway last night!😛

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Reading a rather interesting book at the moment from my previous backlog of kindle books I downloaded from when? I don’t know: in the days before I changed to ONLY buying/downloading when I’m about to read it; can return them if I don’t like them within 14 days of buying! “The Other Bennet Sister” by Janice Hadlow about the most often forgotten about Bennet sister, of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, Mary Bennet: the only plain girl among the 5, 4 of them pretty, Bennet girls! :confused:🙂 I quite like this portrayal of Mary Bennet:- struggling to be noticed & being overlooked by her other 4 pretty sisters; all marrying before her & she’s left at Longbourn; then, turfed out when her father died & the Collins’ took up residence; moving to London to live with her Aunt & Uncle Gardiner & their children; finally having an epiphany, thanks to her aunt’s words to her, she no longer dresses & acts in a manner that takes up the least notice, that makes her almost disappear; buys a whole new wardrobe of clothes, thanks to the money given to her by her sister Elizabeth, now Darcy, & in doing so finally meeting a man that appreciates her for HER! I’m just at the start of the 3rd & last part of the book where Mary is starting to fall for Mr. Tom Hayward: a lawyer she met while deciding which colour of cotton to buy for dress; he grew up with four sisters that were all older than him & professes to having a knowledge of all manner of ladies’ dresses apart from silks which his sisters’ said he had no taste for! :rofl: There’s quite a lot of Jane Austen’s actual written words from Pride & Prejudice peppered throughout but, in unusual slants that gives things a new perspective & a more modern take. :confused:😎😛
Good morning - 6.0

Have a great day everyone
Morning all. 9.7. Yesterday i struggled to keep levels up all day, constantly snacking but they'd go into the 5s then straight back down to very low 4s. Before bed i ended up having a couple of spoons of peanut butter. Overnight, i think all the sugar began to work and i ended up with a massive spike. The log book shows i scanned but i don't remember doing so.
Good morning 5.3 today
I thought to myself, I should’ve tested a different finger
I did and guess what
5.6 …lol

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone

Quite nicely BG 5.2 yessss

Just cut my own hair. The Wahl trimmers are great. No style tho just a number 2 all over.

I find toenails a bit tough to do. I have some military grade shearing explosive bolt cutters for that ( 🙂 )

Today an early morning walk and some keyboard practice later.

I am going to take it a bit easier today as I am at the hospital tomorrow for them to take an armful of blood.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Sensor said 4.7, but it has been wildly off since yesterday evening with no good reason - fingerprick said 6.2. Not sure how long to leave it before applying a new one? I’m thinking maybe giving it today and putting a new one on this evening? However I did go to bed on a 6.9 finger prick, and the sensor shows a flat line all night (just at different numbers), so I’m going to assume that profile’s correct. And even with the finger pricks, I was still in range, so will take the unicorn!

Back off to my sauna of a classroom soon, however I seem to have developed some sort of eye infection - first in one eye, now in the other! At least it’s the weather for sunglasses 😎

Congrats to @Gwynn on your HS, have a good day all.
Good morning from a still sunny Cumbria. 6.2 and a unicorn after coming so close yesterday on 99%. Still hypo free too. Still on the lower basal doses.

Yesterday hit just under 30 degrees, but the breeze was stronger so not as stifling. Spent all morning indoors cooking but it’s cool in my kitchen all day. Then had lunch outside and read my book in the shade of the grapevine. Today, more of the same, I’ve chickpeas to cook after soaking overnight, then I’ll make hummus, Nigella’s ever so easy recipe and the best one I’ve tried. Only supposed to be 25 degrees today with a gentle breeze. Still no rain on the horizon. It took the two of us, using watering cans filled from Zara’s paddling pool ( butt is empty) and then when that ran out the hose pipe, more than an hour to water the garden last night! Won’t need as much tonight though. Thank goodness!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Morning all, 6.5 here. Was on emergency cat feeding duties last night, daughter was held up at a work meeting in London (ie, they went out for a drink afterwards). Cat is very sweet, very generous, produced a nice hairball for me right in the middle of the living room carpet..the things we do for our kids.
Good morning. 6.5 which is amazing given the amount of home made ice cream I ate yesterday. I haven't been so hot since the 6 day war (1967) when I was in Italy worrying about friends who had left their studies to fight. It was 40 degrees for days but I was slimmer, fitter, and lived handy for a lake.

Going to shock the neighbours and the gardener and wear shorts in public today. Wading is in prospect as at last some of the ordered pond edge grid has come - 2 days whilst that ordered on 02/06 hasn't. I want this blasted job finished. I put no faith in forecasts but a 1 degree lower forecast is promised.

Off to do the animal check and let Mr Wolf out for a run. Must try to get a photo of him sitting in his "pond". Clearly it gives him great pleasure - I wasn't so chuffed when he rushed the back door and left a large amount of water on the utility room floor. A huge, long haired GSD seems to hold about half a gallon.

Hope everyone has a good day with cooling breezes.
Joining @Lily123 on the 6.0 step this morning. Hopefully it will be a tiny bit less hot than yesterday. I know it was after it had sat in the sun, but at one point I got in my car and it's thermometer said 37c which is far too hot for my liking. At least the office has air conditioning...
Going to shock the neighbours and the gardener and wear shorts in public today
I walked to the postbox on Monday with my “gardening” shorts on. I was past caring by this point. Although Mr Eggy likens them to the ones Eric Morecambe wore in the famous Scout Master clip! YouTube it! He’s a cheeky beggar my hubby!
Opened the curtains this morning to yet another sunny start. No rain in the forecast and it's predicted to be nudging 30 degrees later. Just as well I gave the garden a good soaking yesterday evening.

Boiler service this morning, sometime between 8 and 12, so have to hang around for the engineer. Hope he's here nearer 8 than 12 so I can get on with my day. Lots to do, including dropping our eldest off at the station this afternoon as he and his mates are off to Malta for a week.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn. 5.3 for me, so I almost joined you.