Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.0 and a whole night in target for a change. Another hot day with thunderstorms forecast. I'm off to take a look and see whether Ms Foxy had been back and to see if there is any damage to my plants from the torrential rain last night.

@rebrascora i know you mentioned all the horses names before but its lovely to see them.

Be careful in todays heat everyone. Have a good day.
4.7 for me today, some funny humps overnight and a couple of compression lows in one hour (now disappeared from graph) but not a bad figure in the end!

I am really enjoying the heat, but it doesn’t like me - I’ve currently got a horrible heat rash type affair under both arms and had the worst hayfever I’ve had in a few years yesterday - was naughty and rubbed my eyes though, today one is very red and irritated as a result - I’ll never learn!

Have a good day and all, and take care in the heat!
6.2 with the old finger prick.
Waiting for more sensors to arrive but the patches etc which might make it stuck better to my skin have arrived.
5.8 on this not-so-sunny Berkshire morning. Cloud's beginning to break up as I type, though. Massive thunderstorm here yesterday afternoon put the dampers on what had been a lovely day up till then and saw my wife and I scrambling to get the washing off the line. Just made it before the heavens opened - phew!
@Martin.A I don't know.... Swan in here after a year or so of absence and then claim an HS. Have you no shame! 😉 Not that I begrudge you it at all. Many congratulations :D
Believe it or not, Barbara, I got one on Thursday but decided not to post that morning for exactly that reason.
4.9 this morning for me. Probably helped by being too late at the pub for food yesterday so we had our own on the boat!

A no-lock day today as we head to Wheaton Aston. We’ll start soon so as to finish before it gets too hot and sticky. Thunderstorm last night helped clear the air for now.

Pleased to say that Mum is home with Dad, thanks to my daughter & son (who also tried to organise them by removing trip hazard mats, etc.). We are now researching those alert pendant systems to sort out for them when we get back.

@rebrascora - loved seeing the horses, they look wonderful!

Have a good day everyone!
T2. 5 weeks into this journey again after coming off the rails badly, and after a very high hba1c , my 1st waking test was 16.3. 5 weeks later and with 2 metformin and diet change, I was 8.3 this morning. Long way to go but certainly heading I'm the right direction. Reluctant to go on to additional medication as I'm of the 'I can do this with lifestyle' camp. However, need to honest with myself and adhere to this plan. 54 yo, 17 8, 5 lbs down, and enjoying rediscovering food science.
Morning. No storm yet. 7.0 before foot to floor. 🙂 Have a good day.
5.6 for me this hot and humid morning. 🙂

9.5 when I first woke up, but rapidly became 10.5 before I got my insulin injected and 13.7 with an upward sloping arrow 10 mins later tells me that the decision to skip my evening Levemir dose last night was a bad one. Oh well, I got away with it for one night but not two on the trot. I also reduced my daytime dose by a unit yesterday so that combination of insulin reductions was clearly just too much. Massive correction along with my breakfast bolus is taking it's time to work on that high level, so it is looking like breakfast is going to be nearer lunch as I am not eating until it comes down to mid 5s. Just trying not to get too distracted whilst I wait.

PS jealous of you guys who got some rain. It has been baking here for weeks and the grass is parched. The apricot trees are shedding their fruit because they can't sustain them.
Good morning. 6.7. Horrible humid night so almost no sleep. Consumed with jealousy - lots of cloud, almost round my ears, but not a drop of rain, whilst down the valley they had lots. Much cheered by @rebrascora pictures/history of her horses - lovely. My 2 are in usual position: Peachy standing sentinel over Bryallen who is flat out snoozing.

Shall be pottering again today as Michael has now decided on Wednesday not today...Spent yesterday afternoon with old friends - Libby had managed to fall off her electric bike in a forest spraining ankle, breaking bone in hand and bruising herself all over - including what looks like an upper cut from Tyson. As usual she took the whole thing as a laugh but I did suggest that mountain bike trails were perhaps a little ambitious given our age. Her husband twitting her that she needs a tricycle reminds me to put mine on charge - if this humidity/temperature lets up I might contemplate a pootle.

Need to go and put the hoses on and blitz the polytunnel - so many veggies in the hydroponics I could do with a plague of water loving rabbits.

Hope everyone has a good day with refreshing showers.

A lemon drizzle cake and stress induced 9.3 for me today, but it was a very delicious lemon drizzle cake I’d I do say so myself, and would have been rude to only have the tiniest of slices. Anyway let’s see what today brings at work, morning spent as usual Monday morning meetings and reports on last week’s work, the fun will start again this afternoon, but I decided to be pro-active and write a lessons learned document totally from my own perspective of where I can make changes, once I have tidied it up I am going to ask a colleague to go through it with me, amend where necessary, then send it to Management.

had a lovely weekend in the garden with family, saw 2 of my grandchildren yesterday, and at least felt relaxed, did cloud over during the afternoon and wind picked up, but thunderstorms haven’t reached here yet.
And it was a 5.8 for me at 8.45 this sunny morning.

Had a great drive home from Norfolk this morning, not a lot of traffic and no thunderstorms I’m pleased to say.