Group 7-day waking average?

09:27 BS 10.8 & woke up choking with a combo of asthma attack & a phlegm buildup, Siri is refusing to spell cartarh properly for me & I can’t spelt it myself, which was actually the 2nd time I woke like that early this morning! So, it was 2 sets of 4 puffs each of Ventolin & Clenil in about 90 minutes as I just dozed off after the first time! My sinuses have been very wet in the hazy damp clouds of yesterday, release of tree pollen conditions which I’m most allergic to, & I have SO much phlegm all the time: cetirizine is just not cutting it; I REALLY miss not being able to take Sudafed! BUT, can’t on BP meds: made THAT mistake once & it made my chest feel SO tight & my heart rate was SO fast for about 24 hours! So, when I finally had breath enough to test, I’m not surprised at the higher reading! 🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Just had half an oatcake & a cuppa with 1sp of Manuka honey which is actually quite good for phlegm, why I have a pot to hand for little sniffles, & a guessed dose of 24NR? :confused:
And it’s a 6.1 for me here on the Norfolk coast and the sun is shining.
Good morning! Happy to wake to a 5.8 that only rose to 6.2 by breakfast time two hours later. My BG had fallen gently all night. Very different to yesterday's steep climb and the previous day's overnight level. Nothing if not confusing this Type I Diabolicals! :rofl:


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Good morning everyone

Cloudy here right now at 5am. Really cold when I got up at 4am.

BG 5.5

Today church, walk, food, rest, oh and a bit more keyboard practice.

Some thoughts regarding how I manage my type 2 diabetes...

When I got my first keyboard no one thought I would be able to learn how to play (and they told me so), and at first they were right, but they underestimated me and my determination. It was through that first keyboard that I started a life long friendship with the then church keyboard player who was very good. This is some 30 odd years ago.

It all started when in the middle praise and worship I noticed that the keyboard player seemed to do his playing really simply/easily (Hmmm more fool me). At the end of the service I walked up to him and asked if he would teach me, back came the! Not being deterred by that I offered him a cooked tea if he would do one lesson, this time the answer was...yes. and so lessons continued along with the food Each time!

It turned out that he was not a good teacher but we got on really well, and a friendship grew. The keyboard lessons? He did advise on numerous things that really helped. I decided to create my own method and notation which worked really well...I needed a successful way forward...and indeed it was successful as I was invited to play at the church within 6 months.

However, initially I knew nothing about keyboards and that was reflected in the fact that I bought a cheap keyboard with no ability to connect a sustain pedal. Lesson 1 was very short and not very successful (depending on how you look at it). I rushed out next day to return the keyboard and buy a better one. And from there the keyboard playing and composing and friendship all blossomed but it all took time and effort and a 'can do' approach, and learning, always learning.

The story didn't end there...years later I wanted to play the pipe organ, an instrument I fell in love with when I was very young. Again everyone said I wouln't be able to do it. A thousand years later...I saw an opportunity at a local church and cheekily asked the pastor if I could play their huge pipe organ. He said yes and within 6 months I was playing it in services.

so why am I telling you all this? I see parallels with diabetes...

We all face nay-sayers and often at diagnosis we feel lost, hopeless, no future, embarrassed, in an impossible, doom ridden mess...and yet...if we take personal responsibility, learn as much as we can, discover that a better future IS possible, change, do what works for us individually, ignore the doubters but listen to those with experience and knowledge, and to our bodies, AND know where we are starting from, knowing that success may be possible, we can become better than anyone expected....but...we have to find a way forward that suits us individually and a way that generates' a journey of learning, discovery and reward. We are capable of far more than we, at first, think.

The failures along the way? Blips along the road, not disasters, but more information that may help us improve our own method of dealing with our diabetes. When I started to learn how to play the keyboard it was not very pretty and certainly not very tuneful and yet looking to my friend, I knew that playing well MUST surely be possible, so I kept going and practicing through the chaos moving ever closer towards success.

Now, I knew that I would nver be a concert pianist and setting myself an achievable goal helped me focus and enjoy the journey. The same is true with managing our diabetes, simple, attainable goals, not a leap too far at any time and yet an ultimate goal to go for long term.

And... the initial dischordant noise was actually essential/useful as I got instant feedback of what workd and what did not...just like finger prick testing. I have found it essintial/useful...anyway...

Believing in ourselves, believing in a better future, is hardest when at the start with no knowlege, no experience, no hope, and this is where this forum is a God-send...people who are kind enough to help, advise, pass on their knowlege freely, encourage, gently correct, support.

Er, sorry, thoughts/lesson over for today over....probably easier to read than a rant. 🙂

Have a greater day today whatever you are doing

SABC Pipe Organ.jpg
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07:27 BS 6.0 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A better day & night for me: still wet ish sinuses & I kept the phlegm under control with tea & Manuka honey; still woke a couple of times, that I remember, with a bit of catarrh but, it didn’t choke me! 🙄🙂
Another lovely, sunny morning here in Berkshire, though I noticed that our garden furniture is wet so it must have rained during the night.

Been flirting with one of these over the last few days - bullseye this morning..!! Bit of a surprise really as our German friends had laid on a lovely buffet for their garden party yesterday and I have no idea how many carbs I had, although it was undoubtedly more than usual based on the 8.9 I got just before bedtime. I'm blaming the raspberry cheesecake.

Enjoy your Sunday.


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Good morning. 7.2

Back a bit better and knees behaving like gentlemen. Planning on a long hot epsom salt bath once I've done all the animals. Slept like a baby for 7 hours - bliss. Much cooler this morning, thickish overcast. Had about a teaspoonful of rain yesterday which served to raise the humidity without cutting the heat. Horrible.

However I set to and made the first batch of ice-cream, strawberry and blackberry, with a bold halving of the recipe's sugar content. Worked a treat - delicious. Think I could readily reduce it further altho' at 10gms a serving much better than commercial stuff. Noting the FBG does suggest that I should test after eating some although I am more suspicious of the crackers I ate with the smoked salmon at 10 p.m.

Planning a quiet pottering sort of day with quite a lot of sitting by the pond watching the fish. Happily will not be tempted to work on it as the next batch of reinforcing gird hasn't arrived yet. Hopefully it and Michael will come tomorrow so we can get the margins finished.

Wishing everyone a lovely, peaceful, Sunday with the dire D under control.
Morning all, 6.1 here. Mountain of holiday washing todo today. At least I don't have to water the veg plot, the heavens opened about an hour after we got home yesterday afternoon, and did it for us. A decent amount, too, at least 10mm, according to our neighbours weatherstation.

a whopping 12.7 today, going for a run or maybe we will walk with my friends this morning, then quick bit of house work as family coming round later, they can munch their way through the enormous lemon drizzle cake I made for hubby’s birthday, as we were away on his birthday and last weekend he was working.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS.

have a nice Sunday everyone.
Morning all. A Len Goodman. SEVEN! Never had one of those for ages. Happy to be up there a bit though. Reduced basal by another half unit last night and this morning. I was heading for a unicorn until 6.30pm when my BGs just plummeted and even without insulin and half a quiche it took hours to make its way up to 7, I then went to bed I was shattered after a long day at the Glasgow meet, which was fabulous. Thanks to all who joined me so I didn’t look like a Billy No Mates in the pub. 🙂

We’ve had a spot of rain as it was damp when I was up for a loo break at 4.30 with the most amazing sunrise. It was like a ball of fire. Red sky in morning, sailors warning. Hope that means it’s going to pour down today.

Just domestic stuff today, I leave the house for one day and it’s like a bombsite.

@Martin.A congrats on your HS.

Have a super Sunday.
Well done @Martin.A on the HS. 🙂
5.8 for me this morning.
