Group 7-day waking average?

On another glorious morning here in Norfolk it’s a 5.9 for me.
Good morning - 8.5

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. 7.4 for me. Just been outside and its hot already. I've desperately been trying to repot my tomatoes before the sun gets on them as the fox (cute as it looks playing with its cub) has ripped open my growbag and dragged one of the plants up the garden!!! Hopefully, they will survive but i've had to repot them and i need to try to put something around them that will put Ms Foxy off. I read somewhere about chilli. Anybody got any ideas?

Lovely to hear the meet went well @eggyg.

Congrats on the HS @Martin.A

Have a lovely day everybody.
I read somewhere about chilli. Anybody got any ideas?
I was discussing this very thing with my sister yesterday. They had a fox, which kept digging up her prize plants, and she read that male human urine does the trick, so she sent her husband out to pee in the garden! (fortunately they’re not overlooked!) It did the trick, apparently, so worth a try as it doesn’t cost anything! Only don’t do as she did and forget to turn off the wildlife camera that she’d set up in the garden, so caught him in mid act (fortunately only the rear view)
I was discussing this very thing with my sister yesterday. They had a fox, which kept digging up her prize plants, and she read that male human urine does the trick, so she sent her husband out to pee in the garden! (fortunately they’re not overlooked!) It did the trick, apparently, so worth a try as it doesn’t cost anything! Only don’t do as she did and forget to turn off the wildlife camera that she’d set up in the garden, so caught him in mid act (fortunately only the rear view)
:rofl: i'll get hubby to do that for me tonight. He might have to wait until dark though as we're not overlooked at the back, the house one side is empty but we have a lovely couple in their late 70's on the other who can see into our garden from their bedroom window!
Morning all. 10.4 for me this morning. Was going great guns till about 3😛m yesterday when I was out visiting my mother in care home. High alarm started to go off . Was 5.4 at lunch . Peaked at 15 didn't have pen with me due to heat . Then a sudden drop down to 3.9 .blame the heat . See what today brings. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
And while he's out there he might get extra satisfaction from thinking about the double savings on his water bill.
:rofl: i'll get hubby to do that for me tonight. He might have to wait until dark though as we're not overlooked at the back, the house one side is empty but we have a lovely couple in their late 70's on the other who can see into our garden from their bedroom window!
Put a jug by the loo for him and it’ll just look like you’re watering the plants.
I’ve heard citrus fruit peel can deter cats so if you’ve any it wouldn’t harm trying that too. It might offset the smell of urine! 😉
Edited to add. Mr Eggy pees in his compost heap. 🙄 Not for fun I hasten to add, it’s full of nutrients so I’m told.
Put a jug by the loo for him and it’ll just look like you’re watering the plants.
I’ve heard citrus fruit peel can deter cats so if you’ve any it wouldn’t harm trying that too. It might offset the smell of urine! 😉
Edited to add. Mr Eggy pees in his compost heap. 🙄 Not for fun I hasten to add, it’s full of nutrients so I’m told.
I've got an old jug i used to mix plant food in, he can have that :rofl: . We don't normally have a problem with the cats but i will save my orange peel as well. I'll be trying everything!
5.3 for me this morning (again, so close!) and I was a unicorn as well, however that’s now since ruined as I’ve overtreated a hypo so much I had to correct, then started going low again and then had more lucozade so now on the rollercoaster 🙄 Just going to leave it for now.

After lunch by the canal yesterday we then went on a pedalo along the river (see pic :rofl:) all fun and games at the beginning as 10 mins in I got a 5 with a downward arrow - ate some haribo and thankfully it levelled out for the rest of the hour long session - and I wasn’t even pedalling, I was in the back! So hot though, but a lovely breeze along the water - felt like I was on holiday!

Hope everyone is enjoying Sunday and staying safe. IMG_7892.jpeg
Back into internet land! 6.4 this morning.

Still working our way down the Shropshire Union with the Audlem flight first thing this morning.

Now at the Wharf Tavern, Goldstone (absolutely no idea where that is on the roads!)

Had a scare yesterday with my Mum who had a fall overnight, 4 hour ambulance wait and still not back home! Dad is beside himself and we are feeling so helpless being on the canals out of reach. Luckily managed to call the hospital and find out more and now have my son and daughter on the way to pick Mum up to take her home. I know the NHS is stretched but the lack of organisation is dreadful- aside from the ambulance wait, Mum (94 years old) was in A&E overnight and been sitting in a discharge lounge all day, waiting for a prescription and transport. Thank goodness for my son and daughter being able to pick her up now.
I was discussing this very thing with my sister yesterday. They had a fox, which kept digging up her prize plants, and she read that male human urine does the trick, so she sent her husband out to pee in the garden! (fortunately they’re not overlooked!) It did the trick, apparently, so worth a try as it doesn’t cost anything! Only don’t do as she did and forget to turn off the wildlife camera that she’d set up in the garden, so caught him in mid act (fortunately only the rear view)
I wonder if it will work for badgers, the chilli seemed to work to stop the mice eating the pea seeds, scattered hot chilli powder in the drill and on the surface.
I wonder if it will work for badgers, the chilli seemed to work to stop the mice eating the pea seeds, scattered hot chilli powder in the drill and on the surface.
We used to put chilli on the bird nuts to deter the squirrel, apparently birds can’t taste it, but it washes off in the rain, so in the end I bought a squirrel baffle for the feeder pole, which worked.
Hubby has not long sprinkled (from a jug!!) and it suddenly went dark and we've got torrential rain so the toms will probably be battered now as well.
It was a 5.6 for me yesterday morning, so I got away with no Levemir overnight and hoping to do the same tonight (this morning) once I turn in. Also knocked 1 unit off my morning dose and still hypoed but then went sky high after indulging in an ice cream at 11am before we started our day at the museum and the queues got impossible.

Just having another late evening meal... chicken tikka salad with a glass of red wine after another, long hot day in the sun at Beamish Museum. Zak was not at all impressed with having to work 2 full days in a row! Didn't want to come in this morning, didn't want a bath and was in a positive sulk when we got there, but then got his act together and went really well. Arthur (previously known as Noodles apparently and he isn't going to live that one down!) was spotted by his previous owners who had bought him down in London as a 2 year old and brought him up to the North East and then found that he was not what they were looking for (the guy wanted a fast flashy trotter and whilst Arthur is flashy he specializes in slow and reluctant 🙄 despite his breeding) so passed him on to a dealer where we bought him a few months later. They were delighted to see him and especially to find that he was in such a good home and doing well, as he is an absolute sweetheart temperament wise, but just won't go! He works well tucked in behind Zak though where Ian can keep giving him a prod every now and then to keep going. 🙄
Two ladies also came up to pet the horses and one of them initially thought that I was my sister, who keeps her horses on the same livery yard as this lady. It took a few moments and me not recognizing her for her to twig that it wasn't my sister Jo, but that we must be related as we are so alike. She ended up taking a selfie with Zak and I and sending it to my sister, who was doing a pleasure ride at the time on one of her horses today. As Ian said, we are both out of the same mare by the same sire so why wouldn't we look alike! Typical farmer mentality :rofl:

@freesia Just to answer your question...IMG_20230609_184752768~3[1340].jpg
From left to right....

Cora .... 30yrs old and Mam to the other 3. Loves being a mother.... less keen on being ridden although sadly those days are over.

MeMe... 13yrs... the baby of the family and still her mother's little girl although she and Rascal are thick as thieves! Not a pick of bother unless water/liquid is involved, in which case she has a very deep seated distrust. It can be a river/stream/puddle or even just needing to wash a wound.... 13 years and I am still working to overcome the issue! 🙄She is the most comfortable horse you could ever hope to ride though.

Rebel... AKA Handsome Lad.... now 25yr young and her first born. Still sharp and not an easy ride, but loves to go out and loves to gallop, but doesn't do canter! Walk, trot and full on, don't try to stop me, gallop are the gears available. Can be a total charmer when he wants something. Gives the best kisses!

Rascal.... AKA Rascal Pascal Troublesome Beast... 24yrs and still a juvenile delinquent.... but a lovable rogue! Has dropped me on the ground nearly more times than I have had hot dinners, but you've got to love his spirit! He either feels like sitting on rocket fuel that is about to explode or a donkey and he switches between the two with great ease and suddenness. Not an easy ride! His ambition in life was to be a rodeo bronc! 🙄😱

@Martin.A I don't know.... Swan in here after a year or so of absence and then claim an HS. Have you no shame! 😉 Not that I begrudge you it at all. Many congratulations :D

@eggyg So pleased to hear the Glasgow Meet was a success and you enjoyed it. I am sure everyone else did too. Sad that I couldn't make it as I would have loved to have met everyone..... just not all at once!
Good morning - 6.7

Have a great day everyone
Good morning! Pleased with a 7.3 and good overnight run after a bumpy day (more later).! Blimp before 6:00 is when it was FOTF for another glass of water. It's a touch cooler with a mixture sky - streaks of blue, white and grey - after yesterday afternoon/evening's heavy grey sky with horrible heat and humidity.

Back to podiatry this morning. Hope there is good healing and no new wounds.
Morning all, and like Manchester City, it’s the triple from me. A HS, a unicorn and the first day in a week without any hypos! The newly reduced basal is obviously working ao I’m sticking to that for the time being, or at least until the weather is “normal” again! 🙂

Forecast 32 degrees today! 16 already! I’m not ready for that at all. We had 40 minutes of rain last night, just as I was watering the garden, then some serious cracks of thunder but no exciting storm. We huddled in the summer house just listening to it beating on the roof, it was lovely. Zara day today, we’ll get the sail up and get the paddling pool out for her. Hopefully some more rain later but it’s not looking hopeful at all. :(
Have a Happy Monday and keep cool if you can. 😎


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